born august in the end times

Chapter 38 Medical Skills

There is no air-conditioning or heating in the hotel. It is a bit cold, but it is still tolerable. They have slept in the ice and snow for several nights, and the environment is already good.

It's just that the old lady was a little distressed about the food, but seeing her daughter and her grandson who was over a month old, she shut up and dragged her daughter into the room happily.

Dongfang Weiyu followed behind, took a look at Yu Chun, and entered the room.

It is said to be a single room, less than ten square meters in size. It was obtained by dividing a room into two with wooden boards, and even the sound could not be blocked. The old lady, mother and daughter slept here, Liu Zhen, mother and son slept there, and Yu Chun Their room is next to theirs.

"Isn't it as big as our toilet?" The old lady looked at the room full of double beds, and was a little dissatisfied. She was dissatisfied with such a small room and the expensive price, and dissatisfied with her pure and delicate body. Extravagant and wasteful behavior Dongfang Weiyu naturally knows the old lady's temper. Her father left early, and the old lady suffered for a while afterward, and her temperament became more careful. The money that should not be spent is not too much. Flowers are frugal by nature, old people are like this, but at this time, they can't let it go.

When Yu Chun was paying the grain just now, Dongfang Weiyu saw that the old lady was a little unhappy, but fortunately Yu Chun didn't care, but if the old lady continues like this, Yu Chun will be unhappy sooner or later.

And Dongfang Weiyu understood that if they didn't have the status of being a pure space person, they wouldn't be able to come here so comfortably. Maybe their child would have died in this chaotic world.

They still have to rely on him, Dongfang Weiyu naturally won't let the old lady offend Yu Chun, and speaking of reason, Yu Chun is also justified.

"Mom, why are you unhappy?" You can't let it go on like this, knowing that the old lady still has reason, Dongfang Weiyu reasoned with the old lady.

"Don't I love food? 24 catties of rice is enough for us to eat for three days, isn't it just going to live outside for one night? It's not like we've never lived in a tent. It's not much different from here?" the old lady said. Worried about seeing Liu Zhen's mother and son next door, he said in a low voice.

Dongfang Weiyu made her son laugh a few times. Fortunately, his son is not naughty. He usually doesn't cry or make trouble. When he is sleepy, he can be coaxed to sleep. It is easy to take care of him. She patted her son with one hand and said, "At that time , there is an army outside, we can sleep soundly, what about now? We sleep on the street, marching tents, eiderdown quilts, you are not afraid of sleeping until midnight, being murdered and robbed?"

The old lady was a little embarrassing, but she knew her mistake and could correct it, "I was thinking about it."

Dongfang Weiyu sighed, "Mom, it's okay if you're unhappy because of this, anyway, you're also doing it for Yu Chun's good, but I'm afraid, it's not just for this, is it?"

"I think Xiaochun is too wasteful." The old lady said honestly.

"That's it." The child had already closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep. "Then let me ask you, who owns the food that Yu Chun brought out?"

The old lady was silent, and Dongfang Weiyu pressed her step by step, "Yu Chun's food is his own, not to mention that we got to the base safely from city A, but now, Yu Chun is holding his own food , Renting a room for us, it’s fine for you, if you don’t appreciate it, it’s fine, you’re not happy, you say people are extravagant, you say people are wasteful, and you complain about Yu Chun’s coquettishness, think about it for yourself, is there any reason for your complaints?”

Dongfang Weiyu guessed that it might be because they were too close, the old lady had forgotten that they were two families, did she think of other people's things as her own?Otherwise, the old lady is taking advantage now, just be happy and grateful.

She wanted to say earnestly: "Mom, Yu Chun calls your grandma, but Yu Chun is not your grandson." His things don't necessarily belong to you.

"Your mother has lived for so many years, how can you not even understand this kind of thing? I am—" the old lady paused, and said, "I have some opinions on him."

"Didn't you always think he was nice?" Dongfang Weiyu gave the old lady a strange look. The old lady was superstitious and convinced of those illusory things, and this was Yu Chun's profession, and she could see it all the way. Yu Chun does have some skills, the old lady should find him the most pleasing to the eye.

