Lin Sai and Lu Yu looked at each other when they heard what the tiger elder said, and they both felt that something was wrong.

The beast king suddenly came to the Beast Temple, and wanted to meet two people at once... Could it be that he saw something?That's right, Caroline only does things according to her own preferences, and various things have happened, so there are still big flaws.

And even if there is no flaw, Lindsay signed a contract with Phoenix, and Ke Dele has Phoenix feathers...

"Is Naga something he can see if he wants to? There is also the son of the lord of Kerr City, and the Beast God Temple has not treated him badly, so he doesn't need a Beast King to care about him?" Lindsay said, and then looked at the tiger elder: "Can't you answer like that?"

Since the status of the Beast God Temple is detached, there is no need to pay too much attention to the Beast King, right?

The tiger elder laughed wryly after hearing Lindsay's words: "Son of God, you don't know that when humans and orcs lived in harmony and there were countless members of the Naga clan, no one dared to offend the Beast Temple, but Now……"

Although human beings and orcs have only fought a war for many years, this also makes some orcs regard human beings as their enemies. However, during the war, the Beast Temple and the Magicians Union agreed that neither side will take action... The Beast God I believe in He can't avenge himself, under such circumstances, there are always many people who turn to the Beastmaster.

Moreover, wars can sometimes bring benefits to the rulers. Although the orcs have never defeated humans, it has to be said that the beast king who led the orcs to fight with humans is now in the hearts of most orcs. of great prestige.

"The Beastmaster's reputation is very high now?" Lindsay also reflected, even if the Beast God is the belief of all orcs, so what?In the past, when the orcs lived scattered and there were only tribes without beast kings, the natural beast temple was the strongest, but now the beast kings have appeared for so many years... Maybe the orc empire will be no different from the human empire if it continues to evolve. up.

"Your Excellency Taylor is the king of beasts after all, we can't be too negligent." The tiger elder spoke again.He couldn't understand Taylor, but the identity of the other party was there after all.

Lu Yu could see that this time Caroline had to meet the Beast King, and the Beast God Palace probably couldn't refuse the two people the other party wanted to meet.

These days, Lu Yu, who devoutly believes in the Beast God at the foot of the mountain, has seen it, but most of these orcs are low-level orcs, and now in the Beastman Empire, there are also Beast Kings and nobles. Come to worship a beast god who hasn't appeared in such a long time?

That's right, the Beast Temple owns the phoenix, the Naga clan, and some powerful orc elders, but they can't act recklessly. Besides, do the people from the Beast Temple still want to attack the orcs?

"In that case, Elder Hu, go ahead first, we'll come later." Lu Yu said, and then gave Lindsay a look.

The tiger elder didn't get a definite solution, so he couldn't help being a little anxious, but in his opinion, the Son of God and the partner of the Son of God who can evolve the Son of God are both miraculous, so don't worry about it now, go to Caroline first There.

Lindsay followed Lu Yu to a secluded place, and asked curiously, "How can you fool me?" In fact, if Ke Dele is not the lord of Kerr City, it doesn't matter if his identity is exposed, but now Ke De Le is still Kerr The lord of the city, if he is not a human being, it will be exposed...

First of all, the Magicians Union will not let him go, right?They will protect a human being who signed a contract with Phoenix, but a Naga who signed a contract with Phoenix... I am afraid that once the news gets back, everything they have in Kerr City will be lost, and Ke Dele's life will be in danger.

"I'll pretend to be you, you change your look, let's go through a cutscene." Lu Yu said, thankful that he had bought a liquid mask earlier.

"Do you have a way to change your appearance? But the breath..." Lindsay said halfway, his brows stretched again: "By the way, you have a cloak that can hide the breath." As for him, the Naga clan's ability is also It's not fake, and after transforming, his aura will also change.

However, the person in front of him was amazing. He felt that the identity he suddenly possessed was amazing enough, but the person opposite him was even more amazing than him.

"Then let's do this!" Lu Yu said, and took out two soft balls that looked like plasticine.

"Hughes! Since you want to pretend to be me, why don't I pretend to be you?" Lindsay suddenly thought of something. Now, it is estimated that the beast king has already confirmed his guess, but if he and Hughes Swapping identities... the other party will definitely become confused, right?

