After cutting the position where the line was drawn, a very interesting phenomenon appeared. On the cut front, there was nothing to say, or only transparent jadeite. Transparent jadeite is good, but there is no Color, although colorless jadeite has become popular in the past two years, but in the field of jadeite collectors, colorless jadeite is still a kind that is disliked.

But looking inside, that is, the inside of the colorless emerald, there is a very gorgeous and domineering green faintly revealed.

Seeing this situation, Mo Fan didn't feel anything, just thinking silently in his heart, which old factory has white leather wool?

It's not that Mo Fan doesn't care about the wool at this moment because he has a piece of emperor green that looks like an old pit glass. Who doesn't like emperor green, who doesn't like too much, but only Mo Fan knows that he made a mistake One thing, he found that looking at the emerald displayed in this way, he completely lost the sense of surprise when he saw the emerald in the wool when he saw it through, and the feeling after seeing the wool that he saw through. satisfaction.

Mo Fan didn't know what was going on with this feeling. Obviously, he would also feel moved when he saw the good jadeite that others gambled, but why did he see such a good jadeite produced by the wool that he had seen half through? Will there be any intense feelings?

In fact, at this time, Mo Fan already had a vague guess in his heart, whether he has the ability to see through, so he shouldn't be demanding on himself to pursue the excitement of ordinary people.Where there is gain, there is loss. Is it the greatest original sin to blindly pursue things that cannot belong to you?

While Mo Fan was still thinking about it, Mo Yi had roughly cut out the jade from the wool.

This is a piece of jadeite that is not too big. The overall weight is less than two kilograms. It is mostly colorless jadeite. In the middle of the colorless jadeite, there are a few touches of irregular circular imperial green scattered loosely. It looks very beautiful. Strange, but also very beautiful.

"I'll pay 20 million."

"I'll pay 30 million."

"50 million..."

This time, before Deng Luo Jiasheng entered the stage, the people below had already started to quarrel, and since the first person made his voice, the price has been rising steadily, and it has been doubled again and again.

"Ten thousand and three million." Sitting on a chair, the current mayor of Shencheng, who is traveling in micro-clothes, quoted his price here for the first time: "The teacher at home is about to pass his birthday, and I am going to carve this piece of wool and give it to him as a gift." old man."

As soon as the current mayor came out, no one made any further offers immediately.In this place of Shencheng, if you want to get along well, it is better not to offend the officials. In this place, even if the higher-ups don't pursue it, the little devils below are not easy to pester.

What's more, the price the mayor said is about the same. Even if there is imperial green in this piece of wool, firstly, this piece of jadeite is only the water type of the old pit, which is close to ice type, and there is no glass type at all. , except for the few imperial greens that can only be made into a few full green rings, they are all colorless jadeites. Even if the price of colorless jadeites has been rising steadily in recent years, it is only compared with previous years when it was regarded as a green jadeite. As far as waste materials are concerned, they can't be sold at a high price at all, so if the whole piece of wool is calculated, the products made can sell for about 3000 million, which is the sky-high price. If the price of the material is higher than 800 million, then There is nothing to make money from.

"300 million for the first time, 300 million for the second time... 300 million for the third time, deal." This time, Luo Jiasheng also ended the final bidding work very efficiently. Luo Jiasheng was extremely reluctant to sell that emerald with imperial green, but Luo Jiasheng, who was determined to be a top businessman, was absolutely unwilling to ruin his reputation.

Even when he was there just now, He Guanyan kept asking him if he could cut off the jadeite, which made him almost do it, oh no, he made an offer with his mouth.

"Now, the on-site stone cutting is officially over. If you have any needs, you can come and pay attention to our Guanmo Studio. The website of our studio is: (This website is not open at will. Although it is not the real website of Guanmo Studio, there is a real website. Its address), we are waiting for your attention at any time. Now, except for those who took pictures of Jade, other friends please leave in an orderly manner.”

Mo Fan and the others were still standing there, watching the sparse people in the warehouse. It took nearly a quarter of an hour for all of them to leave, until finally there were only six people left, and Luo Jiasheng finally spoke: "Several people Are they all credit cards? We only have UnionPay credit card machines here, and after swiping the cards, we will hand over the emeralds to several hands."

The few people didn't care, each took out their own bank cards from their pockets, and successfully transferred the account to Mo Fan's bank card.

"My vision is really good. You should thank me for making so much money." Seeing that there were only a few of them left in the warehouse, the girl rushed to Mo Fan.

