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Chapter 73 Immortal Hall

Daoist Meng Sen was very surprised to see Qingshi and Jingli appearing together.

After Jingli explained the purpose of his visit incoherently, Daoist Meng Sen's expression became even more strange.

The monks who can hold important positions in Xiantrumen are not fools. Meng Sen probably knew that Lingtian had become what it is now, but he didn't intervene because he wanted to test his disciples or for other reasons. That's all.But no matter what the reason is, it's the second peak's internal affairs, and I don't care about it, let alone want to.

Before Daoist Meng Sen could speak, Qing Shi took the initiative to ask the well to send up the re-recorded jade slip, briefly introduced its contents, and then bowed to leave.

Daoist Meng Sen didn't keep him either, but simply praised him and asked Jing Li to thank him solemnly.

Although Jingli was still confused, he dared not listen to what the master said, this time Qingshi was really helping him, so he immediately bowed his hands and bowed solemnly.

Qing Shi accepted it happily, and then said goodbye.

When he was about to leave the main hall, Qing Shi heard Daoist Meng Sen's serious tone and asked Jing Li to follow him to the apse, obviously wanting to discuss this matter with Jing Li in detail.

In fact, the matter in Lingtian is very simple, but after Qingshi left, no one in Lingtian can cover the sky with one hand, so the big bosses above and the small stewards below were all swayed, and they all wanted to profit from it.

For example, when I was in charge of Lingtian, I always bought the grain seeds outside, because the grain seeds provided by Xiannongtang were always much lower than the grade it claimed, but the price was higher than that of the same grade outside. Spirit species are also expensive.

Jing Li obviously didn't know about this, but the little stewards under him were veterans. As soon as they saw the seeds they distributed, they knew that the new stewards must be ignorant. For such stewards, it's useless to remind them. They would also put themselves in, so one by one they found a way out.

The reason why the magic circle in the spiritual field is broken is that no one cares about it. On the one hand, the stewards are unwilling to spend more spirit stones on these inferior grain seeds; on the other hand, they want to regard the damage of the magic circle as a bad harvest reason.Almost everyone in the Xianchumen knew that Jingli and Qingshi were at odds with each other, and those who worked in Lingtian also felt that Jingli would not be able to ask Qingshi for help even if all the magic circles were dismantled.

It is true that Jingli can't save face, but he is lucky, and he can also hit a blind cat and kill a mouse.

Smiling, Qingshi didn't think about it anymore, and left the second peak with Wangsuo in his arms.

Back at Han Shuo's cave, the first thing Qing Shi did was to throw Wang Shuo to the ground.

Wang Shuo knew that he had been in Qingshi's arms for too long, so he didn't complain, he just shook his body, changed back to his original form in the air, landed firmly on the ground, turned his head to Qingshi, bared his teeth, and then shook his head. Tail to the side of the pool.

"Sooner or later, I will become a real pig!" Qing Shi pouted, turned around and went to the upper stone chamber, explaining to Han Shuo the reason for his late return.

After Han Shuo played the banner of retreat, he has been sitting in the utensil room in the stone room to meditate and raise his sword. When Qingshi came over, he was using his own spiritual power to nourish Long Yajie.

Without waiting for Han Shuo to ask questions, Qingshi took the initiative to explain the matter of meeting Jingli and going to Lingtian and the Second Peak with him. Anyway, he has contributed to the interests of the sect, and Han Shuo can only praise him. , cannot be reprimanded.

After hearing what Qing Shi finished speaking, Han Shuo did not change his face. He just put away the dragon tooth in his hand and snorted coldly, "I only care about the little profit in front of me!"

"Don't mention it, the benefits here are really not small." Qing Shi chuckled.

"Why, you still want to go back and take over?" Han Shuo asked unhappily.

"Are you willing to let me go back?" Qing Shi curled his lips and continued without waiting for Han Shuo's answer, "Even if you are willing, the people from the second peak will not! Who will give up the fat in your mouth? , I went back and forth, didn't I just say that they can't manage the Lingtian well, and slap them in the face!"

"It's better not to touch your hands again." Han Shuo said, "The head of Xiannong Hall and Meng Sen are not in the same heart now. The mess on the Lingtian is likely to be ordered by someone, and it may not be just the disciples below."

"Uh, the gods fight, and the kid suffers?" Qing Shi raised his eyebrows.

