Tong Qi walked to the hole, knelt down and saw a familiar object inside.

He suddenly remembered that he and Shen Ze met an old man when they went to Shanghai, and he also gave Tong Qi such a box, and told him to find him when he didn't know what to do.

Tong Qi took a deep breath, took out the box, then quickly entered the room and closed the door.

Tong Qi put the box on the table, then made seals with both hands, and muttered silently, and then a black hole appeared in the space in front of him as if something had been torn apart.Tong Qimian reached in without changing his expression, and then pulled out a box.

The box given by the old man was placed in the coffin shop by Tong Qi. This technique allows Tong Qi to get what he needs across thousands of miles.However, this trick is actually very dangerous to use. As long as Tong Qi is a little careless, he will face the matter of being torn apart by the unstable space.But at this time, Tong Qi couldn't care less.

The two boxes were indeed exactly the same. Tong Qi discovered that the two boxes were not only storage devices, but each box was the key to the other box, that is to say, the two boxes could only be opened when they were together.

The old man gave this to Tongqi and Tongqi did not study it, which also made Tongqi not think of this thing when he saw the unopenable box left by Tongjun.Fortunately, Tong Qi noticed the faint spiritual fluctuations under the cherry blossom trees.

Tong Qi put the two boxes together, twisted the box randomly twice, and the two boxes were opened at the same time. The box given by the old man contained a piece of pure white jade, and the box given by Tong Jun contained a piece of pure white jade. a letter.

Tong Qi frowned and took out the letter.

There was very little content in the letter, so he read the letter with two or three glances, and then his frown deepened.

Tong Qi sat in the room for a whole day, and he didn't make a decision until evening.

Tong Qi left Tong's house that night, and the old man just sighed deeply after hearing this, and did not send anyone to chase Tong Qi back.

And Tong Qi hurried, and finally rushed back to the small town before dawn. He stood at the entrance of Qingmu Alley and looked at the coffin shop from a distance, then turned and walked up the mountain.

When the sun came out for the first time, Tong Qi sat in a cave. If Shen Ze had been there, he would have found that this cave was no stranger to him—this was the cave where Chu Zhi prepared the soul-gathering ceremony for Qin Nian !

Now, Tong Qi was sitting cross-legged in the cave, with two boxes in front of him. He took out the white jade from one box and hung it around his neck, then held the box with both hands, and closed his eyes.

Gradually, the ups and downs on Tong Qi's body became much weaker, and by noon, there was no ups and downs on Tong Qi's body at all.

If someone came in at this time, he would find that Tong Qi's breathing had stopped, and his whole body was cold, unlike a person who was still alive in the morning.

Holding the box in both hands, Tong Qi walked on a river.

Yes, every step he took would cause the water ripples to fluctuate, but they were just fluctuations.

The river was very dark, but there was a shining blue light on the surface of the river.This is Netherworld, but it doesn't completely belong to Netherworld.

All the dead will step into the netherworld, but there are very few who can walk on this river. Those who walk on this river are either invited, or have an indissoluble karmic relationship with this place in their previous lives, so they walk on this river in the flesh. After being wiped out, it came back here again.

The source of this river is the most special place in the entire Netherworld. Not only is the owner there not ruled by the ghost master, but he is respected by the ghost master.

Hell is not empty, I swear not to become a Buddha.

Tong Qi read this sentence silently, and Tong Jun told a story about himself in the letter buried under the tree. At the end of the story, if you want to visit the most special friend in the netherworld, you might as well bring a piece of white jade and give it up. Mortal body.

Tong Qi didn't know if it was as early as 30 years ago, Tong Jun had foreseen everything that would happen 30 years later.But Tong Qi knew that Tong Jun had pointed him to the right path.

Tong Qi walked for a long time, as if after several lifetimes, Tong Qi raised his head ignorantly and found that he was no longer on the river.

Tong Qi looked back, and saw a small tributary flowing quietly, flowing from time immemorial.

"I didn't expect you to get here so soon."

Tong Qi looked up, the darkness around him was no longer, and he was standing in a well-lit room at the moment.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva sat on the platform and looked at Tong Qi with a smile.

Tong Qidao: "Hello, we meet again."

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva looked at Tong Qi and said, "Don't be cautious."

So Tong Qi raised his hands, so that the box could be better exposed to people's sight, and said: "I want you to open this box."

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva laughed and said, "Can't you open it?"

Tong Qi said: "Yes."

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva continued: "Are you really unable to open it?"

Tong Qi looked at the box, which still had no gaps, and said, "I can't open it."

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said: "If you want to open it, you will give up all the worldly relationships."