"Shut up." The mayor was obviously very dissatisfied with his daughter's unscrupulous and arrogant personality: "Now the government has many incentive policies for college students to start their own businesses. If I remember correctly, according to the normal situation in your team, it should be There are two college students, one graduate student, and one active soldier, if you manage well, I believe you will be able to reach a higher level."

"Thank you." As the palm eye and the default team leader, even though Luo Jiasheng is the team's CEO and external spokesperson, Mo Fan still has to complete the conversation at this time.

Of course, it is difficult for Mo Fan to have a long conversation.

However, the mayor probably didn't want to talk to Mo Fando, he just nodded to Mo Fan and the others, and then turned to look at Mo Yi: "Help me say hello to the old man."

Mo Yi nodded.

"If you have nothing urgent, go back early." After speaking, the mayor took the jade and took the girl away from the warehouse.Mo Fan felt that since the mayor was about to leave Shanghai, there should be no interaction between them.

"Finally finished." Luo Jiasheng stretched his waist.Anyway, the entire warehouse was completely empty at this time. Except for a few of them, there was a lot of garbage left in the warehouse that needed to be cleaned up manually, and he didn't need to maintain his demeanor.

"Hurry up and do the cleaning." A dirty broom was thrown at Luo Jiasheng, and He Guanyan was a little bitter about Luo Jiasheng's failure to intercept the last piece of wool.

"He Guanjue rests. Mo Fan goes back to review first." Mo Yi picked up the unwanted stones that were cut off and walked outside the door.All the garbage can be piled outside the warehouse. Every four hours, sanitation vehicles will come to haul the garbage.

Everyone knew that He Guanjue's health had been bad, so no one objected to letting He Guanjue rest.As for Mo Fan, it will be time for him to take the postgraduate unified examination in two days. For Chinese people, all the students before the examination are uncles. This sentence is absolutely true.

"No need." Picking up some relatively small pieces of wool, Mo Fan estimated his own strength, and transported these pieces of wool outside together with Mo Yi.

Mo Yi threw the wool fragments outside, turned his head and saw Mo Fan following behind him, stopped all movements and stared at Mo Fan for a while, Mo Yi passed Mo Fan silently: "It's up to you."

"I've troubled you during this period." As if he didn't hear the frustration in Mo Yi's words, Mo Fan continued to add bricks and tiles to their direct wall according to his own ideas.

Mo Yi didn't seem to hear Mo Fan's words at all, and his body was extraordinarily high when he walked forward.

54. Reunion Dinner

The postgraduate examination is just a piece of cake for Mo Fan. Although Uncle Qin didn't specifically guide Mo Fan on what to do because he is not a student, there are not a few materials that are given to Mo Fan through Mo Qingyun. These materials not only Let Mo Fan memorize all the possible knowledge points, and let him do a very systematic preview of what he needs to learn in the next three years.

Therefore, Mo Fan's so-called inter-professional postgraduate entrance examination is no different from the counterpart professional postgraduate entrance examination in a certain sense.

"Brother, I thought that the postgraduate entrance examination was placed a few days before the Spring Festival to make it difficult for you to have a good Spring Festival." Nestled at home, Mo Qingyun quickly shaped the big and white dumplings one by one, and then put them on the table. to a plate with flour.

Compared with Mo Qingyun, Mo Fan, who has not made dumplings for several years, is a bit of a stepping stone. Not only are the dumplings he made not as good-looking as those born from Mo Qingyun's hands, but the speed is very slow. When Mo Qingyun After five had been reported, he barely put one in the bowl.

"If you do well in the exam, you will have a good year." As for those who fail in the exam, is the New Year just to fight the dust?

Putting the last dumpling in the bowl, Mo Fan picked up the full plate and put it in the refrigerator.There are a lot of dumplings that need to be made this time, and he is not the only one in the family, so everything for the New Year must be prepared.

If you want to celebrate the New Year, you must have something. Dumplings are indispensable. You need them when you make dumplings, you need them on the first day of the new year, you need them when people come from your family, and you need them during the Lantern Festival. Not enough, according to the old man's words, one year is bound to be bad luck.

"Qingqing doesn't take any exams, so she will definitely have a good year." She maliciously threw a little bit of stuffing that fell out when making dumplings at that day, and Mo Qingyun firmly refused to admit that she was extremely jealous Sticking to my brother: "Brother, we will invite Brother Mo to come to our house tomorrow."

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