Moreover, if he really changed his face, how and when did "he" come to the Beast Temple?These are not good for a while, right?

In the end, he could go out with the other person's face in his face, and then show love to himself or something... Lindsay got the Phoenix because he was liked by the Naga of the Beast Temple... Uh...

Anyway, Hughes' parents died young, so it doesn't matter if he is given the name of a Naga clan directly... Lu Yu thought about it, and felt that he was not at a disadvantage, and after all, there were only so few people in the Beast Temple..."Okay, just Do it like this."

The liquid mask is very convenient to use. For people on the technological plane, they may have to slowly modify their appearance on their own, but for Lu Yu and Lin Sai, as long as they release their mental power, they can control the color on their faces. The mask changed shape.

Lindsay turned into Lu Yu's appearance, but he is now Naga, so his eyes and hair have not changed, but Lu Yu has changed into Lindsay's appearance, and then put on a large cloak, by the way, let Lindsay in Two wooden boards were nailed to the feet to increase the height—Lindsay was of different blood after all, and his height was higher than that of most human beings.

After the two dressed up, when they came to Caroline's place, they saw a lion man sitting opposite Caroline with a smile on his face, but that smile froze after seeing them.

He was sure that the new member of the Naga clan was born when Caroline was in Kerr City, and he got a lot of information from Elena, so he locked his target on Lindsay, but now...

Lindsay is the son of the lord of Kerr City. If Caroline's husband is Ke Dele, then most of the orcs will not be happy to say it, and humans will not be happy either - they just hope that a human can abduct the beast The holy beast of the human empire!

But now, that male Naga is not Lindsay...

Caroline's original expression was ugly, but she was stunned for a while after seeing the two people, but at this moment everyone's attention was on the two people who came in, but no one noticed her.

"Mother, Your Excellency the Beastmaster, I don't know why you called me here?" Lindsay walked in and spoke first.

Although Lindsay's voice has changed a bit, Caroline can still hear it, and after so many days, she has long been familiar with Lindsay's breath, but she doesn't know how the other party changed his appearance... ...However, fortunately, they figured it out!

Originally, she was worried that Lindsay's identity would be exposed, and the Orc Empire would be unwilling to let them go to Kerr City and bring bad influence to Ke Dele, but now it is different, if her child is "Hughes" ...

"It's nothing. Your Excellency Taylor wants to meet you and Lindsay." Caroline responded quickly and spoke immediately.

Before Lindsay came, Taylor in front of her asked her if she had found a human husband. She was quite aggressive, and said that if she found a human, it would be fine, but if she found a powerful human, she would kill the orc. It's not enough to give them something... But now, she wants to see what the other party has to say!

"Hello, Your Excellency the Beastmaster." Both Lin Sai and Lu Yu saluted the Beastmaster.

It was only then that Taylor came to his senses, and his expression was involuntarily ugly.

Originally, he thought that it was the male Naga who signed the contract with Phoenix, so he locked his target on Lindsay, but why didn't he expect that the Naga clan would usually wait for Phoenix to become an adult before signing a contract with the other party?Moreover, with Caroline's pride, if the lord of Kerr City is really her husband, how can she tolerate him having another woman?But that city lord has other wives and children...

However, if the magician named Hughes was actually Caroline's child, some things would make sense, and the so-called mysterious teacher who appeared suddenly might be Caroline in disguise, right?However, even if Phoenix gave birth to two children this time, why did they give one of them to Lindsay?Or bring the other party all the way to the orc empire?

"Hello! They are all young talents!" Taylor said, then turned his eyes and looked at Caroline: "High Priest, this time the lord of Kerr City sent a mission, and I have followed the instructions of the Beast Temple." Tell him that Lindsay will go back after the pilgrimage month, but Lindsay can go back, the phoenix is ​​the sacred beast of our orcs, how can we follow Lindsay back to the Human Empire?"

"What does Your Excellency the Beastmaster mean?" Caroline looked at him dissatisfied.

"I don't want to question the decision of the Beast God Temple, but if the Phoenix goes to the human empire, I think people who believe in the Beast God will be sad and disappointed, right?"

