Qingshi didn't see the process of Thirteen Chu's visit, but Han Shuo told him the reason for Thirteen Chu's visit after unlocking his five senses.Without him, the Hall of Elders.Because Han Shuo came back a bit early, the Elder's Hall is still short of finishing work, and the hall also needs to be arranged one by one, and it will take at least another month before it can be used.However, Han Shuo was not in a hurry to use this Elder Hall, and the mountain gate was also busy at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, and there would be a trial in the fairyland soon, and then there would be a big competition in the gate, and then Chinese New Year, Lantern Festival, and next year's first month, he would send people to Xuan Tianxianyu participated in the double cultivation ceremony of Xuanzi Mausoleum, and Han Shuo, as a "friend" of Xuanzi Mausoleum, also wanted to attend in person. With all kinds of things piled up, Han Shuo postponed the opening of the Elder Hall to March [-] next year.

"Didn't you mention my contribution value?" Qing Shi asked, leaning on the soft pillow.

"I mentioned it." Han Shuo pondered for a while, but didn't go into the details. He just said, "I'll give you an explanation. Even if he doesn't care about this matter, I won't let you suffer in vain."

"It doesn't matter, it's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, but for a villain to take revenge for 20 years." Qing Shi sneered, "You don't have to do anything, just help me deal with the aftermath."

"What do you want?" Han Shuo couldn't help frowning.

"Don't worry, I have clear grievances and grievances. Before I find out the evidence, I will never attack anyone. If I wrong someone, the loved ones will hurt the enemy quickly. It's not worth it." Qingshi adjusted the position of the soft pillow, Let yourself lie down more comfortably, "But, am I going to enter the Wuxia Wonderland? If anyone wants to do something against me inside, hehe, Elder Han, don't blame me for disregarding the friendship of the same family."

"Hmph." Han Shuo sneered disdainfully, "That is where the disciples in the sect are forced to fight for their lives. Even if you are the only one who comes out in the end, who can do anything to you?"

"If I'm the only one who came out, there must be something wrong with the fairyland, and it's definitely not my black hand." Qing Shi immediately argued.

"You, it's better to talk less nonsense and spend more time preparing, so that you won't be able to get out by yourself in the end." Han Shuo got up and said, "I'll go to the Elder Hall outside to see, and you can sleep for a while."

"Oh, when it comes to sleeping, I have to say a few more words." Qing Shi immediately said, "I'm going to die the day after tomorrow, please take pity on me these two days, don't let me even have the strength to walk into the fairyland nothing."

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Han Shuo's face, but he quickly returned to normal, and said indifferently, "...I just don't touch you."

"Then these two days, disciples will concentrate on preparing for the battle. Don't blame me for refusing to serve you, saying that I don't know how to flatter you." Qing Shi said seriously.

Han Shuo took a deep breath and said coldly, "If you don't want to shut up by yourself, I'll help you."

Qing Shi blinked, and got into the quilt obediently.

Han Shuo turned and left.

Feeling that the restriction was opened and closed, Han Shuo must have left the cave, Qingshi got out of the quilt immediately, pulled out the clothes and treasure bag from the corner of the bed, put them on his body, got up and went to the ground.He is not a mortal in the lower realm, and the cultivation effect of lying still is limited, and it is far less effective than taking a medicinal bath.Han Shuo probably forgot about this, so he didn't dare to remind him at all, because he was afraid that Han Shuo would give him a mess of pills and supplements when he thought about it, which would make it troublesome for him to eat or not.

Qingshi didn't go out, and directly put the bathtub in the bedroom, arranged a simple gathering array below, and then performed the water diversion formula, mixed clean water and body-warming medicinal powder in the bathtub and heated them together until the water temperature was right. Then he took off his coat and climbed into the tub—he didn't have the strength to jump in now.Fortunately, the way he practiced was to strengthen his physical body. If an ordinary monk had been tortured by Han Shuo for a whole night, it would definitely be difficult for him to move his fingers at this moment.

