Kerr City itself is next to the World of Warcraft Forest, because the resources in the World of Warcraft Forest are too rich, there is really a big road to go all the way south from the periphery of the World of Warcraft Forest.

Ke Dele is a necromancer, and he has saved a lot of good things in Kerr City over the years, so this time, their team will inevitably be mixed with a large group of undead, and most of these undead are high-level monsters. After being refined by a magician, it can not only pull a carriage, but also become a mount for men.

Ke Dele himself chose an undead earth bear as a mount. The earth bear is very large, and Ke Dele installed a chair on its back, and sat on it to move forward slowly. It was indescribably comfortable!

Lu Yu chose a bone horse, and he also installed a seat on the bone horse, but the seat that Ke Dele placed was very large, while the seat that Lu Yu installed was relatively small, and the seat was pressed against the bone like a saddle. He could sit more comfortably on the horse's back without hurting his thighs.

The two of them sat comfortably, but Lindsay was different. His mount was not an undead, but a monster that Mo Ni had found for him.

This monster is a Lightning Leopard, which is extremely fast, but its thin body is not suitable for a mount, so Lindsay has to keep balance on its back and make this Lightning Leopard, which has not recognized its master, listen to him. So easy to do!

Unlike them, Monnie and Caroline chose to take a carriage. The carriage they rode was not as gorgeous as Elena's, but it was the same size. There was even a small carriage placed in the middle of the carriage. A stove made of fire-type magic crystals and magic circles. With that stove, you can eat barbecue or cook some soup. With the ingredients they put on a space ring, it is enough for them to enjoy themselves along the way. up!

At the beginning, they could always meet various caravans and adventurers on the road, but as time went by, the number of people they would meet on the road began to decrease, and even if they did, those people would be very vigilant .

Lu Yu had known for a long time that his spiritual power had been greatly improved when he was in the Beastman Empire, but now he wanted to improve his strength, the fastest way was to fight with energy, so on the second day they When they got together for breakfast, he asked him to go to the World of Warcraft Forest to practice.

Lu Yu made such a request, and of course Lindsay also wanted to follow. Ke Dele immediately agreed to their proposal, but Sheila, who was escorting Elena from the Magician's Union, frowned: "My lord, Master Lindsay, your identities are very honorable, wouldn't it be inappropriate to enter the World of Warcraft Forest like this?"

"We're just exercising on the outskirts of the Demonic Beast Forest, and nothing will happen." Lu Yu said, now that he is bearing the identity of the Son of God, the Magicians Union must not be able to stop him.

"If Lord Shenzi and Master Lindsay want to see the World of Warcraft Forest, why don't I go with you!" Sheila said again.

"You're really in danger. What's the use of a person like you?" As soon as Sheila finished speaking, another female voice rang out, and then Mo Ni quickly got out of the carriage.

After going on the road with Ke Dele and others, Sheila and Elena were very curious about the people sitting in their carriage, but unfortunately, the people sitting in the carriage never appeared, and even if they wanted to eat, Ke Dele would bring them in. Yes, Sheila wondered at the beginning whether the person inside might be the lover of Ke Dele in some rumors in Kerr City, but now that she saw Moni, she knew that she had guessed wrong.

Because, the golden armor on Moni's body and the golden sword are so familiar to her!She remembered very clearly that when they were besieged by wolves before, it was this woman who saved Lindsay and the son of God!

The strength of this woman is at least at the holy level, and it may be at the god level. Facing such a woman, even if Sheila is despised by the other party, she dare not say anything. Something will happen."

"You don't have to worry about this, I will follow them when the time comes!" Mo Ni spoke directly, and seeing Sheila wanted to say something, she simply blocked the other party's words: "I will only look at the two of them, if other people Go too, I won’t help to watch, and if something happens, I will take them away first.”

Sheila originally wanted to ask Elena to go too, so that she and some other people could follow in the name of protecting Elena, but what he didn't expect was that the other party would refuse so simply.

However, Ke Dele is still by their side now, and Lindsay and Lu Yu are under the care of such a powerful person, so there should be no accidents, Sheila nodded immediately: "We believe in your strength very much, since you have already made a decision , then let’s do it like this!” She couldn’t really let Elena go to the jungle to endure hardships, if the other party was injured in the end, I’m afraid it would be her who was unlucky.

