Although the plan was perfect, the next day, when the two vampires walked into the small auditorium, they were disappointed to find that the target they locked yesterday did not come.

Lewell saw David's figure from a distance.Tall and handsome English gentleman is talking to a beautiful lady.He was wearing an English-style waistcoat today, and the arms exposed from the slightly rolled-up sleeves made him look extremely masculine.David apparently sees Lewell and Armand too.He waved his arms in the direction of the door.

Lewell and Armand glanced at each other, and decided to meet their British friends first.But in the middle of the road, Lewell was bumped into his arms by a reckless young man.The opponent rushed towards him almost straight.Although Lewell has the ability to avoid it, considering that once he dodges, the other party is very likely to hit the pillar with his head, the kind vampire decided to use his body to relieve the impulsive force of this daredevil.

"Are you okay?" After bumping into him, the other party didn't speak for a long time, but excitedly grabbed Lewell's sleeve.This made the vampire quite puzzled, and he couldn't help but wonder if the young man's head was hit just now.

"Come... come..." The young man opened his mouth wide, but he could barely spit out a few monosyllabic words.

It turned out to be a dumb...

Lewell patted the young man on the shoulder and reminded him kindly: "Be careful when walking. Where is your seat? Do you want me to lead you there?"

Seeing that the other party was still grabbing his sleeve without saying a word, Lewell couldn't help but glanced at Armand.The same doubt was also on the beautiful boy's face. "He looked excited. Do you know him?" Armand asked.

Only then did Lewell start to look at the young man's appearance.It was a very ordinary face, about 25 years old, if there was anything that stood out, it seemed to be only the eyes.The young man's eyes were a smoky gray, and he couldn't even see the line between the pupils.His hair, too, was unmanaged, a straw-blonde color that lacked luster.

Lewell was sure he had never met this man.However, because he occasionally went to some lively social occasions, he was not sure whether the other party recognized him.

"Come... come... you..." The young man blushed and couldn't say a complete sentence.He seemed to be quite annoyed by this, his brows were furrowed, and even the corners of his forehead were dripping with sweat.

"Okay. You know me, right?" Lewell noticed that David had already glanced in this direction several times, and he was probably wondering what happened to them.He decided to use yes-or-no questions to figure out what this strange young man was trying to do.

This time, the young man immediately nodded.

"Do you have something to tell me?"

The young man thought for a while and nodded.

"What's the word? Can you... write it down?"

The young man nodded again.

"Let's go over there and write!" Lewell asked for Armand's opinion with his eyes, and the beautiful boy seemed to be quite interested in this young man who bumped into him out of nowhere, and immediately nodded in agreement with Lewell's suggestion.Lewell signaled the young man to follow them.They went to a small round table and sat down.There is a pen and paper for recording on the round table.Lewell handed the pen and paper to the young man, and the other party let go of his sleeve.

After a while David also left his lady companion and came to their table.

"What's wrong with him?" The British gentleman noticed a young man with an unfamiliar face who was sitting with Lewell and the others while biting his pen holder.

"He said he knew me and had something to say to me. But he didn't seem to be able to speak. I asked him to write things down. Uh...he doesn't seem to be able to read?" Lewell looked at the paper. Guihuafu explained.

"That's weird. He looks anxious. Is anyone here with him?" David was equally puzzled.

"I don't know. As soon as we entered the door, he rushed straight towards us. I didn't notice if anyone came with him. Hey, man, do you have any friends here?" Lewell patted the young man's face Shoulder.

The young man thought for a while, then shook his head vigorously.

Lewell sighed involuntarily.There is nothing you can do about this situation.

"Maybe we can talk about it after listening to the speech." Armand said suddenly. "What you want to tell him is not urgent, right?" He asked the young man with a gentle face.

The young man frowned, with an anxious look on his face, but finally nodded, indicating that he was not in a hurry.

Leviel breathed a sigh of relief and focused his attention on the podium.The target of their trip, the beautiful Soviet female spy, has slowly stepped onto the podium.

"Fate is doomed as early as the moment we are born." With a resounding opening remark, "Ms. Astrology" began her speech tonight.

"One may ask, the latest research results show that the light of the stars we see now was emitted countless years ago. How can we predict the future based on what happened so far in the past? Knowing that We were not even born at the time! But I want to say that the influence of constellations on us is calculated from the moment they shine on us. Therefore, their trajectories and brilliance can predict our future. Astrology It is a science, a science much higher than astronomy. An astrologer must not only be familiar with everything that happens in the sky, but also be able to see the influence of the outside world on human destiny. From ancient times to the present, there has never been a Experts in this subject can have such a profound impact on human civilization as astrologers. The Egyptians, Mayans, and ancient Greeks all used the power of astrologers to guide their civilizations to the peak."