——But he didn't cultivate like this to have sex under a man's body!

Thinking of this, Qing Shi felt very sad and indignant.

The day to participate in the trial in the fairyland is coming soon. Under the intentional or unintentional cover-up or indifference of all parties, not many people noticed that Fairy Fengxi's precious nephew also appeared on the trial list this time.Although the contribution value within the sect is announced at the gate of the steward's hall, there are so many disciples in the Xianchu sect, and the arrangement of their names is a little out of order. How can anyone go to that huge stele to check one by one in a bored manner?Coupled with the fact that Qingshi has been recuperating without going out for the past few days, even if there are any rumors inside the door, he can't hear them.However, even Shen Shenzhou, who has the closest relationship with Qingshi, did not send a message to ask about this matter, and it is estimated that there are not too many people who know about it.

The day before the trial, Qingshi took out a storage bag and put all the spiritual artifacts and talisman arrays that might be used in this trip and the newly made sword amulets for him by Han Shuo into it, ready to wear them directly on his body They are also placed together with the storage bag in the most conspicuous position in the bedroom, for fear that it will be too late to look for them when you get up late the next day.

However, he still overslept the next day.There was no other reason. He hadn't participated in morning classes since the establishment of the foundation, and he was used to sleeping until his body woke up naturally every day. It really couldn't be woken up by a trivial fairyland trial.Fortunately, he is living with Han Shuo now, if he still lives alone in the original small courtyard, he will definitely be severely punished by Menli for running away.But even if he was awakened by Han Shuo, there was not much time left. In desperation, Qing Shi had no choice but to ask Han Shuo to send him there with a flying sword.So, when Han Shuo led him to the entrance of Wuxia Wonderland, the five peak masters who were in charge of opening the door for this trial all stared.

"Han, Elder Han?!" Qixin Daojun took the lead to greet him, and the other four peak masters hurriedly followed to greet him.

"Don't be too polite." Han Shuo put down his trivialities, waved his hands to the five people, "Aren't you late?"

"No, there is still a stick of incense before it's time to open the door." Daoist Qixin looked at Han Shuo hesitantly, "You are here..."

"Give it away." Han Shuo said calmly, looking at Qingshi who had already walked beside the other disciples.

"Ah?" Several peak masters were stunned again.

Han Shuo didn't give any further explanations, and stepped on his long sword, soaring away into the air.

Han Shuo's hasty coming and going caused the five peak masters to have their own thoughts, but few of the ordinary disciples around him knew Han Shuo's identity.However, there is not much time left until the opening of the fairyland, and everyone present has no time to think deeply.The five golden core monks stood back to their respective positions and prepared to cast spells. The direct disciples they brought also hurriedly took up their respective responsibilities, gathered all the disciples participating in this trial, and checked their identities one by one.

Qingshi didn't go over to greet Fairy Fengxi, taking advantage of the time when the five peak masters started casting spells, he self-servingly looked at the other disciples who participated in this trial.The number of people was less than he had imagined. There were less than 30 people in total. Among them, there were only ten disciples in the Foundation Establishment Stage including him, and the rest were Qi Refining Stage disciples who voluntarily came here to seek opportunities.To Qingshi's surprise, among these disciples in the Qi refining period, he actually saw Xinyi.

Before Qingshi stepped forward to talk to him, five rays of light shot up into the sky, and soon surrounded them to form a colorful halo, and within the halo, a different kind of scenery that was completely different from the surrounding environment was clearly visible.

"The fairyland has opened, please enter as soon as possible!" Daoist Qixin shouted, and the disciples participating in the trial hurried into the halo one by one, and disappeared in the halo in an instant.

Qingshi also followed the crowd and walked in unhurriedly. Before entering, he gave Fairy Fengxi a comforting smile, and before he could see Fairy Fengxi's expression, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed. The body began to fall rapidly.

"Plop--" Qing Shi had already fallen into the water.

