Doomsday's Handle

78 The Way Forward

The staff of the center got up early the next morning and steamed steamed buns and cooked white porridge.Everyone started their busy day after breakfast.Today they are going to clean up the antique building not far from the hotel, which will be used as a training and reception place for the sect in the future.

Yang Yufeng began to be busy arranging defensive formations on the island, only in this way can they live more safely.But it is very difficult to build a large defensive formation covering the entire island.Chen Rui, Gao Peng, Bai Er and others were also called to help.

Just when they were about to start work, the two new mini red pandas and Gillian found Yang Yufeng.Ask him for some bamboo, and they will plant a bamboo forest on the island to live in.They could grow vegetables on the island, too, if he had them.

Yang Yufeng gave them some bamboo and vegetable seeds from the space, and asked them to find a place to plant them.The mini panda dragged the bamboo to find a place to plant it happily.Finally, they found a remote corner and planted a bamboo forest with wood-type spiritual power. When Yang Yufeng arrived here, he couldn't help but sigh how powerful the two little pandas are.

The mini pandas are very satisfied after looking at their nest. There are no other animals here, no ugly monsters, and no one who wants to hurt them. It's great.After planting the bamboo, the two little pandas did not forget to promise the boss husband to grow vegetables for the island.So they started to shuttle around the island, and the cleaning staff saw two red pandas planting vegetables in the woods with Gillian's help.

Gillian used spiritual power to open small holes in the mud, and the red pandas threw the seeds in, and Gillian buried the pits, and then green shoots emerged from the soil.These three small animals moved extremely fast, and it took a day to plant vegetables in the spare mud on the entire island.Although it is only a small bud, it is also very gratifying.Three days later, the two red pandas cooked the vegetables, which made people dumbfounded.

In this way, the people on the island started a busy and happy life.It took Yang Yufeng a week to complete the defense formation on the island, and Chen Xi's injuries were much better.On the day when the formation was officially launched, everyone was beaming. In the evening, my aunt cooked a sumptuous dinner for everyone with vegetables grown by red pandas.In order to thank the little pandas, Yang Yufeng rewarded them with two elixir, and they were so happy that they rolled. For the sake of the generosity of the boss, they will order a variety of dishes in the future.

Now all the buildings on the island have been cleaned up, and a lot of things have been added.On the roof of the hotel, Chen Yong and his uncle installed solar generators, and the entire hotel is now electrified.In the evening, when everyone has nothing to do, my uncle will use a projector to show cartoons to everyone in the conference room.Everyone is tired these days, they are still children and let them relax.

Yangyang and Chengcheng have been running errands with the children in the center for the past few days, handing things over, and never heard them complain about their suffering or tiredness. The two children are very sensible.Now they get along very harmoniously with their friends, and there are faint signs of a child king.

Although electricity is available now, water is still a problem.Everyone has to get water from the water tank in the lobby, which is condensed by Chen's mother's magic power.There was no water in the pipes.

But Yang Yufeng told them that in the future, the island's lighting and water supply will use arrays to replace the original energy.After the formation of the island protection array is completed, the problem of water supply and other issues will be solved next.After Bai Er joined the ranks of helping to set up the formation, he was once again shocked by the spirit stone that the Chen family took out.

It's okay for Chen Xi not to use his spiritual power now, so he joined them to discuss how to arrange the formation.Although the villas in the space have formations, they are not that large.They were studying how to arrange the array that day, and Gillian contacted Chen Xi.

[Boss Qi Dong is here, he is across the lake. 】

[Come here, let's go find him together. 】Chen Xi can't get in touch with Qi Dong who is so far away now, so he can only bring Gillian along with his activity radar.

[I'm here in the bamboo forest, wait for me for a while. 】

"Yufeng, Qi Dong is here?" Chen Xi said to Yang Yufeng.

"Who is Qi Dong?" Yang Yufeng didn't think of it for a moment.The rest of the people were also confused.

"It's the boy who was turned into a monster by the laboratory." Chen Xi explained their confusion. "He's waiting for me across the lake."

"I'll go with you. If he gets out of control, there will be someone to take care of him." Yang Yufeng heard Chen Xi mention the boy, and now that Chen Xi's injury is still not healed, he can't let him go alone.

"Okay, we will set off when Gillian arrives." Chen Xi also knew her situation and nodded in agreement.

"By the way, Xiaoxi, how are you going to help him?" Yang Yufeng didn't understand what Chen Xi's plan was.

"You will know when the time comes." Chen Xi smiled mysteriously.

"Brother, take us to see it too." Chen Rui was very curious.

"Don't go, he can't control himself sometimes." Chen Xi looked at Chen Rui who was full of curiosity and refused his request decisively.Chen Rui immediately became dejected.

