"Master, now metal can't overcome wood, so I don't know if it can be done with fire?" Mo Yu said suddenly.

"It's a good idea, but Master doesn't dare to try again now." Yuxuzi said in tears, he tried a few times just now and the results can be seen from their current appearance.

People are different, ghosts are not ghosts, he, Yu Xuzi, has never been in such a mess since he practiced Taoism.The hair is messy, the clothes can barely cover the body, and there are traces of blood mixed in, anyway, it is as ugly as it is.

"Then I'll try." Mo Yu's curiosity and mobility have always been very high, and before Yu Xuzi could stop him, he used Jiuwei Zhenhuo, because he knew that such a big formation like this would not be able to burn.

"Yu'er..." Yu Xuzi stretched out his hand, watching Jiuwei Zhenhuo pounce on the formation.It's over, it's over, if the big formation counterattacks their master and apprentice again, they will confess here.

Both the master and the apprentice waited for the wooden formation to counterattack, but after waiting for a long time, there was no movement. Instead, the surrounding trees stopped attacking, no different from ordinary trees.

"Okay?" Mo Yu couldn't believe her good luck, her eyes widened and she rubbed her eyes.

"Let's go, or we will be miserable if the wooden formation recovers." The wooden formation is not a life gate, so they have to break through several other large formations to succeed.

"Oh." Not forgetting that all of this was caused by herself, Mo Yu immediately followed behind her master.I hope that the next big formation can pass the barrier smoothly.


"Why did you come to the earth formation? It's really upside down!" Yu Xuzi didn't know whether to use it or laugh, he was very happy that the apprentice's formation could be mastered.But why are he and the apprentice himself used for the experiment?

"Master, wood can't overcome earth?" Mo Yu's wood-type spell was instantly stopped by the earth array, and he didn't even give him a chance to continue to cast it.

Looking at the sand that had been buried in his calf, Yu Xuzi couldn't help wiping the sweat from his forehead.When did the five-element formation start to become stronger, and the wood couldn't overcome the earth.If there is no way out, he and Yu'er will probably be buried here alive, after all, the sand is not slow to rise.

"Rinse it with water!" Yuxuzi could only think of this, wouldn't the silt in the river be washed away by water too!Anyway, now the dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor, and I can't care so much.If it doesn't work, it can only be said that the fate of their master and apprentice is like this, I just hope that the whole body can be left behind.

The two masters and apprentices worked together to attract the flood and let them run mercilessly in the soil formation.In a blink of an eye, the sand in the soil array was washed away, not even a grain of sand was left.

"It's really a mess, the Five Elements Formation has turned into this." Yu Xuzi hid his face, the apprentice's current formation skills are better than him!Although the ability to trap himself in the formation is not small, but this big anti-five elements formation indeed proves that Mo Yu's current strength in arranging formations is not weaker than that of his master.

"Master, let's go!" Mo Yu blushed and pulled Yu Xuzi to the next formation, the more he said it, the more he would feel ashamed.I used to think that my lack of direction was troublesome, but I didn't expect that my ability to cause trouble in the direction of the formation is greater than Han Yan's ability to cause trouble.


"Use things to pretend!" Mo Yu and Yu Xuzi said at the same time, since the mutual generation and restraint of the Five Elements Formation cannot be used here, then use other possible methods!

The master and apprentice refined the spirit weapon on the spot, a container that could hold mountains, rivers and seas.Other functions are ignored, the most important thing is that the space inside it is large enough.

Using gold-based materials as the main material, supplemented by other materials, it took two hours to finally refine it without emphasizing other aspects.

"Master, pretend." Mo Yu flew in mid-air, watching the sky full of water being sucked into the golden gourd.It took three hours to finish smoking, and Yu Xuzi and Mo Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief.


"It's all swords..."

Mo Yu looked at the swords aimed at them, and felt the urge to turn around and want to get away.It's not that someone can remain calm and composed in the face of tens of thousands of swords pointed at him. If there is such a person, he is either a fool or a fool.

Of course, Mo Yu and Yu Xuzi were neither fools nor idiots, so their reactions were normal.

"Apprentice, do you have any ideas? Facing the sword that can bury them alive, Yuxuzi asked without shame.

"Can you run?" Mo Yu asked back.

