The second senior brother smiled, and said: "If you are crying about this, then that's fine, I will definitely help you lose your virginity when we meet next time."

Yan Jimeng: "..."

At this time, the scene was chaotic, the other party didn't know why the mountain wall was blown up, everyone was in shock, and the disciples of the Huanshan faction in the open space ran around in order to avoid the attack.Yan Jimeng helped the second senior brother to hide by the mountain wall, and found Ah Wang and Jun Buzhou.Seeing Yan Jimeng supporting the second senior brother, many disciples surrounded him.

The second senior brother pretended to be serious, closing his eyes as if he was about to die.

When the second senior brother's backbone fell, everyone couldn't help but panic, and many people looked at Yan Jimeng.Yan Jimeng had no choice but to ask two disciples to support the second senior brother. He used the technique of summoning clouds and spreading rain, and poured it on the top of the mountain wall, soaking many fireballs.Ah Wang cast a spell secretly again, turning the rainwater into ice cones to deal with the opponent standing on the top of the mountain.Yan Jimeng attracted a few more thunders, blasted away the huge boulder blocking the path, and escaped with everyone.

They fled all the way, and the pursuers chased them all the way. Yan Jimeng didn't dare to go inside the Immortal Sword Sect, for fear of being flanked by front and back, so he had to find another way and lead people across the path.

These people were chased and panicked, and even reached the edge of the forbidden area of ​​the Huanshan sect in the back mountain.The disciples of the Huanshan School all remembered the rules of the Huanshan School and did not dare to approach the forbidden area. Yan Jimeng also felt a little nervous, wondering if the terrifying tree demon was still there.But since the green bead was snatched by Ah Wang, there should be nothing wrong with it.

He gritted his teeth and beckoned everyone to go in.

Those people chased to the edge of the forbidden area, but they didn't dare to go in. Obviously, they had heard a lot of legends about the terrifying forbidden area.The leader gritted his teeth and said: "They entered the forbidden area, they must have gone and never returned! We don't have to chase, it's important to go back and reinforce the people on the mountain!"

The rest of the people didn't want to enter the forbidden area either, so when they heard what he said, they all nodded and hurried back.

A group of people walked to the depths of the forbidden area, and after a while, a cliff appeared in front of them, and there was only a narrow path to pass through.Yan Jimeng walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down. There was actually a canyon below, covered by clouds and fog, it was hard to see what was going on below.

Yan Jimeng thought to himself, if he brought the second senior brother back to the mountain, he would run away, why not just push the second senior brother down here.The second brother's cultivation base is extremely high, so he probably won't fall to his death.

He turned his head and walked back, put Ah Wang and Jun Buzhou aside, and said to the two disciples supporting the second senior brother: "The mountain road here is dangerous, you two are supporting the second senior brother, I'm afraid you won't be able to make it through, I will help the second brother Brother is fine."

Seeing this dangerous hurdle, the group of outer disciples stood back and forth, hurriedly handing over the second senior brother.Yan Jimeng supported her second senior brother, walked to the edge of the cliff, and stepped onto the cliff path without hesitation.

It was also very difficult for him to support the second senior brother along the way.At this time, the foot slipped, half of the foot was in the air, and the body was about to fall.He was so frightened that his mind went blank, he even forgot the Yufeng Jue.At this time, his arm suddenly tightened, and the second senior brother who was supported by him exerted force and pulled him back.

Yan Jimeng was covered in cold sweat. He only heard a lot of gravel falling down the canyon when his feet slipped just now, and there was no echo for a long time, which showed that the canyon was extremely deep.At this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little worried, wondering if it would be okay to push the second senior brother down.

At this time, the disciples on the other side of the path were brave enough to set foot on the path, but when they suddenly saw Yan Jimeng approaching, they all backed away in fright.They were far away and covered by clouds and mist, so they didn't see clearly that it was the second senior brother who pulled Yan Jimeng, and retreated back as if he had a quick reaction.

When they saw Yan Jimeng stopped on the way, they thought he was afraid. Yan Jimeng was considered the backbone of everyone at this time, and when they saw him retreating, everyone couldn't help but hesitate.

At this time, Yan Jimeng heard the voice of the second senior brother: "Just put me down here."

Yan Jimeng understood, knowing that since the second senior brother planned to get out here, he would naturally be able to deal with the dangers of the canyon, so he didn't hesitate anymore, and took two steps forward, then pretended to have hand cramps, let go of the second senior brother's body Crooked, fell down.

