doomsday guardian

Chapter 11 One Person's Cultivation

After returning to the room, Su Jinhua closed the door, and the two entered the Hunyuan Dzi.

After the two of them carefully studied the cultivation cheats in the space, Su Jinhua continued to practice his five elements, while Ye Qifan chose his favorite sword cultivator.

"Saobao, I've played too many games!" Su Jinhua said while biting his lover's earlobe.

"Hmm~" Ye Qifan didn't know whether he was comfortable or answering, so he hummed meaningfully.

In fact, the cultivation of these two people is very high, one is Nascent Soul and the other is at the late stage of Golden Core, but what makes people laugh and cry is that these cultivation bases are completely obtained by dual cultivation (it can be seen how hard the two people 'cultivate'), and the other two are basically I haven't practiced much!Now when you go out, you need a car, a car, an airplane, and an airplane. Who is flying all over the sky with a big sword?

Now forced by the situation, the two of them slowed down the time in the space, and practiced in a serious manner for a period of time. Ye Qifan has been able to control the flying sword very well and can be used as a means of transportation. Su Jinhua's flame has also turned into a fireball It turns out that the water movement technique, which looks very weak, can turn hydration ice into a sharp blade to attack. He can transform any metal vessel at will, and he can control all plants at will. They bloom when they want to bloom, and bear fruit when they want to bear fruit. After he finished practicing the earth skills, he felt that the attack power was a bit weak, but after building bridges and paving roads, the two of them didn't need to ask others for help.

The other two people, such as the formation technique and the spirit speech technique, also practiced together.The Shangshen left for Su Jinhua's Hunyuan Dzi is a guy who likes to collect. All kinds of spells are collected in the Hunyuan Dzi. Su Jinhua's library is rich in resources. Some cheat books are fun to read as fantasy novels. I don't think training is very hard.

"Honey, come and have a look, here is a piece of silk, sealed, see if you can open it." Ye Qifan lay on the bed and shouted to Su Jinhua who was cooking.

At the beginning, Su Jinhua moved all his homes in City B into the space. He couldn't cook without fire a while ago, and now his fire walking technique just happens to be used here.

"What? Let me take a look." Su Jinhua finished cooking and collected his spells, and walked over wearing an apron.

"Things that are sealed should have important things written on them, open them and have a look." Ye Qifan handed over the silk.

Su Jinhua carefully distinguished the seal added on it, and opened it with a little effort. After reading it once, he was happy, "It's annoying, it turns out that this Hunyuan Dzi Bead is not only a cultivation space, but also can be refined into the master's natal magic weapon. After that, you can integrate with me, which is amazing!"

"Then you can practice, eat first, and I will protect you after the meal." Ye Qifan said while reaching out and rubbing the little peas on Su Jinhua's chest.

"Get out, protect the law, there are only two of us here, and you will tidy up here in a while, it will be a mess. After I go out, I plan to borrow a villa to come in. Both of us' things are spread out on the ground, it's too messy." Su Jinhua Looking around and complaining, now there is a strawberry field next to their bed, and a willow tree behind the sofa.

"Borrow the villa? Will you return it?" Ye Qifan expressed doubts.

"It depends on the situation. If you find the unoccupied ones, you won't be able to return them." Su Jinhua replied without any pressure.

Ye Qifan lazily lay on the bed and offered his opinion, "Then let's borrow a courtyard. Didn't we see a new type of courtyard developed in the suburbs of the city last year? I think it's good." It was as if they were going to pay for it.

"But our furniture is all Western style, so it doesn't match." Su Jinhua glanced at his furniture and said.

"What does that matter? Let's take a stroll over to Gaobeidian and borrow some mahogany furniture."

"Okay, go and have a look at the time, if the quality of the house is good, we will accept it."

After the discussion, the two picky thieves got up and walked around a clump of rose flowers to eat at the dining table. They had been staying there for several months, and they should go out after refining the Hunyuan Dzi.

