Su Jinhua and Ye Qifan went out early in the morning. Their destination was the area around the rear defense line of the SY military region. While looking for zombies with psychic abilities, they could also eliminate the worries of the frontline troops, killing two birds with one stone.

But the luck of the two of them is not very good. After observing for a long time, they can't see which one is a zombie with psychic powers. There is no sense of organization or discipline.In the end, Su Jinhua became impatient with his observations, and decided to "kill all the zombies" by sacrificing the dragon to kill all the zombies in seconds, leaving only a field of crystal nuclei of various colors, shining brightly under the sun, just like arriving at Baoshan of.

Precisely controlling the power of the dragon is the main achievement of Su Jinhua's recent practice.In the past, as long as the dragon came out, it would be completely wiped out, and nothing would be left. This would be too wasteful for such a high-quality resource as the crystal core, so Su Jinhua has been practicing in the space until recently, when the dragon can be controlled freely. Only then have the opportunity to perform.

However, after these two dragons have been used a lot, they will stay outside for a long time, and those exposed organs are naturally no secret.Although Su Jinhua is not a veterinarian, he still finally determined the gender of these two, and they are all male!This discovery made him depressed for a long time, no matter how much Ye Qifan asked the reason, he didn't confide a word.

With the growth of cultivation, the two of them are becoming more and more like gods. Su Jinhua has not done the job of butcher for a long time. Facing the crystal nuclei all over the ground, he only needs to tap his finger lightly, and the crystal nuclei will automatically float. Get up and fly into your pockets by category.Except for zombies and those dead things, everything in this world has spirituality, even Su Jinhua can feel the trembling of a grass in the cold wind—they are getting closer to the realm of transforming gods!But this didn't make the two of them very happy. They were going to ascend after becoming gods, and their parents and relatives were all in the human world. They were worried, so they usually tried their best to slow down the progress of their cultivation, and they rarely even entered the space.

"Excuse me, how many cities have we cleaned?" Su Jinhua asked Ye Qifan standing beside him in mid-air.

"Five, and we will meet with the army's cleanup team in the next step, and we can go back." Immortals will also be tired, and the two of them are not omnipotent. In this regard, both of them are more measured.Their cleaning is not meticulous, and there is no guarantee that there will be no more zombies in the city, but it will be much easier for the cleaning team of the army to go in.

"Okay then, let's go back. I just saw that there are a few white crystal nuclei collected today, which are the crystal nuclei of psychic zombies. It's a pity that I didn't see their performance. I have no sense of consciousness today. I didn't even feel the attack." Su Jinhua said a little discouraged.

"I don't feel anything either. Their attack strength is too low, not as good as that girl back then." Ye Qifan felt a little bit today, but the strength is too low, so I can't feel it if I don't pay attention carefully.

The two people descended while talking, and drove back in the big car of the two people. This is the habit of the two people, so that if they meet survivors who are calling for help on the road, the two people can still help them. The speed in the sky is too fast. Using the formation method to transfer can't do anything.But now the two of them have a lot of time, which can be used to do good things.

However, there are not many opportunities for two people to do good deeds. Now towering walls can be seen everywhere on the roadside. Most of them were built after the end of the world. They all live in the Venerable Master. Human beings are much more powerful than dinosaurs, and the more adversity they face, the more tenacious they are.

The number of zombies is constantly decreasing. As Su Jinhua said, once it becomes energy, the end of the zombies will come. After people get superpowers, they will continue to eat away at the zombie team. The disgusting zombies have become mobile energy storage warehouses , Mother Earth, riddled with holes, finally took a breather, she no longer needs to export her blood, human factories have stopped production, and zombies don't have to breathe, I am afraid that the ozone hole will disappear in a few years.All things generate and restrain each other, sometimes good things can become bad things, and bad things can also become good things.

Su Jinhua’s Daqi just refitted with a new engine a while ago. The core combustion chamber is only the size of a matchbox, without exhaust emissions, but the power is stronger than before, and it has been driven for thousands of kilometers. The meter shows that the energy only consumes the energy of a zombie crystal nucleus Less than one-tenth of that.The other vehicles in the prison are also being refitted in batches. His car is the first batch, so both of them are very proud of it. Ye Qifan's favorite thing to do when he goes out is racing with the cars he meets on the road, and he never tires of it.

At this time, a convoy driving on the road caught Su Jinhua's attention, "Annoyed, look at the convoy in front, it seems to be the one we saw in the south, what are they doing in the north?"

Ye Qifan checked the license plate number in his memory while driving, and found that it was indeed those people, but the number was smaller, the vehicle had not been modified, and there was still smoke coming out of the exhaust pipe.

