The slums of Hart City, where Qingmang and Ralph used to live, and the dirtiest, messiest, most disgusting and contemptible area in Hart City have now become the largest refuge in Hart City.In that devastating disaster, the slums seemed to be blessed by heaven and were not damaged at all.While the earth and houses elsewhere have been scorched, the slums have remained unscathed.Although the houses here are still so dilapidated, they are enough to keep out the wind and rain and become the first choice for people to live temporarily.It is believed that after the reconstruction of Hart City, it will become a geomantic treasure of the whole city and exist as the foundation of the city.

The wind direction of this country has really changed.

The place where Bivis lives now is the small house of Qingmang and Ralph, and it is also the place where the young Ralph and his mother lived.Because the bed was damaged by Qingmang's sword energy long ago, Bivis built a wooden bed at random, and lived here in such a simple and humble way.

20 days ago he never imagined that he would willingly live in such a place, sleep only one or two hours a day, the only bed that is good enough to sleep in, but there are often people who are seriously ill or injured, and he rarely sleeps on the bed , When you are tired, lean against the wall and take a nap.I don’t have the time and energy to take a shower and change clothes every day. When was the last time I took a shower?Seems like seven days ago, Yadu was so miserable and tired after seeing him that he specially found someone to get a crude wooden barrel, and he didn't know where to get clean but crude clothes.

Without the pride and restraint of the nobles, burying himself in the soil and living with the common people he once looked down upon, this kind of life is actually like this...

Such freedom and relief.

He still remembered that after Yadu applied for Lelia College, he encountered betrayal and humiliation for the first time in his life. Xiaobieyuan, all the way on the street without slowing down, I don't know how many passers-by were injured.After arriving at the place where Yadu lived temporarily, he first whipped the slave in front of the door without the slightest foundation of vindictiveness, his skin and flesh were ripped open and dripping with blood.

Yadu tore him off the horse and fell heavily into the dirt, his head and face were covered in ashes, his face that had always been sunny became cold at this moment, Bivis will never forget what Yadu said at that time Words: "If you want to really understand my thoughts, just put down your body, get in the dirt, and really experience this feeling!"

At that time, he couldn't understand anyway, but now he knows the meaning of this sentence better than anyone else.

No matter how luxurious the tall buildings are, they need to bury their roots deep in the soil of the earth, otherwise they cannot stand; of.It was never those nobles who only knew how to enjoy this luxury that truly established the prosperity of the East Kingdom.

In the reconstruction of Hart City, every stone needs to be carried by civilians.Warrior magicians may be able to help, but they are only a minority after all. To rebuild a city or a country, we must rely on the strength of everyone.

It was only now that he understood Yadu's feelings and was truly close to his heart, but he couldn't feel happy.Childhood longing is not love.It was just a pursuit of someone who was stronger than him and who went farther than himself. He mistakenly understood this pursuit as love.When I really walked side by side with him, I realized that the relationship between us was so pure.

Injecting the dou qi that was about to be exhausted in the body into this person who had to be amputated due to burns, he had to do his best to protect his body from harm before his fever subsided.

Bivis felt a little exhausted, staring at the moon in the sky in a daze.

The waning moon is like a hook, just like him now.

The palpitating night three days ago made him restless, and he tried his best to investigate all the information that could be investigated, but the news was too closed. It was not until this evening that he got the news of Cecil's death. The time of death was exactly three nights ago.Since then, Bivis has been working all the time, organizing doctors and magicians with healing ability to treat typhoid patients in shifts, arranging for the team that the Orgrit family can gather to strengthen the border defense of Hart City, trying to appease the people, in case There was a riot.

He was so busy that he finally had nothing to do anymore, and his body was exhausted to the limit, so he had to calm down and think about Cecil.

In this disaster, the royal family lost the most. The elders were either dead or half-mutilated. Even the strongest swordsman in the East Kingdom, the father of Yadu, the Duke of Locke, was in this disaster. Hit by that shocking lightning strike, half of his body lost consciousness.Of the royal family, only Yadu and his Uncle Burt in the temple are still able to move, and the upper echelon of the Orgret family is only Bivis.

We must stand up and assemble the army, we must forcibly suppress those generals who want to rebel, and we must call on the soldiers to rebuild their homes.How did he resist the contempt of those old generals when he was too young in qualifications and strength?How to appease those soldiers who are worried about their families?How did you come up with a good plan on your own?

