The hands around his waist tightened even more inadvertently, but he carefully controlled the strength so as not to make him feel uncomfortable!

Liu Qinglan found it interesting, but she didn't think about turning her eyes away, instead she kept staring at Yuan Zi more persistently, and Yuan Zi closed her eyes and fell asleep peacefully, as if she didn't notice.

The two just played childish games without giving in to each other, never tired of it.

In the end, it was Yuan Zi who opened his eyes because Liu Qinglan had given him a point at an important moment, and his sleepless clear eyes met Liu Qinglan's dark and deep eyes, so he couldn't help laughing.

Seeing Yuan Zi conceding the defeat, Liu Qinglan raised the corners of her lips in satisfaction. Her originally thin lips became thicker due to the intense friction some time ago. Although Liu Qinglan's recovery ability is excellent, the richness has faded, but now the thin lips are falling. In Yuan Zi's eyes, it was still the bright red that he had seen not long ago.

Yuan Zi's eyes are getting darker and darker, besides, warm jade and fragrance are in her arms, and she is attached to her heart, so Yuan Zi also directly and quietly hugged Liu Qinglan in her arms, her lips fell, blocking any Voices of protest.

Anyway, now is not the time to go out, just do something you want to do.Yuan Zi thought about it lightly, and then suppressed such a little thought, and tasted the food wholeheartedly.

Liu Qinglan deliberately refused, but the situation at this time was not under his control, so she could only regret her momentary soft-heartedness at that time, and at the same time thought bitterly, when the Yuan Zi fell into his hands, it would definitely not be easy Let him go!

When everything calmed down, Yuan Zi helped Liu Qinglan clean up the dirt on her body, and then carried Liu Qinglan to the medicine pool that had been prepared earlier.The two soaked in the medicine pool, chatting with each other.

After chatting for a while, Yuan Zi couldn't bear it anymore, he asked Liu Qinglan directly: "Qinglan, who is that Luo Pei?"

Liu Qinglan squinted her eyes, enjoying Yuan Zi's service comfortably. When Yuan Zi asked this sentence, she didn't even open her eyes, and just asked casually: "What's the matter? Why are you asking like this suddenly? Is it some congratulatory gift or something?" What is the problem?"

Yuan Zi caressed every part of Liu Qinglan's skin with fascination, lightly or heavily, and ate tofu openly, refreshingly and boldly.

Liu Qinglan just glanced at him, but didn't say anything, maybe because it's useless?

Yuan Zi said casually: "The congratulatory gift they gave is too precious."

Yuan Zi only said this sentence, then fell silent, and only concentrated on cleaning up Liu Qinglan's body.

Liu Qinglan was silent for a while, and sighed slightly.Book Forum

After all, I still have to tell him, but I still can't tell him everything, that's all, I just tell him part of it.

Hearing Liu Qinglan's soft sigh, Yuan Zi paused for a moment before continuing his own movements.

Liu Qinglan's faint voice sounded, with a slight but unignorable exhaustion.

Yuan Zi felt a pain in his heart, but he didn't stop it.

This is a good thing.Qing Lan finally decided to tell him part of his situation, and let him know the part of Liu Qinglan that he didn't know, which shows that Qing Lan began to change his position in his heart from a lover to a partner!

Liu Qinglan said that before he joined the sect, he knew that there was such a person as Luo Pei, he also knew Luo Pei's temperament, he knew Luo Pei's mystery even more, but he also knew that Luo Pei was someone he could trust Friends, as long as he needs, Luo Pei will help him, as long as he asks, Luo Pei can do it, but he has never looked for Luo Pei.

Until that time when Yuan Zi disappeared during the trip to the Forest of Unknown Steles, everyone in the world of cultivating immortals did not know any clues. Although Liu Qinglan could roughly find out where Yuan Zi was, she could only go to see Yuan Zi in private, and there was no way to save him. come out.

Although the sect is powerful, it is willing to contribute to the missing disciples, but the sect is a sect after all, even if it is willing to contribute, it is for the sake of its own face, if the sect wants to do more, it is not allowed.

Although Elder Tianshen was in a hurry, there was only one Elder Tianshen. There were more than twenty Yuanying Taoists who led them in the past, but they still disappeared without a trace, so how could they count on him?Besides, Elder Tianshen has always attached great importance to Yuan Zi, and it is only because Yuan Zi has the potential to be promoted to Nascent Soul, strengthen the strength of the Yuan family, and improve the status of the Yuan family. How could he really care about Yuan Zi himself!

Liu Qinglan also couldn't go to the members of the Liu family. Firstly, the Liu family's current highest cultivation base is only at the peak of Jindan, not strong enough. Second, why should the Liu family members try their best to find someone who is not their family at all?What's more, risking offending a big force that doesn't know its unfathomable strength?