He himself pretended to be panic-stricken and shouted at the edge of the cliff: "Second Senior Brother!"

The second senior brother kept falling, and seemed to open his eyes at this moment, and smiled at him.Yan Jimeng didn't know if she was dazzled.When I looked again, the second senior brother had only one small dot left.

The people at the end of the trail were all terrified by this change, and many people knelt on the ground and called out for Second Senior Brother.After a while, some people calmed down and comforted Yan Jimeng: "The mountain road is full of dangers. This is an accident, no wonder little brother. Let's go back to the camp as soon as possible, and then let people go down to find the second brother. Maybe we can save the second senior brother."

At this time, another person said: "Second senior brother was already dying, but after such a fall, I'm afraid it will be impossible to rescue him again..."

When he said this, he turned everyone's worries into mist.

Yan Jimeng stood up and said, "Okay, okay, the most important thing is to go back to the pie."

He said and walked back, went to the side of the road, picked up Ah Wang and Jun Buzhou, and stepped on the trail again.

Seeing his urging, everyone bravely walked up the path.

It has been a long time since everyone came over tremblingly.Yan Jimeng led the people all the way up the mountain, and after a while, they entered a dense forest.He looked around, but found that this place was very familiar, it was not the place where he and his little brother were arrested last time.

Now that they got to a familiar place, Yan Jimeng felt relieved, and led the people to Huanshan sent along the way he and his little brother went back last time.

By the time we reached the back gate of the Huanshan School, it was already evening when the sky was full of red clouds.At this time, the scenery in the western sky is gorgeous, the tired birds fly back to the forest, and the twilight of the western sky covers the huge Huanshan Mountain. It should be a beautiful scenery, but everyone has no intention of admiring it.No matter how dull they are, they can see that something is wrong.

Originally, there were people guarding the back door all day long, but there was no shadow of the gatekeeper at this time.

Yan Jimeng led people in, and within a few steps, he found that the surroundings were in a mess and there was no one in sight.He thought of the three sects in the Immortal Sword Sect joining hands to attack them, so he guessed that these three sects also attacked the Huanshan Sect.

It's just that according to his opinion, even if the three factions join forces, they should not be the opponent of the Huanshan faction. Why is it in such a situation at this time?

He hesitated in his heart, and looked back at the disciples, who were also surprised and bewildered.

Yan Jimeng explained that everyone was waiting here, he put Jun Buzhou and Ah Wang down, and went to look ahead alone.

The further he walked, the more frightened he became.The place had obviously been the scene of a fierce battle, and was surrounded by ruins.The alchemy room of the second senior brother and the equipment refining room of the third senior brother all collapsed into one piece.

After walking for a while, he found someone groaning in the collapsed library cabinet, so he walked over immediately, picked up the broken tiles, and shouted inside, "Who's in there?"

After a while, an intermittent voice came: "It's me..."

Yan Jimeng recognized it for a while, and found out that it was the voice of the fifth senior brother, so she felt relieved, moved away the bricks and books, and dug out half of the fifth senior brother inside, sweating profusely.

The fifth senior brother saw him and asked, "Little senior brother, why are you here? Where is the second senior brother? Didn't he go down the mountain with you?"

"It's a long story, the Immortal Sword Sect, the Qingqiu Sect and the Jianyue Sect have evil intentions and plot against us...We were trapped by him at the bottom of the mountain, and we managed to escape up the mountain."

"I think it's the same. Those three factions joined forces to attack the mountain early this morning. We thought you were still in the Immortal Sword Sect, so we were very worried about you, but we couldn't dispatch people to rescue you."

"Why... why can't our faction deal with them?"

"It's okay if it's just these three sects, but they got a spiritual weapon from somewhere, it's so powerful that even the leader was seriously injured..."

Yan Jimeng couldn't help clicking her tongue, and while moving bricks and tiles, she asked the fifth senior brother: "What about the other senior uncles and senior brothers?"

Fifth Senior Brother shook his head, obviously not quite clear.

After much difficulty, Yan Jimeng finally dug out the fifth senior brother.Fifth senior brother's body was dripping with blood, but the skin injury was okay, the most feared thing was that his spiritual root was injured, and his cultivation might be restricted in the future.

Yan Jimeng put his hands on Fifth Senior Brother's body, walked along the meridians all over his body, and confirmed that several meridians were damaged, but there was no serious problem after healed, so he was relieved, and helped Fifth Senior Brother to an open space, He turned his head and called a group of outer disciples over.

