Struggle of House Boss

Chapter 51 Meeting

After all, the wolf girl was raised by Ji Wushuang. She has a very similar personality to him. She is only good at killing and doesn't know how to plot.If she continued to wander in the rivers and lakes alone, she would be no match for two fists and four hands. Sooner or later, many enemies would unite and strangle her.But fortunately, she rescued Chen Yuanyuan who was desperate.

It is natural that Chen Yuanyuan can be loved by Li Zicheng and Wu Sangui, the heroes of troubled times, at the same time.She was already flexible in mind, and she had been with the two of them, so she naturally learned the subtle tricks and superb imperial skills.

The wolf girl is in charge of kidnapping people, and she is in charge of brainwashing. After a while, a large number of women are gathered for her own use, and a magic palace is established in Yingyue Lake in Shudi.With the famous wolf girl sitting in town, the Demon Palace quickly gained a firm foothold in the arena.But Yingyue Lake with a radius of hundreds of miles is automatically classified as the territory of the Demon Palace, and strangers should not come near it.

Shui Jingxuan and his entourage hurried on and arrived at the nearest town to the Demon Palace ten days later.Having not seen each other for five years, Shui Jingxuan did not rush to ask for help, but found an inn in the town and settled down.

Spring is warm and warm on the pool.The inn where they stayed was built along the river, and the windows by the river were all wide open, allowing the bright sunshine and fresh river breeze to penetrate into the hall without hindrance, including the pink and green willows on the bank, swallows dancing and warblers flying, and the scenery Very charming.

Shui Jingxuan took a seat by the window, squinting his eyes slightly to bask in the sunlight, his jade face has long faded from its greenness after years of careful sculpting, exuding a dazzling brilliance.He just sat quietly, and he attracted the attention of most people in the inn hall.

He deliberately restrained his aura, a delicate and luxurious red robe set off his red lips and white teeth, his eyebrows were picturesque, the skin on his hands was very smooth, without half a callus, at first glance he looked like a pampered rich man who was not familiar with martial arts.And A Zhuang and Heihu who followed him were dressed as guards, and they stood aside with low eyebrows and pleasing to the eye. In addition to the bright-looking girl who was dressed as a maidservant, the group of people couldn't see the atmosphere of the world at all.

This inn is the closest to the Demon Palace, and most of those who dare to stay here are from the Jianghu with martial arts skills. Suddenly, a rich man who doesn't fit in, naturally attracts people's attention.However, after reading it, no one paid any attention to the four masters and servants, and turned around to talk about what the wolf girl has done recently. There are those who are indignant, those who admire, and those who condemn. The atmosphere is very enthusiastic .

There are too many people talking, everyone you say, I say, let Shui Jingxuan listen to the general idea, and then I know that the wolf girl actually wiped out the Wudang family again last month, not only ruining the wedding of Wudang's new young master Feng Junjie, He left his bride, Yu Qin, and killed all the new disciples that Wudang had recruited with great difficulty over the years.Wudang has been hit hard and its talents withered, and it is afraid that it will not be able to revive the family style within a hundred years.

Feng Junjie and Yu Qin, the names of these two people have already existed in Shui Jingxuan's memory bank. He only lowered his eyes and thought for a while, and then remembered that they are the hero and heroine in the second part of "The White-haired Witch" , the Demon Palace was also destroyed because of the two.Unexpectedly, the plot of the second part happened five years earlier, Shui Jingxuan was surprised, but when he thought of the butterfly effect, he put it aside.

What does it have to do with him if the Demon Palace is not destroyed?He only needs to use Chen Yuanyuan to lure Wu Sangui, and he doesn't care about anything else.

Thinking of this, he slightly curled his lips, picked up the teacup, and slowly sipped while looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window.

The wolf girl has long been expelled from the Demon Cult, and has no relationship with the tribe. Naturally, Ah Zhuang, Hei Hu and others don't care about her affairs, and they all listen to these people's discussions with unchanged expressions.

Just as the atmosphere in the hall was getting more and more heated, a slightly magnetic female voice said angrily, "Wolf girl has done a lot of evil, killing people like hemp, the heads of Wudang, Kunlun, Diancang and other sects have all died in her hands, Wudang is not easy!" It was rebuilt, but it was destroyed by her again. If things go on like this, how can we have a decent foothold in the rivers and lakes? Instead of denouncing the demon girl here, it is better to unite and kill the demon palace, and fight to the death with the witch!"

Everyone followed the sound, only to see a very heroic girl dressed in men's clothing clapped the table and made a loud suggestion.

