End-time merits are boundless

Chapter 34 The Change of Two People

Finally reached [-] merits!Ling Qingyun wanted to jump up happily, but he would never forget that the reason why so many zombies stood in front of him like bamboo poles and let him beat them was all because of Zhuang Cheng's roar!

That voice should not be made by a human being. As soon as Ling Qingyun turned around, he saw Zhuang Cheng's distorted expression, and he could guess without thinking that the other party must be in great pain!

Zhuang Cheng held his head, and after a few roars, his voice became quieter, the claws on his hands grew a lot, and his teeth also grew!

Zhuang Cheng, you should have advanced, right?Because he ate the crystal nucleus of a zombie of the same level?Ling Qingyun clenched the gun in his hand, feeling extremely nervous—after being promoted, can Zhuang Cheng remember himself?

On the one hand, he was worried about Zhuang Cheng, and on the other hand, his own merit had reached [-], so Ling Qingyun stopped killing the zombies around him who were either fleeing or did not dare to move. He just looked at Zhuang Cheng worriedly, and slowly towards each other.

But he didn't want to, before he got close to Zhuang Cheng, Zhuang Cheng suddenly put down his hand covering his head and looked at him, his eyes were scarlet.

Ling Qingyun was stunned for a moment. For a moment, he felt that he was about to fall into the scarlet. The next second he woke up suddenly, but Zhuang Cheng was already close in front of him. The sharp claws seemed to be scratching his throat. !

"Chengcheng..." The title that had been held in his throat came out, and Ling Qingyun looked at the hideous face, forgetting that he should hide in the space at this time.

Zhuang Cheng's paw just stopped in front of his eyes, then suddenly retracted, and then he quickly ran into the distance!

Something is wrong with Zhuang Cheng!Ling Qingyun also discovered this, but just as he was about to catch up, he realized that something was wrong with him. An inexplicable pain swept through his body, and in the next second, he appeared in the space out of thin air.

These days, Ling Qingyun often moves things into the space, so the whole space is almost full. At the beginning, he still had a piece of grass to sleep on, but now he can only huddle with the puppy on a pile of clothes and meditate, but this Looking at it again, the space has grown bigger out of thin air!

However, at this time he was not in the mood to pay attention to the space, Zhuang Cheng was still outside!I don't even know where I went!

However, right now, he can't help it, Ling Qingyun found that he couldn't go out when he wanted to go out, and his body hurt even more!

I don't know where this pain started, I only know that everything in my body hurts, like ten thousand ants biting my bones!

A manly man, Ling Qingyun never thought that he would be afraid of pain. He was cut and wounded in a fight before, but the pain was less than one ten-thousandth of the pain in front of him!

it hurts!But the mind is sober again!Ling Qingyun was in so much pain that he wanted to roll on the ground. After a while, the cold sweat drenched his outer clothes...

The torture-like pain lasted for several hours. When the pain was extreme, Ling Qingyun wished he could faint, but he couldn't. He bit his lip, but the blood dripped onto the grass , he couldn't even feel the pain on his lips.

Finally, when he was so painful that he bumped his head against the "white mist" next to him time and time again, causing his head to bleed, he finally passed out, and he didn't know whether it was from the pain or from himself.

In the space, Ling Qingyun's painful roar finally disappeared. The puppy seemed to have grown a lot, and the original yellow hair on its body turned bright red. It ran to Ling Qingyun, looked around, and finally squatted down. It didn't move next to the opponent's head.

[-] merits, reborn!

Who are you?Who is he?

The head hurts, it hurts, but he is very excited. He knows that he is about to change, what will he look like?

Holding his head, he felt that he was even more hungry, very hungry, and there was a delicious food right in front of him!

eat him!eat him!Every part of his body was screaming, he finally couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed like that person!

No, no, I can't hurt him...

But who is he?

The claws were about to scratch the man's face, but he was reluctant to stretch out an inch...

"Chengcheng..." He saw the man's eyes become clear, and he heard the man's voice.

Chengcheng... I am Zhuang Cheng?He is Ling Qingyun?

It was as if something was about to struggle out of his mind, and the food in front of him was too tempting... Qing Yun... that was Qing Yun, he couldn't hurt him!

He didn't dare to stay longer, and ran to the distance!

Running fast, the smell of fresh flesh and blood always tempts him, he wants to pounce on them and tear them apart, eat their flesh and drink their blood, but every time he wants to stop to do that, there is always a The voice will stop him: "Chengcheng, don't eat people..."

man, what is it?

He seemed to be able to hear the voices of the same kind. Those wandering around, the thoughts in their minds were very simple, but they were "very hungry" and "need to eat".

But he is different!He stands above all his kind!

If you don't eat people, what else do you want to eat?He suddenly came back to his senses, looked at one of his own kind by the side of the road, and that same kind walked towards him stupidly, and stood still in front of him.

