doomsday guardian

Chapter 58 Fighting with Immortals

No matter what the original intention of this monitoring group was, and no matter how disgusting the members of this monitoring group are, if a monitoring group disappears like this, it will still cause an uproar in the Xishan base, and they will send an investigation team composed of people from both military and political aspects Come to the base to investigate. .]

The investigation team has been investigating for more than half a month and still has no results. Even the corpses have not been found. Eighteen living people just disappeared out of thin air!The dense fog around the prison still appears from time to time. The members of the investigation team did not dare to investigate any more after being lost three times. They took the helicopter away in embarrassment. Ye Jianguo did not lie, and the communication in the prison would indeed fail inexplicably. , They requested the helicopter to come to rescue the telegram and only received a reply after sending it seven times.

The monitoring team disappeared, the investigation team withdrew, and the Doomsday Taoyuan base was added with a layer of mystery. No one dared to attack here, and this place was also known as the land of ghosts and gods.

However, the people who live here don't care about the saying of a place of ghosts and gods. People are still preparing for it, because the first Spring Festival after the end of the world is coming.

Jiaojiao and Xiaoyang decided to hold a simple wedding before the Spring Festival. For this reason, Xiaoyang took the risk to rob a wedding photo studio and collected all the beautiful wedding dresses in it.But it's a pity that there are not many that Jiaojiao can wear. The women in the family had to work together to change one of Jiaojiao's favorite wedding dresses. They took some fabrics from other wedding dresses and sewed them on this one. Changed a tube top wedding dress designed by a famous teacher into a beer barrel, and finally the problem of Jiaojiao's wedding dress was finally "satisfactorily" resolved.

Su Jinhua took the bride-to-be and the groom-to-be around the world, and took countless beautiful scenery, which made the bride even taller and the groom smaller, but Ye Qifan didn't go with him—he was in a bad mood recently, Tianwo was playing games at home, and Su Jinhua found several opportunities to have a good talk with him, but every time he started talking, Ye Qifan would gossip about him, obviously not wanting to talk, and his attitude became worse every time. As if he had eaten two catties of gunpowder, Su Jinhua sat in his parents' room for an afternoon, and never mentioned it again after he came out.

22 years ago, the couple attended the wedding of Jiaojiao and Xiaoyang. Su Jinhua sealed a big red envelope for the bride and groom. Inside was a hard commodity that is currently in circulation—the crystal nucleus. Other people’s gift money is also full of this stuff. , people don't think there's anything awkward about it, even if it's something dug out of their heads.

On the 23rd year ago, Su Jinhua returned to his room after drinking the soy milk made by Su Ma, and said to Ye Qifan, "It's annoying, I will practice some things in the space, it may take a little longer, don't worry."

Ye Qifan pulled him into his lap, squeezed him through his trousers and asked with a smile, "Honey, do you want me to give you some encouragement first?"

Su Jinhua leaned his head on his lover's shoulder and said nothing softly. After a while, he said softly, "No need, I'll be back soon."

Ye Qifan felt a sudden chill in his bosom, and the goblin who was panting in his ears just now had disappeared, leaving only the smell that filled the room for a long time.This time the goblin at home seemed to be acting a little unusually, but he didn't think too much about it. He got up and poured a glass of ice water to cool down, then turned on the computer and started playing.

Su Jinhua didn't come back that night, and he didn't come back the next day. After the last week, Ye Qifan finally felt something was wrong. Everyone in the Su family seemed to know about it. No one asked where Su Jinhua had gone. He was as nice to him as ever, but suddenly he seemed a lot angrier. The weird atmosphere at home made him more and more uneasy.

On the morning of the New Year's Eve, Ye Qifan, who couldn't sleep well, felt that there was another person in the room, and the familiar atmosphere made him secretly happy—the person he had been thinking about day and night had finally returned!Ye Qifan didn't move, he wanted to give his lover a little surprise when he rushed over, but there was no movement in the room for a long time, and Ye Qifan, who sensed something was wrong, didn't have the intention to pretend to be asleep, and opened his eyes pretending to just wake up, and the next thing happened He sat up in shock in seconds!