"Baby, I think we should practice for a while, I'm worried that you won't be able to continue refining." Ye Qifan said solemnly.

Su Jinhua glared at him, this guy doesn't think about anything else all day long, he doesn't look like a cultivator, he looks like a demon cultist, he still has finger prints from the morning on his waist, and it's only at noon that he's cum again!

"No need! Just clean up the space for me. Don't use your mental strength. If you interfere with me, you will be in trouble."

"Then I'd better wait until you're done refining before cleaning up, I'm too tired to do it."

"It's annoying, I think you are getting lazy." Su Jinhua put down his job and pointed out Ye Qifan's current situation.

"Married men are getting lazier and lazy. I am diligent." Ye Qifan fed his lover a piece of ribs across the table, and replied with a smile.

After the two of them finished their meal, Su Jinhua sat cross-legged on the bed and began to refine the Hunyuan Dzi, while Ye Qifan sat by the bed with a book and read.

Su Jinhua didn't move for a few hours, and the married man Ye Qifan found some bread and ham to eat, and then continued to read.

A day passed, Su Jinhua was still motionless, Ye Qifan became anxious, stopped eating bread, circled around his lover but didn't dare to get close.Su Jinhua's aptitude is very good, there has never been such a situation before, Ye Qifan knew that this was a samadhi, but he still couldn't help but worry, lest something unexpected happen to Su Jinhua.

Three days later, Ye Qifan saw two strange golden dragons appearing on Su Jinhua's back, and then a golden bead disappeared into Su Jinhua's body. After a while, Su Jinhua opened his eyes and looked at him more clearly than before. Ye Qifan The heart that had been hanging for several days was finally relieved.

Su Jinhua was taken aback when he saw Ye Qifan's big dark circles, "It's annoying, are you cheating on a panda?"

"Can you develop a conscience? I'm worried that you haven't closed your eyes for three days! Are you done refining?" Ye Qifan threw Su Jinhua down and asked. He felt that he needed to practice immediately to restore his mental strength. Jinlong looks too seductive.

"Well, it's over, and I don't have to worry about others snatching my Hunyuan Dzi from now on. Even if I kill me, I won't be able to get it out. What are you doing?" Su Jinhua asked stupidly.

"You, why do you keep asking this question, you don't have a long memory!" Ye Qifan replied while moving.

"Ah...I...Damn!...I again...I will...suicide!" Su Jinhua said intermittently after being hit.

Ye Qifan turned Su Jinhua's side over and said while slamming, " dragons...on your...back!...Special...special!"

Su Jinhua turned his head to look, and couldn't see it for a long time. The two people who were rolling and crawling moved to the side of the mirror. Su Jinhua sat with his back to Ye Qifan, moaning and expressing his opinion, "It's not... yes... black ... What ... what ... tattoos ... ah!"

"It's pretty,... baby... um... my goblin!" Ye Qifan made violent movements while kissing his lover's smooth back. He felt that Su Jinhua looked more seductive now, and the faint fruity fragrance on his body suddenly It became rich and turned into a breath-taking fragrance, which may be the effect produced after refining the dzi beads, which made him dizzy and excited at the same time!

Su Jinhua leaned back on his lover, wrapping his arms around Ye Qifan's neck very comfortably, turned around and kissed Ye Qifan's face and ears from time to time, very satisfied with his lover's brave performance.

After the two fought for [-] rounds, they returned to the bed and slept under the quilt. The next day, Su Jinhua lay on the bed and asked Ye Qifan to give him a massage. The two chatted naked on the bed.

"It's annoying, bring me the mirror again, I'll take a closer look at what my back looks like." Yesterday all he saw were phantoms, one up and one down.

Ye Qifan held the mirror for him, and Su Jinhua looked at it for a while, "I think the original owner of the Hunyuan Dzi Bead must be the same as the two of us. Everyone else made it into a dragon and phoenix, so he had to get two dragons! I think these two dragons are very strange, they have to be mouth-to-mouth, and there was a bead between them, but now it’s good, they just copulate, and they are twisted into twists, the image is really lewd!"

