Armand arrived a little later than the agreed time.

This is certainly not because it took him too long to climb the clock tower of Big Ben. In fact, Armand climbed to the top of the tower in less than 3 minutes.The real reason why he was late was that Lewell suddenly found that he was missing a tie before coming here.The two vampires searched all over the room but couldn't find the tie that could have matched the suit that Lewell was going to wear tomorrow.Given that nothing else was missing from the room, they speculated that some careless servant had accidentally removed the tie among the sheets while tidying up the room.Given that the tie has already been used once and Lewell has a habit of misplacing his clothes, it makes sense.

Armand was therefore delayed for a short while.After going out, he didn't quicken his pace, after all, the person he wanted to meet wasn't worth rushing to the top of the tower to blow off a breeze.

Now when he finally came to the top of the tower, there was already a black-haired man standing here.He was tall, with broad shoulders and steady, black eyes like a missionary, and the shape of his lips was very sexy and charming.Armand was suddenly in a trance for a moment.He remembered many aspects of this man, cold, crazy, severe, insensitive... everything seemed to happen yesterday.For vampires, greetings like "you haven't changed a bit over the years" are meaningless, Armand just let out a soft sigh——


The black-haired vampire smiled with a gentle and harmless expression. "Long time no see, Armand. How are you doing? When did you leave Paris?"

Armand walked over slowly, just when Santino raised his arms to give him a hug, Armand stopped two meters away from the black-haired vampire.This Italian vampire from Rome is the one who took him away from his creator.Santino not only changed his lifestyle, but also gave him the new name Armand!

"I'm fine." Armand said, crossing his arms. "I thought you knew that there was no such old assembly in this world." He wasn't about to explain what he'd been through in Paris.

"Oh, yes. The old ways need to change, and even I have to start flirting with mortals. Don't be so nervous, Armand. I just happened to meet you and wanted to talk to you." Santino said with a smile on his face. With a gentle smile.The moment he saw Armand, he had already sent an invitation through telepathy.

Armand laughed softly: "No, I don't need to be nervous because of you. After all, I am no longer that young child at the mercy of others."

Armand lost his patron after only half a year after being transformed, and Santino's method of branding him as a Satanist was definitely not gentle.That was not physical torture, but extreme mental depression.Armand still remembers that when he was taken back to Rome from Venice as a prisoner, every night he had to watch one of his brothers being burned alive.But Santino hid one, and when he thought his brothers were all dead, he used the hidden one as a final threat.This feeling of going from despair to hope, and from hope to extreme despair, once made Armand unable to remember what he was doing, living like a walking dead.Eventually he became a qualified Satanist, even a leader of the assembly, and was sent to take over the assembly of vampires in Paris.But the whole process was no less painful than when he thought he had lost Marius.His nature was completely and utterly twisted, and it was not until hundreds of years later that he could barely recover.

"You have a complaint against me. My child, don't you think that the past should be let go? After all, it is the twentieth century now, and the situation is very different from 400 years ago." Santino's eyes were very Sincere, even loving.

"I agree, let the past go with the wind." Armand didn't want to get too entangled in this issue.Santino was definitely one of his kind that he hated to see the most, a vampire that only reminded him of his long life in the graveyard.It's like people hate being reminded of their mistakes. As long as Santino doesn't appear in front of him, Armand feels that he has no desire for revenge.After all, Santino's vampire was much older than him.

Santino pursed his lips.Armand's words more or less surfaced his attitude of keeping a respectful distance. "I noticed that you found a partner for yourself?" The black-haired vampire turned the topic to Levi, "He doesn't look like the type you would like." According to the teachings of the beautiful, Santino is definitely a typical example of judging by appearances.His more or less different attitude towards Armand is largely due to Armand's rare beauty.

"No, on the contrary, every bit of him can make me admire from the bottom of my heart!" Armand said with a cold face.He could allow himself to slander Lewell once in a while, but he couldn't tolerate Santino or anyone else criticizing Lewell.