Su Jinhua sat quietly on his favorite sofa and looked at him. His long silver hair reached his waist like a waterfall, his already fair skin became like white jade, and his slender and firm figure now looked a little thin and weak , a golden pattern appeared on the forehead and between the brows. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a pair of bewitching dragons playing beads. The brilliance in the eyes was restrained and calm, neither joy nor sadness. people!

"Jinhua?" Ye Qifan called softly with some uncertainty. Although Su Jinhua's cultivation level has always been higher than his, he has never been so unable to see through the person in front of him like he is now. I couldn't see his thoughts clearly, but my intuition told him that something bad was about to happen. .]

Su Jinhua didn't agree to him, and sat there without moving, his whole body exuded a layer of lustrous halo, as beautiful as an elf, but unfortunately Ye Qifan didn't appreciate it at all, he was terrified.Normally, the first thing Su Jinhua would do when he left the space would be to rush towards him. Even if his hair was a little longer, it never grew to this extent. The most frightening thing was Su Jinhua's eyes, there was no emotion in them, not even a trace of emotion.

"Jinhua, baby, don't scare me, what's wrong with you? Tell me something, don't look at me like that, I don't know what to do." Ye Qifan scrambled to Su Jinhua's side, picked up his lover's Su Jinhua's hands were still warm and soft, but now they would not pinch him secretly, just like the master's calm eyes, without any emotion at all.

After a while, Su Jinhua withdrew his hand and stood up, lowered his head and smiled at Ye Qifan, "I'm sorry, I haven't spoken for a long, long time, I didn't mean to scare you."

Before Ye Qifan could answer, Su Jinhua walked towards the mirror. He seemed a little dissatisfied with himself in the mirror, frowning slightly. Seeing the pattern on his forehead, Su Jinhua thought for a while, turned his back and took off his shirt. After returning to fairness, the brows on the back stretched out, and he muttered to himself, "It finally disappeared, but it's too thin."

Ye Qifan suspected that he hadn't woken up, and watched Su Jinhua put on his clothes again like watching a scene in a dream, and then saw Su Jinhua push the door and go out like floating, Ye Qifan pinched himself hard, felt the pain and then recovered and hurried to chase after him out.

Su Jinhua didn't go far away, and greeted the stunned family members in a very angry and fairy-like manner. He kept conjuring various colored glaze pendants and gave them to the family members. The children born are all prepared.

"Xiaohua, what's wrong with your hair? I can give you the child's things later. Why are you in such a hurry? What's wrong with your hair? Why are you so thin?" Sun Min was at a loss holding the two glazed pendants. I feel the same as Ye Qifan, I always feel that Su Jinhua is a little different, not only in appearance.

"Mom, these are not ordinary pendants. You hang them on the baby as soon as the baby is born. It can keep her safe all her life. I can't wait for her to be born. I'm leaving in a few days." Su Jinhua smiled softly answer.He could see that there was a girl in Sun Min's womb, and he could also tell that it would be a beautiful little girl. At first, he thought he would deliver the baby himself, but now it seemed unnecessary.

"Where are you going?! Jinhua, tell me clearly, what are you doing inside? Where are you going?" Ye Qifan, who had been following behind him, heard everything, and immediately felt that his sky was falling, his voice was so loud Like thunder.

Su Jinhua turned around to face him with a smile, and lightly stroked his cheek with a hand, and said in a calm voice, still soft and ethereal, "I'm sorry, I'm leaving first, I won't wait for you , this earring is yours, I put everything I prepared for you in it, enough for you to deal with everything."

Ye Qifan felt a pain in his left ear, and then saw Su Jinhua put his finger in his mouth with a smile and sucked it, saying, "It's annoying, your blood is sweet."

Ye Qifan didn't care whether his blood was sweet or bitter, he was so nervous that his heart was about to jump out, "Baby, what did I do wrong, why did you abandon me?! Tell me clearly, you can't let me I don't understand."

"I'm going to ascend, I'm annoying, you have done nothing wrong, what you want to do is justified, but I don't want to watch. I thought about it for a long time, and my hair turned gray. Classics, but there is no way to make a man have a child, annoying, I can't give you a child, I can't do it, I can't even lay a preserved egg.

