Doomsday's Handle

Chapter 53 The Peacock Opens the Screen

After leaving the base, Chen Xi found a secluded place to park, let everyone get off, and he put the car into the space.The three of Li Jun looked at him in confusion, wondering what he was going to do?

"Be prepared mentally, don't be too surprised later." Chen Xi said to the three of them mysteriously, and then said to Maomao: "Maomao, we will depend on you for the rest of our journey."

[Got it, little master. 】 Maomao ran to the open place.

"Maomao, don't run around, it's dangerous." Chen Rui liked Maomao very much since he was rescued by Maomao, and when she saw it running away by itself, she hurriedly yelled.

[Don't worry, I'm fine. 】Maomao can choose multi-person dialogue or single-person dialogue, and now only Chen Rui can hear its voice.

A child's voice suddenly sounded in Chen Rui's mind, which startled him.Looking around, he didn't see any children. Just when he was about to ask others, he saw that Mao Mao's body was getting bigger, and he didn't stop until he was one floor tall.

Gao Peng and the others were stunned, staring at each other for a moment. Sure enough, what kind of people have what kind of pets. If one day the two little Doudings in the family turned into Ultraman to fight little monsters, they would not be surprised .

"Maomao, were you talking to me just now?" Chen Rui reacted and shouted at Mao Mao's big head.

[Yeah, I only know now, how stupid. ] The child's voice sounded a little arrogant.

"Smelly Mao Mao, you actually called me stupid, I'm older than you." Chen Rui was in a hurry, and was so aggrieved by a dog calling him stupid.

[If you say you're an idiot, you don't admit it. You're stupid to compare your age with a dog. 】One person and one dog quarreled happily.Gao Peng and Li Jun are in a mess. Judging by Chen Rui's appearance, this dog can still communicate with people. The fantasy world is completely complete. Fortunately, it is the Oriental fantasy. One smudge.

"Okay, stop making trouble, everyone, get on Maomao's back, and Maomao will carry us to the safari park." Yang Yufeng interrupted the quarrel between the two naive guys.

Maomao stopped playing around with Chen Rui, and lay down on the ground so that people with low cultivation could get on his back.Yang Yufeng and Chen Xi took the lead in jumping onto Maomao's back and sat down, and the three of them also sat on it in a decent manner.

"Maomao, you are so majestic, and the fur on your body is so soft and comfortable." Chen Rui sat on Maomao's back, and felt that Maomao's back fur was abnormally soft.

[Of course, everyone sit down, hurry up and I'm going to set off. 】This time everyone heard Maomao's voice, like a proud young lady.Now that he grasped the long hair on Maomao's body to fix himself.Mao Mao started and ran towards the wild animal park.

The people on Maomao's back didn't feel the slightest jolt, they saw the objects around them flashing past quickly, before they had time to see what they were, those objects were left far behind.

"Maomao, wait, stop." Yang Yufeng yelled at Maomao, who stopped in response.Others thought there was something wrong and looked around nervously.

【What's wrong. 】Maomao's innocent little voice came.

"Maomao, do you know how to get to the Safari Park?" Yang Yufeng looked around, and then looked at Mao Mao who turned around with an innocent face.

[I don't seem to know. 】It just cared about showing off everyone's surprised expressions.

Everyone almost fell off its back, very speechless, what a confused spirit beast it is.

Chen Xi took out the travel map and studied it with Yang Yufeng for a while. After confirming the final direction, he pointed to the southwest and said to Maomao, "Maomao, run in that direction." Maomao galloped again. His speed was indeed very fast. After a while, a few people arrived at the periphery of the wildlife park.

The wildlife park is located in a national forest park, and the deep forest park covers an area of ​​more than 2000 hectares. The forest park is rich in species resources, with a forest coverage rate of 90%.There are various types of vegetation in the forest park, and the terrain and terrain in the park also have their own characteristics, forming many peculiar natural landscapes. There is also a huge karst cave hidden in a mountain with karst landform in the park, and there is also a reservoir inside. , It's really lakes and mountains, vast forests.Animals now occupy the whole forest.

The five members of the Chen family looked at this huge deep forest. After the heavy snowfall, it did not damage much of the vegetation. It still looked so lush, but the living plants seemed to have lost their original vitality.

Mao Mao changed back to its original appearance and followed behind them, and the group began to wander around the periphery. After a while, they actually met a gray rabbit with the same body shape as Mao Mao when he was younger. The rabbit turned around and ran away when it saw them. Before the few people chased them out, Maomao had already rushed forward and threw the rabbit down. The poor rabbit was trembling with fright, struggling non-stop.Mao Mao let go of it, and the rabbit ran quickly into the woods, Mao Mao chased after it again and threw it down.

"Maomao, stop playing." Chen Xi stepped forward to put the poor rabbits into the space, and prepared to return to the base to raise them. There are also rabbits in his space, but those rabbits are too small to be raised.

"Brother Chen, your storage bag is really powerful. It can also hold living things." Gao Peng sighed when he saw the rabbit disappear.

"It's fine for a short time, but it won't work for a long time." Chen Xi calmly made up a lie.

A few people continued to move forward, hoping to catch a few rabbits and bring them to the center to raise them. With the reproductive ability of the rabbits, they can meet the meat demand of the center in a short time.

After walking for a while, everyone heard the sound of ah-oh, ah-oh, and the sound of flapping wings. They followed the sound and saw a group of male green peacocks the size of a foal surrounded by two white peacocks. The male peacock, the green peacock's five-color gold and emerald lined tail screen is unfolded, making an attacking posture, and croaking non-stop.The two white peacocks looked weak, but they didn't give in at all.

