The five monster orangutans captured by Chen Xi and the others have been kept in a special room in the research institute as experimental objects.Their limbs are chained, and they are given daily injections of anesthesia and a medicine that weakens their nerves, making them move slowly and without strength.

Later, they directly fed them zombies. Every time they were too hungry to eat, their bodies would be in great pain, and the muscles all over their bodies would tingle like being pricked by needles.They are still strong and survived.But the little orangutan became weaker and weaker, and fell into a drowsy sleep every day.

The people from the research institute came again that day. They bled the little orangutans and watched their children's blood keep losing, which was collected into containers by those people. The four gorillas struggled, but they could do nothing.Slowly, the little orangutan's chest stopped rising and falling, and those dull eyes were completely closed.

Watching the baby gorillas die, the strongest of them all loses his mind.Its eyes were blood red with a tinge of purple, and a faint black mist began to fill its body.The chains that bound him were corroded by black mist, and the gorilla broke free.There is only one thought in my mind to kill, kill, kill these humans.

Seeing that it was time for the orangutans to inject the medicine, the staff of the research institute prepared to inject them.But when they got outside the door, they found that the strongest orangutan had broken free and was constantly hitting the wall.

The research institute exploded, and Dr. Lu organized personnel to deal with the orangutans.The other three orangutans also let out mournful cries, they wanted revenge.The effect of the medicine gradually faded, they kept struggling, and the thick chains on their arms made a rattling sound.Due to being chained for a long time, they never gave up resistance. The chains on their limbs have worn away their skin and sunk into their flesh, and white bones can still be seen.Now the constant struggle is even more bloody.

The demonized orangutan kept bumping into the surrounding steel fence, and it could feel that those annoying humans were outside the wall.As it struck, it kept roaring.

Dr. Lu led people to the scene where the orangutans had all broken their chains and the fence was about to be torn down. "Everyone retreats. If we can't stop them anymore, bring the experimental items 231-238 and throw them in." Dr. Lu prayed that these experimental items could stop these monsters for a while and buy time for them to evacuate.

"Dr. Secretary Li sent someone to ask you that the base is surrounded by zombies, is your experimental product ready to be used?" A staff member rushed to report.

"Damn it, this kind of thing just happened at this critical moment. Go and tell Secretary Li that the monster is about to escape. I'm already too busy to take care of myself here. Please ask him for blessings." Dr. Lu rushed to the office after speaking and asked Assistant Luo to help Organize important experimental data.The institute also has a helicopter, and they are leaving here.

At the military headquarters of the base, everyone's face changed when they heard the roar.General Sun immediately asked people to go to the research institute to inquire about the situation.If something happens there now, it will undoubtedly make things worse.

The Chen family's convoy was already directly confronting the zombies. Just as Chen Xi was about to attack, Gillian called to stop him.

[Boss, wait a minute, I have contacted those two monsters.They want to talk. ] "What, is this true?" Chen Xi was surprised.

【Yes. 】

Chen Xi received an affirmative answer, and signaled through the intercom that everyone should not act rashly and wait for a while.

[Boss, you contact him with your spiritual sense, he is not very good at communicating with people. ] Gillian was silent for a while and said.

Seeing that the zombies had no intention of attacking them, Chen Xi let go of his consciousness to find the two monsters.

[What do you want to talk about? 】

[I was looking for you, my sister is unconscious. ] A young boy's voice came.

【Who are you? 】Chen Xi was shocked, it was the first time he met such a well-organized monster.

【My name is Qi Dong. I used to be a human just like you. The research institute turned me into what I am now...】 Qi Dong told Chen Xi what happened to him and his sister.Speaking of later, Qi Dong's voice contained hatred.

[You tell me what is the purpose of these. 】Chen Xi was amazed that what the research institute was researching could turn a living person into this.

[Others can't talk to me, I don't want to hurt too many people, but I can't swallow this breath, I must take revenge on those beasts in the institute. 】Qi Dong's heart is full of hatred for the research institute.

[You mean to let me convey the message for you? 】

[Yeah, otherwise I would have to let the zombies break through the base and kill all the people in the research institute. As for the other people involved, I can only consider myself unlucky. 】【Actually, you still can’t let go of your human identity, right? 】Chen Xi could hear the ambivalence in his tone.

[So what if I can't let go, can I still be considered a human being like this?I can't help myself when I see blood, you know?How does it feel to see myself swallowing human flesh and blood with a human mind like this?It's a wonder I haven't completely lost my mind yet. 】Qi Dong's voice is full of sadness and pain.

Chen Xi was very sympathetic to what happened to them, and also admired this strong young man, he might have gone crazy long ago if he was relocated.

[What if I could help you control your body? 】Chen Xi had an idea in his mind.

【Really? 】The boy was very excited at first, but he was very depressed when he thought of his inhuman appearance. [So what if I can control it, you haven't seen me now, even if I control my body, I can only keep company with these monsters, and what about my sister? 】【The specifics will only be known after seeing your physical condition.It is possible to restore it in the future. ] "Xiaoxi, what's going on?" Yang Yufeng came over to check after receiving Chen Xi's news and seeing that he was still there.

"It's okay, the one who controls the zombie is a human who has turned into a monster, and he still has a human mind." Chen Xi explained to Yang Yufeng.Yang Yufeng looked at the zombies who had stopped and did not move on, and had a glimpse of understanding.

