Doomsday's Handle

Chapter 24 Hero Yang

Seeing two people unconscious, the weasel quickly attacked, opened its mouth wide, bit the lower body of an unconscious team member, raised its head, chewed a few times, and swallowed them whole.When it was about to devour another team member, Yufeng used his spiritual power to regain consciousness, and fired a few more shots at the weasel.

The weasel turned and pounced on Yufeng again, and Yufeng turned and ran towards a small ravine far away from the village.Bringing down this weasel may expose its strength, and only by taking it out of people's sight can it be fully displayed.When Yufeng passed by the car, he said to the people who were still alive in the car: "Hurry up and evacuate." Yufeng found something for them to do, in case someone was passionate and followed him to see him repairing the weasel, it would be bad .

The weasel saw that the food that hurt him was about to run away, so he pursued it persistently.

Seeing the weasel catching up, Yufeng ran forward at a faster speed, turning around and shooting at the weasel from time to time.

The three surviving team members looked at their usually taciturn teammates and risked their lives to drive away the weasel for them. They could not let down the sacrifice of their teammates.Several people quickly got out of the car and carried Captain Zhou and the unconscious team members into the car.Drive into the village and organize everyone to evacuate.There were more than 100 survivors in the village. The cars they drove could not carry so many people, so the villagers drove their own tractors to quickly evacuate from this ghost place.

Yufeng took the weasel to a small ravine, thinking it was far enough.Yufeng put away his gun, took out his sword from the space with his thoughts, and turned to face the weasel that rushed up.

The weasel was overjoyed when he saw that the hateful food had stopped running away, and immediately pounced on it.Who knew that there was an extra sharp weapon in the food's hand, and the aura exuded by the food also changed, making it fearful.

Yufeng dodged the sharp teeth in the weasel's pointed mouth with a short body, swung his sword to cut off the sharp claws stretched out by the weasel, and then lifted his foot and kicked it fiercely on the weasel's jaw, forcefully Weasel kicked out.The weasel, who had already been injured and bled a lot, was now severely wounded, and the injury was even worse.

Seeing the flying weasel, Yufeng stretched his muscles and bones. He hadn't moved for a long time. Taking this opportunity to relax his muscles and bones, he put away his sword.

Seeing that it couldn't beat the ferocious food in front of it, the weasel let out a stench to stun the disobedient food, and then it took the opportunity to escape.It can still remember that the first time this ferocious food was only dizzy for a while.

When Yufeng was about to step forward to beat up the fat mouse, he smelled the pungent smell again, and quickly used his spiritual power to block the smell.Fly kicked, and kicked to the place where the weasel was shot in the head.

The weasel screamed in pain. It turned out that the bullet that hit its head was only stuck in the skull and did not enter the brain. Now that it was hit by gravity, the two bullets mercilessly embedded into the weasel's brain.

The weasel had no strength to resist at this time.Yufeng looked at the weasel, which had no ability to resist, and felt that it was meaningless to continue beating it, so he took out the dagger he carried with him and cut the weasel's throat.

When the weasel was completely dead, Yufeng rested in place for a while because he was too tired from running just now, and then he got up and walked to the village.When he returned to the village, everyone had already evacuated.Except for a police car damaged by weasels parked at the entrance of the village, Yufeng searched the whole village but did not find a car.Only found some broken motorcycles, and bicycles.Yufeng also collected some leftover vegetable and fruit seeds.

Without a car and unable to expose the space, it seemed that the weasel's body could not be brought back.Yufeng thought that the animal's fur was not bad, so he wondered if it could be used?Plan to take the weasel's body back.

Yufeng searched around the village, and when he got to the entrance of the village, he saw Chen Xi's off-road vehicle approaching.

It turned out that Chen Xi and the others retreated from the bookstore, and when everyone got into the car and rushed home, they came to check Li Jun's back urgently.I saw that the stab-proof suit that was scratched by the sharp claws of the little zombie was wearing a handmade weight-bearing sand jacket.It was made by Yufeng's mouth and auntie's hands. The purpose is to let Li Jun improve his strength and save his life a little more.Li Jun wears a weight-bearing sandshirt and sandbags on his legs every day before training with Zhang Ling and Chen Rui.

