After eating, it is looking for you. "Picking up the whining black puppy, Mo Qingyun quickly put the puppy into Mo Fan's arms. The puppy's strength is so great that she almost let it break free.

Old Han grinned as he watched the black pup, who had been struggling non-stop, become quiet immediately after arriving in Mo Fan's arms, and lay quietly in Mo Fan's arms, with a kind of relief in his eyes: "You give Give it a name." Except for the Tibetans, he has not seen a Tibetan mastiff so close to a person for a long time.He believed in the Tibetan Mastiff's own choice.

"It's called that day." Mo Fan ran his hands along the black puppy's fur. Although the hair on the black puppy's body was not good-looking due to illness, Mo Fan couldn't put it down.

"Good name." Old Han clapped his hands when he heard Mo Fan's name, he was very happy.

On that day, the lion-faced black-gold protector represented by dark clouds in Tibetan.

"Okay, okay, you go to eat, I won't keep you anymore." Lao Han knew what he wanted to know, and immediately started to chase people away.

"Okay, see you next time." After hugging Lao Han, Mo Yi didn't intend to stay in the military training training base.

Returning to the Wrangler, the car drove farther and farther with its back towards Lao Han. Mo Fan knew in his heart that Lao Han must have been watching them leave at the gate of the base, and he would not go back until he could not see them at all. of.

Mo Fan couldn't fully understand the relationship between Lao Han and Mo Yi, "It's been three years of hard work as a soldier, but I'll regret not being a soldier for the rest of my life." Mo Fan has never really experienced such a feeling, even though he once dreamed of it.

Looking at the two people in the same car, one is an active lieutenant, and the other is a little girl who wants to be a soldier in the future, Mo Fan has a hope in a trance that they can replace him and let him know the kind of "regret for a lifetime" thing , what is it like.

"Wow." Seemingly knowing what Mo Fan was thinking that day, he cried out in Mo Fan's arms.Although it is still young at that time, the voice already has the unique charm of Tibetan mastiff, majestic and domineering. The so-called nine dogs make one mastiff, and the mastiff is the well-deserved king of dogs.

Awakened by the cry that day, Mo Fan immediately broke away from the trance for a while, and his face that was still as calm as before seemed to have never had that trance that he didn't know if it should have appeared.

Mo Yi drove the car back into the urban area this time. Although it was only on the edge of the urban area, it did not have the desolate scene of the suburbs at all.

Getting out of the car, Mo Fan regained his vitality with his arms in his arms. He was looking at the surrounding environment with a pair of big dark brown eyes.

It looks messy and chaotic.This is Mo Fan's first impression of this place.Dirty and old sheds are everywhere, and tables, chairs and benches like roadside stalls are randomly placed on the road.There are men wearing big underpants and bare-chested here drinking and eating with women in pajamas and cheap skirts, and there are also men in suits and leather shoes bringing dignified and elegant women and clever and cute children to eat here.

"It's not pretty here, but the things are good." Looking at the scene here, Mo Yi suddenly felt helpless.

Mo Fan nodded, he had no objection to Mo Yi's words, he could tell from the large and mixed traffic here.

Looking at the scene here, Mo Qingyun felt quite familiar. She used to see this kind of restaurant when she was in the countryside. At that time, if grandma was in a good mood, she would take her to this kind of restaurant to order. Two small dishes, a bottle of wine, and a meal.That was her rare and warm memory.

She thought that she would never see such a place again after being taken to the city, but she never thought that she would be lucky enough to see it again. She was really happy.

Mo Yi led Mo Fan and Mo Qingyun directly inside. It is reasonable for the guests who come here to find a place to sit outside, and then wait. When they see the waiter, they call out and ask them to come and order.But Mo Fan and Mo Qingyun didn't know the rules here, so they followed Mo Yi inside.

"It's time to eat." Entering the smoky, black and oily adobe room, Mo Yi raised his voice and yelled out an accent with military characteristics.

As soon as Mo Yi's tone came out, the house was suddenly quiet, and it was only after a moment that the concerto of pots and pans resumed.

"Captain, you are a rare visitor." A man came out of the kitchen, calling Mo Fan "captain" like Lao Han, and seemed to be one of them.

40. Longshan black pottery

"I just went to Lao Han's place, and I just happened to come to see you and have a meal." Mo Yi stood a little away, ready to introduce each other: "This is Mo Fan, Mo Qingyun, and the Tibetan mastiff just brought back from Lao Han's place." Cub that day. This is my former teammate, a veteran, just call him a glutton."

