Doomsday's Handle

Chapter 56 Prelude to Disaster

Everyone returned along the original road, not daring to delay along the way, for fear of being overtaken by demon wolves.The company commander led the soldiers in front, and Chen Xi followed behind, to guard against the attack of the monster wolf.

When they were approaching the edge of the deep forest, the demon wolf finally caught up. [Little monkey, is this wolf not very strong? 】Chen Xi saw that the wolf that was chasing up was a whole circle larger than the one he hunted just now, but his strength was not that great.

[Who is this wolf, no matter what he cooks, he is also a monster, okay? 】Chen Xi was dissatisfied with the name of the little monkey, and corrected: 【If you want me to raise you, call me master.I don't call that who. ] Just when the two were bragging and farting, the demon wolf pounced on him, and Chen Xi jumped away.

At the same time, Wu Jianguo yelled: "Chen Xi is worried." He quickly pulled out his gun and fired at the wolf.The bullet didn't penetrate the wolf's skin, it just lost a few hairs.But his actions annoyed the wolf, it turned around and attacked Wu Jianguo.Chen Xi condensed the lightning and struck directly at the wolf's head, and the wolf was busy avoiding it.

Roasting with fire has always been a very useful move for mutated animals with thick fur. Chen Xi coveted the wolf's fur, which could not be pierced by bullets, and did not want to damage its fur.Seeing that the soldiers were about to shoot for support, Chen Xi immediately stopped them: "Don't shoot, it's useless. You go first, and I'll come right away after I solve it."

"Everyone retreat." Seeing that Chen Xi was confident, Wu Jianguo ordered to retreat.The soldiers pulled up the wolf carcass and moved on.

Seeing its companion's corpse being taken away, the demon wolf looked up to the sky and screamed "嗤~吹——" Its voice was full of anger, and the female wolves in the wolves' lair deep in the forest heard its roar and responded to it.Although the demon wolf has a violent temper, bloodthirsty, and is prone to madness, its prudent rationality still allows it to take good care of its own group, which fully embodies the characteristics of wolves who are united and loyal to their companions.Today, the demon wolf takes the strong male wolf in the group out to hunt, and the female wolf stays in the den to take care of the cubs.Unexpectedly, encountering a hopeless disaster, their populations are slowly decreasing, and human beings drive them to extinction step by step, and finally human beings themselves suffer the consequences.They mutated and returned to the embrace of nature, but they still couldn't escape the fate of being rounded up by humans.

The wolf's eyes became more and more red, and the anger made it completely lose its mind.It began to attack Chen Xi without hesitation, and was completely unprepared for Chen Xi's attack.Use the flying sword to block its attack, and look for an opportunity to attack its head.The demon wolf was weak, and was dealt with by Chen Xi within a few rounds.Chen Xi put the corpse of the demon wolf into the space, and went to chase after the large army.

Bai Er's group kept going along the edge of the deep forest, but there was nothing to gain, so Mr. Li and his group clamored to go into the forest.Baier disagreed at first, but after walking for a whole morning without even seeing a rabbit, the soldiers couldn't bear it anymore.Wanting to go deep, Bai Er led a group of people into the forest at the request of everyone. They saw a little black bear, Mr. Li and others raised their guns and shot, but Bai Er couldn't stop it, and the little black bear was shot dead.

"Bastards, who told you to shoot casually." Baier was furious, and shouted at the group of idiots.

"What do you mean, we managed to find this with great difficulty." Mr. Li and a group of dudes objected.The fighters of the fourth company also didn't understand why Baier was so excited.

"Did you fail your biology class? Or do you have no brain capacity at all?" Bai Er was mad at these ignorant people. "This little black bear is so young that it's not ready to be independent at all, which means that its parents must be nearby. The animals are all mutated now. If you act recklessly like this, you will put everyone in danger."

"Cut, make a big deal out of a molehill." Mr. Li and the others obviously didn't believe that with so many of them and so many guns, they would be afraid of two bears.Bai Er didn't bother to pay any attention to him and left in a hurry with the soldiers of the fourth company.Mr. Li and the others carried the little bear's body and followed slowly.

"Boss, what Bai Er said is also reasonable, we should be more careful." One of Mr. Li's subordinates said to Mr. Li anxiously.

In fact, Mr. Li was also very disturbed, so he accelerated his pace.After a while, they heard a cry of "Ho Ho Ho Ho..." from behind them. Everyone was startled. They looked in the direction of the roar and saw two black bears approaching 4 meters high. while running.Mr. Li and his party left behind the little bear's body and quickly followed Baier and the others.

Seeing that there was no room for escape, Bai Er could only choose to fight, and ordered one by one: "Get ready to fight." The fighters of the Fourth Company quickly entered the fighting state. They are all people with combat experience, and they are still capable of fighting ordinary mutant animals. .Mr. Li and his party were in a mess, and Zhang Qian's face turned pale. She regretted it, why did she insist on coming to see and see. "What's the mess, prepare to fight." The commander of the fourth company couldn't stand it anymore, and roared sharply.Mr. Li and his party had no time to care about his disrespect.Tremblingly, he raised his gun and prepared to shoot.

Two black bears soon arrived in front of them. "Shoot." The commander of the fourth company gave an order, and dense gunshots rang out.The soldiers aimed their guns at the black bear's eyes, while Mr. Li and his dandies shot randomly.Baier began to sacrifice his flying sword, attacking the more ferocious male black bears. These two black bears were already mutated animals that were about to transform into monsters.Black bears have very thick hides and are not very effective against them.