As soon as he waved his hand, the head of the same kind shattered and fell in front of him, and there was an extra crystal nucleus in his hand.

After staring at the crystal nucleus in his hand for a long time, another voice seemed to ring in his ears: "Chengcheng, you love cleaning so much, wash it before eating..."

Along the way, more and more crystal nuclei appeared in his hands, but the pain in his body decreased. In the end, he stopped beside a pond.

wash it clean?He instinctively washed the crystal nuclei in his hands, and stuffed them into his mouth one by one.

The things in my head that seemed to be struggling suddenly calmed down, and then, something seemed to be remembered.

Men, women, children, old people... Countless images rolled in his mind. The people in the images should all be his food, but those foods could make him feel a pain in his heart.

In the end, all the pictures were fixed on a man, that was his food, he remembered him, before, his food was always with him.

His name is Ling Qingyun?

It should be his food, but it makes him feel warm whenever he thinks of him.

His food, his... lover?What is a lover?

Walking back slowly, he felt that he had lost something... However, he still wanted to find his food, or rather, Ling Qingyun!

Qingyun, his Qingyun...he knew, it was his!

When Ling Qingyun woke up, he didn't feel that there was anything unusual about him. The wound on his head was gone, and he licked his lips and found no wound. However, the wet and sticky clothes on his body made him very uncomfortable.

"Chengcheng..." The thought of leaving the space flashed in his mind, and in the next second, he appeared outside.

There is not a single moving zombie here, but there are quite a few corpses, and among so many corpses, he saw the corpse of the zombie wearing a hospital gown at a glance. The engraved words are so-and-so mental hospital.

This zombie used to be a psychopath?Ling Qingyun looked around, and walked towards the direction where Zhuang Cheng left. After walking a few steps, he felt cold—his clothes were soaked!It was just uncomfortable in the space before, but now he feels cold, and if he blows the wind outside like this, even if the snow stopped long ago, he will freeze!

After thinking about it, Ling Qingyun returned to the space, planning to change clothes.

Taking off his soaked clothes, he rinsed his body with the water stored in the space, and when he was looking for clothes to wear, Ling Qingyun saw the change of the puppy: "What's wrong with you?"

"I am the spirit of the space. When the space is upgraded, I will naturally change." The puppy squatted lazily on the side, and felt that he could not deal with the owner who mingled with a monster and ignored him all day long. Too late!

Hmph, if you don't ask me, I won't tell you about your situation after upgrading!

"I've upgraded, and the space has also been upgraded?" Ling Qingyun was very satisfied when he saw the larger space. Well, flowers were planted in the extra space next to the space. Why weren't the vegetables planted?

It's a pity that although he can grow vegetables, he has never had time to grow something in the space. Of course, he would rather spend more time killing zombies than eating vegetables!

"Yeah! You can't use other energy to upgrade the space, so you have to take it slowly, this time it's just a little bit bigger." The puppy looked around, how long will it take for its home to be fully exposed?How long will it take to fully recover?

"I've upgraded now, what's changed?" Ling Qingyun asked while getting dressed, and when he got dressed, he was going out to find Zhuang Cheng!

As for the space, he felt that it was much larger. It used to be only a few dozen square meters, but now it is one or two hundred square meters. As for the height, he only knows that it is very high.

The little dog was startled: "You have been promoted to level four now. Of course, your physical fitness and mental strength have been greatly improved! Now, as long as it is not too powerful, you can already control it!"

"What level is my physical fitness now?" Ling Qingyun waved the mace, and this hollow mace actually made him feel a little too light...

"In terms of physical fitness alone, you are the same as a third-level zombie." The puppy said.

Ling Qingyun should have been disappointed. He is still worse than Zhuang Cheng after leveling up, but he is a zombie at level three... Thinking of the situation when the two zombies were fighting before, he felt satisfied again. Now, can he also punch him? The door of the car is dented?Even if some high-quality imported cars are not good, Japanese cars must be fine, right?

"By the way, why did Chengcheng look so weird before? When I saw his eyes, it was as if..." It was like being confused!Ling Qingyun even felt that he was about to sink into those eyes and never come out again!

"Zombies also have their evolution direction, physical or mental power. Zhuang Cheng originally evolved towards spiritual power. The owner of the third-level crystal nucleus he ate before is also stronger in mental power than physical... If it weren't for you before I have been meditating hard. When he stared at you before, I am afraid that you will take the initiative to send him under his claws! But you are all lucky... If he hadn’t evolved into spiritual power, he wouldn’t be so smart and able to restrain himself Stay by yourself." The puppy said a lot, and then stopped, and saw that Ling Qingyun had disappeared!