"Hello, the captain's family is rarely seen." Lao Tao stretched out his left hand, and Mo Fan could see that his right hand and right leg seemed to be somewhat inconvenient.

"Hello." Freed a hand to hold Lao Tao, what Mo Fan saw from Lao Tao was the soldier's perseverance and gentle kindness.

"Captain, you can find a place to sit for a while, and I'll come over as soon as I serve you some special dishes."

"Just serve two dishes, don't make too many." Mo Yi looked at the back of the old glutton leaving, feeling a little heavy in his heart, and it took him a long time to turn around and look at Mo Fan: "Let's find a place to sit."

Mo Fan nodded, he knew that the old glutton might also have a story.

Sure enough, as soon as he found a place to sit down, Mo Yi began to tell the story of Lao Tao: "Old Tao is also a soldier, but he entered the army later than Lao Han and I. When he entered the army, I happened to take them captain.

Lao Tao was not originally called Lao Tao, we can’t even remember his name, but because he likes to eat and can cook, we always call him Lao Tao.

He came from the countryside. He is in good health. He was a seedling of that class. The higher-ups were very optimistic about him. He was also good. He lived up to the expectations of the higher-ups. At that time, he was directly assigned to my team.

It's just... luck, Lao Tao is not lucky, he has been in the team I was in for three years, and he has made first-class and second-class merits, but in the process of a mission, he fell into a trap. People left, he lost his entire right arm, and his entire right leg, and then left the army. "

Mo Yi spoke very calmly, the process was very vague, and the tone did not fluctuate too much.But both Mo Fan and Mo Qingyun could understand what he didn't say. There was something he couldn't say about that part, and there was something he didn't want to recall. It was a bloody, political process.

Looking up at the dark and dirty adobe house, and turning his head to look at the way they came, Mo Fan felt something in his heart: "Old Han was also saved by the old glutton."

Mo Yi nodded, the matter between Lao Han and Lao Tao was very complicated, he couldn't explain it, and couldn't figure it out.

At this time, Lao Tao just came over with a plate: "Captain, come and taste it, and see if my craftsmanship has deteriorated."

"Aww." Probably smelling the smell of meat, even though he was full just now, he still yelled happily that day.

Mo Fan looked at what the old glutton brought over. Sure enough, there was a small plate of minced fresh meat. This meat should have come directly from the bones or something, and it still smelled strongly of blood.

"The pup is easy to get hungry. It has probably eaten at Lao Han's, but this meat can be put on the side. Whenever it wants to eat, let it eat." Looking at the happy day, the old glutton wanted to eat it. Touch it: "What's its name?"

"That day." Mo Fan vaguely felt that he shouldn't be given bloody raw meat for that day.

"That day, the lion-faced black-gold protector, what a good name." Lao Tao obviously knew the Tibetan customs very well, as soon as Mo Fan said the name of that day, he immediately realized it.

Just as Mo Fan was talking to Lao Tao, Mo Yi stretched out his chopsticks, picked at each dish a few times, tasted it, and then interjected: "Lao Tao's skills are better."

Lao Tao was obviously very happy when he heard Mo Yi's words, his mouth was parted in a smile, and he looked very proud.

"Captain, do you want some wine? I'll try it secretly, and I won't tell anyone." The old man turned his head to look at Mo Yi. Only from his tone can he tell that he was once a soldier.

Mo Yi nodded, he wasn't on a mission anyway, so it's fine to drink some wine.

"Xiao He, get me two beers." Lao Tao stretched his neck, his voice extremely loud.

Mo Qingyun secretly pulled the corner of Mo Yi's clothes, and moved closer to Mo Yi's side: "Brother, if you want to be a soldier, don't you have to have a good voice?"

Mo Yi looked at Mo Qingyun who ran from Mo Fan to him in a serious manner, and there was a rare kind of tenderness in his eyes: "It's from practice."

This answer obviously made Mo Qingyun a little dissatisfied. When she walked back to her seat and sat down, she didn't even look at Mo Yi.

"Boss, there is not much beer in stock. Remember to have someone deliver it. Remember clearly, it must be delivered to your door. Also, drinking too much beer is bad for your health. Boss, drink less." The person Tao called "Xiao He" was a young man in his 20s, wearing glasses and looking very gentle.

"Got it, got it, it's just that they forgot all of a sudden last time, and they left the beer at the door and ran away, Xiao He, you remember what to do so clearly." The old glutton seemed quite impatient with Xiao He's nagging : "By the way, is your sister feeling better?"

Hearing this, Xiao He was silent for a while: "No." His voice trembled slightly.

"Could it be more serious?" Hearing Xiao He's words, Lao Tao became anxious all of a sudden.

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