born august in the end times

Chapter 53 Building the City Wall and Contribution Value

The appearance of Zi Sheng Yin has brought many consequences.

Although the effect of allowing men to have children has not been proven by time, people have tended to believe that the chain reaction triggered is that men's choice of partners is not only trapped in women, but also by the environment. Persecution has already made them more inclined to be with men and watch out for each other.

Moreover, under the baptism of zombies, there are only three kinds of women who can survive safely and come to the base, evolved female supernatural powers, women under the protection of the family, and a very small number of extremely lucky women. single woman.

If Zi Sheng Yin can really allow men to have children, there is no doubt that there will be more families formed by men and men, and it will harm the interests of women, especially the interests of the last two types of women in the base.

Women, more or less, overtly or secretly, abused and cursed the people who made Zi Shengyin appear at the base, how many competitors did this add to them.

Yu Chun didn't take it seriously, and wanted to refute, if in the past - Zi Shengyin could have won the Nobel Prize for himself.

He turned a deaf ear to the abuse, and he always insisted that he had done a good deed, a great good deed. Could it be that men can have children, and men who like women start to like men?

Like, if a country doesn't recognize homosexuality as legal, isn't that country gay?

This is not nonsense, does it mean that a woman wants to marry a homosexual, and now her morality has basically reached a negative value. Homosexuals don’t care about other people’s eyes, and they no longer need a wife on the bright side. He is looking for a woman purely for a while The mother who gave birth to the child, the child is born, the mother kicks it away, what is this, this is a scumbag.

He has saved the tragic marriages of many female compatriots. Besides, the base has more men than women, okay? One-third of them have become gay, and women have a lot of room to choose their husbands.

If God destined it to be a relationship between a man and a man, a woman would be cannon fodder if she joined in. If it was destined to be a relationship between a man and a woman, why should a woman care that a cannon fodder has an extra function.

A piece of cake was cut in half, and the remaining half was too much for people to eat. Why did they have to divide the cake away.

You don't want to be a tool for men to procreate, and you don't want to have polyandry, so why use the most vicious language to attack him in life.

Men can have children, which violates your sense of superiority and deprives you of your advantages?In an instant, Yu Chun felt that he was the truth.

"Actually, the appearance of Zi Sheng Yin has indeed violated women's interests. Do you think people still pursue a happy family, a happy marriage, and a loyal partner?" Ji Gang said indifferently, but pointed to the essence of the matter, " What they are looking for now is to survive and seek a strong backer. If they can survive and have enough food, no one will care whether they have three wives and four concubines, or share one husband."

She also doesn't care whether her husband likes a man or a woman, and whether there are men out there.

The saddest thing about a person is not being loved, but having no use value.

Now, women have to be born dependent on men, and are in a fundamentally weak position. Their only advantage is that they can reproduce. If there are no women, wait for the extinction of mankind.

But the appearance of Zi Shengyin broke everything, and they were deprived of their only advantage. Could they not tickle Zi Shengyin's teeth?

Just like Dongfanghu and Ji Chen, Dongfanghu loves Jichen without a doubt, but if it hadn't been for the appearance of zombies, or the old lady is now messing around and being unreasonable, even though they are in love, there will be a third woman It is not impossible for those who intervene.

From a certain point of view, the interests of women have indeed been damaged.

Or, Dongfang Weiyu, who is a woman, she hopes that her brother can find a male sister-in-law, so as not to be more and more burdensome. After all, the more men in the family and the fewer women, the safer she is.As Dongfanghu's younger sister, she supports Dongfanghu's homosexuality, and also likes the emergence of the plant Zishengyin, but as a woman, if there is one more man to engage in homosexuality, her choices will be relatively less.

This is an inevitable law. The emergence of any new type of thing will harm people's interests. Even in a stable era, the appearance of Zi Sheng Yin will also lead to the layoff of surrogate mothers.

Survival of the fittest, survival of the fittest, is a maxim.

This topic is a bit heavy. Compared with Zishengyin's childbearing effect, its other role absolutely does not harm anyone's interests, and that is its function as food.