Ye Qifan put down the mirror, kissed along the two golden dragons in the middle of Su Jinhua's back, and said while kissing, "Maybe these two are a male and a female, you are getting more and more lewd, even the smell on your body is starting to hook People. It's still early, let's do it again, I feel very happy like these two dragons."

Su Jinhua turned over and sat up, and kicked Ye Qifan into the strawberry field, "You haven't done the work I asked you to do, hurry up and work, it will be dawn outside in two days, I can't finish it Let you hold back for a year!"

Ye Qifan picked a strawberry from the side and handed it to Su Jinhua. Su Jinhua glanced at it and took it and stuffed it into his mouth, "You can eat the strawberry next to your butt by yourself! Get up and work!"

"Honey, you're like Zhou Papi without clothes!" Ye Qifan stood up, cleaned up the dirt and rotten strawberries with a cleansing spell, and turned around to tidy up the space.

"Put on your clothes! Exhibitionist!" Su Jinhua took out clothes from the closet and threw them to him.

"I don't think we need to wear clothes in our Garden of Eden." Ye Qifan said.

"Go away! Adam is still covered with a leaf! Put on your clothes!"

"I thought you liked seeing me like this." Ye Qifan took it with a smirk and put it on, then went to tidy up the space.

Su Jinhua sat on the bed and let Ye Qifan move him around with his spells. In the end, Ye Qifan piled up all the furniture by the lake, and those who sat in the open air seemed to be evicted because they couldn't pay the rent.

It was not long before dawn outside, and Su Jinhua began to get acquainted with the refined Hunyuan Dzi.

As the supreme artifact, the Hunyuan Dzi is of course not only its regenerable space function, but in fact it is also a powerful weapon.

The Hunyuan Dzi Bead was originally held by two golden dragons and hung on the colorful spider silk. After refining, the bead turned into a golden bead and hid in Su Jinhua's body to protect the original Yuan and strengthen his body. Lustful, but extremely easy to use, it can break out of the main body and transform into a real form, and its attack power is said to be earth-shattering, but Su Jinhua is reluctant to destroy in the space, thinking about finding something to start with after he goes out.Originally Su Jinhua thought that the multicolored spider silk was useless, after refining, its function was similar to the fairy rope in "Journey to the West". Su Jinhua used it to tie Ye Qifan several times a day. Su Jinhua was so frightened that he got a nosebleed, so he put it away and didn't dare to play.

On the morning of the seventeenth day of the first lunar month, the two woke up hugging each other on the big bed of the Su family. Su Jinhua was very excited to return to the real world. She saw Su's mother kissing several times in the morning, and Su's mother smiled and asked him to wash up. As a result, Su Jinhua When bending over, Su's mother suddenly screamed in fright and pushed her son back to the room.

"Erhua, where are your beads? Where did they go?" Li Xiu asked nervously in a low voice. Since she was 14 years old, Su Jinhua had never taken off the beads (it would not have been able to take off the thing after it recognized its owner).

"Mom, don't be nervous, the bead is not lost, I refined it, it is integrated with myself, and it is not lost." Su Jinhua explained to his mother in a low voice.

Li Xiu couldn't believe it, so Su Jinhua had to show his mother the golden dragon behind him. Li Xiu touched the golden dragon, but couldn't find any traces, just like the naturally formed patterns on the skin, "These two dragons Did you design the appearance yourself?"

Su Jinhua rarely blushed, "No, they are on my back after refining. It should be designed by that god."

"Immortals are not good things either! You can't be shirtless in summer, and people will still think you are a pervert!" Li Xiu curled her lips and said.

Li Xiu turned around and went out to continue cooking, Su Jinhua put on his clothes with an embarrassing face, Ye Qifan made trouble for him while laughing, Su Jinhua pressed down on the bed and beat him to vent his anger.

The author has something to say: Everyone who has installed PS, help me make a cover, I don’t have time, it’s very hard for me to update the text

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