"He told me before that your brother can't touch a woman, if he does, he will be bloody." The old lady said.

Dongfang Weiyu immediately understood that in the final analysis, it was the old lady's obsession with holding her grandson. The old lady didn't want to believe Chun's words, but Yu Chun was a very accurate fortune teller, she didn't want to believe it, but Can't believe it.

But the premise is that Yu Chun has no reason to lie to her.

But now, they all know that, just like the relationship between Dongfang Hu and Ji Chen, Yu Chun and Ji Gang are a couple, and Yu Chun and Ji Chen are equivalent to the relationship between sister-in-law and sister-in-law.

If there was no such relationship, the old lady would have believed her brother's death.

Since Yu Chun and Ji Chen formed such a relationship, the old lady naturally wondered if Yu Chun would deliberately lie to her in order to help Ji Chen.

The old lady's thinking is reasonable, and Dongfang Weiyu is also suspicious.

However, there is no way to verify it, just like the space of the space person, only the space person knows whether Yu Chun is lying or not, only he himself knows, unless they can stuff a woman into her brother's bed, and her brother touches it. , to be verified.

But just like what Yu Chun thought, even if someone doubts, no one dares to risk losing his son and brother just to get an answer.

The old lady didn't dare, and Dongfang Weiyu didn't dare either.

Since there is no way to tell, Dongfang Weiyu thinks that the old lady is really looking for troubles for herself, which is of no benefit to her, so she wants to prevent the old lady from looking for trouble.

Dongfang Weiyu had no choice but to continue to persuade: "Mom, you tell me, if Yu Chun deceives you, what are you going to do? Find me a daughter-in-law, let's not talk about it, my brother loves Ji Chen to the death. , just say, what good is it for you to find a woman? Of course, besides giving you a grandson. "

Not everyone is like Ji Chen, who has a strong brother and a "sister-in-law" who is a space person. Apart from some problems with his legs and feet, he himself is not a weak person with no power to restrain a chicken. He has good military strength .

And find another woman, if you are lucky, you are an orphan with no relatives and no reason, and if you are unlucky, you will let Dongfang Hu take care of the family and take care of them. and zombies.

This is from a practical point of view, from an emotional point of view, Dongfang Weiyu doesn't want to separate her brother and Ji Chen, they really love each other.

She didn't know what the old lady was going to do, wasn't she just a grandson?

"Okay mom, I'll give you my son, don't you like grandson?" Dongfang Weiyu pushed her son into the old lady's hand and climbed onto the bed by herself.

Yu Chun naturally didn't know, even if he knew what Dongfang Weiyu and the old lady said, he wouldn't care. Anyway, he had already decided that when looking for a house, everyone should never live together. Many, but live on your own, live closer, reduce friction and take care of each other.

The two of them got into bed, and Yu Chun fell asleep very quickly, and his breathing became steady after a while.

Sleeping on the surface is actually the soul entering the space. This is the benefit of the soul entering the space. He never has to worry about someone seeing through when he enters the space, because the outer shell looks like he is asleep on the surface. However, it's just not waking up.

Regarding the little turtle handing over to the doctor, the deal of letting the little turtle out of the space by myself is broken by letting the little turtle out when Chun is in crisis, but the initiative is still in Chun's hands, whether it can be released for the first time or not. the second time.

And the little tortoise, who has already eaten and drank enough and tasted the sweetness, is even more enthusiastic about his work. He simply forgets to sleep and eat, day in and day out, striving for freedom as soon as possible.

Yu Chun was already in space when a "brick" hit him on the head.

"Hurry up, hurry up, I want to go out." The little turtle bounced around on the spot.

Don't doubt, he did see, a tortoise, jumping like a rabbit.

"Knowing each other" for so long, Yu Chun has become accustomed to it. The little turtle is not like a turtle. It eats meat and runs fast, ignoring its size. The frequency of its limbs when running is definitely not inferior to that of a wild leopard. , Now it’s just more rabbit habits, Yu Chun has calmed down, he now regards the little turtle as an unknown creature with a similar appearance to the turtle, I believe that one day, the little turtle will grow a pair of bird wings , he can still remain calm.