Han Shuo glanced at him, but didn't answer.

Qing Shi shrugged, and asked instead, "By the way, the peak master of the third peak has been vacant for a while, and he hasn't chosen yet?"

"It won't be so fast." Han Shuo shook his head and said, "Normally, it would take a few months to choose, but now, hmph, it's too early to finalize the candidates before the end of the year."

"The selection process is not open to ordinary disciples?" Qing Shi asked curiously.

Han Shuo didn't answer again. He took a look at Qing Shi and asked, "Are you in a good mood today?"

"You've done something good, of course you're in a good mood!" Qing Shi laughed.

"Do good deeds? Well, I also want to do good deeds." Han Shuo also curled up the corner of his mouth, reached out and grabbed Qingshi into his arms, with one hand under his body, and the other pinched his chin.

"Wan Xie is the leader, what you are doing is not a good thing." Qingshi leaned against Han Shuo's chest, muttering, but turned his head back actively, and brought his lips to Han Shuo's mouth.

Han Shuo began to enjoy it unceremoniously. While entangled and biting Qingshi with his mouth, his hands did not stop. He kneaded a few times through the shirt, and then skillfully lifted the hem of Qingshi's clothes and put his trousers on Tear it off, and turn your hand around his already half-hard front end.

Qing Shi quickly raised his head comfortably and began to hum, his mouth also unknowingly separated from Han Shuo.

Han Shuo didn't want to let him alone, so he stopped serving him when he saw that Qingshi was emotionally moved. He lowered his head and licked his neck, and turned his fingers from the front to the back, making a move for the murder weapon that he couldn't hold back for a long time. Pathfinder.

Although he was very dissatisfied with Han Shuo's halfway behavior, Qingshi also knew that if he ejaculated first, it would only be more uncomfortable for a while, so he immediately bent his legs, sat on his knees and lifted his body up, trying his best Relax there, providing enough convenience for Han Shuo's fingers.

Han Shuo approvingly kissed Qingshi's back, and freed up one hand to support his waist. Feeling that it was almost done, he unbuttoned his underwear, took out the already hard meat pestle, pointed it at Qingshi slightly opened The closed part pushed in inch by inch.

The moment he entered, Qingshi couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.

After all, it is not a place for intercourse that God acquiesces in. No matter how many times it is used repeatedly, no matter how comfortable and happy it is afterwards, the first step is always inevitably sad and uncomfortable.

——Does a man's love for a man also count as a violation of the destiny?

Qing Shi used self-mockery to distract the pain behind him, while supporting Han Shuo's arm and continuing to relax his body.

Han Shuo didn't give Qingshi much time to adapt. After pumping slowly a few times, he lost his patience. He grabbed his buttocks and slammed him violently. The sound of physical collision and slapping immediately echoed in the stone room.

The initial discomfort was quickly replaced by bursts of numbness and comfort. Although Qing Shi's expression was always in a state of forbearance, the muffled hum in his throat gradually produced trills, high and low, obviously with pleasure.

Han Shuo couldn't help hugging Qingshi tighter, pushing it harder.

Although it was a daytime prostitution, it was already dark when it ended, Qing Shi didn't bother to toss up and down, forced Han Shuo to carry him to the stone room inside to take a bath, and then fell asleep on the wooden couch next to him down.

Han Shuo refused to let him go just like that, and began to pester him again on the bed with his arms around him.Qingshi couldn't bear the teasing, and resisted a few times with half-push and half-push, and soon got into a pile with Han Shuo.

The next day, Qingshi opened his eyes in a daze, and found that he had been sent back to the wooden house by Han Shuo at some point, lying naked on the soft Babu bed, with Han Shuo who was also naked on his body.

——It's rare to see him sleeping.

Qing Shi turned her head slightly, quietly looking at Han Shuo's sleeping face.

In terms of appearance alone, Han Shuo is actually not bad, but he has too much flesh, even if he closes his eyes, he can't hide his fierce face.If people who don't know him meet him outside the Xianchu Gate, they will most likely regard him as a villain from the evil faction.

——Isn’t it because I have developed such a virtue that I have to concentrate on hard training?

Qing Shi was just about to lust, but Han Shuo felt his gaze, opened his eyes suddenly, and collided with his gaze.

"Morning." Qing Shi grinned.