Tong Qi frowned and said, "I came here because of the fate of the world, why did I give up?"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva smiled lightly, and after a while, confusion flashed in Tong Qi's eyes, and he said, "I seem to understand."

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva clasped his hands together, closed his eyes, and recited Buddhist scriptures in a low voice.

Tong Qi only felt that this Buddhist scripture was very close, and it was different from all the Buddhist scriptures he had heard.

Tong Qi couldn't help closing his eyes, and when he opened them again, there was already a gap in the box in his hand.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva stopped chanting, and said, "You can open it already."

Tong Qi's hands trembled slightly, and he said, "What's inside?"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva smiled and said, "Everything in the world is here, open it."

Tong Qi took a deep breath, held the box with one hand, and opened the box tremblingly with the other hand.

The box released mist and gradually surrounded Tong Qi. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva smiled slightly, and continued to recite Buddhist scriptures with his hands together.

Tongqi returned to Tongjia.

He saw a boy sitting under a cherry blossom tree, holding a thread-bound book in his hand, reading it with relish.Tong Qi recognized the boy at a glance, it was Tong Jun.

At this time, Tong Jun seemed to be only seven or eight years old. He didn't see the extra Tong Qi in the courtyard. Tong Qi walked in front of Tong Jun, pursing his lips and wondering what he was thinking. His whole body was tense. stretched.

Tongjun put down the book and raised his head.Tong Qi's heart was pounding, but Tong Jun didn't look at Tong Qi, he looked towards the entrance of the courtyard and then continued to read with his head down.

Tong Qi suddenly had a subtle feeling in his heart, a little bit secretly happy, but also a little bit angry.

He can't see me, Tong Qi thought.

Before Tong Qi could get out of his entanglement, he saw the space around Tong Jun gradually distort, and then a little girl in red jumped out.

Tong Qi felt that immortal energy, which was the same as the immortal energy on the box, and Tong Qi suddenly had an unrealistic guess in his heart.

The little girl walked up to Tongjun, and Tongjun showed a surprised expression. He immediately put down the book and looked at the little girl.

Tong Qi didn't know what kind of space he was in. In short, he watched Tong Jun's childhood and adulthood like a bystander.Watching Tong Jun grow up, watching the little girl grow up.

Tong Qi watched the quarrel between Tongjun and the old man, watched him hugging the girl in red and never let go, watched him and her lying on the same bed, she reluctantly left at dawn, while he lay on their bed. He was reluctant to get up from the bed, until the old man opened the door and saw the mess all over the room.

Afterwards, Tongjun left Tongjun's family, and the girl spent more and more time with Tongjun, until one day the girl was stroking her belly happily, and never left Tongjun again.

Tong Qi thought, his father and mother must be happy.

But the good times didn't last long, as time passed, the girl became weaker and weaker, and Tong Jun became more and more anxious.Finally, on a rainy night, the girl clutched her stomach and cried loudly. Tong Jun set up a nine-nine-81 formation beside her. There was constant thunder outside the cave, and the girl kept tearing and screaming. Tong Jun delivered her baby in cold sweat. .

Blue lightning strikes the array formed by Tongjun. When the cry came, 81 formations had been exhausted. Before Tongjun breathed a sigh of relief, a person appeared outside the cave.

This is the end of what Tong Qi watched, but it is not difficult for Tong Qi to guess what happened next.He closed his eyes viciously, trying to breathe calmly.

It turns out that this is the truth of everything.

After his father sent him back to the same family, he must have gone to find his mother.

No wonder I feel the fairy energy on the box is familiar.

No wonder I was born with a spiritual power that no one else could match.

No wonder they weren't with him.

Tong Qi felt something touching his head, he opened his eyes, and looked in front of him in astonishment.He was in a white mist, and the person standing in front of him was the same gentleman he had been looking for for many years!

Tongjun is still young, which makes Tongqi wonder if he is hallucinating.

Tong Jun stroked his hair and looked at him with a slight smile.

Tong Qi's eyes were moist immediately, but he couldn't make a sound when he opened his mouth.

With a guilty expression on Tongjun's face, he said softly, "I have no way to explain what happened over the years, I can only let you experience it yourself."

Tong Qi was finally able to make a sound, and there was a choke in his voice: "Why didn't it appear until now?"

Tongjun said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Dad really wanted to take you to my side, but Dad didn't get in touch with Fanchen again until you got the Feather of the Stars."

Tong Qi didn't understand, so Tong Jun stepped forward and hugged Tong Qi, saying, "I'm sorry."

Tong Qi's whole body was trembling, he asked, "Where did you go?"

Tong Jun patted Tong Qi on the back, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Father went to find your mother. Your mother is a fairy, she shouldn't be like this."

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