"It must be said that we eat people purely out of faith. We only eat dead people, because that can save the bodies of our ancestors from being burned or buried in the ground to rot. Me and my people, none of us We have never eaten people, this is a sacred ceremony for us. We don’t eat their captives like those wild tribes, and start wars for eating people. The biggest difference between us and them is that we love peace , never thought of conflicting with anyone."

"When my sister and I were 16 years old, the queen of the Nile tribe passed the throne to her son. It was an act of desperation, and she failed to produce any female heirs. Even more despondent, the young king Enki Er searched the whole clan but failed to find a woman who could marry him in the Nile tribe. In order not to let the royal power fall, he had to marry a royal beauty for himself from a distant country. Same bloodline. She is Akeqi."

"Akchi brought a wealth of knowledge to the Nile tribe. They learned to plant, to use clay tablets, to use a wheelbarrow and other things. The people of the Nile tribe loved her and her husband because she made They are getting stronger day by day. However, there is one thing that Akeqi can't stand. People in this place eat the flesh and blood of their dead ancestors just like us!"

"The practice of cannibalism is at odds with Akchi's beliefs. She comes from a place where the sun god is worshiped, where dead relatives are wrapped in the finest linen, entrails are emptied into clay pots, and the The corpses were buried together. So she was determined to change the status quo. She first persuaded the king to implement a new burial custom throughout the Nile tribe, and she declared to the people that only the corpses that were properly kept would be resurrected under the power of the sun god. Then she let the king lead His armies subjugate the surrounding 'cannibal tribes'."

"All of this happened without our knowledge until Mother received a clay tablet. We didn't know the writing on it. My family and I were against writing. We believed that names held special magical powers. The witches God knows what will happen! We only use murals to record things, and more secrets are passed on by witches. But only by touching, we can still read the contents of the clay tablets, even including the emotions contained in it."

"It was an invitation letter from Queen Akchi and King Enkir. They wanted us to go to Egypt and show them the secrets of the Elves. My mother read malice and conspiracy from it, and she refused. The messenger told him that witches could not leave their hometown. Akechi's messenger left, but this did not reassure mother at all. She saw a more terrifying future from that clay tablet."

"At that time, an evil elf Oman just came to our village, and my mother took us to expel it. Oman showed off its power to us, claiming that we would need it in the near future. It also proudly said that it had tasted The taste of blood. My mother talked to it for the first time. You must know that my mother had never talked to any evil elf before that. She expressed doubts about Oman’s words, thinking that an elf without a body would never be able to perceive blood, let alone Said to taste it. Aman raised a strong wind angrily. We cast a spell to expel it. After it was gone, we found many small wounds on the mother's arm with sand and gravel, but we don't know whether Aman really tasted human Blood. Mother thinks that all elves have a core, and perhaps it is through this core that Oman comes into contact with human blood, but she is not sure about that either."

"Shortly after what happened in Oman, our mother became ill. We kept talking to her, trying to bring her spirit back. But we all knew it was not helping, that death was the inevitable end. She The elves were heartbroken by her departure. The elves love witches, because we are the only humans who can communicate with them. It took a lot of effort to appease them, and then began to prepare for the mother's funeral."

"Usually this kind of sacred ceremony is asked by the family to preside over the witch, but we are witches, so we will preside over the mother's funeral. We dissect the two most important organs from the corpse, the heart and the brain. The corpse is selected The day is roasted. We are hungry long before the official start, and we must prepare for the ceremony that follows. We will eat the corpse, however long it takes."

"An elf told us that a group of malicious people came down from the mountain. But we didn't pay attention. There are always people coming and going outside the valley, and people from all over the place want to ask the witch for help. What's more, today is a special day. It's not uncommon for someone to want to witness a witch's funeral."

"Before the ceremony began, Mackay and I had a final discussion. We had to decide who would eat the heart and who would eat the brain. My people and I, we all believe that the heart is the place where the soul is, the most important thing for human beings. Precious organ. But for witches, we believe that our ability to communicate with elves comes from the brain, and the brain is connected to the eyes, allowing us to see supernatural power. So the brain is the most important organ in the witch. Finally, we decided by Mackay eats the brain that symbolizes the spirit, and I eat the heart that symbolizes the emotion. I have no objection to this. Mackay and I, we are like the sun and the moon in the sky, she is strong and upright, always the best of us The one who makes the decision."

