Doomsday's Handle

Chapter 65 External Conditions

Father Chen, the recognized head of the Chen family, received them, along with Chen Xi and Yang Yufeng.

"Old Comrade Chen, I am here this time mainly to thank your family for their contribution to the base, and secondly to send these clever little guys back from your family." General Sun carefully placed the petite Gillian on the coffee table in front of him. , Maomao was still playing with her son behind her back.

【Boss, I want to eat beef jerky. ] Gillian looked at Chen Xi acting like a baby with a pair of pitiful big eyes.They have also worked hard these past few days. Chen Xi brought out some homemade spiced beef jerky and shared them with the little ones.

"General Sun, you are being polite. We are only doing our best." Father Chen and General Sun said politely.

"Old Comrade Chen, you are humble. Not to mention the rats you killed, just the food you found for the base this time can save many people. In order to thank you for your contribution to the base, you can ask for anything Bring it up." General Sun said sincerely that this battle gave them a more intuitive understanding of the power of cultivators.

"General, do you still have contact with the outside world? How is the situation outside?" Chen Xi asked what they most wanted to know.

"We still have contact with the outside world. The best base is the capital. There are several big cultivation sects stationed there. So far, there has been no critical situation. The bases in each province also have cultivators stationed by different cultivation sects. , there are more than a dozen people. In remote areas like ours, there are relatively few practitioners sent here."

General Sun took a sip of tea enjoying himself. Such a good tea is hard to find, and he continued: "Our base has been in trouble recently, and we have also reported it to the public. The reply is that there are no such serious problems in other places. Zombies and animals. Maybe we have outstanding people here." What General Sun didn't say was that there were no practitioners as powerful as the Chen family in other places, and they also reported the situation of the Chen family.

"General Sun, can you be more specific?" Chen Xi thought that their luck has been "good" after the end of the world. Could it be the so-called halo of pig's feet?How powerful Boss all let them meet.

"Yes, the bases in various regions are now under steady construction. Although many people were killed by the freezing temperature some time ago, and supplies are in short supply, they can still be supported. Wait until the beginning of spring to open up wasteland and plant land, and the situation will gradually improve. Get up. Now there are many cultivators and ancient warriors in various bases, and some people are studying large-scale defensive formations that can protect the entire base. Moreover, research laboratories in various places are actively researching the virus vaccine. I heard that some bases It has almost been successfully developed. And the capital has received a report from our side and decided to send two practitioners to help the base train practitioners and assist the army to protect the base, and they will arrive in the near future.”

"General Sun, may I ask if our base has started to train practitioners? I mean, besides the children from the center." Yang Yufeng thought to himself that the military would not only have these forces.

"The base is indeed cultivating comprehension practitioners, but now those cultivation bases are shallow and have little combat ability, so they did not participate in this battle..."

During this conversation with General Sun, they learned a lot.The situation is not very good everywhere now, but it is not so bad.Moreover, cultivators and ancient warriors continue to emerge from all over the country. There are more than ten sects of cultivation, large and small, and more than 100 sects of ancient martial arts in China.These sects, large and small, cooperate with the ZF to vigorously develop their influence in major bases.But these people don't look down on Province Y, which is a relatively backward place, so the power distribution here is relatively simple.

The ancient warriors in the base in Province Y are all incompetent.The really powerful ones have been teaching the soldiers in the army, and the low-key ones don't seem to exist. They have never shown their faces in front of everyone. Except for those soldiers who have been trained, no one else knows about them.

The cultivators at the base are also low-key and negligible existences, who practice in the army every day and guide the selected soldiers in their cultivation.Baier became famous because he set up a cultivation training center to take in orphans.The Chen family really became famous in this rat disaster.

But not all ancient warriors and cultivators are like this, and sometimes General Sun is very thankful that these high-ranking people under his jurisdiction are low-key, humble, and respectful.Unlike other bases, there are always a few restless ones, which make the people in power in the base a headache.The most rare thing is that these cultivators in their base are still kind-hearted people, and have not become indifferent because of the end of the world.Although they were more alert, they did not put the lives of the survivors of the entire base aside.

"General Sun, I also want to know how the investigation of what we said to Colonel Wu last time is going?" Chen Xi knew that the army would definitely take action, but he didn't know if there was any clue.

"We have investigated the whole base, but we haven't found anything. Gillian also failed to find the source of danger you mentioned. Maybe that thing has left. Recently, the zombies around the base have started to move again." General Sun I was also puzzled, it stands to reason that the information given by the Chen family is absolutely reliable, but now they have almost turned the base upside down and still haven't found the source of danger.

"A-Jiao, haven't you been able to find that thing?" Chen Xi looked at A-Jiao who had just finished eating beef jerky and was grooming on the coffee table.

[Yeah, the breath of that thing is gone, I can't find it. ] Gillian looked at Chen Xi with big eyes blinking.

"Although the breath of that thing is gone, we'd better pay more attention. It would be bad if it comes out and hurt people." Chen Xi always felt uneasy, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

"Our military will also pay close attention." General Sun also agreed.

The two sides met very happily this time. After chatting for a while, General Sun got up and left due to his busy schedule.Father Chen escorted him to the door until he got in a special car and left.

