[Interview with the Vampire] Vampire Lewell

Chapter 74 The Vampire Gathering

"It's the queen!" Lewell and Armand looked at each other, thinking that was the only person who could snatch Lester away.

"What did you say?!" Cabriere hurried over.Her hair was still wet with mud.She looked distraught, and Lester meant a lot to her, the most beloved child of her mortal life, who had grown up and given her the freedom she could only dream of.

"The Queen took Lester away." Lewell thought for a moment, "There are no traces of fighting here. Only the Queen has the motivation and ability to take him away. If she broke into here a moment before the sun arrived, Levi would not There will be resistance."

"You want to tell me that my son was taken away by a crazy ancient Egyptian woman, and that woman is the origin of all vampires, the only existence we can't resist?!" Cabriere stared at Lewell.She looked like she was about to have a big fight with Lewell.

"The question now is not whether the queen has taken Lester away, but what she is going to do." Armand said with a cold face, "She has the ability to kill all of us, but she only took Lester away." .What's her next move? I don't think she has the kindest intentions of keeping us."

"She has the ability!" Cabriere raised her voice, "Why can't I see that she has this ability. At least she couldn't kill Lewell, right?"

"But she can kill you." Lewell's tone was as cold as ice.He hated the attitude of the female vampire now, her aggressiveness was only out of anger.

Cabriere choked back.She was not afraid of Leviel, but Armand was the one she feared.This very young-looking vampire nearly destroyed her once.Her powers are vastly different from those of the queen, and she will rely on them to take back Leicester.

"What should we do? Will she hurt Lestat?" Louie asked.His green eyes were full of concern, and his fists were clenched tightly.

"At least not now. The queen likes him, otherwise she would not be awakened by his voice. He is safe until Lester angers her." Armand judged.

Cabriere raised his eyes and exchanged a glance with Louis.They are all very aware of Leicester's temperament, and it is only a matter of time for Leicester to anger the Queen.

"We have to find the oldest vampires, such as Cayman." Armand frowned and said, "We can't fight the Queen alone. But where are they?"

"Maybe I can help with that!" a voice said from the end of the porch.That's David.The British gentleman still wore the trench coat from last night.He looked a little haggard.After all, he no longer has the exuberant energy of his youth.

"David." Louie walked over and gave him a hug.David's calm face was always comforting.He seemed to be born with a demeanor of not changing his face when Mount Tai collapsed in front of him, and his appearance at this moment calmed Louis' anxiety very well.

"I got put together by two vampires," David said. "One of my colleagues had a little accident last night. She was thrown against a wall by a vampire and the back of her head was smashed. There was another man , he arrived one step earlier than me. I hurried to call an ambulance, and he agreed to take care of Jie Xi for me temporarily. When I returned after calling, they had another one. It was a man with black hair and black eyes. They They discussed moving Jie Xi. At this moment, the ambulance came. They went up with the car, but insisted that I drive behind. Although I doubted it, I didn't want to delay the time for the ambulance. Who knew that the ambulance went crazy I drove out of the city all the way. I was thrown off by them inadvertently. I didn't receive the news until noon today that someone found the car hundreds of kilometers away. I guess that is the vampire you are looking for, at least they Two that survived last night. Our men counted the burns, and at least thirty vampires perished last night. Glad to see you're all alive! Where's Lester?" David just missed the vampires Discussion of Lester's disappearance.

In the end, they decided to try their luck.Judging from David's description, those two should be Maier and Kaiman. They have been paying attention to the red-haired woman Jiexi during the concert.It's not sure if their foothold is near where the ambulance was found, but it's better than looking aimlessly.David did not go with them.This is not because he has nothing to do with this matter, but considering that David, as a mortal, if he appears in a vampire gathering, it will inevitably cause unnecessary trouble, so it is better to let him pass through Terramus Card's network of connections to find new leads.

The vampires drove to where the ambulance was found.There is still some distance from the road, and the surrounding area is desolate, with no houses in sight.

"Wait." Armand said suddenly.

Levi hit the brakes.

"No need to go any further. I think I know where they are. I just got an invitation," Armand said.

At the same time, Cabriere and Louis also showed expressions of listening.Half a minute later, they announced a place name together.Lewell shrugged.He knew that he would probably never have the opportunity to use this supernatural telepathic ability except for that out-of-body experience.

