Qingmang felt that he was very polite. To be honest, if someone else challenged him, he would not even glance at that person. He was really polite enough to respond to Bivis' challenge.Having such an idea is enough to prove that Qingmang has learned etiquette lessons in the past four years. It is no wonder that Teacher Wendy refuses to let him pass the test.

Bivis frowned, raised his face and said, "See what you're capable of!"

After speaking, he turned around and walked back to his field, waiting for the start of the game.

In static target competition, the target does not move, and people can move freely outside the line.In the moving target competition, people do not move, and they must stand in a small circle and shoot down the balloons flying in the air.The moving target competition does not take turns one by one like static targets, but everyone shoots a hundred balloons together, and whoever hits the most will win.

The hundred balloons are all controlled by the wind magician. They don't float slowly in the air like ordinary balloons, but move rapidly in the air like a gust of wind.Because they are controlled by humans, their flying trajectories are irregular, and they cannot be shot even if they are aimed at.

At the beginning of the game, everyone scrambled to shoot arrows quickly. After all, the number was limited, and they wanted to shoot the most balloons at the fastest speed.

Qingmang didn't pick up the bow, but stood with his hands behind his back, looking up at the balloon.Beavis, like him, did not move, but also carefully studied the movement of the balloon.

The arrows of other college students couldn't hit the balloon at all, because the trajectory of the balloon was unpredictable, and often the direction they aimed at was not the direction the balloon was flying at all.Even if you are lucky and happen to encounter a balloon, the arrow will always deviate from the original trajectory, and there is no strength at all.

After a while, everyone was exhausted and out of breath, and some stopped to rest.At this moment, Bivis moved.

He unhurriedly pulled out all the arrows from the hundred arrows next to him, squinted his eyes and looked at the sky for a while, then quickly picked up two arrows, and fired both arrows at once. When it fell, another arrow pierced through two balloons, one of which was the balloon touched by the first arrow!

After one arrow and two goals, Bivis glanced at Qingmang, showed a smug smile, picked up two more arrows, and shot two goals again.

Only then did everyone understand why Bivis shot two arrows at a time. One of his arrows was to move the balloon to the direction he was aiming at, and the other arrow was the real attack.Although the reason is very simple, everyone knows how difficult it is to shoot two arrows at once, not to mention that the two arrows have different divisions of labor. Bivis can do this, and his strength is absolutely impressive. His excellent performance made the audience cheer stand up.

This is something no one else can do if they want to imitate. Seeing that Bivis has shot five arrows and ten balloons burst in the air, the other students are very anxious. Take a chance on a shot or two.

The strange thing is that none of their arrows can touch the balloon, just like the arrow is avoiding the balloon by itself.

Bivis, who was picking up the arrow for the sixth time, sneered. These idiots didn't realize that besides the wind magic, there was thunder magic in the balloon.Because of the magnetism of the thunder magic, the iron arrows couldn't touch the balloons at all. If they didn't see through this point, they would never be able to hit it!

All the balloons are like Bivis's alone, only he is shooting arrows leisurely.After the tenth shot, he glanced at Qingmang, and found that Qingmang was just watching quietly, not moving at all.

Bivis sneered, but that's it, this Thain is just a bit more technical, and his insight is the same as those idiots.

He stopped looking at Qingmang and concentrated on shooting arrows.His goal is not just to win, but to shoot down all the hundred balloons!

No.20 drew the bow five times and shot out two arrows. Bivis heaved a sigh of relief. Although he didn't bother to look at Qingmang again, he was always wary of him in his heart, not knowing what amazing move this person would make halfway.And this No.20 hits fifty balloons five times, according to the first-come-first-served rule, even if the remaining fifty balloons are all shot by Qingmang, Bivis wins.

Unexpectedly, just as Bivis let out his breath, an arrow also without an arrow flew out from the side and hit one of Bivis's arrows, causing his arrow to only go through one balloon.

There are still 51 balloons in the sky, and Qingmang's voice came to the ears of the students on the field: "It's almost there."

Bivis glared at Qingmang, at this time, as long as he hits another balloon, he will win, what tricks can he do!

Bivis quickly picked up two arrows and shot them into the sky, only one!

Unexpectedly, Qingmang said in a low voice at this time: "All dharmas return to the original, fire!"

A wall of fire tens of meters high surrounded the balloon. Bivis' wooden arrow was turned into ashes as soon as it touched the golden flame, and it didn't have the strength to reach the balloon at all!

Due to the heat flow formed by the fire wall, the wind magic outside the field was also disturbed, and the balloon flew aimlessly in the fire circle.

Bivis glared at Qingmang, and found that he had put himself in the circle of fire, that is to say, now only Qingmang can perform well, and the rest have no choice.

This... is too wicked!

Unexpectedly, a voice came out of the fire circle at this time: "Don't worry, I won't do that."