Following her suggestion, the hall that was still bustling with noise became quiet, the big furniture no longer opened their mouths, and only focused on the food on the table, the drinking and the serving of vegetables, as if the righteous indignation of the previous moment was all Field illusion.People in the Jianghu have heard and seen the wolf girl's vicious name a lot, and they only dare to talk about it verbally. Who is willing to die in martyrdom and die in vain?

Seeing everyone's indifferent reactions, the girl's passionate expression was fixed on her face, her hands were still supporting the table, her body was very stiff.The other eight people at the same table looked gloomy and embarrassed.

Among the eight people, there was a white-haired old woman who was the most gracious. After a faint smile, she pulled the girl in men's clothes to sit down, and said in a gentle voice, "Yue'er, you are still young, and you don't understand these rivers and lakes disputes. From now on, please stop interrupting when adults talk."

After saying that, seeing that the girl still wanted to open her mouth to refute, she secretly pinched the girl's waist to signal her to shut up.

The girl's big round eyes showed a bit of stubbornness and resentment, but she closed her mouth in the end, stretched out her hand, and took out an exquisitely crafted cigarette from her bosom, lit it with a torch, and smoked to relieve her worries.The crossed legs, the skillful posture of swallowing clouds and fog, if placed in a modern bar, it would be like a royal sister.

Shui Jingxuan's eyes lit up when he caught a glimpse of the girl taking out a cigarette.

He didn't know much about the plot of the second part of "The Legend of the White-haired Witch". He only vaguely remembered that the second part was simply a spoof.It contains the Lily love between the wolf girl and Chen Yuanyuan, and the tragic ending of the wolf girl and Zhuo Yihang dying together. However, what impressed him the most were the homemade cigarettes of the Kunlun school Ling Yueer and the Qingcheng school Yi Fengxing. homemade grenade.

He had originally thought about bringing these two things back to the Devil's Cult after the plot started. One could be made into a special product to generate income for the Devil's Cult. Cigarettes are addictive, and their value is no less than a mountain of gold; Gold mining is a good thing that is extremely beneficial to the development of the Demon Cult.Now, since the plot started early, how could he let go of this great opportunity?

After thinking about it, Shui Jingxuan's long and narrow phoenix eyes gleamed brightly, a perfect smile appeared on his face, and he said slowly in a clear but warm voice, "Dare to ask girl, the thing in your hand is a cigarette? "

The tip of the girl's ears twitched when she heard this extremely beautiful voice, and when she turned her face to look, it was the handsome and handsome nobleman who was talking to her, no matter how thick her skin was, she couldn't help but blushed slightly.

"Yeah, this thing is specially made by this girl. It is different from ordinary cigarettes and dry tobacco. I named it cigarettes, but how did you know?" The girl looked curious, with a hint of wariness.

Shui Jingxuan smiled slightly, and said in a warm voice, "When you smell this smoke, you will feel very sweet, it will make your mouth water, and the fragrance will linger around your nose, and it will last for a long time. Therefore, I also call it cigarettes, but I don't want to have a heart-to-heart with the girl."

He has an elegant demeanor and an amiable attitude. Ling Yue'er developed a good impression of him almost immediately. Hearing him praise her masterpiece so much, the guard in her eyes disappeared, and she was a little shy. She didn't know how to reply to his polite words, so she had to Rubbing the back of his head and giggling.

Shui Jingxuan also laughed loudly, cupped his hands and said, "Forgive me for being cheeky, I want to ask the girl for a cigarette, I wonder if it is possible?" He had the habit of smoking in his previous life, but because of the coming of the end of the world, cigarettes became rare I was forced to give up this hobby as a luxury. Seeing you now, I naturally have some nostalgia and longing in my heart.

Seeing that the desire in the eyes of the young master does not seem to be fake, Ling Yue'er was overjoyed when she met her kindred spirit, she kept saying that of course, she stretched out her hand, and handed him a cigarette, and even lit it for him herself.

Shui Jingxuan leaned on the back of the chair, gently gripped the cigarette with his slender and graceful index and middle fingers, put it on his crimson red lips and took a deep breath, then narrowed his long and narrow phoenix eyes, and slowly exhaled the white smoke.The mist drifted in the air, making his impossibly handsome face hazy, making it even more mysterious and lazy, and also faintly revealing a bit of sinking charm.

His fascinated expression is not like smoking, it looks like a monster that seduces people at night is absorbing essence, that scene is extremely enchanting, making people unknowingly rippling in the strong aroma of tobacco, fascinated.

'Gulu', someone in the field made a sound of swallowing saliva, and everyone's hot eyes were fixed on the young man in red, and they didn't know whether they were looking at the handsome face of the young man or the cigarette in the young man's hand.

Ji Wushuang disguised himself as a middle-aged man with an upright appearance. He brought Jin Haofeng and others to the shore of Yingyue Lake two days ago, and settled them in the inn under Tingtao Villa, looking for the best time to kidnap someone.