"Written?" Yu Chun picked up the "brick" on the ground. The thickness is as long as a finger. The cover is hard cover. This is an Oxford dictionary, but the content inside is not. I don't know what to use for the words inside. The reason has been erased and the Chinese characters rewritten.

Yu Chun turned to the last page, "You didn't cut corners, did you?"

People had to bow their heads under the eaves, but the little tortoise endured it until its teeth itch, and two words popped out of its mouth, "No."

Probably not. Yu Chun flipped through the ones in his hands. The introduction of each plant was very detailed, and there were illustrations next to it. I don’t know how the little turtle made it. The illustrations are lifelike and colorful.

The front is the introduction of plants, the back is various prescriptions, from bruises, swelling and pain, to the recovery of dead human flesh and bones, and finally there is a sword manual.

All kinds of knowledge are very detailed, the only shortcoming is that there is no table of contents in this book.

Yu Chun seriously suspected that this was done on purpose by the little turtle. It was pointing its butt at itself now, wasn't it just waiting for him to beg him?

"What kind of plant can promote bone growth?" Yu Chun was able to bend and stretch. He took a step forward, squatted down, and faced the little turtle, and held it in the palm of his hand at the little turtle's gesture.

The little tortoise also knows enough is enough, "Zi Shengji, on page 185."

Zi Shengji.

Odor: Weeping, flat, non-toxic.

Indications: Fractures, broken legs, bone crushing, regeneration of broken limbs, skeletal dysplasia.

Regeneration of severed limbs?It's too fucking bad.

Yu Chun looked at the picture, Zishengji is a kind of purple grass, except for the color, it looks similar to the weeds in the field. It has seven leaves. Because of the color, it is easy to find. Ask for a large slice.The growing location is the location where you plan to plant cucumbers. When you wanted to plant cucumbers before, you had to weed and clean them up. Seeing the densely packed area, it was not pleasing to the eye. Now I can’t wait to go and kiss it.

"Is this enough?" Yu Chun stared at the purple in front of him with bright eyes.

The little turtle nodded, "It's not a serious illness, just Zishengji is enough, no complicated prescriptions are needed."

So what are you waiting for, Yu Chun put the little turtle in his pocket and ran to the purple field.

"Don't waste everything, just pick the leaves, you don't need to pull out the whole thing." Seeing that Yu Chun was about to pull it out, the little turtle hurriedly stopped it.

"There are not so many, eight plants are enough, remember the leaves on a purple parasite." The little turtle said again.

It's simple, Yu Chun directly pulled the eight purple sages naked, "How to take it?"

"Anything is fine, just stuff it in his mouth." The matter was settled, and freedom was in front of him. The little turtle was very excited.

It's a pity that he has forgotten Yu Chun's temperament. The couple entered the bridal chamber and the matchmaker threw it over the wall. The little turtle was right to keep a hand, but it still underestimated Yu Chun's ability to cross rivers and tear down bridges.

And it's night now, why not stay here?

"Good boy, let's go to bed first, besides, there is no place for you to sleep outside?" Yu Chun immediately sent Zi Sheng away.

Leaving the little turtle with a murderous expression.

"Ah——help——" In the morning, there was a shrill scream from outside the window.

What happened?Enemy attack?

Ji Gang woke up immediately in his sleep, while Yu Chun tossed around in the space for a while last night, fell asleep a little late, and is still sleeping now, because such a loud sound did not wake him up, "Bang, bang, bang, "Voices sounded from outside the window one after another.

Carefully letting go of Yu Chun in his arms, frowning, Ji Gang came out of the window.

Oh my God, it's hail, but the size of the hail is astonishing, about the size of two adult's fists, falling from the sky one after another, hitting the roof and the cars on both sides of the street. It was already bright, and there were already many pedestrians on the road, as well as people sleeping on the street. The hailstorm suddenly arrived, and the people exposed to the sky had no way to dodge. There's blood—"

"Smash people to death—"

There were screams on the street, people ran with bloodstains, some had their arms and legs broken, and some were hit in the head directly, lying on the ground directly, people on the street were either dead or injured .

The chaotic people ran towards the surrounding buildings, and some people ran towards the nearest car, got into the car, got under the car, but within a minute, there was no one standing on the street .

