born august in the end times

Chapter 16 Confession

Yu Chun and the others kept advancing at a steady pace, followed by the old and the young in the village. Among the less than a hundred people, less than a quarter were young and middle-aged, and even women took up weapons.

There are old people and children left, ranging from nearly fifty years old to little hairy children with snot, and there are actually a few pregnant women and babies in swaddling clothes. Crying will attract zombies. The mother held back her tears and stuffed a handkerchief into the child's mouth.

Even sometimes, a child who is too young will be out of breath, his face will be flushed, and he will almost suffocate. Mothers can only find a free time for the child and let him go.

Although a bit cruel, this behavior is very sensible.

A child's sharp cry is a Pandora's box. It is estimated that all children will cry by then, and the sound will definitely attract zombies.

Yu Chun and the others don't want them to walk ahead, and the children behind them cry, and then behind their buttocks, there is a circle of zombies.

Along the way, he admired these villagers who had a sense of the overall situation. They united and helped each other, and worked hard to support each other to survive. Yu Chun didn't know that as the situation worsened, the living conditions became worse and worse, and people were selfish. Will the inferiority appear in them, but now they make Yu Chun feel a long-lost human touch.

Later, he found out from Zheng Yu, the village chief, that they formed a collective like this simply because one person simply couldn't survive.

A family has a man who can fight, but has four or five family members who need to be protected. They gather together, the man protects the children and the elderly, and the women take care of trivial matters and stand guard. If they take turns, the chances of survival will be a little higher.

They understood this, that's why they huddled tightly together. Those who couldn't huddle together had already left the village before.

But it didn't detract from Yu Chun's emotion at this moment.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, they entered the range of City X. After that, they entered the main road, because there is only one main road that can lead to City A.

When they got on the highway, they saw more and more vehicles. After walking for a while, it became difficult for them to move. They were ready for the traffic jam, but they didn't expect it to be so fast and tight, an hour They moved less than a hundred meters.

The dark convoy in front has lost its momentum.

Fortunately, there are no people or villages here. Otherwise, if a large number of people gather, the smell will be like the smell of blood in the ocean. Zombies and sharks will swarm here when they smell the smell of blood.

However, it is not known when the zombies will appear.

The current situation is only temporary, the traffic jam is still a traffic jam problem.

Large-scale migration, no organizers, no leaders, the chances of no traffic jams are too small.

Now, they can only try to pull the car back and to the side, afraid that if there is a traffic jam, they will be blocked in the middle.

"I guess the situation is not good. More and more people gather, and it's just a matter of time before they can walk." Ji Chen lowered the glass, and there was already a car on their left, and the front was densely packed, and the cars behind continued to come in, and everyone collided.

The path a few meters wide has already been pushed out by people in the field to a width of tens of meters, and it is still expanding.

Dongfang Tiger kept keeping his car on the edge of the team. At this time, they had already separated from the villagers. Even if they just always turned to the right and retreated, it was not a solution.

"It won't work like this. It will be dark in another three or four hours, and it will be troublesome if you encounter zombies in the wild." Ji Gang frowned and said, "I'll go down and check with the people in front. See what's going on. Huzi, pay attention when driving, drive to the side, don't let other cars block us, and then we won't be able to run."

"Understood brother." Dongfang Hu responded, and then threw a white cushion in the car on the roof, "It is estimated that we will no longer be in this position when brother comes back, so that our car will be more conspicuous. It’s also convenient for us.”

They kept leaning to the side, and when the team was about to get fatter, they wanted to retreat three cars to the right, and Ji Gang came back.

Ji Gang got into the car and said, "There is good news and there is bad news. The bad news is that the road ahead is completely blocked. It is difficult for people to pass. I retreated before reaching the front.

However, I have inquired with people, and those people have definite news that City A has been listed as a large-scale refuge in the country. There seem to be six refuges organized by the government so far, and City A is the only one in our province.They all went to City A. I heard that it is quite safe there, there is an army, and under the control of the government, Huzi's sister should be fine now. "

Hearing this, the old lady and Dongfang Hu looked a little happy. They probably didn't have much confidence that they could find their daughter's (sister) family in City A. Even if they were still alive, they could go to other places for refuge. The news that City A has become a refuge undoubtedly increased the hope of their family reunion.

Let their family get together, this is no longer a hint in the heart, but will become a fact.

Knowing that the road ahead was completely impassable, they turned right and left the team.

They walked all the way, and when the big team could see it blurry, they turned again and drove forward.

When they were in a straight line with the front of the team, finally, they knew why not too many vehicles in the unlimited "country fields" actually caused the traffic conditions like the rush hour in the city.

That's because there is a bridge ahead.

That's because the bridge is broken.

Yu Chunlian relied on his divination skills to bring them a smooth life, and finally, it came to an end.

They have no choice, this road is the only road leading to City A in this direction.

Connecting the middle, the tens-of-meter-wide bridge that is nearly in disrepair has a large hole more than ten meters wide in the middle, which divides the bridge in two and blocks people's hope of running to the shelter.