Qing Shi was speechless.Han Shuo told him that the entrance to the fairyland is actually a teleportation circle, which will randomly teleport the disciples who enter to any place in the Wuxia fairyland, but he never thought that he would be teleported to a lake, and did nothing Just be a drowned rat first.

——However, this may also be luck.

Qing Shi smiled, sank to the bottom of the lake, took off all the clothes on his body, and then surfaced naked.Qingshi let go of his five senses, listened carefully to the movement around him, and after confirming that there were no other living people nearby except himself, he jumped ashore, took the wet clothes he had taken off under his nose, smelled them, and then sneered.

——Sure enough, this smell will not be washed away by water so easily.

When he entered the fairyland, Qingshi felt that someone had spilled something on him while the crowd was crowded. He recorded the appearance of that person calmly, and only waited to "repay" after entering the fairyland.

——Let’s play a game of wait and see.

Qing Shi grabbed the clothes that had been sprayed with tracking powder, walked into the woods by the lake, hung all the wet clothes on the trees, and arranged them to dry.After finishing his clothes, Qing Shi wanted to find a place to hide, but suddenly his heart moved, he untied his hair bun again, and smelled the smell of his hair. Sure enough, there was a very faint strange smell on it, which was just in harmony with the smell. The kind that stains on clothes is not the same.

—One is smarter than the other.

Qing Shi's complexion couldn't help but look hard.He didn't notice that someone was tampering with his hair, and he didn't even know when that person did it. If it wasn't for his habitual caution that made him check it again, he would have suffered a dark loss.

However, it is not so easy to leave marks on him.Qing Shi sneered, mobilized the spiritual power in his body to gather in the hair, and stripped out all the foreign objects that did not belong to him in an instant.

After shaking his hair and reconfirming the absolute cleanliness and safety of his body, Qingshi put away all the spiritual weapons he wore before entering, put on a new short shirt and trousers, tied up his hair, and then found a place with lush greenery nearby. underbrush, got into it.

The wait didn't last too long. Within half an hour, a young male cultivator at the foundation establishment stage sneaked over from the lake.He didn't go directly into the woods, he stood outside for a while, seemed to confirm that there was no one inside, and then walked in with a suspicious face, and was startled by the clothes hanging in the forest.Startled for a moment, the man took out a pair of Emei thorn-like weapons, held them in his hands, and looked around nervously.

Qingshi didn't move in a hurry, and watched with interest as the man guarded his surroundings like a one-man show.It wasn't until the man felt that there was no one around again, and went to check the hung clothes with his spiritual weapon in hand, that Qingshi quietly walked out of the grass and walked slowly behind the man.

——It is also very dangerous to rely too much on divine sense!

Qing Shi sighed with emotion, his hands had grabbed the man's neck.Then, with a crisp sound of "Gaba", the man stopped breathing.

——The half-toned foundation-building stage monks are fragile. If they are replaced by monks with a cultivation level above Jindan, such simple and crude methods will not be able to deal with it.

Qing Shi continued to sigh with emotion, and at the same time took out a transparent spar to store the soul of this person who was about to dissipate.This is also the reason why Qingshi didn't survive. Compared with the information obtained from the interrogation, he believed more in the memory carried by the soul - that was something that could not be faked.

Put away the Yuanshen, Qing even didn't bother to rummage through the things on this person, just put him under his arm, turned around and walked to the lake, and threw it into the lake with a "plop".

——I hope the fish in this lake don't blame me for polluting their homes.

Qing Shi was thinking wildly, but suddenly heard the sound of objects piercing the sky - this is the unique sound when the imperial weapon is flying, indicating that someone is flying towards this side.Qing Shi immediately turned back to the woods, quickly put away the clothes to dry, and hid in another bush again.

Not long after he hid in, a young male cultivator in the late stage of foundation establishment who was close to Dzogchen came down with a young man in the Qi refining stage, holding a small snow-white beast in his arms.Qingshi doesn't know this young man in the foundation building period, but he has seen this young man in the Qi refining period. He is Wang Xiaobo, a disciple of the fifth peak. Received as a named disciple.