"It's really them. It seems that the woman cured them later, at least she can drive." Ye Qifan smiled and glanced into the car over there, and a few familiar faces flashed by. His speed was too fast, beyond ordinary Cars don't take seconds.

"These people seem to be having a hard time. The vehicles are badly damaged and the clothes are dirty. It's really miserable." Su Jinhua said while looking back.

"Maybe someone thinks he's walking on the Long March. Don't look, just be careful twisting your neck." Ye Qifan said as he stretched out a hand to support Su Jinhua's head, but he was bitten.

"Baby, you're biting more and more. If you don't let go, I'll stop and punish you." Ye Qifan said with a smile, Su Jinhua would bite him when he couldn't find a pillow, and he didn't try hard, just like holding him in his mouth. , the little tongue also made trouble, making people want to rub him into the heart.

Su Jinhua licked it again before letting go, smiled and took out a box of cherries from the space and fed it to Ye Qifan while eating, "It's annoying, shall we park in front? I want to see what those people are up to."

"No, what do you care about them? It doesn't look good at first glance! Do you want to listen to that woman's sermon again? How scary." Ye Qifan didn't intend to stop, and drove the car very fast.

"Even if I didn't say it, I'm panicking when I think about it, let's go. The cherries are quite sweet, and do you want strawberries?"

"Come on, feed me." The married man said as a matter of course.


The two of them didn't have the chance to be heroes until the afternoon. An outing team was surrounded by zombies in a shopping mall. The psychic inside kept sending out distress signals. There was no specific content, but the signals were received in the brain. It's easy to feel the urgency in it.

Ye Qifan parked the car outside the mall, honked the horn loudly, and attracted all the zombies attacking the door.

Su Jinhua looked up at the people who were calling for help at the window on the second floor of the shopping mall, and told Ye Qifan, "Don't use the flying sword, the people upstairs are watching."

Two people walked down with their guns in hand, just like when the end of the world began, they shot each head. This kind of scene is not common at this time. People are used to using abilities. The people on the second floor saw that the two people were not tight His eyes widened in surprise.

After a while, Su Jinhua and Ye Qifan cleaned up the zombies on the outside, skipped and avoided the rotting corpses and entered the shopping mall.Su Jinhua, a money fanatic, put all the jewelry counters on the first floor into the space. He thought that after the end of the world, these things would soon return to their original value, so they put them away without hesitation, and planned to open a private hospital in the future to make a fortune.

The people upstairs were quite smart, they destroyed the stairs going upstairs, so they gathered on the second floor and waited for rescue. At this time, when the crisis was resolved, they all came down along the rope.There were fourteen people in total, all young people in their twenties, male and female. The leader was a young man with a strong figure like Ye Qifan.

"Thank you very much. Our powers are exhausted. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to go back today. We might have to spend the night outside in the cold weather. If so, we would have to freeze to death." The man was a little embarrassed said.

"Aren't there any bedding sellers upstairs?" Su Jinhua turned around and found nothing to pick up. At this time, he turned back with a gun in his hand.

"There's nothing left! These wicked people don't say a word when they take everything away, and it doesn't take long to write a few words on the door, which makes our trip useless. By the way, my name is Bai Xiaoguang. These are My teammates, can you please help to send us back? I am afraid that there will be danger on the way. Our base is not far from the city, and we will pay you." This Bai Xiaoguang seems to be a real straight man, seeing Su Jinhua didn't pay too much attention, and he didn't know how to beat around the bush, so he directly made his request.

"Okay, I'll leave after I cremate the outside." Su Jinhua liked straightforward people, so he agreed with a smile.

Several men in the team piled up all the corpses of the zombies, and Su Jinhua burned them all, and then took all the crystal nuclei into his pocket as a matter of course.The people in this team are quite open-minded, and no one is greedy for his purse.

Sure enough, their base was not far away, in a steel factory on the outskirts of the city, less than an hour's drive away.This steel factory mainly produces various types of steel bars. At the beginning, when people didn't generally activate abilities, they relied on those sharpened steel bars to survive the initial difficult years.

"Humans are really forgetful animals. If it weren't for you today, we would have forgotten that we can still use weapons. You can see that the steel bars are blackened, so they are shiny, and they have to be cleaned several times a day." Bai Xiaoguang bent Picking up a steel bar at the waist, carefully picked up a piece of sandpaper and polished it a few times.

"Your place is good, and the greenhouse has been built." Su Jinhua said while visiting.

"Then we are still slow in building. I heard that the Taoyuan Prison in City B has protected all the cultivated land. It is a great deal! I really want to visit it and learn some experience. By the way, we have food and crystal nuclei. What do you want as a reward, you don't want money, then we don't have any." Bai Xiaoguang asked with a smile.