【Really?But even so, I will not give up revenge on those people in the institute. 】【Really, let me negotiate with the base for you.You wait first. 】【Okay, don’t lie to me, or I will turn you into the same monster. 】 Qi Dong was not dazzled by joy.

[We will stay to help you negotiate, you first make way for our people to pass. 】Chen Xi negotiated with Qi Dong.

[No, without them, who knows if you will regret it. 】Qi Dong kept an eye out.

【Okay, wait for me, but I don't guarantee it will work. ] As soon as the two finished speaking, they heard roars coming from the direction of the base. Chen Xi and Yang Yufeng were very familiar with these roars. Isn't this the monster orangutan they captured for the base?

[Oops, the zombies don't listen to my control. A monster stronger than me appeared in the base and interfered with my control of the zombies. 】Qi Dong's voice is very anxious.

[We will be in touch later, I want to take my family to a safe place first. 】"Get ready to fight, the monsters interfered with the monsters' control of the zombies, and now the zombies are out of control." Chen Xi sighed, the base still couldn't escape this disaster.

"Yeah." Yang Yufeng looked at the zombies that continued to approach, and knew that something had changed.

"Go back to the back, maybe the back will be more dangerous."

"Okay, be careful yourself. I feel that a monster has mutated into a monster in the infant stage." Yang Yufeng looked serious.After speaking, he walked to his right car at the rear of the convoy.

"What's the matter, brother?" Chen Rui, who kept silent all the time, and was afraid of disturbing Chen Xi, finally couldn't help asking.

"Pay attention to driving, we are going to rush out, I will explain to you when I have time." Chen Xi opened the sunroof and leaned out of the window.

[Does the master need my help? ] Mao Mao, who was crawling on the back seat, saw Chen Xi's movement and asked aloud.

"not needed for now."

A fire dragon more than ten meters above the Chen family motorcade appeared.The fire dragon exudes high temperature all over its body, as if it wants to burn everything that touches it.The fire dragon rushed into the group of zombies, and all the zombies touched by the fire dragon were turned into ashes.The Chen family motorcade followed the fire dragon.

The people in the center of the car looked at the tumbling fire dragon and exclaimed. They all missed the rat plague last time. Later, they couldn't imagine the shocking scene after listening to other people's descriptions. Now they witnessed it with their own eyes.

The children looked at the majestic fire dragon longingly, imagining in their hearts that one day they could control such an awesome dragon.

Everyone at the Tianling Gate on the city wall also saw the fire dragon, and their hearts were incomparably shocked.It turns out that what those people said about the record of the Chen family in the rat disaster is true.So can they really hold the base?They were terrified, and what was the roar in the base accompanied by terrifying coercion?Why are there so many strange things in this God Y base?

The elders of Tianlingmen regretted taking over this mess very much now. Even the powerful Chen family chose to avoid it, so what should they do?If they abandon the base, not to mention the military, even sects will not let them go.

After the soldiers sent to the research institute came back, the news they brought made General Sun's face change suddenly.He quietly called Sun Yi and Wu Jianguo to the office.

"Xiao Yi, you and your Uncle Wu will lead those soldiers who practiced cultivation and the survivors of the base to break out."

"General, what do you do? Maybe there is still hope." Wu Jianguo and Sun Yi looked at General Sun anxiously, unwilling to give up.

"There is no hope. The Chen family and the disciples of Yunyingmen have all left. Today, the talents of Tianlingmen and the Chen family were suppressed as soon as they met the Chen family. It is not reliable at all. Now the monsters at the research institute have broken free again. The second time is more bad than good." General Sun instantly seemed to be ten years older, and his originally straight waist was also slightly bent.

"Uncle, I will stay with you." Sun Yi's eyes were red. After the apocalypse, his family members were not spared, and his uncle was his only relative.

"General, I will also stay. We have lived and died together for so many years, how can I be left behind this time." Wu Jianguo was also anxious.

"Nonsense, didn't you hear clearly? You are going to take the survivors of the base to escape, not let you escape by yourself. What if all those people are left behind?" General Sun stood up angrily and slapped the table.

"But..." The two still wanted to say something.

"Jianguo, Sun Yi is the only one in our Sun family. You must take good care of him for me." General Sun interrupted them with tears in his eyes.

"General, I will stay, you can go."

"No, if I leave, people's hearts will be scattered. After you leave and I will kill you, you can take out as many people as you can. You follow the Chen family. If you can catch up with them, they can't ignore you." After finishing speaking General Sun looked at the nephew he had grown up with since he was a child. This was the last thing he could do.

"Uncle wants to stay with you." Sun Yi was not afraid of death, and he felt uncomfortable watching his elders go to die.

"If you stay here, I will never recognize you as a nephew, and our Sun family does not have you." General Sun knew that this child was filial.

"Uncle, I will try my best to take everyone out." Sun Yi stood at attention and gave a military salute to General Sun.

"Jianjun, don't worry, I will take good care of Sun Yi." Seeing that General Sun had made up his mind, Wu Jianguo solemnly bowed to his old leader.

The two turned around and went out, ready to start the mission, but General Sun said to Sun Yi: "Xiao Yi, you actually like the Chen family kid, right? If you can get out alive this time, uncle won't bother you about those things. "General Sun had already noticed that his nephew was looking at the Chen family boy in the wrong way, but he kept silent.

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