During this period of time, Bivis forced himself to become stronger.

However, at this moment, he could no longer hold on.

Cecil died, and the only remaining blood of the Keslaet family among the four nobles disappeared. From then on, there was no Keslaet family in this world, and there was no such despicable person as Cecil.When rebuilding Hart City, Bivis didn't ask Cecil to stay, leaving the human, financial and material resources of the Keslaet family to build the home they lived in since childhood.However, Cecil looked at Adonis who was helping, and left with his men and a large amount of supplies.

He won't live long, Bivis knows this better than anyone else.The surviving nobles were assassinated one after another, and the other party became more and more rampant. Cecil was leaving with so much property at this time. Even if he was not a nobleman, he would be murdered and robbed.If he stayed, with the financial resources of the Keslaet family and Cecil's own ability, the task of rebuilding Hart City would be much easier, so why should he learn from those little nobles and go to his other places Refuge in farms and villas?

Cecil's death was his own fault, and Bivis knew this better than anyone else, yet he felt sad unconsciously.

That was already his last friend except Yadu, and when he died, he was really the only one left.

Adonis knew who the murderer was, and when he heard that Cecil was pierced through the chest by a thin weapon, his expression changed.He left the town that was still under construction and left Hart City alone with an extremely determined expression.

The person who assassinated the noble is someone very important to Yado, right?Even knowing that his biological eldest brother died at the hands of those people, he was still so determined and did not change at all.

No matter how Yadu chooses, he will not stop him, just like Cecil died, he will not avenge him.He ordered people to cremate Cecil's body, but he didn't go to see it himself, and let everything go with the wind.He will not build a grave for him, because no one will visit the grave; he will not mourn for him, because it is his destiny.He will only think about the past when he is old, and he will think of such a friend who was cruel and vicious, denied his relatives, betrayed his relatives, but left a heart for him alone, and never hurt him. He only needs to remember these things. up.

Everyone must be responsible for the path they choose, because no one can walk your life for you.

That arrogant, naive, impulsive, and tender young Bivis was finally reborn from the ashes at this moment.His brows and eyes were no longer as green as before, his tired face and bearded chin made him stained with vicissitudes, like a jar of mature wine, taking off the bitterness of the past, leaving behind a mellow and long-lasting fragrance.

After resting, Bivis once again poured out fighting energy for the unconscious man. His fever had subsided, and although sweat was still dripping on his forehead, he was already sound asleep.

It will be dawn in two hours, he needs to rest, tomorrow, tomorrow there are countless things to do.

Bivis gave himself 10 minutes to be sad. After the sadness, he would forget who he used to be, smash the past to pieces, and use extremely cruel methods to turn himself into an independent general.

He doesn't need tenderness and frustration, all he needs is iron-blooded means and broad shoulders, so that he can make decisive decisions and take on great responsibilities.

Bivis leaned against the wall and narrowed his eyes slightly, and walked up to him alone.

Lynn (the person who controlled the Fire Leopard to defeat Winster and Gretel during the Mowu Conference, and was also a member of that organization, he was the one who took Gretel and Winster away) walked gently to Bivis In front of him, the corner of his mouth curled up: "Young master, we have noticed your growth these days, but you are still too young. As soon as Adonis left here, I easily sneaked in. You still have trouble. "

His eyes suddenly changed: "It's a pity that you won't have the chance to grow up again."

"It's useless to pretend to be asleep. I can easily kill a noble young master who has exhausted his fighting spirit."

Bivis opened his eyes calmly, his face remained unchanged, but his mind was quickly thinking about ways to get out.

Lin En didn't intend to give him a chance. A sword with a strange pattern in his hand was about to make a move, but the sword was knocked off by a stone.

"Didn't you say that this is Ralph's house? Why is there so much rubbish?" An arrogant voice sounded in the dark.

Someone answered him calmly: "This is your home, and those are not rubbish."

Bivis' eyes dimmed and then brightened, because he will never forget the first voice. Four years ago, the owner of this voice stripped him naked, and was forced to get out of the hotel with so many people. He was exhausted; Liang was because he recognized that calm voice, the voice of Sion who made him suffer so much at the Mowu Conference, how could he forget it.

Even if people all over the country think that Thain brought this disaster, Bivis believes more than anyone else that Thain is definitely an upright person, and he is a good friend of Adonis, who is definitely on their side. this side.

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