Armand stared at the woman talking on the stage, waiting for the moment to meet her eyes.Finally, the sight of "Ms. Astrology" paused in this direction.A well-concealed surprised expression convinced Armand of his guess.

"Now, then, let's demonstrate the power of astrology with a simple experiment. Is there anyone who would like to join me on stage? Okay, that one over there. Please come on stage!"

Lewell was surprised to find that the weird young man raised his hand, and the "Ms. Astrology" just happened to pick him on stage.Just as the young man put down his pen and was about to step onto the podium, Armand suddenly stood up by pressing the young man's shoulder.

"Thank you for giving me this opportunity." The ancient vampire stepped onto the podium ahead of the young man.

The expression of the female Soviet spy couldn't help but change.Despite Armand's makeup, she still recognized who the other party was when they were face to face. "It's my honor." She turned her face slightly, showing a radiant smile to the audience, "Can you tell me your exact time and place of birth?"


"Well... let me take a look. Cancer, you have rich feelings and strong sensibility. Your childhood was ups and downs and lacked parental care, but this also made you develop the habit of independent thinking. Your youth Much smoother and happier than childhood. You have the support of a great person. This made you once see him as someone who can give everything. You are thoughtful and ambitious. Once you decide on a goal, you will never look back. Move forward. But it is precisely because of your ambition and stubbornness that in many cases, you know that you cannot compete, but you still want to deliberately be an enemy. The result of doing so often makes you lose everything you have. "

"Is there any more specific content? For example, when will my insistence cause me to lose everything?" Armand asked calmly.

"Just tonight." The female spy said looking straight into the vampire's eyes, "If you think you have all the chips in your hand, that's the beginning of your loss!"

The "Ms. Astrology" threat doesn't do anything to Armand.Offstage, Lewell noticed several men walking towards them.Obviously, the other party wants to try violence again.He flicked his wrist eagerly.

"Don't move around." Lewell held down the restless young man beside him.It is easy for him to deal with a few mortals, and he doesn't want to involve irrelevant people. "Let me handle it." He said to David, who had already noticed the abnormality.

"No, I don't think I will lose anything. On the contrary, beautiful lady, you just lost everything!" Armand took a slight step forward, which undoubtedly made the "Ms. Astrology" nervous Another step up.

"What are you waiting for? Do it!" She suddenly pulled out a strangely shaped whip from her waist and swiped at Armand.A hollow bony ball hung from the end of the whip, which seemed to contain some grease.

Armand reached out and grabbed the ball with great interest.He sideways to avoid a bullet fired at him.It was not until the gunshots rang out that riots began in the small auditorium.

"Find a place to hide!" Lewell yelled, throwing a chair at a man who had already drawn a pistol.

The British gentleman with rich combat experience immediately pulled the young man who was still at a loss and hid behind a row of benches.

It took less than a minute for Lewell to deal with the six thugs.Although the opponent deliberately cut off the power in the venue to create chaos, for the vampires, the darkness can only be a greater advantage.Then Lewell suddenly heard David's exclamation.He turned around and felt a sharp pain in his back. The strange young man suddenly walked behind him and inserted an iron pipe into his back.

"Come... come..." The young man let go of the iron pipe in his hand, and took a few steps back with stiff movements.

Lewell was furious.It never occurred to him that this person turned out to be the other party's internal agent.Young people obviously have some kind of special training.Just now, not to mention the sound of footsteps, Lewell didn't even feel the wind of him waving the iron pipe.This injury is not too serious for a vampire, Lewell bared his teeth, ready to pounce on that hateful spy.

"Kill him! He's the 'backup'!" Armand shouted at Lewell on the stage.He was fighting with two men wrapped in black cloth who appeared out of nowhere. The "Ms. Astrology" has disappeared.

Armand's words made Lewell hesitate for a moment.It occurred to him that if the strange young man had been enchanted, then his inconsistent behavior seemed to have a reasonable explanation.Perhaps it was because of witchcraft that the young man could approach him quietly?Just like the two men on the stage who could stop Armand in a short time, witchcraft must have affected the speed of the puppet in some way!

"Kill him!" Armand was obviously really angry.He punched one of the men who blocked him to the stage, and he tore off an arm of the other.Surprisingly, the man didn't even say a word, but instead tried to hug Armand with his remaining hand.

At this moment, Lewell suddenly heard a mechanical sound.A mass of things flew towards him.


Lewell didn't bother to catch the young man who was most likely bewitched.He flew up and kicked the grenade towards the ceiling with skill.

There was a loud bang.The vaulted ceiling had been blasted a huge hole.In the smoke, Lewell only had time to see the young man and the "Ms. Astrology" running out of the auditorium together...

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