Most of the people staying in the inn are from the rivers and lakes. In order to inquire about the news, he would go down to the hall to sit for a while every meal, but he didn't want to. I couldn't move my eyes anymore, my heart was beating violently, and I almost wanted to break free from the restraint of my chest.

He stared straight at the young man in red, and walked towards him slowly and firmly, ignoring Jin Haofeng's strange expression and the guests in the hall.

"Brother, are you okay?" Shui Jingxuan asked in a warm voice, seeing this tall, strong and well-looking man standing in front of him, looking at him without blinking.He is currently playing the role of the noble son, and the noble son must naturally cultivate himself. Even if this person's wanton gaze displeases him, his tone is still very gentle.

"'s nothing." The other party's pleasant voice scratched the tips of his ears, and his clear watery eyes carried electricity, paralyzing his heart. Ji Wushuang's expression froze, and he felt a little unspeakable. The drug-altered voice was rougher.Fortunately, he was covered with a layer of human skin mask, so that no one could see his flushed cheeks with excitement.

The heart was still beating wildly, Ji Wushuang pursed her lips, she was a little worried that the nobleman would notice his out-of-control heart rate, and felt that he was frivolous, so she pressed her hands on the skirt of her shirt, her expression a little stiff.

Seeing that the other party replied 'nothing', but still stood still stupidly, Shui Jingxuan turned his face and looked at the companion next to the man with questioning eyes.But seeing that the other party was also dressed in red, with narrow and long eyebrows, handsome appearance, three points similar to himself, he couldn't help raising his thick eyebrows that slanted into his temples.

Jin Haofeng was also shocked when he saw the young man in red.This person wore the gaudy red clothes with three points of enthusiasm, three points of grace, three points of awe-inspiring, and one point of domineering.Standing together with this person, his originally handsome appearance and noble temperament suddenly appeared ordinary.

Suppressing the discomfort in his heart, Jin Haofeng looked at Ji Wushuang, whose expression was fascinated, and a light flashed across his eyes.At the beginning, he suspected that Ji Wushuang was good at Long Yang, and that he liked delicately dressed and handsome young men, so he suppressed his disgust and wore red clothes every day to curry favor.

Now, since he has a more suitable target, he simply got the young man in red, so that he can control him in the future.The other party is just a kid from a rich family with little experience in the world, so he should be very easy to deceive.

Thinking of this, Jin Haofeng smiled slightly, cupped his hands and said, "This is my uncle, who is also the owner of this inn. Uncle had better make friends with talented people all over the world. Today, I met you as old friends, so I came forward to bother you. I hope you will not give up. Be friends with us."

Glancing at Ji Wushuang who was staring at him with burning eyes, and then at Jin Haofeng who was acting like a pimp, Shui Jingxuan knew in his heart that he might have met a disciple as good as Long Yang.

I have experienced many similar things in my previous life, and I have long been accustomed to it, and this time it was a secret trip, Shui Jingxuan didn't want to cause extra trouble, so he could only suppress the anger in his heart, cast a cold sideways glance at the two of them, and then walked away. Go, said in a deep voice as he walked, "Knowing people, knowing their faces, not knowing their hearts, I never make friends with others easily." After he finished speaking, he paused, and his tone became very gentle, "Thank you for this girl's cigarettes. Excellent!"

Seeing that the young master ignored the two people with outstanding temperament and talked softly to her instead, Ling Yueer was flattered and shouted loudly to his back, "If you like it, young master, Yue'er can send you the baking method. It’s just that this method is relatively cumbersome, and you need to write it down on paper, and I’ll send it to you tomorrow when I write it down, how about seeing you in the dining hall at noon?”

The sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes are the most impulsive, and no matter how precious the production method of this cigarette is, if you see it right, you can give it away for free.Shui Jingxuan laughed loudly when he heard the words, "Then Shui would like to thank the girl for her generosity!"

Seeing that the person who stole his heart and soul ignored him and walked away, Ji Wushuang wanted to step forward and force him to hold him, but looking at his tall and graceful back, the outstretched hand was hesitant. It fell on his shoulders, lest his recklessness would arouse his resentment.

Shui Jingxuan seemed to have eyes behind him, sensing Ji Wushuang's intention to stop him, he snorted coldly, flicked his thumb and forefinger, and the cigarette butt in his hand was thrown high, and fell straight into the field. Bowl of wine.

When the wine caught fire, it ignited wildly, bursting out a half-foot-high flame, which startled the people around and prevented Ji Wushuang from going forward.And Jin Haofeng's eyes flickered, secretly thinking that this young man has an extraordinary bearing, maybe he is not an ordinary person, so he needs to investigate carefully.

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