The puppy looked bitterly at the place where Ling Qingyun disappeared, scratched back and forth on the grass with its two paws, and picked up a few pieces of grass and dirt. Finally, it turned around bitterly, and lay down on the pair of clothes, intending to wipe them off. Own paws - I'm going to make you dirty!

It's a pity that before it could stretch out its claws to the clothes under it, the stacked clothes disappeared, and its buttocks were empty, and it fell to the ground.

Woo... Fortunately, no one saw it!

After changing his clothes this time, as soon as Ling Qingyun went out, he saw Zhuang Cheng who was dressed in tatters and had some rotten flesh hanging on his body.

Fortunately, what hung on his body was rotten flesh, not fresh flesh!

"Chengcheng, are you alright?" Ling Qingyun rejoiced, and walked towards Zhuang Cheng while asking.

Zhuang Cheng's sharp teeth have disappeared, and his sharp claws have retracted. His scarlet eyes turned black and white again, but unfortunately they are still dull and lifeless. Besides... Ling Qingyun always feels that Zhuang Cheng is a little different .

Naturally, Zhuang Cheng would not answer Ling Qingyun's words, he just looked at Ling Qingyun without blinking. Of course, Ling Qingyun had been with him for more than [-] days, and he had never seen Ling Qingyun blink at all.

The smell of rotting flesh on Zhuang Cheng's body was not pleasant at all. Ling Qingyun took out a pile of clothes from the space without thinking: "Chengcheng, shall we change clothes?" The other party walked towards the registration room of the driving school not far away - the place where they fought before was a driving school, and there could be no survivors here, but Ling Qingyun was still not used to letting Zhuang Cheng change clothes in public.

The door of the registration room was kicked open by Ling Qingyun. He walked in front, so he didn't see Zhuang Cheng behind him moving his mouth, reaching out his hand to pat him on the shoulder and then lowering his hand.

These days, Ling Qingyun has helped Zhuang Cheng change his coat several times, but the clothes inside have not been changed, but this time, Zhuang Cheng's clothes were all torn during the fight, and he saw that the other party was exactly the same as his own Ling Qingyun couldn't help but sighed because the woolen sweater he wore was completely scrapped.

In the past, Zhuang Cheng liked to give him clothes very much, and would often buy two identical ones for him to wear one for himself. At that time, he didn't think there was anything wrong, but now that he thought about it too much, he felt that those clothes were definitely couple clothes!But now, Zhuang Cheng won't help him buy clothes anymore...

Seeing that Zhuang Cheng didn't intend to attack him and that he was no different from before, Ling Qingyun started to help him undress.Zhuang Cheng didn't wear much clothes. He added thermal underwear, a woolen sweater, and a coat. He had already replaced that coat, but this time, he couldn't wear any of the clothes inside.

In two or three strokes, Ling Qingyun took off all those clothes, revealing Zhuang Cheng's body.

These days, it is not uncommon for Ling Qingyun to be naked or wearing only shorts. After all, many people are used to sleeping naked. When he saw those bodies, he felt disgusted. But Zhuang Cheng in front of him was still wearing pants, and he had a body with no muscles. But he couldn't help but be moved.

However, Zhuang Cheng is a zombie, if he still touches the opponent at this time, the end result may be that he himself becomes a zombie...

Helping Zhuang Cheng wipe off the flesh and blood stuck to his arm due to the torn clothes, Ling Qingyun was surprised to find that the zombie clearly bit Zhuang Cheng's shoulder before, but now there is no tooth mark at all, and then looked at Zhuang Cheng's Face... No wonder I felt something was wrong just now!The scar is gone!

Upgrading, it can still remove scars?Ling Qingyun couldn't help laughing, he was afraid that Zhuang Cheng would become tattered like those zombies everywhere on the road!

"Chengcheng, you look better now." Ling Qingyun looked at the face that was exactly the same as before, except for the skin color, and wanted to reach out and touch it.

However, he didn't touch it when he had the opportunity to touch it before, but now, he is afraid again.

Zhuang Cheng had been staring blankly at Ling Qingyun, watching Ling Qingyun take off his clothes, he actually felt a little excited, but he didn't know why he was excited.

Although the person in front of him would make him feel very hungry if he wasn't close to him, but he still liked the way the other person approached him and helped him change his clothes.

Qingyun...this is his Qingyun...does he like the way he looks?

His nails and teeth were ugly before. From now on, he must not show them in front of this person!

Ling Qingyun is human, was he also human before?Why has it become like this now?When he was thinking this way, he suddenly became angry, and wanted to tear up and eat all those people, but when he saw the person in front of him wiping his shoulders, his anger dissipated.

He doesn't need to eat people, as long as this person stays by his side!

After Zhuang Cheng was cleaned up, Ling Qingyun was in the mood to think about other things. The first thing he thought of was Zhang Yi and others. He really wanted to see Zhang Yi's situation - before Zhuang Cheng fought with that zombie, they had already Did you see it?However, it is already dark now.