"Okay..." Santino spread his hands helplessly, "I'm glad you found a partner for the time being."

Armand opened his mouth.He was almost about to yell that he and Lewell did not have a short-term relationship on a whim.However, after realizing that his mood was a little too irritable, he quickly calmed down, pursed his lips and began to think about whether he began to focus more and more on Lewell.Armand understands that this kind of relationship is only one step away from admiration, but do you want to continue?Or choose to retreat behind the safety line?Even if he chooses the latter, as long as he doesn't leave Lewell's side, whether this feeling can be suppressed is beyond his control.

Armand suddenly became confused.He realized that he had no choice at all.The only thing to do is to go with the flow.Fortunately, Leviel is really reliable, and there is not even a little crazy factor in him.

Armand was in a daze for a long time, making Santino not sure what he was thinking.A few minutes later, the Italian vampire had to restart the topic: "That partner of yours, how old is he? I guess his vampire age will never be more than a hundred years old. However, he has a strong control over telepathy, and he rarely A vampire at this age can completely block out thoughts like this."

Armand smiled, of course because of the fact that Lewell was born with zero telepathy. "No, not only you, but even I have never seen through him."

"Is he your descendant?" Santino asked a little surprised.After all, companions don’t need to keep their hearts closed all the time. The reason why Armand can’t see through each other’s thoughts can only be that there is a relationship between them as creator and descendant.

"No, Levi is not my descendant. It is said that the Millennium Ghost has this ability, because they are very close to the top of the bloodline, so they can form a one-way perception, and they can know the thoughts of all the young vampires without any effort , but young vampires will never be able to pry into their hearts." Armand touched his chin and said with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.He said this out of pure misleading.

Sure enough, Santino's expression changed.He never thought of this possibility, Lewell is not a fledgling, but a thousand-year-old ghost!It is said that Armand probably heard this from Maris. In this world, only Maris has lived for more than 1000 years.

"Are you kidding? We all know that you and I are the oldest children of the Nether." Santino said with a dry smile.For hundreds of years, he has never heard of a new millennium ghost appearing, unless it is someone who must be taken care of... He suddenly shuddered.

"Really?" Armand didn't intend to say that Maris was not dead, and that Lester had found him.Anyway, as long as Santino is still alive, he will see Maris one day.If he had gone into the fire, it would have meant nothing to him whether Marius lived or died. "There are always unexpected things in this world." The beautiful boy sighed with emotion in a low voice.

For example, he has already started to miss Lewell now.

"I think I have to go back. I have to re-match Levi's clothes." Armand nodded at Santino with a smile, and jumped off the clock tower without looking back.

The black-haired vampire's face was uncertain.Originally, he was really excited about meeting Armand.You must know that Armand is not just a perfect religious template for him, the boy and his beauty are even the support of his spiritual world more often, he can even see the picture of Satan enjoying himself in hell through Armand.Those days, although it seems that it is not suitable for this era now, are undoubtedly the most glorious days in his life.

He is the emperor of vampires!All vampires must abide by the iron law he promulgated!

Now, although things have changed, he still hopes to rebuild his friendship with Armand.With Armand's help, he felt that he could even build a vampire religious kingdom for himself like the pope!So Armand's attitude was like pouring cold water on his head, and the news that Armand's companion, who was planning to use it as one of the chips, was very likely to be a thousand-year ghost made him even more surprised and frustrated.

In any case, Armand seems to be doing well.If you can throw away the many thoughts that turned in your heart when you met Armand, and just look at it from the perspective of an old acquaintance, shouldn't you be happy for Armand?

While Santino was in a daze on the top of the tower, Armand quickly returned to Wellington Manor.He was determined to seduce Lewell first, and then force him to practice three-step dance with him in the room for a while, so as to relieve the unpleasant feeling brought about by seeing Santino tonight.But what Armand saw was an empty room.

Levi is missing!

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