Han Shuo narrowed his eyes slightly, was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "What time is it?"

"When there is sun." Qing even replied without thinking.

The corners of Han Shuo's mouth twitched obviously, but he gradually got used to the tone of Qingshi. He sat up with his arms propped up, and looked out the window by himself.

"It's noon." Han Shuo said, turning his head to look at Qingshi, "Are you still planning to get up?"

"You can do whatever you want, don't worry about me." Qing Shi replied lazily.

Han Shuo stopped talking, and took out a set of new clothes from his storage ring, put them on, and after tidying up, he turned his head and asked, "Are you sure you don't want me to take you up to take a bath?"

"Lie down for a while, I'll go by myself." Qing Shen hummed.

"Then I'll go back to the bedroom." Han Shuo stretched out his hand to straighten his loose black hair, leaned over and kissed the corner of his mouth, then turned and left the bedroom.

Looking at Han Shuo's back, Qingshi heaved a long sigh.He was going to find Shen Chenzhou to arrange Shen Bucheng's affairs today, but now he doesn't want to move any more.

——Beauty is misleading!

Qingshi couldn't help thinking of this, but immediately felt that Han Shuo was not considered beautiful, only his color was more or less the same.

Curling his lips, Qing Shi closed his eyes again.

While Qing Shi was sleeping soundly, the Plaything Hall at the foot of the mountain had put up a clearance sign, and in less than a day, the news that the Plaything Hall was about to close down spread among the low-ranking disciples of Xiantrumen .

Shen Chenzhou sent the news to Qingshi that day, but Qingshi didn't notice Shen Chenzhou's sound transmission symbol until the next morning when Han Shuo reminded him.But Qing Shi didn't take this matter to heart at all. Even if Yu Wei spread rumors that he was aggressive, he still wanted to get the shop back. It's because he couldn't get into his heart a long time ago.

Five days later, Qing Shi flirted with Han Shuo for a while, and finally got permission to go to Shanxia Fang City under the condition that he had both Wang Shuo and Yu Wang as companions with Shen Chenzhou at the same time.

Qing Shi didn't want to take Yu Wang with him, but Yu Wang asked to go over, saying that he wanted to take a last look at the appearance of the Playhouse.

But when they arrived at the Plaything Hall, the group found that the place was empty. Not only the plaque of "Plaything Hall" was taken away, but also the decorations outside to attract buyers, the cabinets for visiting goods inside, and even the tables, chairs and benches were all gone. .

"It's really clean!" Qing Shi couldn't help but sneer.

Yu Wang sighed softly, "Many things here are made by myself..."

"Just do it again." Qing Shi said disapprovingly, "If the old ones don't go away, the new ones won't come in. The same is true for objects and people."

"Don't listen to his nonsense." Shen Chenzhou interrupted quickly.

"Don't worry, what he said, I've long been used to it going in one ear and out the other." Yu Wang said expressionlessly.

"That's why you always suffer!" Qing Shi snorted coldly immediately.

The three were standing in the empty shop bickering, Wang Shuo who had been squatting at Qingshi's feet suddenly barked, the three turned their heads together, only to find that it was Shen Bucheng who had arrived at the door.

"Cheng Bo!" Shen Chenzhou hastily stepped forward to greet him.

Shen Bucheng bowed his hands and apologized as soon as he entered the door, "The little one came a step late, please forgive me."

"It's not too late, it's not too late." Qing didn't return the salute, just smiled faintly, "Anyway, I just came here today to take a look, and it's nothing important—come, let me introduce, this is our craftsman , I look forward to Yu Daojun."

Qing Shi deliberately pointed out Yu Wang's cultivation level, although it is only at the early stage of Jindan, it is still a whole rank higher than others, Shen Bucheng hastened to formally greet him, "Little Shen Bucheng, pay my respects to Yu Daojun."

"You're welcome." Yu Wang waved his hands expressionlessly.He knew that his face was easy to scare people, so when facing strangers, he tried his best to be unsmiling.

When everyone arrived, Qingshi stopped joking with Shen Chenzhou and the others, called Shen Bucheng, and talked to him about the store's plans.

After finishing talking, Shen Bucheng asked Qingshi to name the new shop according to the occasion.

Qingshi thought for a while and said, "Let's call it 'Xianpintang'!"

A month later, Xianpintang officially opened.