"Strange, it should be here." Wang Xiaobo looked around suspiciously and said.

"Are you sure?" The young man also inspected the forest carefully, focusing on the integrity of the branches and leaves and the traces on the ground, and quickly said, "Someone has been here, but there is no sign of a fight—let your spirit beast look for that person Where did you go?"

"Huanhuan told me that the smell stayed here and didn't go anywhere else." Wang Xiaobo walked to the place where Qingshi was cleaning his hair, squatted down and looked carefully, "Could it be hidden underground, such as Tudun surgery or something?"

The young man fiddled with the weeds where Wang Xiaobo was standing, shook his head and said, "There is no spiritual power left, and this place is obviously untouched."

"That's strange, Huanhuan hasn't missed it yet." Wang Xiaobo scratched his head.

"It's not necessarily Huanhuan's mistake." The young man laughed, "Okay, let's leave that person alone, he has the ability to get rid of you and me, and naturally he also has the ability to get rid of other people, and he will die in a short time No."

"Then don't look for it anymore?" Wang Xiaobo asked.

"Don't look for it anymore, let's go to the business first." While speaking, the young man had already summoned the spiritual weapon and carried Wang Xiaobo away into the air.

Watching them leave, Qingshi didn't move.Listening to it, these two people don't seem to be here to harm him, but Qing Shi neither wants to be with others nor need other people's protection, and it is even more impossible to trust anyone easily, especially when these two people just made a decision to leave. Illusion, but actually wandering in the sky.

——Than patience, who is afraid of whom!

Sitting in the bushes with bent legs, Qing Shi rested his chin on both hands, looking at the two people who were still in the sky with relish.The young man's spiritual consciousness is quite strong, and he can touch the surface at such a long distance to monitor the movement below.However, Qing Shi had already restrained his aura, and his spiritual power was firmly locked in his body, so he couldn't tell the difference between him and the surrounding trees by relying on his spiritual sense alone.

The young man was also very patient, he waited in the air for an entire hour before finally leaving.However, Qingshi still sat in the bushes and stood motionless, just took out the spar containing the soul of the man, and looked at it casually.

In fact, the so-called fairyland trial is not just about entering. The disciples who participate in the trial must collect enough spiritual grass in the fairyland, hunt the designated spiritual beasts, or plant spiritual grass at the designated place to raise the spiritual beasts. Get the corresponding contribution value.If he came in empty-handed and left empty-handed, Xian Trumen would only be exempted from the punishment caused by insufficient contribution points, but the insufficient contribution points would be accumulated to the next year and would not be eliminated together with the punishment.But Qingshi doesn't care about it at all, he just needs to avoid the punishment of being exiled from the inner door to the outer door, and the contribution value can be earned with enough time.Xian Chumen allows the use of spirit grass in exchange for contribution value, at worst, he can smash spirit stones to buy spirit grass and then exchange contribution value!

Without pressure, Qing Shi would naturally not be in a hurry. He slowly looked at Yuanshen's memory, trying not to miss a single bit.It's just that, just as he expected, the messenger behind this cannot be glimpsed from Yuanshen's memory. The master of Yuanshen had to attack him only when he was coerced by others, and in the process of being coerced, Yuanshen His master has never even seen the real face of the master.The only thing that can be used as a clue is that the tracking powder used by this person was given by the messenger. If one can know the origin of the powder, perhaps the identity of the messenger can be found out.

——Looks like I have to remember the taste of this powder.

Qingshi stripped the primordial spirit from the spar, watched it dissipate and disappeared, then stood up and walked slowly to the depths of the woods.

He didn't intend to go to the woods to find anything, but for him who couldn't fly with a flying weapon, it was safer to walk on the ground with cover. If he needed to do something in danger, it would also prevent his opponent from flying and avoid losses. .

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