The snow-white streets were stained with blood, and the hail was so powerful that no one dared to rescue the fallen people. After hesitating for a while, they stopped moving.

Ji Gang looked at the miserable situation outside, then turned his head to look at Yu Chun who was soundly asleep.

If they had pitched tents on the street yesterday, it is very likely that they would end up in the same way as the people on the street.

Yu Chun should have expected it, so he insisted on staying in a hotel rather than spending a lot of money.

After a while, everyone arrived at Ji Gang's room, apparently awakened by the screams outside.

There were too many people, so Ji Gang simply removed the middle door panel.

Dongfang Weiyu and the old lady looked at Yu Chun who was sleeping like a pig, with admiration on their faces, this is a look, no matter how miraculous Yu Chun is, it can't compare to him, he saved their lives.

When the panic was over, she felt that her clothes were covered in cold sweat. Dongfang Weiyu covered her child with two layers of quilts, and shivered, "Don't you feel cold?"

Wrapped in a thick down jacket, Xiaojie was also shivering.

Everyone else also felt cold. This was obviously not the illusion of Dongfang Weiyu alone, the temperature was dropping.

However, the reason for Ji Gang and Yu Chun's cultivation was not obvious, but Yu Chun also unconsciously shrunk tightly into the quilt, leaving only a hairy head.

"Brother, can you wake Yu Chun up? He has coal there." Adults can bear it, but children can't. Dongfang Weiyu spoke to Dongfang Hu, but looked at Ji Gang.

"That can't be done." Dongfang Hu said, "Not only is there no coal stove here, but also there are too many people, it's not good to cause trouble, just bear with it."

He took off his shirt and threw it to the old lady, how could the old lady pick it up?

"Everyone bear with it," said the old lady.

Dongfang Weiyu didn't understand this truth, but as a mother, she couldn't bear to see her child suffer.

Yu Chun scratched his hair and got up from the bed. Even a pig woke up with such noise.

Ji Gang put on a down jacket for Yu Chun, and let his lower body still hide under the quilt, "There was a hailstorm outside, and many people died."

He was just stating the facts, not blaming Yu Chun for not reporting what he knew. Yu Chun breathed a sigh of relief. If Ji Gang was a great hero whose mission was to save the common people in the world, they would not be together.

And to be honest, it's not that he wants to save, but he can't save it. He can't afford the fate of so many people. If he changes a person's fate, God will acquiesce, and he will bear this person's life. , then nothing happens, if this person commits all kinds of evil, I'm sorry, and you will share half of his evil consequences.

When saving a person, half of the butterfly storm caused by this person will be borne by him.

If he meets an ultimate villain, he will be punished by heaven.

Yu Chun didn't plan to hide the coal in his space, because it couldn't be hidden at all.The most abundant and valuable things in his space are rice and coal. He is reluctant to part with rice. Judging from the current situation, it is very unlikely that there will be grain harvest in the field next year. Anyway, he is not afraid of the cold, and they will sooner or later. Want to buy a house.

And Yu Chun believes that in this place, people who can open a hotel will always have some background, at least they are local snakes. It will be much more convenient to have them guide the way. Now that winter is approaching, the value of coal should not be small. Willing There should be many people doing transactions.

Yu Chun decided to wait for half a day. With the hailstorm outside, there must be more homeless people entering the hotel. The price of the hotel may not be the price of yesterday. If the owner of the hotel doesn't ask them to increase the price, their character should be the same to take.

Unable to burn coal, Yu Chun took out the gas tank in the space and had a pot of delicious porridge, but he wanted to eat vegetables.

He must grow some vegetables in the space, but he doesn't believe that there are medicine fields in such a large space, so there must be some weeds, right?

In the porridge for Ji Chen, Yu Chun took the opportunity to add Zishengji into it. For this, he added a handful of seaweed to everyone’s bowl as a cover, and then tore Zishengji into pieces. up.

He watched Ji Chen drink up the bowl.

As for why the eight seven-leaf Zishengji plants only have 54 leaves, Yu Chun chooses to ignore it. Anyway, it is Zishengjiji, maybe the leaves have not fully grown.

As long as Ji Chen's legs get better, it's fine.

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