"In this case, you two should eat quickly, and then go to the forest with me!" Mo Ni ignored Sheila, and stared at Lindsay and Lu Yu directly.

These two people want to wander around the periphery of the World of Warcraft forest?joke!A Naga who can completely transform into a beast, and a guy who hides a lot of secrets... Since the two of them were able to block even ninth-level monsters before, how can they only fight low-level monsters at this time?Mo Ni has already made a plan, she will take these two people to the depths of the monster forest later, and challenge the monsters of level [-] and [-] at the beginning, later...

A place like the World of Warcraft Forest is the most suitable place for exercise, and you should be able to find a lot of good things from it. In this case, you must let Ke Dele slow down, and then they should go there more to practice!

"No problem!" Lindsay and Lu Yu spoke immediately, not daring to be disrespectful in the slightest—they couldn't object to what Mo Ni decided.

"It's a pity." Mo Ni said, and ate the meat that Lindsay was roasting casually, and when she said "it's a pity", the person watching was Ke Dele.

Originally, she also wanted to take Ke Dele to exercise, but now Caroline needs someone to take care of them. All of them have been taken away, and the members of the Magician's Union will definitely disagree... Otherwise, come in rotation?

Mo Ni's decision to come in rotation is very correct, because the opponent she chose for Lindsay and Lu Yu for the first time was a level [-] goshawk, so they were quickly cleaned up, and they couldn't bear it. minor injury.

Although the ninth-level goshawk is not comparable to the holy-level monster, it can fly, and it is very powerful in the sky. Although Lindsay has learned to fly, it is no match for this goshawk. of!

Mo Ni secretly took the eggs from the goshawk's nest, then dismantled the nest and threw it on Lu Yu and Lindsay. In this way, Lu Yu and Lindsay naturally became the goshawk's eggs. Goal!

At the beginning, they flew in mid-air to fight the goshawk, but in the middle of the fight, Lu Yu was pecked several times by the goshawk and fell off Lindsay's back, that's all, Lindsay Just when he was about to reunite with him, the huge goshawk grabbed his waist and lifted him up in the air, so Lu Yu was below, and all he could see was a twisting body that couldn't break free from the goshawk's shackles. And the scene of pecking Lindsay's head while flying, but pecking for a long time did not let Lindsay see blood.

However, the hardest part of that goshawk should be its claws and sharp beak. After it pecked at one place, it actually let it peck Lindsay's head. Later, if Lu Yu was not underneath Controlling the flying sword attack, I'm afraid Lindsay will be even more unlucky.

In the end, it was Lindsay and Lu Yu who lost, because Lindsay couldn't fly as high as the goshawk, and Lu Yu's attack was always easily dodged by the opponent because he was far away!

Of course, at the end when Lindsay and Lu Yu were about to be in tragedy, Mo Ni finally saved them.

But Mo Ni saved them, but she would not help them avenge, and even returned the eggs she took from the goshawk's nest to the other party - in her opinion, the relationship between high-level monsters and humans The difference is not big.

In this battle, it is estimated that both sides of the battle were very depressed. For that goshawk, although his eggs were not lost in the end, he got into a fight with someone for no reason, and his nest was destroyed. This is enough It's depressing!

As for Lu Yu and Lin Sai... Lin Sai was also injured when his head blossomed, Lu Yu broke his leg when he fell from the sky, and all his spiritual power was exhausted...

However, the two sides in the battle were very depressed, while Mo Ni and Xiaohong and Xiaohei who were sitting beside watching the play were very happy.When Lindsay was pecked on the head by the goshawk, Xiao Hei specially ate all the few drops of blood that splashed and fell on the ground, and the feathers of the goshawk hit by Lu Yu's flying sword were also eaten. It all fell into its stomach.

After eating the things that fell from both sides of the battle, Xiao Hei looked at those fighting on it from time to time, and then came back to see Mo Ni who was holding a goshawk egg to shield her own breath, and Xiao Hong hovering above her head ...

In the end, if it wasn't for Mo Ni who couldn't bear the look in his eyes and flew around outside and beat him to eat two low-level monsters, he probably would have been drooling there all the time!

In the end, it was Mo Ni who carried the two of them, and stayed on one shoulder until the pet returned to the camp. During this period, Xiao Hei chewed his hair, but finally did not chew.

When they came back, everyone was still eating lunch.