Moreover, the recent days of heavy rain across the province have turned the small river, which is usually less than half a person deep, into a "small river" with rippling water.

They were not far away, and they could see the people trapped on the other side of the river with them, like trapped beasts, fighting hard, stepping on the gas pedal far away from the bridge, rushing to the bridge like an arrow, trying to leap, but Like a dumpling, it fell into the big hole in the middle of the bridge. With a plop, the river only swirled once, and even people and cars sank.

Seeing that people's hearts have sunk to the bottom.

"If it doesn't work, we can only leave the car, get into the water, and swim to the other side of the river." Dong Fanghu suggested.

Ji Chen shook his head, "This place is at least a hundred kilometers away from the downtown area of ​​City A. We don't have a village in front of us here. Let alone whether we can find a car in the village. In the best case, we must at least It takes five hours on foot to reach the nearest village, of course, if there is a village within 25 kilometers.

In the worst case, we can only rely on two legs to reach City A, then we will have to walk for twenty hours without sleep. "

The old lady shook her head even harder than Ji Chen, "That won't work, and it will be dark in two hours."

If you have a car and meet a large number of zombies, you can still run. If you don’t have a car, you will have to wait to die when you encounter a large number of zombies. Especially in the wild, there is no shelter. Although zombies move slower than humans, their slowness is also limited. For example, the same For 100 meters, humans run in 13 seconds, and zombies may take 17 seconds.

Humans will get tired, but zombies won't. Without a car, people will always be overtaken by zombies. Their lives cannot be put on "never meet more than five zombies".

Abandoning the car is a gamble that loses more than wins, and the car must never be lost.

"Actually, if the people on the other side of the bridge, get out of the way, if I take the risk and try, I'm more than [-]% sure that our car will fly over. It's useless to say these things now, those people can't get out of the way. "

Dongfang Hu smiled wryly, "Now we have only two options. First, abandon the car. Second, let's turn around and walk along this river to see if there are bridges in other places, and go around in a circle to City A."

Dongfang Tiger doesn't know where this river leads to and how long it is, but as a person who grew up here, he knows that, at least in his 30 years of impressions, there is no other way to lead to it except this road. City A.

No, there is a third way.

Yu Chun sits in the back seat and sucks his fingers. Whenever he encounters a difficult decision, he will do this action. He is very conflicted in his heart now. They have reached a predicament, and the predicament in front of them can be solved as long as he speaks a word .

The problem is that he doesn't want to, and he can't.

If he tells the secret of his space, he will either be treated as a guinea pig and make an outstanding contribution to the further development of all mankind, or he will be treated as a rare commodity and taken as his own, and he can't help himself from then on.

The paradox is that they are now tied to the same boat. If they die, he may also be buried with them, and then reluctantly change their shells.

Wait, change the shell?

That is to say, the bond between him and the little turtle is not a physical bond, but a soul bond. If one day I meet someone who doesn't like me, I can wipe my neck, hit the wall hard, close my eyes, and find a shell. Start his beautiful life again.

This is really awesome, even more exciting than plastic surgery.

At that time, who will know him as Yu Chun?

In the rearview mirror, Ji Gang watched Yu Chun's face constantly changing, conflicting, reluctant, fearful, suddenly enlightened, and finally relieved. From this face, he could guess what Yu Chun was thinking in his heart .

He knows his secret, he doesn't know whether Yu Chun looks down on him, or thinks too much of himself, knowing that he is a special soldier, when he gets up and goes out in the middle of the night, he still wants to hide it from him, if he doesn't even get out of bed with the people around him I know, he has already died countless times, especially now that danger is everywhere, he sleeps with one eye open.

In a split second of pure action, he wakes up.After Yu Chun went downstairs, he also followed. He saw with his own eyes that Yu Chun made the flour and rice disappear out of thin air in front of him.

At first he suspected that he was sleepwalking, but after Yu Chun fell asleep, he went to confirm it again.

Finally, he knew Yu Chun's secret - Yu Chun has a storage space that only exists in the fantasy world.

Storage space, he has no intention of telling Yu Chun's secret, as long as Yu Chun doesn't tell it, he will always keep this secret, he can understand the fear of people with "treasures", the heart is dirtier than darkness.

As long as Yu Chun is silent, he will rely on his own strength to solve the matter in front of him.

Seeing Yu Chun open his mouth, listen to his ears—"Brother Ji, I have something to tell you, can you get out of the car with me?"—Ji Gang's heart was shocked by this sentence, he knew that Yu Chun After making a choice, he believed in himself, then he, Ji Gang, would never let him down in his life.

When Yu Chun spoke, he felt relieved. He would rather take a risk than violate his conscience. Ji Gang saved him. It can be said that he saved his life. When he knew that there would be no return, he brought him Out of the city.

He believed that Ji Gang would not disappoint his trust, and took a step back and said that he had misjudged the person, so he should pay him back for his shell.

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