Yu Chun nestled on the sofa, resting his head on Ji Gang's lap, "I heard that all the Zishengyin in the base were taken away by the headquarters?"

It was transplanted in the morning, and in the afternoon it was announced that Zishengyin was non-toxic and edible, which caused complaints from the public. Damn, they did it on purpose.

Ji Gang nodded, "It's a good thing to be taken away by the headquarters, so as not to exhaust the fish and wipe out Zishengyin."

Hungry people frantically regard Zi Sheng Yin as food to fill their stomachs, but they don't care whether Zi Sheng Yin will become extinct.

"The base has already begun to gather good wood-type supernatural beings, and started to catalyze the purple yin, so that the purple yin will mature and set seeds. At that time, it is estimated that the base will distribute the seeds and plant them in a large area, which can feed many people in winter. Yes." Ji Gang said.

"That's true, but there is no place to plant in the base." There is almost no room for people in the base. There is no place to reclaim the fields. Yu Chun remembers that there are two layers of protection, city walls and barbed wire outside the base. Simple houses have also been built in the middle area, which has been fully utilized.

"If it doesn't work, expand the base." Ji Gang thinks that this is not a problem. Anyway, there are many places around the periphery, and the nearby zombies have been cleaned up almost every time. If it doesn't work, expand the area.

Ji Gang's words were very prophetic, and Yu Chun was a little suspicious that Ji Gang was the one who said it straight.

Not long after he said that, the base posted a notice, and began to summon the men in the base to build a protective wall to expand the size of the base, and then added a barbed wire fence to the outside of the protective wall. If there are a large number of zombies besieging the city, they can be powered on.

The base made it very clear that every household needs a man who can work hard to help. Three people will pick one person. Whether it is a baby who has just landed or an old man who is nearly a hundred and a half years old, as long as you are still living in the base, you will be able to work hard. Count one person, if there are three people in the family, go to one person, if there are six people in the family, go to two people, if there are two people in the family, go to one person, if there is one person in the family, then you can find someone to join you.

This is for everyone's common safety, the base's request is reasonable, not to mention that the base also provides a meal.

However, there are still quite a few people who try to evade this call. The weather is one reason, and the other part is that the meal provided by the base is rationed, and they can only eat half full, and there is only one meal a day. One meal, such a meal can't support it at all. It's better to nest in one place and save your energy after a day of physical labor.

This is simply a loss-making business.

The base is also helpless. It’s not that they want to construct in winter. No one knows how long winter will last, but they do know that winter has just begun, and the temperature will drop in the future. Who knows, will they be able to search outside? For food, when the weather is not too cold, it is urgent to expand the scope of the base and increase the fields for planting.

Who makes purple produce shade and can grow in winter?

And they can't provide a lot of food at all, and their food reserves are not much, and if the people who build the city wall are full, it is estimated that all the people in the base will rush to repair the city wall.

Avoiding building the city wall and rushing to build the city wall, they chose the latter.

Although there were not many people escaping, and the absence of one of them would not affect the overall situation, but the command post did not appease—this kind of atmosphere cannot last long, the leadership of the base showed courage, and began to search the streets for those evading their obligations. The base personnel When they entered the city, they were registered, and the scope of the investigation was very small. It was easy for those with fixed residences, but it was a bit troublesome for those with floating population.

But nothing can hold up patience and time. The command post is not afraid of wasting energy and time, and conducts a large-scale investigation at the base. A palm-sized pamphlet with a few pages indicates the age, name, occupation, occupation of family members, and whether they are supernatural beings who joined the army.

The most important thing is that the last column has the contribution value to the base. The contribution value is divided into two categories, one is what you have done to the base, and the other is the contribution value that someone is willing to share on you.

If the contribution is below average, then, you can be thrown out of the base to fend for yourself.

Yu Chun's family is not in danger of being thrown out, he only got a small book full of little red stars, two rows, this should allow him to stay in the base for a lifetime, right?

It is estimated that when he is needed, he will be politely warned, but there will be material rewards.