All the disciples from the outer sect were very happy when they heard that they had found the fifth senior brother. When they saw that the fifth senior brother was seriously injured, they couldn't help but turn pale.

Yan Jimeng asked Fifth Senior Brother what should be the next step. Fifth Senior Brother obviously had no plan, but said that he couldn't stay here any longer. The three factions had joined hands to capture the Huanshan faction, and they might come looking for them soon.

Everyone was shocked when they heard that the Huanshan faction had been captured by the three factions, but looking at the expressions of the fifth senior brother, it didn't look like they were joking.

Yan Jimeng then ordered someone to carry the fifth senior brother, exited the back door, and took a rest at the edge of the forbidden area.

Unexpectedly, the Huanshan faction, which was still beautiful yesterday, would be like a bereaved dog today, Yan Jimeng couldn't help but feel emotional.He came to the Huanshan School not long ago, so the sense of belonging is not particularly strong, seeing the frown on the fifth senior brother's face, he comforted him instead.

The fifth senior brother thought of the second senior brother again, and asked about it, but before Yan Jimeng could open his mouth, a disciple next to him wept and told about the second senior brother.After listening to the fifth senior brother, his face turned pale again. Seeing Jun Buzhou sitting beside Yan Jimeng, he lost the interest in gossiping.

Yan Jimeng held Ah Wang in her arms, stroking his white hair with one hand, while asking the fifth senior brother about the magic weapons used by the three sects, so as to divert the fifth senior brother's attention.

"That magic weapon is a golden circle, and I don't know what kind of spiritual weapon it is. It is so powerful that even the head can't resist it."

At night, Yan Jimeng climbed up the tree and took a look inside the sect.Sure enough, there were gradually some people inside, cleaning up the ruins and tidying up the rooms that could still be lived in.

Judging by the attire of these people, it is obvious that they are not disciples of the Huanshan Sect.

He got down from the tree, went to sit next to the fifth senior brother, sighed, secretly thought that the competition for the spirit veins in the Shattering Space Realm was so fierce, although he knew it before, it was still not as shocking as what he experienced personally.

At this time, a black dot flew over from a distance.When it got closer, Yan Jimeng realized that it was a paper crane.The paper crane flew close to the crowd, circled twice, and then landed on the shoulder of Fifth Senior Brother.

The fifth senior brother looked at it and said to Yan Jimeng, "This is the special paper crane for tracing people in the division."

As he said, he took down the paper crane and unfolded it to read the words written in the letter: "Fifth senior brother, how are you doing? My uncles and juniors are all at the foot of the mountain. If you are well, remember to come down the mountain and meet us soon." .Eldest brother, pay back."

Fifth senior brother finished reading the letter, exchanged a glance with Yan Jimeng, and said, "It seems that they should be fine. Let's go down the mountain and meet them as soon as possible."

Yan Jimeng nodded, and said again: "You are injured, we'd better rest for one night and go down the mountain tomorrow morning."

The fifth senior brother also nodded in agreement, erased the letter with spiritual power, found a carbon stick and wrote a reply, refolded the paper crane, imprinted it with his own spiritual consciousness, and let the paper crane fly away.

Yan Jimeng couldn't help but asked curiously: "So we still have this kind of communication method in our door?"

Fifth Senior Brother nodded: "This sound transmission paper crane is exclusively for our inner sect. It is formed by sound transmission method and imprinted with spiritual consciousness. It will only be in the hands of those designated by Feidao. , so as not to leak the news.”

Yan Jimeng let out a cry.

"Didn't senior brother teach you the method of sound transmission?" Fifth senior brother asked with some doubts.Seeing Yan Jimeng shaking his head, he was also a little puzzled, and comforted Yan Jimeng, saying: "Maybe senior brother sees that your cultivation level is not enough, and he will teach you in a few days."

Yan Jimeng smiled, but he knew in his heart that it was because the sect master didn't believe him. The elder brother listened to the sect master's words, and if the sect master refused to let him teach, he naturally didn't dare to teach.

Ever since he entered the inner sect, the head of the sect has always been a stocking strategy for him. Although he sometimes goes to listen to the senior brother's lectures with the outer disciples by himself, most of the time he still practices according to the practice spell book in the system. I also figured it out by myself.

However, he has always been indifferent to practice, so he doesn't care much about the sect leader's selfishness.