The next thing I thought of was the avatar technique that I had been thinking about for a long time.

"Chengcheng, I want to enter the space, see you tomorrow!" After greeting Zhuang Cheng, Ling Qingyun immediately entered the space.

Although he was very tired, he was also extremely excited, and he had no intention of going to sleep at all, so he dug out the memory about the clone technique right away.

Refining a container that can carry the soul, and then put part of your spiritual power into it...

"When I gained merit by killing zombies, the reminder was to save one soul. Since zombies have souls, then my spiritual power can't get in, right?" He wanted to get a clone, not to seize the body, and the spiritual power would definitely not be squeezed out. Soul!

"After becoming a zombie, you will act completely on instinct. Only when your strength increases, can your soul wake up and control your body again. Since the soul of an ordinary zombie is imprisoned and cannot control your body, then as long as you purify that soul, you will be fine." Xiao Xiao The dog is triumphant.

"Purify the soul?"

"I forgot, your merit has increased too fast, and you have never practiced the soul-purifying exercises..."

Ling Qingyun struggled for a long time before realizing that he had to learn another skill first, but under the current situation, he could only work harder and start learning!

He didn't sleep all night, and when Ling Qingyun left the space the next day, he was still a little dazed.However, after seeing Zhuang Cheng sitting on the leather chair in front of the computer in the registration room, he suddenly became energetic: "Chengcheng, do you remember me?" Zhuang Cheng didn't know to sit on the chair before. , but now Zhuang Cheng is sitting so leisurely... Thinking of what the little dog said about Zhuang Cheng slowly getting the memories of the past, Ling Qingyun immediately asked.

Unfortunately, Zhuang Cheng just looked at him blankly.

Ling Qingyun was disappointed for a moment, and then remembered what he planned to say hello to Zhang Yi: "Chengcheng, let's go!"

At dawn, Zhang Yi, who had rested for more than ten hours, brought his team downstairs. Now there are level [-] zombies in S City. If they don't want to wipe out the whole army, they better finish the task quickly!

As for Ling Qingyun...all of them are worried about Ling Qingyun, and want to wait for Ling Qingyun to come to them, but if Ling Qingyun is okay, he will definitely catch up with him like before. If he has something to do...

He will be fine, even if he didn't catch up, he might have gone back to find his evolutionary team!

Because of this thought, Zhang Yi left here early the next morning with his team members.

Because of the previous battle between the two third-level zombies, there were not many zombies around the building. The few people walked easily at first, but after walking for half an hour, they ran into trouble!

"These damn bars! They are still open in the middle of the night!" Cursing, Gu Jiabao climbed into a car and shot at the zombies who surrounded them. from.

"Save some bullets!" Zhang Yi yelled, and now many people have climbed onto the roof of the car. When you can use cold weapons, use cold weapons!As for him and Tian Heng, their marksmanship is better, so they keep an eye on the surrounding situation at all times, trying to kill them before the mutated zombies get close!

Gu Jiabao took the long-handled machete behind him and began to chop off the zombie's head. He was wearing plastic boots, which were just developed in the safe zone. Ordinary zombies couldn't catch them at all. If they couldn't grab his feet and tear him off car, he'll be fine!

"How about it? Can't reach it? If you have the ability to step on your right foot with your left foot and then step on your left foot with your right foot, you can fly up!" Gu Jiabao had a grim face, and chopped off a pair of raised hands with a long-handled machete. , when he was a student, his dream was to be a hero with a long sword, and he also felt that the act of stabbing people with a knife in the street was very awesome, but now, he has long put those stupid thoughts behind him However, there is a chance to chop off someone's head with a knife.

I don't know if Gu Jiabao's sarcasm meant too much to make the zombies unhappy, or because he was so big that the zombies thought he was a delicious meal. Soon, he stepped on the body of the zombie that was smashed to death by Gu Jiabao and jumped onto the lower front of the car!

"Bang!" "Bang!" Several gunshots rang out in succession, and the two mutant zombies of the speed system fell off the front of the car. I also saw Ling Qingyun running towards this side and shooting.

"Brother Ling! Are you alright?" Gu Jiabao asked happily, and the others watched in surprise as Ling Qingyun began to hit the zombies with a mace, and every time he hit, a zombie was killed!

"I'm fine." Hearing Gu Jiabao's question, Ling Qingyun immediately realized that they saw him yesterday. Fortunately, the third-level zombie ran away, and Zhuang Cheng also chased after him. He could say that he was lost Instead of being afraid of being discovered by them, Zhuang Cheng!

"What kind of luck is this..." Tian Heng muttered to himself, he shot at two level [-] zombies and chased after them, but he was fine. This kid is too brave, he is lucky, right?

However, he didn't know that Ling Qingyun was not lucky, but only shot at one third-level zombie, and the other was his lover.

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