"Then you all saw that the sacred ceremony was mercilessly interrupted. Soldiers rushed up the hillside. They slaughtered our people, knocking the mother's brain and heart to the ground, the ancestor's eyeball was crushed by the horse's hoof, and the corpse was left It was completely desecrated and destroyed. You can probably imagine the pain that Makai and I suffered at that time, but we were powerless to resist. They grabbed us like cattle and led us back to Egypt. Although the elves continued to make waves along the way, Cayman made They believe that these are just tricks of witches and cannot be compared with the sun god who is protecting them."

"Yes." Macht glanced at Kaiman and smiled, "Kaiman is the leader of these soldiers, the king's bodyguard. He was ordered to arrest us and Akeqi told him that this was a holy war, but The kindness in his heart made him unable to endure this naked massacre. Our people, they don't even have weapons, and the place we live is so far away from the Nile River, it will not bring any new lands for the queen and king at all. How can it be a holy war?"

"Cayman took great care of us. He found opportunities to untie us, give us food and water. It was his care that allowed us to reach Egypt safely. We were received by the queen and king. That was the first time I saw Akechi. She was born beautiful, her skin was as delicate as a flower petal, her overly delicate features gave her a lack of depth, and her blackened eyes added to her pose.”

"King Enkir said to us that our people deserved death because they cannibalized, but we are witches with great powers, so he decided to spare us and let us perform those summons in front of her wife The "little trick" of the elves, in exchange for our lives. Mackay and I saw Akeqi's true thoughts at first glance. All this is not because of cannibalism, she just wants to get our power, so she will confuse the king Let him slaughter our countrymen!"

"Akki hypocritically asked us all about the elves, wondering how her sun god was better than the elves. This pissed Makay into a rage. She told her there were no gods in the world, her gods were all The elves are pretending to be gods and ghosts. And the elves don't care about believers at all, they show 'miracles' just for fun. The elves are even lower than us, and they have never even had a flesh body. Makai stood on the main hall of the palace, talking loudly, and listed many The miracles that the elves once showed us are just people’s wishful thinking, and the sun god who defended Egypt does not exist at all! Akeqi’s face was pale, and her fragile belief was shattered in an instant. She Embarrassed, she was speechless for a long time. In the end, anger overwhelmed all other emotions, and she ordered the soldiers to take us away to await the final judgment."

"We were imprisoned. The priest of the sun god asked us to be burned, because the red-haired people should be sacrificed to the god. The king hesitated. Man is still trying his best to take care of us, and promised to intercede for us. He comes from an ancient family, and his ancestors have the custom of cannibalism. It is extremely painful for him to see the corpses of his parents suffering in the mud. At this time Oman, the elf, came to us. Makai talked to it, and it scared me. It claimed to be the only elf that could save us, but Makai let it go impatiently. We dare not call other elves , if we recite the spells and they don't appear, what a huge blow it will be!"

"Later, Akeqi met us again. I knew it was our last chance. Once we provoked her, we would never be able to return to our hometown. Akeqi seemed to have recovered from the blow that Makai gave her, and she was full of words Lies, trying to prove to us that her sun god exists with a set of contradictory and flimsy theories. She calls our spells 'cunning tricks' and makes us perform them to her face."

"Makai stood up. She summoned Oman, and used a truly supernatural spell to hit Akeqi's arrogance severely. The dirtiest secret in Akeqi's heart was read out by the elf, and she was terrified, which amplified Aman's joy. It whipped up a gust of wind, stronger than any gust of wind we have ever seen, and the whole hall was shaking in the wind. There were many small wounds on Akeqi's face and arms, and Aman wanted to enjoy her blood!"

"In a panic, Kaiman rushed in with his soldiers. He rescued his queen. Mackay repelled Oman. We were imprisoned again, and it was not until three days later that we ushered in the final judgment. The king declared that our spells were pure. It is nothing, we will be raped in public like those slaves, and if anything unnatural happens in the whole process, it will be considered a blasphemy against the sun god. Then we will have to be tied to a pillar and burned alive die. The king put his golden chain around Cayman's neck, and let him execute the punishment in his stead."

Macht let out a slow breath.She glanced at Cayman.At this moment, the face of this vampire who was as old as her was mixed with regret, pain, nostalgia and many other expressions.

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