In the early morning of the second day, the fifth senior brother urged everyone to get up and hurry, from the path to the foot of the mountain.When walking halfway, Yan Jimeng, who was leading the battle, suddenly stopped in his tracks for no other reason. At this moment, there were three people standing not far away, the leader of whom was clearly dressed as a disciple of the Immortal Sword Sect.

Yan Jimeng had an impression of him, and remembered that this person was the eldest disciple of the Immortal Sword Sect.

The man looked contemptuously at Yan Jimeng and the others, and said: "Listen up, the remnants of the Huanshan faction, surrender as soon as possible, and I will give you a good death. If you don't know what to do and resist me, I will let you know today." What is Avici Hell!"

Yan Jimeng turned to look at the fifth senior brother. How could the fifth senior brother surrender just like that, and immediately walked out and shouted: "You little fellows also want to take over my Huanshan, today I will let you know that the Huanshan faction is not easy to mess with!"

As he spoke, he was about to strike, Yan Jimeng knew that he was seriously injured, so he quickly stopped him and said: "How can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer, Fifth Senior Brother just sees me."

As he spoke, he took a few steps forward, and when he raised his hand, a thunderbolt struck him.

The disciples of the Immortal Sword Sect ran away in panic, one of them urged the eldest disciple: "Brother, quickly take out that magic weapon and show them how powerful it is!"

The eldest disciple hesitated for a moment, and said: "If the master and the other two sect masters find out..." They actually took out the spiritual weapon secretly this time, intending to show off their might, but they didn't expect to meet someone from the Huanshan sect on the way. Dang even wanted to catch a few people and go back to claim credit.It's just that this spirit weapon was stolen from the three masters, the eldest disciple is still a little timid.

In the meantime, several thunderbolts came down, causing them to run away with their heads in their arms. The other two disciples hurriedly urged, the eldest disciple gritted his teeth, took out the gold ring and threw it into the air, and then recited the incantation.The golden ring spun quickly, like a dart, it shot towards the Huanshan sent people at high speed.

Yan Jimeng repeated the old trick and still used the Thunder Inducing Jue, intending to split the golden ring like splitting a golden bell, but the ring moved too fast, and when he saw a thunder coming down, the golden ring had already flown to nowhere.

The fifth senior brother had tasted the pain of the golden ring, and immediately chanted a mantra to set up a layer of air to cover the disciples.It's just that he didn't expect that as soon as the golden ring flew over, it knocked out a crack in the air shield!

With another blow, Fifth Senior Brother's air mask was completely shattered!

Seeing that the spirit weapon was so powerful and it was flying towards them again, the disciples couldn't help shouting in horror.But when Jinhuan was about to approach, another air mask fell steadily, covering the Huanshan faction people in it!

Yan Jimeng and the fifth senior brother looked up, and saw that the senior brother was leading people coming from the mountain.

The elder brother was wearing the gas mask at this time, obviously struggling, his face was pale and his forehead was sweating.The air mask was really powerful, forcibly blocked Jin Huan's two attacks.

Only at the third time, the air mask still cracked a gap.

The elder brother was obviously also affected, and the younger brother followed beside him, looking impatient and not knowing what to do.At this time, a person suddenly came out from the queue, and said with a smile: "Eldest brother, you are still two fires away, just look at me."

Yan Jimeng recognized the person who came out, it was Qing Shu, an outer disciple who guarded the mountain gate and was under the care of the elder brother.

With a wave of Qing Shu's hand, the golden ring flew towards him, and then landed firmly in his palm.

With his attack, not only the people at the bottom of the mountain, the people at the Immortal Sword Sect, and the people at the top of the mountain, even Yan Jimeng were dumbfounded.

Qing Shu shook his hands, the hair that was originally knotted in a bun at the back of his head came loose, and the golden ring flew up, sticking his hair high on the back of his head.

It's just that her hair has been tied back, but Qing Shu's whole temperament has changed drastically.

At first, he looked not very colorful and dusty, but now he has a cold temperament, which makes people dare not look directly at him.

The people of the Huanshan faction didn't know what was going on, they all stood there with their mouths wide open.The Immortal Sword Sect was also dumbfounded. After a while, the eldest disciple stammered and said, "You... who are you! Return the magic weapon to me quickly! Otherwise, my master will not spare you when my master comes!"

Qing Shu sneered disdainfully and said, "Return it to you? This thing originally belonged to me, but I lent it to you for a while. I never imagined that your Immortal Sword Sect would be so thick-skinned that you want to keep it as your own."

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