The black bear quickly broke through the line of defense and rushed into the crowd.With a wave of the bear's paw, the two fighters were sent flying by the black bear, and landed heavily on the ground, their chests and abdomens were bloody.Seeing this, the rest of the soldiers were very sad, but they did not stop attacking at all.Bai Er is now facing the male black bear alone, and Hu Kecheng cooperates with the soldiers to stop the attack of the female bear and minimize casualties.The soldiers retreated in an orderly manner while attacking, while the dandies had already scattered and fled in all directions, supported by soldiers from the fourth company and two cultivators, they quickly left everyone behind and ran away.

Zhang Qian ran behind, if not for his fiancé holding her hand, she would have been left far away.She didn't exercise very much and ran panting.In the panic, they didn't know the direction, they just blindly escaped from the black bear's attack range.They did not realize that the direction they were heading was in the forest.

Several people ran for a certain distance, and when they thought it was safe, they could no longer tell the direction.Zhang Qian, her fiancé, three policemen, Mr. Li and his five bodyguards were left in their group. After discussing with them, they decided to move on.Before they had gone far, they encountered a group of gibbons, and one of the bodyguards accidentally fired a shot, wounding one of them.The gibbons were furious and started to attack them, and they lost their fight and continued to run for their lives.This time the two gangs separated again.Gibbons shuttle between the trees, and when they approach them, they will stretch out their mutated sharp claws and grab them.

"Ah——" A scream came from behind Zhang Qian and the others. Zhang Qian looked back in a hurry, and her face paled. It keeps flowing out.The policeman looked at them helplessly, and said, "Help me, help me." But the person in front didn't stop at all, and he was killed by the angry gibbon in a short while.The two strong policemen couldn't control them now, and accelerated to overtake Zhang Qian and the two of them, leaving them far behind.After a while, he disappeared in the forest.

Seeing that she was about to be overtaken by the gibbon, Zhang Qian couldn't care about anything, and shouted: "Help, help. Who will save us?" The voice behind her was getting closer, and she couldn't help but look back. Seeing a sharp claw attacking, she immediately reacted and pushed her fiancé who was pulling her away to escape. "Ah—why?" Zhang Qian's fiancé looked desperately, abandoning his fiancée who had gone away, and screamed, why did she treat him like this, and whether he should have left her and ran for his own life.In the end, he was unwilling to close his eyes forever.

Chen Xi, who heard the call for help, came to check, and what she saw was Zhang Qian pushing her fiancé down and running for his life.Chen Xi watched the man close his eyes unwillingly, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and quietly followed behind Zhang Qian.In fact, there are only two gibbons chasing them now. If they fought hard at the beginning, they might still have a chance of survival, but they only know how to run for their lives blindly, and they will only kill themselves.

Seeing that Zhang Qian was fleeing in the same direction as Wu Jianguo and the others, Chen Xi frowned and quickened his pace. When he approached Zhang Qian, he picked up a stone from the ground and hit her ankle lightly.Zhang Qian only felt a pain in her foot, and fell to the ground, and the sharp claws of the gibbon behind her stretched out towards her.She turned her head to look back, saw the familiar claw again, screamed and closed her eyes.

"Bang—bang—" several shots fired, and the gibbon was shot dead. At the last moment, its sharp claws slashed across Zhang Qian's cheek, and Zhang Qian cried out in pain, leaving three deep scars on her fair cheeks. The deep wound, the flesh turned out looks very hideous.Chen Xi was a little sorry to see that Zhang Qian was not dead, it's really a good man who didn't live long and caused a thousand years of trouble.But when he saw Zhang Qian's disfigurement, he thought it was a kind of punishment. Her fiancé died, and she was disfigured again. In the days to come, she would live in more pain than death.

"Are you okay?" A little soldier ran over to check the situation.It turned out that they were a series of evacuated soldiers. Wu Jianguo was a little worried when he didn't see Chen Xi following up, so he took a few people back to check the situation and help them along the way.They heard cries for help halfway, and they came to check and rescued Zhang Qian.

"Why is it all right? Didn't you see that I was injured?" Zhang Qian pointedly accused.The little soldier looked at her with disdain, showing off at any time.But he didn't care either.A hygienist was called to treat her wound.Then he put her on the rack and continued on his way.

Chen Xi saw Wu Jianguo and walked out from the bushes behind him.Wu Jianguo was overjoyed to see him: "Xiaoxi, are you okay?"

"Uncle Wu, I'm fine. Let's continue on our way. There's too much commotion today, and I'm afraid it will be bad if we attract more powerful monsters." Chen Xi said to Wu Jianguo with a smile, and glanced at the listless Zhang Qian .When Zhang Qian saw this person, she couldn't help being a little scared.The sense of oppression this person gave her is getting stronger and stronger. These people seem to be familiar with him, and I don't know if they will leave her behind.She shrank her body, reducing her sense of existence.

The soldiers carried the gibbon's body up and retreated out of the deep forest. Now that the sky has darkened, the forest at night is very dangerous.

When they arrived at the assembly point, Li Jun and the others had already returned with a full load, waiting for them.The operation of Li Jun's group went very smoothly.Because ostrich meat is tender and smooth, it is pure red muscle, juicy and delicious, has a good taste, no peculiar smell, and has the characteristics of high protein, low fat, low cholesterol, and low calorie. Many ostriches are also raised in the wildlife park and supplied to restaurants.Li Jun and the others successfully found the ostrich group and hunted a lot of ostriches. After seeing that they were almost done, they returned happily. Mao Mao didn't have any use for him, but just took the little tiger to catch rabbits for fun. .

Not long after, Baier and the others also came back, carrying the bodies of three members of the black bear family, and more than 20 wounded soldiers, five of whom were seriously injured, and eight of them remained in the forest.Seeing their situation, Wu Jianguo went up to ask why. Baier told them what happened in the afternoon. Wu Jianguo sighed and arranged for people to send the wounded back to the base first, and some people also evacuated first with their prey.

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