Therefore, Liu Qinglan could only ask Luo Pei for help, and Luo Pei found another person to build a bridge, and then found Zai, and then made a deal!

Yuan Zi couldn't help hugging Liu Qinglan when he heard this.In the warm medicinal soup, the two hugged each other tightly, comforting each other, as if they could calm down the worries at that time and erase the helplessness of the day!

After a long time, Yuan Zi couldn't help asking, "What deal did you reach with that Zai? Will it be dangerous to you?"

The voice is still Yuan Zi's usual unruly, but it seems like the glass that is barely intact, and it will shatter with just a light touch.

Liu Qinglan shook her head and didn't try to appease Yuan Zi, but she could hear the confidence in his heart: "Well, Zai said, when I advance to the Nascent Soul Realm, I have to do something for him! Don't worry, as long as I advance Yuan Ying, if you think about what he asked for, I won’t be bothered. Besides, I’m probably a bit of a boss when Zai asks me to help, even if it’s dangerous, I’m still very confident in protecting myself!”

Yuan Zi didn't care about Liu Qinglan's self-confidence at all. He said directly: "It seems that we have to delay the time to enter the Nascent Soul Realm as much as possible. We must be prepared. Well, yes, we need Increase your strength more than just your cultivation!"

Liu Qinglan was a little dumbfounded, and finally could only acquiesce to Yuan Zi's statement.

Yuan Zi then asked Liu Qinglan: "According to you, except for the two congratulatory gifts from Luo Pei and Song Cheng's Shen family, the rest was sent by the scholar Lu Ruyu and Nazai?"

Liu Qinglan nodded, Yuan Zi had already explained to him one by one about the congratulatory gifts, and he also had a general understanding of these congratulatory gifts, but if he wanted to know more, he had to go and see them slowly.

"The copy of "Double Rhetoric" seems to be given by Zai. He wants us to double cultivate and improve our cultivation. As for that bead, after hearing your description, I can only think of one thing, the legendary treasure, the spiritual cultivation bead ! But, I don’t know, how did Zai send this treasure to us?”

The God Cultivation Bead is a treasure that only exists in classics in the world of cultivating immortals. It has not appeared in the world of cultivating immortals for many years.Every time it appears, it will definitely cause crazy competition among the world.There's no other way, the Nourishing Pearl is too coveted.

Nourishing God Pearl can nourish the injured Yuanshen. After the Yuanshen has been cultivated in the Nourishing Spirit Bead, it will be as clear as the beginning, transparent and clean without any blemishes. Improve the quality of the primordial spirit and enhance the ability of primordial spirit sensing.But this is not the most heaven-defying function of the Nourishing Pearl!

The biggest function of the Nourishing Pearl is to repair the broken primordial spirit, so as long as the monk still has a trace of broken primordial spirit, and then put this trace of primordial spirit into the Nourishing Soul Bead for nourishment, as long as the time and spiritual power are replenished enough, it can completely recover. Repair this thread of primordial spirit into a complete primordial spirit, and then as long as the chance is enough, whether to seize the body or reincarnate, it's up to you to choose!

But, how could such a heaven-defying baby have no restrictions!

Therefore, the Nourishing Bead can only nourish one primordial spirit at a time, and each monk can only use the Nourishing Bead once.

But even so, it can make the monks in the world of cultivating immortals very excited.

After all, as long as a cultivator is by his side, it is equivalent to having an extra life for a monk!

Who would think too little of such a life-saving baby?

In fact, Liu Qinglan and Yuan Zi could still understand the appearance of "Double Rhetoric", but why would such a precious orb be given to them?

They pondered for a long time, all kinds of conjectures were overturned by themselves one by one, and finally they could only let it go.No matter what the opponent's purpose is, with the strength and power of the opponent, if they want to do something to them, I'm afraid they can't do anything!

Liu Qinglan was really surprised, but she also understood that Zai would not do anything to them before they conceived to affect their conceived babies, what's more, he would protect them.

He just simply found it strange.

Liu Qinglan talked there for a long time, and Yuan Zi also straightened out her thoughts.When Liu Qinglan stopped, he spoke slowly.

Although Liu Qinglan knew something about it, Yuan Zi was the person involved after all, so the angle of his opening was different.

Yuan Zi said that he has actually remembered things since he was very young.He said that he knew when his parents left them. He remembered the despair on his grandfather's face when the news came and the little hope that rose when he saw him. The appearance of the old lady who came to take care of him but didn't pay attention, he remembered how busy and exhausted his grandfather was at that time, he remembered his grandfather's desolate expression when no one was watching the ceremony that day, he remembered the warm aura of heaven and earth when he tested the spiritual roots, He remembers the sudden light in his grandfather's surprised expression that day, he remembers the forced smiles of his clan members, the cynicism and sarcasm from his peers...

Liu Qinglan opened her arms to protect this fragile but strong man beside her

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