[Boss, I'm here, let's go. 】A-Jiao rushed to sit on Chen Xi's shoulder and squatted down.Yang Yufeng asked everyone to find something to do, and he took Chen Xi to see Qi Dong.

It took Qi Dong several days to disperse the zombies he had gathered around so that they would not gather together.After finishing all this, he eagerly took his sister to Fairy Lake.Looking at the blue lake, he began to worry, how would he get there?Most of the boats by the lake were broken, and the only few good ones were taken away by the Chen family.Just when he was at a loss, the spirit beast named Gillian found him and asked him to wait here.

Qi Dong felt uneasy, what would he do if the answer he got today was that he could never recover?What about his sister?He would go crazy if he continued to live like this, and he desperately longed to return to his old self.When Chen Xi and the two arrived, they saw Qi Dong waiting anxiously on the shore.

【You came. 】When Qi Dong saw Chen Xi, he couldn't hide his inner joy and greeted him.

[Well, long time no see. 】

[Is it still possible for me to change back? 】

【It depends on your willpower. If you succeed, your sister may also have hope. 】Chen Xi glanced at Qi Lian who was following behind Qi Dong blankly.

【Really?what method? 】Qi Dong said eagerly.

【The method I am talking about is to let you cultivate demons, but it is a rational demon. 】【magic? 】Qi Dong didn't quite understand.

[Yes, everyone knows that there are cultivators, and there are also demon cultivators.But demon cultivators can easily lose their minds, just like your current situation.As long as you are strong-willed, you can change back to your original form after Dacheng, and you can also help your sister regain her sanity. 】Because their conversation did not block Yang Yufeng, now Yang Yufeng also knows Chen Xi's plan.But wouldn't this be too risky? If a monster was created, the world would be even more chaotic.

[But how do I practice? ] It is also cultivation, whether it is cultivation of truth or magic, it is not very important to Qi Dong.

【I will teach you, but I'm not sure whether I'm helping you or hurting you. 】Chen Xi has no idea in his heart, if he endures the test and remains clear, then it will be nothing even if he becomes a demon.If he loses his mind completely because of it, doesn't it kill him?

【In any case, I have to thank you all, only you are willing to accept and help this monster like me. 】Qi Dong is very grateful to them, these two people are the first people to lend a helping hand to him after the apocalypse, and it was when he turned into a monster.

[The process may be painful, you have to hold back. 】

[I have suffered too much, I am not afraid. 】 Qi Dong said firmly.

Chen Xi took out the frozen body of the demon from the space, and took out two slips with jade pupils, which recorded the spell of clearing the heart and the method of repairing the demon that Qing had found before.He let Qi Dong eat the magic pill in Tianmo's body, and then cultivated according to this method.

After taking the magic pill, Qi Dong felt a familiar tearing pain in his body, he gritted his teeth and endured it.Chen Xi and Yang Yufeng looked at him worriedly. They were moved by the boy's persistence, his concern for his sister, and his tenacity of not being lost in hatred.They are willing to take a risk. Cultivators are not necessarily good people with kind hearts, and demon practitioners are not necessarily bad people who lose humanity.In this chaotic last days, all boundaries have become so blurred.

Qi Lian seemed to feel Qi Dong's pain, and she let out a whining sound after being very quiet.But she remembered that Qi Dong didn't let her attack those two delicious foods, and he didn't attack Chen Xi and the others when Qi Dong was semi-conscious.It wasn't until evening that Qi Dong loosened his frowning brows and opened those blood-red eyes.

[How do you feel? 】Chen Xi saw that he didn't look like he had failed.

[I'm fine, I feel my head is clearer again, and my strength is stronger. 】Qi Dong said in surprise.

[That's good, keep it up in the future, your sister needs you, even though she has lost her mind, she still cares about you. 】Yang Yufeng took the initiative to talk to him. Qi Lian had been guarding Qi Dong all day, and for a moment, a worried expression appeared on her numb face.What kind of bondage is this.

【thank you all. 】 Qi Dong looked at his sister, his heart was turbulent, they had hope again.

Because he was worried that he would hurt the people on the island if he lost control, Qi Dong temporarily lived in an abandoned resort hotel by the lake.Chen Xi left him some dried meat and some daily necessities, telling him to treat himself as a human being, not to lose himself, as long as he has the determination and the method, he will surely achieve the set goal.And also agreed to come to see them once a day and give them some daily necessities.

After the two returned home, they told their family members the story of the two brothers and sisters. Everyone sighed after hearing this. There are really all kinds of people in the last days.Like the Qi Dong brothers and sisters, no matter what happens, they will never leave, and the family relationship of relying on each other makes everyone admire. I hope that the road for these two brothers and sisters will be smoother in the future.

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