In the days that followed, the base was very peaceful. The base had food and began to recruit people to prepare the land. Now that the land has been reclaimed, it will be possible to plant the land in a few days.

Recently, Baier often went out to collect supplies, and at the same time adopted a group of poor children. The number of children in the center is now close to 50.But the number of staff has not increased, and the older children try to take care of the younger ones.Everyone is still busy, and the children of the third aunt's family are now studying in the center. Baier said that Xiaojie has a good talent, so he stayed.The third aunt was so happy about this that she didn't sleep all night.

A week later, the rumble of helicopter propellers was heard over the base.A helicopter parked on the tarmac of the army garrison.Two arrogant young men got off the plane.

"The two are cultivators from the capital. I am the person in charge of receiving you this time. My name is Sun Yi." Sun Yi stepped forward and introduced himself without being humble or overbearing.

Seeing that Sun Yi was only a major and young, those two people didn't pay much attention to him and said lightly: "We are disciples of Tianlingmen. My name is Guangwei. This is my junior brother Bao Rui. You take us there first." Rest, we are tired."

Sun Yi didn't have the same knowledge as them, so he took the two of them to the room opposite Hu Kecheng's dormitory. This is a single dormitory with well-equipped facilities. Each room has one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom, and it looks very comfortable.

"Don't you have a villa here? You just let us live here?" The two of them looked at the room with disdain. It really was behind the provincial capital. What kind of crappy place was arranged for them.They didn't want to come, but they had to follow the order of the master.

"Right now, the base is short of housing, so let the two live first." Sun Yi frowned. Why is there such a big difference between people?

"Forget it, what a broken place." The two murmured, but they finally settled down.

Sun Yi didn't bother to pay attention to them, and arranged for a subordinate to receive the two new practitioners, and it was over.

The next day, two new practitioners saw the cultivation center when they visited the base, and they were allowed to visit because of their special status.The two of them looked at the luxurious small villas inside and felt uncomfortable. Why these unwanted children and country bumpkin cultivators can live in such a good place, but they have to live in military dormitories.

Their dissatisfaction reached its peak when they passed the Chen family's villa. The Chen family's villa was well preserved because of the defensive array.The yard is now also full of flowers and greenery.

The little tiger and its furry father were playing hide-and-seek in the garden, and A-Jiao was holding a rabbit leg and gnawing on it.Chen Xi moved Yang Yufeng a chair for him to bask in the warm winter sun in the yard. There was a small tea table beside the recliner, with a pot of tea and some fruit and snacks on it.

Although Yang Yufeng has fully recovered now, Chen Xi is still worried and asked him to rest more.Nothing happened recently, and the two simply lived a two-person world at home when everyone went to work in the center.

[Boss, someone is peeping outside. ] Gillian discovered the practitioners outside.

[Leave them alone, they are practitioners who just came to the base. 】When Chen Xi returned, Sun Yi had already informed them.He really felt that bringing A-Jiao back was the right thing to do, it was a constant activity radar.

【Oh, that's how it is. ] Gillian continued to nibble on her rabbit leg.

"Hey, who lives here? How come they are treated better than us." The two cultivators saw the pleasant scenery inside through the gap of the carved gate, just like the world before the end of the world.

"Inside is the place where the most powerful practitioners of our base live. Their villas were exchanged for food shortly after the end of the world. They are also self-sufficient in terms of other supplies." Lieutenant Fang, who was in charge of showing them around the base, was very displeased with the two of them. .There's no trace of the immortal demeanor of a cultivator here, they're just two dudes.Look at the cultivators stationed at their base all the time, how noble they are, and it is all thanks to them that they can eat rice now.

"Isn't it just how good are some country bumpkins?" Guangwei didn't believe it, their sect is one of the best in the world, how can others compare with them.

"You two, please respect the heroes who saved this base." Lieutenant Fang is a fan of the Chen family. He was there when the rats were fighting that day. He watched the fire dragon falling from the sky and the branches flying all over the sky turn the tide of the battle and save everyone's lives. Just adore it.

"Tch, what's the matter, it's because we're not here." The two ignorant people looked disdainful, they were both new to the world.Also, this center is good. Let's see if it can be accepted in the future, so as to develop influence for the division.

Lieutenant Fang was speechless to these two arrogant cultivators, why did he have to work so hard to receive these two idiots?

Bao Rui stepped forward and knocked on the door, he wanted to see what kind of people lived here.He and his senior brother are both cultivators in the late stage of foundation establishment, so he doesn't believe that the bumpkins in this small place are better than them.

Chen Xi heard the knock on the door and went to open it. Now that he's here, let's see what kind of cultivators from the outside world are like.He opened the door and there were three people standing outside. The young man in military uniform immediately gave a standard military salute respectfully when he saw him.Chen Xi smiled at him.

"Hello, we are disciples of the Heavenly Spirits, and we would like to visit this villa." Bao Rui said bluntly.

"Sorry, this is a private place, no visits are allowed." Seeing the superior attitude of the two, Chen Xi was very disgusted, and regretted why he came to open the door.

"We are all cultivators, so why reject people at the door." Seeing this man's handsome face, Guang Wei exuded a comfortable aura of wood-type spiritual energy from his whole body, knowing that this man is not simple, his attitude softened some.

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