"...I can't." Yuxuzi black line, this apprentice is too disrespectful to him.Fortunately, there are only two masters and apprentices, otherwise this face will be embarrassing.

"Then——fight." Mo Guo took out his qin, and it seemed that the golden array could only fight recklessly.

"Fool, you won't wrap all the swords with wooden vines!" Yu Xuzi jumped, this apprentice must have done it on purpose.

"Hahaha... Master's jumping feet are so funny." Mo Yu hugged the piano and laughed, without stopping to scatter the seeds one after another on the ground.Then he played Rejuvenation, his new composition.The function is to let all things grow naturally.

Yuxuzi was also in the mood to listen to the music at this time, and his apprentice couldn't miss a piece of playing.After all, in the realm of comprehension, he has never met anyone whose piano skills are better than his apprentices, so everyone in the Lingyun School recognized Mo Yu's piano skills as a masterpiece in the realm of comprehension.

Under the sound of Moyu's piano, the wooden vines grew wildly, and soon grew into long vines ranging from tens to hundreds of meters, and under the control of the sound of the piano, they wrapped themselves around the sharp swords in the air.At the beginning, it restrained the movement of the swords, then tightened them tightly, and finally succeeded in shredding all the swords into nothingness.

Mo Yu put away the qin, then pulled Yu Xuzi and ran to the next formation.Don't go and wait for the sword to refresh?He doesn't have that many seeds on him anymore, and they will definitely be pierced into holes by the sword.

fire array

"Apprentice, as long as we get out of the fire formation, we can go out." Yuxu looked at the boundless fire and said hopeless words, who knows what monster moths will come out of this five-element reverse formation, it is impossible to guess according to common sense.

"What can the fire array use to destroy them? Is it gold?" Mo Yu looked weakly at the purple flame that could melt a cultivator into ashes. This is the highest-level purple flame in the cultivation world. Not high enough for it.

"Don't you think they don't melt fast enough?" Yuxuzi said the same thing.

water?What level of water is needed to extinguish Ziyan?use wood?It was burnt before it was put in.use fire?Stupid, isn't this the power to fuel the flames!With gold, this need not be said.

"It seems that we can only use earth." At some point, earth can also be more fire.

"Apprentice, get out of the way, Master just happens to have breathing soil here." This is the most precious treasure in the soil, and as long as there is a little bit, it can continue to grow and regenerate.

"Cheer up, master. If I run out, I'll go back and get it from senior brother." Mo Yu happened to know that senior brother Qi Xiaotian also has some soil, anyway, he has nothing to use it for the master, so it's pretty good.

"Be careful that Xiaotian turns around and slaps you." Yuxuzi threw Xiran into the purple flame while reciting the mantra, and of course he didn't forget to remind his apprentice who was getting carried away.

"It's okay, Uncle Pingyangzi will help me." Mo Yu was sure that those brothers and sisters would not bully him at all, and his backstage was also very tough, and everyone would not ask for trouble at all.

"Wait!" After throwing the soil, the master and apprentice began to wait.Even if there is a formula, it will take some time to make the soil grow enough to cover all the purple flames.

"Oh, by the way, here I have sweet potatoes from Hanyan species and wild game." Mo Yu took out a pile of food, and the master and apprentice held it high above Ziyan with swords inserted, relying on the temperature emitted Grilled food is also adequate.And it was still when the master and apprentice were flying at a height of 1000 meters from Ziyan.

Embracing a sweet potato and nibbling slowly, Mo Yu's eyes narrowed due to the sweet taste.

"Yu'er, all the food on your body is prepared by Han Yan?" Yu Xuzi bit a roast chicken, the crispy taste made him unable to resist taking another big bite.

"Yeah, Han Yan was afraid that I would be hungry, so he prepared a lot of food." Because Han Yan was studying the rules with the big brother in the hall, and he couldn't come back every day, he prepared food for a month at a time for him to eat slowly.However, most of them are eaten raw, as long as they are cooked on the fire.The flavored Hanyan has also been processed in advance, and the taste is absolutely amazing.

Now it seems that Han Yan really has the foresight.It would be nice to have another cup of tea, but that's good enough.

"It's great, Han Yan has never cared so much about anyone, Yu'er, you are the only one." Yu Xuzi picked up another rabbit and roasted it, and they are the only ones who can use Ziyan to roast food!

Extravagant, too extravagant.