Did he call it questioning their decision?Caroline sneered: "Your Excellency the Beastmaster, although the phoenix is ​​the holy beast of the orcs, they are also high-level monsters. They are free and not kept in captivity by the orcs!" The wisdom of the phoenix is ​​not inferior to that of the orcs. It is also a symbiotic contract rather than a master-servant contract!

"High priest! You are the high priest of the orcs, and you can't favor humans just because of your emotional problems!" Phoenix is ​​free, and Taylor knows this, but hasn't the phoenix always sided with the orcs? "I heard that the lord of Keer City has phoenix feathers in his hands. High Priest, it's fine for you to hand over the phoenix to humans at will, but you even hand over the phoenix feathers to humans at will..."

"Your Excellency the Beastmaster!" Lindsay interrupted the other party suddenly, and then said: "Lindsay is my chosen partner, and I am willing to share everything I have with him...Is this not okay?"

"The feathers of the phoenix should belong to the orcs. Now the orcs still have so many monsters waiting to be upgraded, but they lack the feathers of the phoenix..."

Lindsay interrupted the other party again: "Your Excellency the Beastmaster, I remember that the orcs who have the monsters that have reached the peak of the ninth level can come to the Beast Temple to accept the assessment and get the phoenix feathers, right? The phoenix feathers are also limited. After all, there are no A phoenix will be willing to lose the feathers that contain power at will, you can't be too greedy!" Caroline can have a lot of god-level phoenix feathers in her hand, and that's because her phoenix Aisi fell during childbirth. Not a lot!In fact, what she owns the most is the holy phoenix feathers that Ais shed when she was an adult, but those phoenix feathers can only upgrade intermediate monsters at best.

"Am I also greedy? Do you still want to watch you hand over the phoenix feathers to humans?" Taylor became angry.

"Your Excellency the Beastmaster, the Phoenix is ​​free!" Lindsay said again.

Taylor also realized at this time that he was a little too excited. He hoped that the Beast Temple could help him, and hoped that Lindsay's situation could threaten Caroline to get more phoenix feathers. Come to visit, really can not fall short of this!

"I'm sorry, the messenger of the beast god, I'm a little excited." Taylor said, looking at Lindsay: "Master messenger, you may not know that I have relatives who died at the hands of humans, and those who have the same experience as me There are countless orcs, you are the messenger of the beast god, why did you choose to be with humans? Don’t you know that by giving a phoenix feather to a human, you are helping the enemies of the orcs?”

Taylor's words are so clear that they are really irrefutable.

Lu Yu has been standing by the side listening to them, even if he heard Lindsay confessing to "Lindsay" with his own face, he could bear it, but now, he spoke: "Your Excellency, the war between humans and orcs, everyone Orcs provoked it partly, right?"

Humans may be insidious and cunning, but they don't like war. On the contrary, the orcs reproduce very quickly, and it is easy to overpopulate and then run out of food. At this time, they will attack the human empire. Before it was established, the human villages near the orc empire would be looted every winter, and every time there was a war, the orcs would invade humans in order to obtain supplies.

Up to now, the two sides use Kerr City as the boundary, but when the population of the orcs is too large, they know that it is difficult to capture Kerr City, so they will choose to attack, and then the corpses of humans and orcs will be in Kerr City. Build up a mountain.

Taylor was speechless for a while, and then said: "I will tell all the people about the fact that a human can live in the Beast God Temple and the Beast God's messenger actually helps humans!"

After saying this, he turned around and left.

The people left behind were speechless for a while. They had a very good plan. They planned to return to Kerr City after the pilgrimage month, and then waited for Ke Dele to unload the burden of the city lord of Kerr City. Then it would be okay for them to live in seclusion, but Now……

However, they thought it was too simple before and things developed too fast... Caroline looked at her son: "Lindsay, I thought that when you became an adult, your father wouldn't have to be the lord of the city..."

"Mother, he has been prepared for a long time. Even if you don't do anything, and I didn't sign a contract with Phoenix, he can still find something to make the Beast Temple bow." Lindsay said, he could see the Beast King's ambition, look The way it is now, maybe the other party is already planning to start another war?

"That's right! But we don't have to be afraid of him now." Mo Ni suddenly appeared in the room and said.

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