"Hey, these should not be the only peacocks in the safari park." Chen Xi has been to the safari park. Peacock meat is a game treasure with high protein, low fat and low cholesterol. It has high nutritional value and delicious meat. Peacock".Therefore, there are a large number of peacocks in the safari park.What he saw at the time was in pieces.

【These are just out to chase away the white peacocks. ] Just when everyone was wondering, Mao Mao's voice came.

"Maomao, how do you know?" Chen Xi asked Maomao, and the others looked at it suspiciously.

[They said it themselves. 】

"Maomao, can you still understand the language of these animals?" Chen Rui looked at this powerful spirit beast with admiration.

【Of course. 】Seeing someone adoring him, Maomao raised his head and looked proud and arrogant, which formed a sense of disobedience with its original simple and honest appearance.

"What are Mao Mao and the others doing?" Yang Yufeng knelt down to stare at the peacocks, and touched Mao Mao's head. This guy is really a treasure.

[The two white peacocks are Indian Asan, they hooked up with the females of the green peacock group and angered the green peacocks. 】Maomao triumphantly translated the indistinguishable cry.

Everyone understood that the white peacock is a variant of the Indian blue peacock, which originated in India.And those green peacocks were natives of Y province.At this time, more than a dozen peacocks flapped their wings and began to fight.Although the two white peacocks were quite tough, they were single and weak after all. Their attacks were suppressed by the green peacocks after a short while. His eyes became more and more red.Where the peacocks fought, feathers flew all over the sky.As the battle intensified, the white peacock's feathers became less and less, and its actions became weaker and weaker.

"Are we just watching like this?" Gao Peng was puzzled when he saw that no one responded.

"It's rare to see such a fierce peacock fight. We'll collect the bodies after they both lose." Chen Xi nodded.

"Peacock meat is a good thing." Chen Rui had eaten peacock meat in a restaurant, and he still remembered the advantages of peacock meat introduced by the boss.

So the five hid aside and watched with relish the peacocks playing in full swing.This is the outskirts of the forest, and the bloody smell of the peacocks hasn't attracted any carnivores for a long time, and the few people are even more relieved.

The two white peacocks were finally defeated and fell to the ground. Seeing that the battle between the peacocks was about to end.Suddenly a white peacock stood up, its eyes turned crimson red, and its figure was a bit bigger than before, a big reversal of its form.A dozen or so wounded green peacocks left the white peacocks, looking a little terrified.

"Wow, animals can play madness, or is this guy upgraded to a boss?" Chen Rui exclaimed in a low voice.

"Have you seen its eyes? It should have transformed into a monster, but it was too late." Yang Yufeng explained to him in a low voice.

The white peacock galloped bravely at the green peacock, and the two sides fought together again. At this time, a little white tiger ran out of the forest, and it was indeed a little white tiger about the same size as Mao Mao.As soon as the little white tiger appeared, it roared at the peacocks, but its voice was tender and without any majesty.The peacocks didn't have time to pay attention to it, and the little white tiger was very angry. It walked crookedly with its short legs and roared a few steps like the peacocks.

The peacocks were playing happily, so there was no time to pay attention to this titty tiger with no teeth.The little white tiger looked at those huge peacocks, and then at his own small body.Shrugging its head and stepping aside, it's better to wait for them to finish fighting and just pick up the cheap.

Looking at the cute little white tiger, the group burst into laughter.But the little tiger is here, is there a big tiger nearby, and several people start to be vigilant.

In the end, the green peacocks were defeated by the demonized white peacocks and all were killed. The white peacocks were so red-eyed that they didn't stop, but flapped their wings and rushed towards the little white tiger.The little white tiger was terrified, and ran away desperately with its short legs, but how could it run past the peacock when it was young.

Seeing that the little white tiger was about to be overtaken by the white peacock, Mao Mao rushed out, growing in size, and when the white peacock was about to hurt the little tiger, he slapped the little tiger to death.

The little tiger looked at the big guy who had saved him, and walked forward cheerfully.Mao Mao returned to its original form, and the little tiger stuck out its tongue to lick it.Howling in his mouth.

[I'm not your mother, I'm male, not female. 】The five members of the Chen family came out of the bushes where they were hiding, and when they were about to collect the peacock's corpse, they suddenly heard Mao Mao's roar.The few people were taken aback for a moment, and after a while they heard Maomao's helpless voice: 【I'm not your father either. 】Everyone understood, Mao Mao rescued the little white tiger, and the little white tiger regarded him as a relative.

The little white tiger ignored Maomao's words at all, kept circling around Maomao, and yelled: "Dad, dad." Mao Mao couldn't break it, so he let it bark helplessly. The little white tiger was so happy that it had a father Well, and dad is so amazing.Seeing the Chen family, the little white tiger quickly hid behind Maomao in fear.

[Don't be afraid, these people won't hurt you. 】Maomao comforted it seeing its poor appearance.

"Aww—(really)?" The little white tiger tilted his head and looked at his father.

【real. ] Hearing his father's guarantee, the little white tiger looked at these strange guys curiously. When he saw the food on the ground disappear, he was so anxious that he almost cried. He was so hungry that he hadn't eaten anything since he woke up.

"Hohohoho—(Daddy, daddy's food, the food is gone, I'm so hungry, I'm so hungry)." The little white tiger cried to its father.The five members of the Chen family looked at the little white tiger who was suddenly roaring eagerly. If they were not dazzled, the little tiger seemed to be about to cry.

【Little master, do you have any milk, this little milk tiger is hungry. 】Maomao had no choice but to ask Chen Xi.

"Yes." Chen Xi took out a plate from the space, poured milk on the plate and placed it in front of the little white tiger.

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