When he came out today, he just took off the sandbags on his legs, and he wore the sand clothes without getting in the way.Now the sandcloth that was scratched by the little zombie is still emitting sand. If he didn't have this sandcloth, he might have been scratched. I really don't know if this is a blessing for a fool.

"Thank you." Seeing that Li Jun was fine, Zhang Ling's heart fell back to its original position. If Li Jun hadn't blocked the little zombie for her, she would be like those disgusting monsters today, and she was afraid after thinking about it.

They happened to meet Captain Zhou and the others on the way into the safety zone. Chen Xi saw that the team members were in a mess of stains, but Yufeng was not there, so he went up to ask.

"Hi, I'm Yang Yufeng's relative, didn't he come back with you?"

"Comrade Yang Yufeng lured away the monster in order to allow everyone to evacuate safely. He probably won't be able to come back." Captain Zhou said sadly. He is much better now. If Yang Yufeng hadn't lured the weasel away at a critical moment, he would not be able to return. coming.

"Where is he?" Chen Xi was very worried. He knew that Yufeng was very skilled, but any monsters might appear now, and he didn't know if he was safe.

"In the psychic village."

Knowing the exact location of Yufeng, Chen Xi sent his family home and rushed to Tongling Village.When he arrived at the entrance of the village, he saw Yufeng walking out of the village intact.

Chen Xi stopped the car, opened the door and got out of the car, stood in front of Yufeng, and gave Yufeng a cold look.

"Xiaoxi, why did you come here?"

"I heard from people in your group that you are here to be a hero and come and see. Tell me, great hero, how does it feel to sacrifice yourself for others?" Chen Xi said coldly.

"Xiaoxi, I didn't risk my life. It's mainly because they are here. I'm afraid of exposing my strength and causing trouble." When Chen Xi spoke, Yufeng realized that Chen Xi was angry, and quickly explained.

"A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. He fights alone with monsters without knowing what the situation is. Hero Yang is so brave." Chen Xi still thinks he is too risky. If the weasel is really a legendary monster, and They're not ordinary mutant beasts, they're just here to feed others with their cultivation.Don't say that monsters are just legends, even if they have cultivated, there is nothing impossible.

"I also did that after observation. I had injured the weasel when I shot. It can be seen that the beast itself is not very powerful, but the stench it releases is a bit troublesome."

"Don't worry me like this in the future." Chen Xi said in a soft tone. He was also very angry just now and Yufeng ignored his own safety.

"Xiaoxi, you have to trust me. I won't do dangerous things on the spur of the moment. I still want to protect you. Are you saying there is still space? If the situation is not right, I will enter the space."

"I believe in you, but I'm still worried. In the future, if there is an emergency, you can hide in the space. If there are other people around, you won't be afraid. I just hope that you can stand in front of me intact, and nothing else matters."

"Okay, I promise you. By the way, when you came, did you see that tall and thin young man in our group with a mole on his mouth. He is easy to recognize in a police uniform."

"I see, it seems to be injured, what's the matter?" Chen Xi thought for a while, and there was indeed such a person.

"That man was scratched by a weasel. If he doesn't mutate, it proves that the fat rat's meat might be edible. I want to take the weasel's body back. I keep the fur for myself, and the meat is handed over to the search team. Now the more people There are more and more food, but the food is getting less and less. It should be possible to marinate this meat into jerky as a food reserve."

Chen Xi and Yufeng parked the car on the road closest to the small valley, and came to the place where Yufeng killed the weasel. The weasel's body was still there, but there were two more rabbit-sized mountain rats beside them. They smelled like blood. smell.But weasels were their natural enemies, so they didn't dare to rush forward. When they saw someone coming, the two mountain mice hid in the woods.

"It seems that there are more and more mutated animals." Chen Xi was thoughtful.