As soon as the words fell, the circle of fire disappeared, and Qingmang's figure appeared. He didn't hold a bow, but held a lot of arrows in his palm, and threw them vigorously into the sky.

51 arrows accurately hit 51 balloons. Before everyone had time to react, all 51 balloons burst, and the champion was Qingmang.

Bivis almost didn't spit out a mouthful of effort. He had been working so hard for so long, but he fired a fire magic and 51 arrows at the same time, easily erasing all his previous efforts.

Always like this, Bivis attracted most of the eyes in the first half, but with a light move by Qingmang, all these eyes were drawn back.

The archery competition is a three-round system, with one point for each game. This game is basically determined to be Qingmang's victory!

Bravo!The auditorium was about to explode. They shouted Sean's name loudly, and could vaguely hear the roar of "I love you". Qingmang's hearing was excellent, and he could tell that these voices were not only women, but also men...

In the college area of ​​Leiria College, a towering pillar of fire rose into the sky. Teacher Farr's shiny head reflected a lovely light under the light of the fire. He stepped on the back of the chairman's chair beside him, Standing on his chair with the other foot, he yelled, "Good job, Sean!"

Thain actually used fire magic to win, which made him happier than any victory.

Compared to the enthusiasm of the spectators, the field of competition seemed particularly low. They scratched their heads and were depressed. Why didn't they think that besides buying time to shoot arrows, they could use other methods to interfere with other people's arrows?How can they be so stupid?

After discussing with the people in charge of the conference, the host announced excitedly that since the competition did not stipulate that people cannot be blocked, nor that arrows must be shot from the bow, the scoring standard of the competition is only the one with the most arrows that break the balloons wins, so Sean Frame did not foul, the winner of the second game - Sean Frame!

Under the cheers and angry eyes of Bivis, Qingmang walked off the arena quietly. For him, this was just a promise with Yadu.He promised to help Yadu participate in the Mowu Conference, and he will try his best to compete. As long as he does his best, there is not much difference between winning and losing to him.As for being in the limelight, he never thought about being in the limelight. What's the use of attracting the attention of people he doesn't care about?

He walked back to the rest area, and even Mr. Derian, who was always calm, gave him a big hug. Derian said in a rare warm tone: "Sion, good job! At first I was really worried, but you did a good job It's so beautiful! Even I want to cheer like Teacher Farr regardless of the image!"

After the hug, Teacher Derian stepped back, and other companions lined up to hug Qingmang. Even Kleist, who cared less about winning or losing than Qingmang, was a little excited. Qingmang gave a hug: "Good job!"

Just three words proved the excitement in his heart. Kleist, who originally only wanted to participate in the conference to get more girls' attention, finally had the fighting spirit!

Then came Yadu, who happily said to Qingmang: "Your actions let me understand that rules are dead and people are alive. This is something that I will never be able to understand when I grew up under the rigid rules of nobles."

The next one was Gretel. He hugged Qingmang's neck very excitedly and said: "Did you see that silly noble young master? He is going to die of anger. So you are worse than me, haha!"

In the end was Dubosi who was pushed away by three people who was originally ranked number one. He hugged Qingmang pitifully: "They have said everything I want to say..."

In the rest area of ​​the Royal Academy on the other side, Bivis' anger did not last long. He kept thinking about the firewall that broke the traditional rules, and suddenly realized that his thinking had been imprisoned in the Orgret family. Everything obeys the orders of the Orgrit family, and they can't even go to Leilia Academy with Adu.

Cecil didn't expect so much, he looked at Qingmang coldly, and just sent someone to crack the bow that was going to be given to Qingmang, and it would break if he used too much force.I didn't expect that he would give up his bow. Did this person find out what he did or was it just luck?Cecil's eyes were a little cold, and he left the rest area again. In the next game, Thain must fall hard, and it is best not to participate in the next game!

Just when everyone was cheering, the host announced the rules for the third game.The first two items of the archery competition are fixed every year, but the third item is decided temporarily, and no one knows the method of the competition before the start of the competition.

After the host read out the rules of the game, the Leilia academy area fell silent, and the rest area fell silent. Kleist Adonis Gretel and even Dubos looked at Qingmang with sympathetic eyes.

The third item is——

riding and shooting.

Remarks: About the flame color mentioned in the article, and the power of flames with different colors are as follows——

Dark red: around 600 degrees Celsius.

Deep red: around 700 degrees Celsius.

Orange red: about 1000 degrees Celsius.

Pure orange: around 1100 degrees Celsius.

Golden orange: around 1200 degrees Celsius.

Golden yellow: around 1300 degrees Celsius.

Golden white: about 1400 degrees Celsius.

Pure white: about 1500 degrees Celsius.

White and blue: above 1500 degrees Celsius.

Sky blue: Generally, smelting cannot reach this level.

This article does not consider the temperature, and only specifies the flame power according to the color. With the strength of the green light, his current flame can reach pure white, but in that case, there is no need to try his best, so he only used the golden flame.

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