On that day, Qingshi didn't ask Shen Bucheng to arrange any fancy opening ceremony, just put up a plaque and set off firecrackers.

Many low-level disciples from Xiantrumen are paying attention to this new shop that has occupied the location of Plaything Hall, and there are many boring people who want to find fault.However, as soon as they saw the plaque hanging in Xianpintang, these disciples could not help but quiet down, and carefully collected all their little thoughts.

The reason is very simple. On the gilded plaque, in the lower left corner of the three big characters "Xianpintang", there is the name "Han Shuo" impressively. Han Zhenjun?And this Xianpintang is under the eyes of Xianchumen, so it is impossible for him to dare to find someone with the same name and surname as a fake.

When everyone found out that the owner of the Immortal Hall was Yan Qingshi, Elder Han's attendant disciple, the doubts that existed at first disappeared without a trace. Putting it into practice, many people wanted to go in to buy things, but once they entered the shop, they found that the things here were really not easy to buy.

Different from the previous Wanwutang, only the ground floor of Xianpintang remains, and the second floor has been completely converted into a tea room for VIPs, and ordinary guests are not allowed to enter.Although the decoration is more elegant and quiet than before, and the surrounding Duobaoge is also beautifully decorated, but after looking around, these monks can't understand what this fairy hall sells.

After asking the shopkeeper and the shop assistants, they realized that this Xianpintang was actually a place for custom-made spiritual artifacts, and the samples of spiritual artifacts were placed on the Duobaoge.

Just to guard against theft and reduce disputes, these samples look gorgeous and exquisite, but they are all genuine goods at a fair price. There is only a jade slip next to it, which indicates the materials needed to make the spiritual weapon, the deposit, and the finished product. will have effect properties.Those who are interested can bring their own materials, or pay a sufficient deposit, and then sign a sales contract with the shopkeeper of Xianpintang to agree on the delivery date.

This way of buying and selling is obviously a little unreliable, and what can be made in the shop is basically low-grade spiritual weapons, but they are extraordinarily exquisite and beautiful, and they are very eye-catching when they are taken out.

What is even more surprising is that, in addition to custom-made spiritual weapons, this Xianpintang also recycles used and damaged spiritual weapons. The grade is not limited, the origin is not asked, and the price is based on quality. Although it is impossible to give a high price, it is still possible Definitely more cost-effective than just throwing it away.

So, not long after, there were very few monks who came to the shop to order spiritual weapons, but there were an endless stream of people who came to sell garbage.

In the blink of an eye, it was the third month since Xianpintang opened.

On this day, Qing Shi led Wang Shuo out of the mountain gate, and took the spiritual weapon that Yu Wang had just made to Fangshi at the foot of the mountain for delivery.

There was no vision for three whole months, and Han Shuo's supervision of Qingshi was obviously much looser. As long as Wang Shuo was with him, he no longer needed to tell him where he was going when he went out.

Qing Shi himself did not dare to take it lightly, he clearly remembered everything Ximen Hao said before he left, especially the matter of buying a sound card from him, he remembered clearly.Qing Shi even secretly made more than a dozen finished products in Yu Wang's utensil room, and waited for Ximen Hao to resell him when he came, but three months passed, but there was no trace of that man, and he didn't know who it was. Whether you are entangled in something or deliberately entertain people's appetite.

Qing Shi was wandering while daydreaming, and when he arrived at the Xianpin Hall, he found that the person who ordered the spirit weapon came later than him.

Because he was worried that Shen Bu would not be able to stay in the town, plus some other considerations, every time someone ordered a spirit weapon, he would personally come to deliver the goods, and take away the waste spirit weapon that he had recently received.This time, Shen Bucheng also invited Qingshi to the tea room on the second floor as usual, while handing over the spirit artifacts collected recently to him, he waited with him for the belated guest.

After a while, the clerk downstairs shouted, "Boss, the customer has arrived!"

Shen Bucheng hurriedly greeted Qingshi, opened the door and went out to greet him.

Soon, Shen Bucheng led the monk into the tea room.

This man was wearing an inconspicuous brown blouse, and his hair was simply tied behind his head with an unusual headband. Only his facial features were striking, with deep-set eyes and a high nose. .

Seeing this person, Qingshi's eyes narrowed involuntarily.

——This is a Nascent Soul cultivator!

——Besides, this person really looks like Ximen Hao!

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