"Move the weasel's body up first." Yufeng put the weasel's body into the space.When they returned to the car, they took out the weasel and tied it to the roof of the car, and the two went back home.

In the safe area, the huge weasel on the roof of Chen Xi's car attracted people's attention.Chen Xi drove the car home directly, and then called Li Jun to help Yufeng, who pretended to be seriously injured, back to the room with him.This was discussed on the way, to avoid some troubles caused by Yufeng coming back intact.

After entering the bedroom, Chen Xi sent the others to close the door on the grounds that Yufeng's life was not in danger and needed to rest.Yufeng just got up from the bed and went into the bathroom to freshen up, and then changed into pajamas.Chen Xi got some gauze smeared with red medicine to help him wrap his head, arms and other places, and he didn't stop until Yufeng finally looked like a seriously injured person.

"Boom...boom...boom..." There was a knock on the door, and Yu Feng lay down and covered himself with a quilt before Chen Xi stood up and opened the door.

"Woo... woo... woo... Dad, is dad hurt?" The two little buns stood at the door with red eyes, followed by the Chen family's parents and aunt.

"The two children heard that their father was injured and decided to come and see them." Chen's mother explained, but they were also quite worried. When Yufeng came back, his body was covered in blood (actually it was someone else's).Chen Xi kicked them out when he came back, and now he doesn't know what happened.

"You guys come in, take a look and feel at ease, as long as he's fine, just take care of him slowly." Chen Xi welcomed several people in.

"Dad, my little uncle said that you killed a big monster and got hurt. Does it hurt?" The two children threw themselves on the bed, looking at their father worriedly.

"Dad is fine, it doesn't hurt at all. Your dad is very powerful." Yufeng smiled at the child pretending to be weak.

"Wuuu... Dad, will you also become a monster?" Little Chen Cheng was very worried. He was afraid that his father would also become a monster outside, just like his parents.

"Chengcheng, don't worry, Dad won't turn into a monster, Dad will get better, and I still have to teach Chengcheng to fight monsters." Yufeng couldn't hold back, and raised his bandage-covered hand to rub the child's hair.

"Xiaoxi, is Yufeng really alright?" the aunt asked worriedly.

"Auntie is fine. Although I'm not a doctor, I'm still a pharmacist. Don't worry, he just has some skin trauma. He lost too much blood and can be treated slowly." Chen Xi's pharmacist certificate is only known to him. When a relative's pharmaceutical company, the company handles it uniformly, and you can get it after a simple exam, and it's just a practicing pharmacist certificate, not a practicing pharmacist.It is also very useful for bluffing people now.

When the aunt heard that Chen Xi was still a pharmacist, she immediately believed it.The Chen family's parents looked at him suspiciously, not knowing what kind of medicine he sold in the gourd, but seeing that he was not worried at all, he should be fine.

"Xiaoxi, what do you think you can do for Xiaofeng these few days?" The aunt has no doubts about Chen Xi, and she wants to ask a professional's opinion to give Yufeng a good supplement.

"Auntie, you also know that I used to make medicinal materials. There are still some Chinese medicinal materials in the storage room. Please use 15g of angelica, 15g of Codonopsis pilosula, 20g of Chinese yam, 15g of wolfberry, and then take 150g of old hen chicken from the bottom of the freezer. Make soup for Yufeng to drink, make sure it will be ready soon." Chen Xi thought about a recipe for blood-enriching diet for auntie, this soup will feel sweet at the beginning, but it will be uncomfortable if you eat too much.And recently Yufeng has been going out early and late to search and rescue, so it's time to make up for it, and it can kill two birds with one stone.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll get it right now, Xiaoxi, you know a lot." The aunt is now very convinced of Chen Xi, and after hearing what Chen Xi said, she went to prepare Yufeng's stewed ginseng hen soup.

After the house is settled, Chen Xi is ready to go to the police station to deliver the weasel's body.But before Chen Xi went out, the leader who got wind of it took the initiative to come to the door.

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