"I know." I also understand, so after being clear about my feelings, I agreed to become a Taoist couple with Hanyan.

After eating the sweet potatoes, he took out some vegetables to cook, and he could cook them simply by roasting them.Of course, it all depends on Yu Xuzi watching from the side, and by the way reminding him that the reversal has such a good result.Otherwise, it will be burnt, and the dog will not even look at it.

After the master and apprentice had finished eating, the purple flame was also extinguished.Before they were happy, the surrounding scenery changed and returned to the original appearance of the small valley.The master and apprentice who were concentrating on the formation did not see that the people outside the valley were staring at them in a daze.

"Huh..." This doesn't look like the scene after the formation is broken, but rather...

Flying to the ground, looking at the gray spirit stone.

"What, after a long time, it turns out that the aura in the spirit stone is gone."When they are about to break the formation, they will disappear. Isn't this deliberately teasing people!Both Mo Yu and Yu Xuzi had dark faces, which made Liu Hanyan and the others think that they felt bad because they were trapped in the formation, and none of them dared to go up to make trouble, but just looked at them stupidly and didn't respond.

As for why everyone thinks they are in a bad mood, that's simple.The whole body and the upper body are not complete, and the clothes are basically reimbursed and barely cover the body.There is also the blackened blood mixed with the mud on the body, which is as embarrassing as it can be.

"Just hold on a little longer, so that we can know whether the anti-five elements formation was broken after the fire formation was broken, or whether it was back to the original point." Yu Xuzi shook his head, making people laugh with his old-fashioned look.It's just that at this time everyone was worried and relieved to see that they were safe and sound, so no one paid attention to Yu Xuzi's funny appearance.

"Unfortunately, I don't want to break into it again." This incident cast a great shadow on Mo Yu's heart, and he didn't want to fight against the Five Elements formation again in the next hundred years.

"I don't want to either." The master and apprentice didn't want to try it again, after all, they were too impressed by the grand formation against the five elements this time.

"Yu'er." It was Liu Hanyan who boldly stepped forward because he was worried about Mo Yu's injuries, and pulled him to check.

"Han Yan..." Mo Yu's eyes became hot, and he almost dropped a few golden beans.The result of this random test of the formation was that he suffered a great loss. He has never been so miserable when he grows up, so it is no wonder that he almost couldn't hold back his tears.

"Yu'er be good, don't cry." Knowing Mo Yu better than herself, knowing that her baby has been wronged, so her eyes of blame flew to Yu Xuzi.Even his disciples couldn't protect him from what his master did.Holding the baby in his arms, he left the rest to the elder brother and his parents, and they will seek justice for Yu'er.No matter who caused this trouble in the first place, it was the uncle's fault anyway.Yu'er is so innocent and cute, she doesn't understand some things at all.And as his master, he should have expected it in advance, so it was all the uncle's fault.

I am wronged, why everyone blames him.Although he has certain responsibilities, it can't all be blamed on him at all!Yuxuzi looked at the crowd who came up and cried out to God for grievances in his heart, but God was too busy at this time to hear the grievances in his heart.

Carried back to Hanyu Garden, Moyu took a bath with Liu Hanyan's help, drank a few sips of spiritual tea and fell asleep.He didn't see Liu Hanyan covering his nose, otherwise his image in his heart would be compromised.

After pulling up the quilt, Liu Hanyan lay down beside Mo Yu.Although it was only ten days and a half months since we saw each other, but not seeing each other for a day is like three autumns, and he doesn't know how many years it has been.If you don't love lovesickness in your life, you will love it, and you will hurt lovesickness.Lovesickness, lovesickness, Yu'er, do you know that I miss you so much that I'm going crazy.

Holding Yu'er's hand, Liu Hanyan was not very satisfied.He wanted to rub Yu'er deeply into his body without letting go for a moment.But he was also afraid that his Meng Lang's behavior would frighten his sweetheart, so he chose that he would rather be patient than frighten his lover.

Neither father nor mother made him take it to heart like this, and attracted all his attention. He didn't want him to worry, and hoped that he could live happily under his protection.This is what Liu Hanyan hopes to do most, but Mo Yu has caused countless disasters after only a few decades of retreat.If Mo Yu stayed in seclusion for a longer time, wouldn't it be that he would turn the entire cultivation world upside down?

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