After I leave, you can find a woman with good genes, whether it is a test-tube baby or a normal intercourse, I have no objections; as for the future, whether you want to continue to practice ascension, or stay in the world to raise your children and grandchildren, I I have no opinion, it has nothing to do with me anyway.

My parents and I have agreed that they don’t blame you, and I don’t blame you. If the child’s mother wants a title in the future, you can give it to her. Anyway, ascension and death are similar. Our family has no Opinion. "Su Jinhua explained calmly in a very quiet tone.

Ye Qifan was stunned, not understanding why Su Jinhua would suddenly say such heart-piercing words, recalling his performance a while ago, Ye Qifan understood, and slapped himself hard with hatred, Then he grabbed Su Jinhua and went back to the room.

After being dazed, the Su family calmly did whatever they should. Anyway, they had prepared for Su Jinhua's ascension a long time ago, and it didn't matter if it was sooner or later; but the Ye family members were all nervous and gathered together as if they were facing a big enemy. Nervously watching the development of the situation inside the door, everyone has no idea how their child will behave without Su Jinhua, even General Ye is also very nervous.

Back in the room, Su Jinhua broke free from Ye Qifan's shackles and sat quietly on the sofa. Ye Qifan couldn't bear to beat or scold the immovable pseudo-god. , and Su Jinhua, with a head of white hair and an ascetic old fairy appearance, also looks very irritating.In the end, Ye Qifan decided to turn the fairy into a goblin before talking about other issues, so he bent down and picked up Su Jinhua and threw him on the bed.

Everything went smoothly at the beginning, Su Jinhua maintained a pure-hearted expression and did not resist at all, but he was about to enter the alley, but Su Jinhua suddenly blocked the outside with a barrier.

"Su Jinhua, quickly remove the barrier for me, don't think you've become a white-haired witch, no, I'm afraid of you, the white-haired devil, quickly remove the barrier!" Ye Qifan said Standing on the edge of the bed with his own cannon in a daze, he was so angry that he was one step away from victory, and he could smell the faint fragrance, but he was blocked outside.

"No, I'm about to ascend, why should I listen to you! Save some sperm, you can do whatever you want after I leave, I don't want you anymore!" Su Jinhua lay on the bed in the shape of 'too' , He overestimated his concentration, he didn't make much progress after several years of retreat, and he still couldn't stand up to teasing. Now that he is completely naked, he can't pretend to be a fairy. .

"Ancestor, living ancestor! When did I say I was going to have a child, why did you make yourself like this without saying a word?! Didn't I make my parents angry a few days ago? It has nothing to do with whether you will have a child." What does it matter!" Ye Qifan explained angrily outside the barrier, he was patronizing himself a few days ago and got angry, but unexpectedly, his favorite person misunderstood him, thinking of his lover suffering in silence in the space, Ye Qifan My heart throbbed with pain.

"You don't care about me, it's none of your business for your parents to have children, why are you angry? You've been peeping at children a while ago, don't think I can't see it! Anyway, the young master won't give birth, you are willing to find Whoever gave birth to you can go, stay away from me, the young master came back to celebrate the last Chinese New Year, I didn’t come back to let you do it!” Su Jinhua lay on the bed and sneered at this statement, the false god with his buttocks naked Lifting Erlang's legs, the white jade-like feet flickered.

"I see what's wrong with the child. Isn't that a subconscious reaction? Imagine your 60-year-old mother-in-law holding the child and breastfeeding, don't you get goosebumps? I don't think I can get used to it earlier! You don't even ask." Just make yourself like this, you still think it’s beautiful when you’re skinny, don’t you?” Ye Qifan felt that Su Jinhua’s indifferent look was even more annoying, forgetting that there were family members outside, he was so angry that he yelled outside the barrier, his voice passing through The door of the room was heard by the Ye family who were guarding the door. Sun Min went back to the room with red eyes. Ye Jianguo was so angry that he wanted to rush in and beat his youngest son, but Mr. Ye hit his head with a rolling pin first.

There was a lot of fighting outside the door, and Su Jinhua inside did not show weakness, "Who didn't ask? How many times have I asked you, have you ignored me? Do you think I feel better inside, do I want to grow old all night? I am so thin Do you want to? What are you doing there? It’s reasonable for you to make me like this, right? Get out! I don’t want to see you!” Su Jinhua pulled the quilt over his head angrily, and ended He also knew that he had misunderstood, but he had suffered so much in it, and he didn't want to trouble Ye Qifan a bit.