"Crystal nuclei, food takes up too much space." Su Jinhua also replied with a smile. Although his crystal nuclei piled up like two mountains in the space, he didn't have too many good things at all.

After a while, Bai Xiaoguang came out with a bag of crystal nuclei, "There are fourteen of us, each of us has ten crystal nuclei, a total of 140, you count, if it is not enough, we will add more. Thank you very much today."

Su Jinhua put away the crystal nucleus and said with a smile, "No need to light it, I can trust you. If you visit the jail in City B in the future, you can go to us. My name is Su Jinhua, and this log is my lover Ye Qifan. "

"You are the two gods who wiped out the one hundred thousand E army!" Bai Xiaoguang jumped up in shock, circled around Su Jinhua and Ye Qifan twice, then turned around and ran out as if he was sure. While running, he yelled 'the gods are coming', which startled Su Jinhua and Ye Qifan.

"We are so famous? When did we wipe out [-] E troops?! Take [-] prisoners..." Su Jinhua murmured to Ye Qifan in a low voice.

"Maybe it's been rumored that there are 100 million people in the south, and that's what it is." Ye Qifan, who always pretended to be cool, said in a low voice.

"Then what should we do? Stay here for people to visit? Let's get out." Su Jinhua's fingers started flying, planning to activate the formation and escape.

"Honey, they're already here, stop, there's still a few pieces of meat left after just a few glances." Ye Qifan said bravely.It's too late to escape now, the little heads slipping by the window, the children are the first to arrive, followed by those with good legs and feet, then those with weak legs and feet, and finally those who are holding incense candles and offering fruit and carrying On the table - this battle finally made Ye Qifan lose his temper.

When the desk table was placed at the door and the long incense sticks as thick as little fingers were lit, the two began to move out along the corner of the wall. The two of them hadn't ascended to heaven yet.

But fortunately, before the group of people knelt down and shouted, someone honked the car horn outside the door, and several people reluctantly opened the door, and the incense burning ceremony was suspended.

"Comrade Bai Xiaoguang, can we have a discussion and remove this thing, feudal superstition is not good." Su Jinhua grabbed Bai Xiaoguang who danced the most and discussed in a low voice.

"Don't gods eat incense? Don't you eat it? Are you really goblins? What kind of goblins? Do you know Monkey King? Are there any good female goblins?..." Bai Xiaoguang didn't know how long these words had been kept, and now he was asking come out.

"Stop! Calm down, calm down. We are not gods, nor fairies. We know Monkey King on TV, but we don't know female fairies, understand?" Su Jinhua was about to go berserk.

"But you are definitely not human!" Bai Xiaoguang said firmly, Ye Qifan was not sure, but Su Jinhua was definitely not!

"You are not human!" Su Jinhua finally went berserk, turned around and replaced his men to negotiate, he couldn't handle it anymore.

During the conversation between Ye Qifan and Bai Xiaoguang, one of the people who had just arrived at the door came back and whispered a few words to an old man in the crowd who was setting up an 'altar'. The old man nodded after listening, that person The adoring glanced at Su Jinhua again, turned and ran away.

Su Jinhua felt that he had found the leader, and planned to fight for it, but the old man was defeated as soon as he opened his mouth, because the old man bowed to him very piously, and asked, "What's not satisfied with Shangxian? Let's go prepare .”

"No, I'm not dissatisfied, you continue." Su Jinhua grinned and retreated behind Ye Qifan, grabbed a piece of meat and twisted it vigorously, blaming Ye Qifan for his slow running.

Ye Qifan also failed to make sense of it with Bai Xiaoguang. It turns out that Bai Xiaoguang is a fan of myths and stories. He lost his mind long ago after seeing the real version of the gods. Now he is asking Ye Qifan for advice on the secret book of "Bringing the Fairy".He is the same as Ye Qifan back then, even if the goblin planned to eat him, he would not change his mind. Unfortunately, he has never had someone to devote himself to. He can't accept a male goblin like Su Jinhua. Now he really wants to know if Su Jinhua has any familiar goblin sisters to introduce to him. he.

The two people who were at a loss didn't know how to end this farce. The old man moved so fast that even the steamed buns just out of the pan in the cafeteria were dotted with red. Now he is organizing people to tie red silk to a sheep. I don't know what to do .

At this time, God sent down a man of God to rescue the two people in distress. A tall man came out of nowhere, kicked over the altar, and scattered the incense candles and fruits all over the ground. On the steps, he began to speak loudly to the stunned people, "Comrades, wake up, we should rise up now, it is useless to pray to God and Buddha!"

The author has something to say: There are not many chapters in this chapter

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