After seeing each other all morning, Lu Yu and Lin Sai turned out to be so miserable...Many people in the team heard what Lu Yu said earlier that they were going to practice with low-level monsters, and now look at their appearance...

That's right, it is said that Shenzi is only in his 20s, judging by the fate of the Naga clan, he is just a child who has just been able to leave, and Lindsay... Now that Phoenix can't help him fight, he is just like an ordinary person!

Thinking about it this way, those people didn't take Lu Yu and Lindsay seriously. Of course, some people didn't take them seriously, and some looked at Lu Yu with admiration.

Both Elena and Sheila saw the scene where Lindsay, who was transformed into a dragon, fought with the ninth-level ice wolf. They didn't know what Lu Yu was doing at that time, and they only thought that the battle was all caused by Lindsay in dragon form. Credit, so now, naturally, I will not underestimate them, no, I will underestimate Lord Shenzi.

Lu Yu and Lin Sai were so injured that they couldn't even eat and were carried into the second carriage. Then Mo Ni left the team with Ke Dele. At this time, everyone suddenly realized.

No wonder Ke Dele was so attentive to Moni, because he wanted Moni to help him break through and become a holy man?With Mo Ni's strength, it is indeed the most appropriate to do so!

Mo Ni took Ke Dele and left. In the carriage, Lu Yu and Lin Sai were healing themselves.

Now that he has read so many jade slips related to alchemy, Lindsay also knows that his appearance is called a dragon in that magical world, and dragon blood seems to be a particularly useful thing in alchemy?

Xiao Hei ate all the blood he dropped during the fight before, but now the wound has not healed yet, but it happens to be able to get some blood to save!

Thinking of this, Lindsay forced out a small bottle of blood from his head, and then quickly put it into his space ring when Lu Yu pulled Xiao Hei.

Of course, after that, Xiao Hei rubbed against his head and licked it a few times... It was an unavoidable thing.

Lindsay tossed himself there, but Lu Yu was very uncomfortable and felt itchy all over his body. His legs had been treated a little bit, but before he was pecked by the goshawk and fled around, he was covered in mud. Now, these Dirty things make him uncomfortable!

"The carriage is too small, why don't you wash it well when we set up camp at night?" Lindsay also noticed Lu Yu's discomfort and asked.

"It's still a long time before camping." Lu Yu said. In fact, apart from the dirty things on his body, his legs also had to be dealt with.

"Lu Yu, your leg was hurt not long ago, and now it's hurt again. It's best not to make too many movements. If possible, can you hold back and stop taking a bath?" Lindsay asked tentatively.

He has already discovered that Lu Yu is much less fond of cleanliness than before. At least now, Lu Yu doesn't mind eating other people's food and doesn't like to wrap himself up like before, but it's a pity that, Lu Yu was still reluctant to let him get close.

"No!" Lu Yu quickly refused, and then looked at Lindsay: "Why don't you tell me some strange things about me?"

"Because I like you!" Lindsay said directly: "Besides, I took advantage of you, so why should I tell others about you?"

"That's right...Since that's the case, Lindsay, in the next period of time, you will refuse everyone to enter this carriage!" Lu Yu said.

"Why?" Lindsay asked puzzled.

"I want to leave for a while." Lu Yu said, and immediately entered the plane trader.

Ever since Lindsay ate the Beast God Pill, he could feel Lindsay's emotions, and he trusted Lindsay more and more. If it wasn't for this, he wouldn't have entered the plane to trade in front of Lindsay at this time. device.

Lu Yu suddenly disappeared in place, but Lindsay was stunned for a moment, and then panicked again.

There was no magic wave around, so Lu Yu really disappeared instead of teleporting like Ramsay used to do!

Disappeared... Lu Yu used to seem to not care about people in this world at all, but now he can suddenly disappear... Lindsay suddenly discovered that Lu Yu had more and more secrets!

However, in the past, Lu Yu would not tell him anything, but now, Lu Yu gave him the method of cultivation, let him learn alchemy, and now he disappeared in front of him, does it mean that Lu Yu actually trusts him more and more up?

Thinking of this, Lindsay's mood also improved. While lying in the carriage to recuperate, he thought about how to make Lu Yu accept him sooner.

After Lu Yu entered the plane trader, he quickly took a shower, and without hesitation, he lay down in the medical cabin for treatment.