Yu Chun's life was not affected, and the investigation work outside was vigorous.

Those who were caught did not have to discuss it, and the whole family was thrown out of the base directly.

Although the base does not provide food and lodging, it can guarantee that there will be no zombies to eat you, and it will only get better and better soon. Frankly speaking, the base's request for people to build a city wall is not excessive at all. On the contrary, those People who escape are hated because they want to stay in the base and don't want to contribute to the base.

They were thrown off base with no sympathy for them.

The command post killed chickens and monkeys, and then announced that those who can reform themselves within one day will not be blamed for the past.

Since fishing in troubled waters was impossible, people with knowledge began to join the city wall repair team in desperation, and the investigation work of the base was still caught. Perhaps, the main task in the future was to apply for "ID cards" for everyone.

However, Ji Gang brought back a fish that escaped the net from the street one day, and it was someone they knew who had met a few times, but it wasn't considered acquaintance, at best they only knew his name.

How did you bring him home, Yu Chun and Ji Chen stared at Ji Gang at the same time, asking silently.

I happened to see it on the street, and Ji Gang said something in his heart.

"Chen Hui, sit down." Ji Gang greeted Chen Hui.

Chen Hui was a little dirty, looked at the clean sofa, and sat on the chair, "Thank you, if I hadn't met you, I would have been thrown out of the base."

His expression was a little sad.

Listening to him, Yu Chun guessed that maybe Chen Hui was also one of the people who avoided building the city wall. The inspectors found him, and Ji Gang happened to pass by, so they took him home. The problem is, although Chen Hui's clothes are a little dirty , and a bit embarrassed, but compared to most people's yellow, emaciated, and weak, it's still much better. The clothes you wear and the baggage you hold in your hands can't be like sleeping on the street, and it's better to be alone and hide. It's not bad to build the city wall and join the militia.

"I'll get you a glass of water." Yu Chun said to Chen Hui, then pulled Ji Gang into the kitchen.

Ji Gang knew what Yu Chun was going to ask, Chen Hui was only a little better than strangers to them, even if Chen Hui was about to starve to death, it would be no problem to them, if there were no special reasons, he would not have put him Bring it home, "You remember Xie Yuan, he is the one Xie Yuan."

Yu Chun didn't have much contact with Xie Yuan, but he also knew that Xie Yuan had also joined the army. It seemed that he and Ji Gang were not only colleagues, but also friends, and they had a good relationship. throw it out.

But if Chen Hui and Xie Yuan have that kind of relationship, as a member of the military or a family member of a supernatural person, it is impossible for Chen Hui to be reduced to such a situation, and people who are considered by the base to have failed to fulfill their obligations should be found out. You know, Chen Hui Like Hui and Ji Chen, as members of the military, with family members working hard in the army, the contribution value is definitely enough, and they don't need to repair the city wall.

"Could it be that Xie Yuan drove Chen Hui out of the house because he loved the new and disliked the old?" Yu Chun raised his eyebrows and guessed, the scene of chaos and abandonment was staged every day at the base, but Ji Gang probably wouldn't hand this in. Make friends.

Or is it that those who are close to vermilion are red, those who are close to ink are black, and Ji Gang's nature is also chaotic from beginning to end?

Yu Chun looked at Ji Gang a little unkindly.

Regarding Yu Chun's common hatred, Ji Gang raised his hand and surrendered, "Where are you thinking? It was Chen Hui who ran away from home. Xie Yuan was going crazy looking for him. In fact, when he was questioned by the inspectors, he just said thank you!" Yuan’s name, or the ID card he took out, it’s nothing at all, he doesn’t say anything, he runs away when he sees people, of course he will be suspected of avoiding labor and not contributing enough. I happened to see it, so I brought him back .”


"It turns out that they are not your love and my wish, but Xie Yuanbawang's bow." Yu Chun's words hit the truth.

Ji Gang had nothing to say, probably, maybe, should, what Yu Chun said was true, and Chen Hui was indeed not willing to follow Xie Yuan, "Ah Hu has already gone to inform Xie Yuan."

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