"Can you go there first?" he said to Armand. "I have to pick up Yasin. His plane is about to land. I don't worry about throwing him outside."

Armand nodded.He replaced Lewell in the driver's seat.Although the handsome boy looks out of tune with the image of a driver, in fact drag racing is also one of his hobbies.He likes the feeling of high-speed driving, and he thinks he is more capable of controlling this kind of steel machine than Louis.

Louis asked a few worried words, but they couldn't change Lewell's decision.Cabriel was silent.She felt completely indifferent to Lewell leaving alone.If this vampire who had had a brief encounter with her died because of his own recklessness, he would not deserve any sympathy.If possible, she would like to grab the steering wheel from Armand's hand.She really can't stand her fate being controlled by others, even if it's just sitting in a car.She desperately needed to know what happened to Lester and to see his son back to her unharmed.It's a pity that now it seems that this point is completely out of her control, and those ancient first-generation vampires are the decisive force in this matter.

Armand starts the car.Levi shook his wrist lightly before leaving.This temperature made him intoxicated, and even ignited a trace of desire.He was surprised that he would want to get physically entangled with Lewell at this time.I really hope it all ends soon.That way he could let these magical palms run over his body, bringing him peace and contentment.

Lewell watched the car become a dot on the horizon, and then set off.

He doesn't need any means of transportation, and flying in one direction is his way forward.It feels very interesting.The body has completely become a toy of the mind.Wherever you think of it, it will appear there.Even if he wants to circle the earth for a week, he can fly back to the original place in less than three hours.Now he is much faster than an airplane!

Lewell turned around the airport a few times before finding Yasen's plane.It just landed.The silver-eyed detective walked out of the hatch with a tired face.Before he got on the plane, he felt that Lewell protected him once.But he still didn't know what force was hunting him and his kind.He felt the need to contact Lewell as soon as possible.Really wish either phone number would work!Then he raised his head and found that his creator was standing beside the gangway, and before he could utter an exclamation, he was grabbed and pulled aside by the other party.

"It's too late to say more, we have to meet Armand right away. You just need to close your eyes when you fly. The wind will be a little cold at most, and it won't hurt you."

Before Yasen could understand what was going on, his body suddenly rose into the air.He let out a staccato cry in the air.Continuously eating the cold wind in his mouth made him hiccup involuntarily.

"Huh? I've never seen a vampire hiccup before!"

Lewell's surprised voice came from next to his ear, the detective thought for a while, and decided to put all doubts aside for the time being.Regardless of why he was able to fly suddenly, there will be an explanation after landing anyway.





The black car drove into the valley.Armand felt the voice of the soul of the vampires.There are already quite a few vampires here.He discerned Ma Yier's thinking fluctuations, because that was the most obvious.There is also Cayman, Eric, Santino... There is also a thought as old and deep as Cayman, a darkness that cannot be easily seen through, and a newborn baby.


Armand suddenly realized something.Cayman once mentioned that two vampires were going to the ice to rescue Marius, and one of them was Santino.Could it be that……?

Bloody sweat dripped from the beautiful boy's palm.The descendants cannot perceive the existence of the creator, and their hearts will never be connected.He glanced back at Louis, wanting to ask him if he sensed that Marius was inside, but he still held back.

He and Marius have not seen each other for 500 years.That's a pretty long time, even for a vampire.What's more, in these 500 years, he has grown from a baby to a powerful vampire.He couldn't tell whether Maris was more satisfied or more negative when he saw him again.The latter made him feel extremely painful.

Yes, he was originally a failed work, an imperfect and abandoned descendant!

Park the car at the gate.Thank God he still drives calmly.Armand gets out of the car, followed by Louis and Cabriere.A red-haired woman approached.Armand recognized her identity at first glance.

God!This is the hero of the old story!

He saw the incongruity in her eyes.Those were eyes gouged out from mortals. Although they could barely see things, they brought her pain at the same time.These eyes will age, and at the part where it is connected to the vampire's nerves, the flesh formed by the two different substances is constantly repelling, causing stinging pain.

Yes, this is exactly the twin whose eyes had been gouged out!

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