Although Mo Ni's training was simple and rough, he had to say that he had learned a lot in this kind of battle - on the edge of life and death, people can always break through the limit!

If he is injured and really needs to recuperate as Lindsay said, then he will definitely not be able to participate in the battle in the next few days, so now, the role of this medical cabin cannot be ignored.

After healed his injury, Lu Yu quickly left the plane trader when he realized that it was daytime outside. By the time he appeared in front of Lindsay, only two hours had passed.

Lindsay saw Lu Yu who had changed his clothes, and there was no visible injury on his body. The face that was scratched by the branches before was now smooth and delicate, as if Ramsay had just taken care of himself. same time...

"Lu Yu, where have you been?"

"I can't tell you yet." Lu Yu said, and then asked, "How is your injury?"

"My injury is fine. With my recovery speed, it will be completely healed by tomorrow. What about you?"

"My injury has completely healed." Lu Yu said.

Lindsay didn't continue to ask, and rested for a while before asking: "Lu Yu, should we get out of the car and look for some herbs by the roadside?"

Thinking of the huge amount of herbs in this world, many of which are still regarded as ordinary plants by the people here, Lu Yu nodded without thinking.

Lu Yu's injury was fine, and he jumped out of the carriage easily, but Lindsay was a little unnatural because he sprained his waist when he was caught by the goshawk, and there was a large scar on his head. Much more embarrassing.

"Master Shenzi is really different. Are your injuries healed?" Seeing them getting out of the car, Elena asked, and then looked at Lu Yu with shining eyes.

It is true that Lin Sai is the one who recovers faster... But although Lu Yu knew this, he did not refute: "My injury is already healed."

"Master Shenzi's recovery speed is indeed extraordinary." Sheila also spoke at the same time, but she secretly despised Lindsay, and followed her without any strength. Now, when she came back, the wound on his head was still there. It should be smaller, but now it looks bigger...

"It means your health is better." Lu Yu said, and then directly pulled Lin Sai to follow the team to start collecting herbs.

Their team was already walking very slowly, but now that they started collecting herbs, they walked even slower. Elena and the others could have left first, but they had to watch them again...

In the end, the two teams, all of which were transported by monsters, walked forward at the speed of ordinary people. In just a few hours, they were overtaken by three caravans Yes, and in these caravans, many mercenaries walked on their own feet. When passing them, everyone cast strange glances at them.

The magic beast pulling the chariot for Elena, and the mounts of several holy warriors from the Magician's Union are all very fast monsters, and these monsters were finally dissatisfied by the slow speed, and went on They called out loudly, and in the end, they could only walk on their own, and then let those monsters run back and forth twice.

When Ke Dele came back, he was as embarrassed as Lu Yu and Lin Sai.

But he is also different from them. Monnie should be looking at Caroline's face, and he didn't hurt Ke Dele. , Ke Dele's entire face was completely burned!

Back in the team, Ke Dele was also quickly carried into the carriage, and then Lindsay followed in, and gave Ke Dele some common wound medicine he had just refined, so that the other party felt better.

"Hughes, the canned beauty ointment you gave me as a birthday gift before seems to be very useful..." Ke Dele gasped, and touched his face lightly. Now on that face, almost Not a piece of good flesh.

Of course, Lindsay's potions can definitely heal the injuries on his face, but if it continues tomorrow...the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow...Kedler believes that he will definitely be disfigured if he continues like this!

He also knew that today's situation was not intentional by Mo Ni, it was just that when the monster was using fire magic, his face was not protected at all and bore the brunt of the brunt, but since something like this will happen today, it may not be the case in the future. Can it be avoided?

"I still have a can here." Lu Yu took out another ointment: "This ointment can also reduce inflammation and heal injuries. If you don't mind, just apply a little, and you should be fine."

Of course Ke Dele didn't mind, and directly wiped it on his face.

The camp had already started outside, and some people started cooking dinner. Lu Yu and Lin Sai saw that the wounds on Ke Dele's body and face had healed up, and the three got out of the carriage together.

Outside, Mo Ni was eating barbecue with big mouthfuls, and there were many people around who were stunned by her appetite.Seeing them coming out, a look of surprise flashed on Mo Ni's face, and then she said: "I can't see that your recovery ability is so strong. If that's the case, tomorrow will be one group in the morning and one group in the afternoon. You have been rescued!"

Lu Yu and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, okay, you get used to things like getting hurt?

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