Ye Qifan went to bed and took him out of the quilt and held him in his arms. He felt like he could say a thousand words, but Su Jinhua was so light that he seemed to have no weight. , Ascension is the first step, Su Jinhua did not scare anyone, he is really going to ascend.

Thinking of Su Jinhua's bleak life after his ascension, Ye Qifan, who was originally very guilty, surged up with anger again, and finally Ye Qifan was so angry that he turned Su Jinhua's side, and slapped Su Jinhua's tender butt with a big slap , the pseudo-god, who had been playing comfortably, let out an wailing voice, which scared the rolling pins of the old man outside the door to the ground.

"Why did you hit me?!" Su Jinhua was extremely wronged, and looked back at his buttocks, a big red five finger prints swelled up after a while.

"Why did you hit you? I should have hit you long ago! Su Jinhua, do you have no intentions at all? You are going to divorce me for such an unclear reason. Just ask if there is anyone in the world who is better than you." Are you a ruthless person? You have white hair, you lose a few pounds of meat and start pretending to be a fairy, what about me? Am I wronged? Don’t you know how I have treated you these years? I can’t have a bad mood Isn’t it? Even if you quarrel with me, you can’t do it like this. What will I do after you ascend? How many years will I have to wait to ascend? Ten years? 20 years? 50 years or 100 years?! You will be fine in the fairy world Waiting for me? Where are you going? Don't cause trouble for me, you!

I have never seen anyone with a harder heart than you. Is there anything in this world that you can't let go of? !Parents, brothers and lovers, who can fall into the eyes of your old god? !No wonder you are a good material that is rarely seen in the world of cultivating immortals for thousands of years. You have no heart at all. If you don’t ascend, it will be a loss to the immortal world. I am blessed to grow old with you, and I will not go to the sky to attract people's attention, so you can become Chang'e in the moon, Guanghan Palace is just right for you! "Ye Qifan became more and more angry as he spoke, and began to rummage through boxes and chests and throw Su Jinhua's things on the ground, "It's all yours, you take it all away, you can go to Ascension now, we ordinary people can't afford you, a great god, for the New Year, let's go!" "

"Okay, Ye Qifan, you can do it! I'm so stuffy and unclear, now I'm putting the blame on me, saying that I have no heart, can I turn my hair gray if I don't have a heart?! I think you just want children, And I don’t want to bear the reputation of being a heartless man. I’m not here to catch your eyes. I’ll go now, follow your heart and your wishes. You can marry a wife and have children by yourself. I wish you a happy new year and an early one Your son!" Su Jinhua was so angry that he also jumped off the bed, and put everything on the ground into the space at once, just about to go out, but stopped when he felt something was wrong—he would be ashamed if he went out like this, even if Immediately ascending can't be naked, and there is a five-fingerprint left by domestic violence behind, so ashamed, it will be thrown to the fairyland.

Su Jinhua threw all the clothes out again, and angrily squatted on the ground to pick and choose clothes. He is a hidden perfectionist, and he doesn't want to mix and match casually under such circumstances. He doesn't know what clothes to wear for such a big event Some can't make up their minds.

Seeing Su Jinhua's seriousness, Ye Qifan was really pissed off. This goblin's brain circuit is not normal, maybe he really took what he said when he was angry. Something happened, I had to vomit blood.

He stretched out his hand and dragged the quasi-immortal who was matching the flying outfit back to the bed. Ye Qifan quickly set up an enchantment and got to the point. Su Jinhua didn't resist, and crazily twisted his body very cooperatively. Little, Grandpa is, thinking, do it once, and then go, I'll make you dry, let, you half a year, sow, can't, plant!"

Ye Qifan gritted his teeth with hatred. This soft, yelling goblin under him was a sin he owed in his previous life. He had the most seductive appearance and the most extreme temptation, but he had a big nerve, a hard heart, and was willing to leave. Let's go, getting along for more than ten years is still just the beginning. I thought that everything would be fine if we fell in love, but now it seems that this is far from the case!

The author has something to say: a couple fighting is just confused

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