must have fun

Chapter 123 Fire Tree Streamer

The Eight Kings saw a black package being thrown in from the ventilation window, landed with a bang, and rolled into a dark corner of the hall.

This is?

He glanced outside a little nervously, guessing that the outside should not be able to hear the movement inside, so he took the courage to take down the candle on the lamp stand, and quickly found the thing according to the movement he heard just now.

He took the package to a more spacious place and opened it. Inside was an oiled paper package. When he touched it, it was still hot.

The moment he opened the oil-paper package, the aroma of roast chicken wafted out of his nostrils, and Ba Wang thought he was dreaming in a trance.

During this period of captivity, he not only lost his freedom, but also had a cold vegetarian meal every day, without even a piece of meat in the dish.At this moment, a roast chicken suddenly descended from the sky, it was unbelievable.

After pinching his thigh, the pain was severe, and he finally confirmed that this was a reality, and a steady stream of saliva was secreted from his mouth.

It must have been sent by his mother and concubine secretly, and the Eighth Prince stuffed the roast chicken into his mouth like a hungry tiger rushing for food without waiting to think about it.

As soon as he took a bite, his movements stopped abruptly.No, his mother and concubine were also thrown into the cold palace, how could they send him roast chicken?

Ba Wang quickly spit out the roast chicken from his mouth, calmed down, and thought carefully for a while.If it wasn't for his mother and concubine, who in this palace would have such great intentions to send him something?On the contrary, someone wants to get rid of him, so this roast chicken...

The more Ba Wang thought about it, the more frightened he became, with cold sweat running down his back, and he wanted to throw away the roast chicken in his hand, but the greedy insects aroused by the aroma of the roast chicken made him reluctant to give up the food he got.

"This king took a bite just now, and it doesn't have any strange smell. It shouldn't be poisonous..." He stared intently at the roast chicken in his hand, swallowed, and muttered, trying to convince himself.

Ba Wang, who had never suffered such a hardship, was weak and fragile, and gradually picked up the roast chicken and brought it close to his mouth.

Thinking of the food that was not considered food these past few days, and comparing it with the roast chicken in front of him, his stomach made the sound of gurgling at the right time, the Eight Kings were heartbroken, and resolutely gave up the entanglement, holding the roast chicken in both hands, gobbling it up Chew up.

Even if he really wanted to die, he would still be a dead ghost!

After eating the roast chicken, he threw away the remaining chicken skeleton, wiped the grease off his mouth with his sleeve, patted his stomach contentedly, and lay down wantonly on the bamboo bed.

Although this roast chicken is good, it would be even better if it can be paired with Yuqiong wine. In dreamland.

Sleeping until midnight, he was half asleep and half awake, and he vaguely felt that something was wrong with his body, and then he was woken up by the severe cramps in his abdomen.

Bawang's stomach hurt like a tossing river, he struggled to get up from the bed, stretched out his hand in panic and shouted loudly: "Come here! Save this king!" Before he finished speaking, his throat was churning, and he vomited a pool of dirt on the ground Come.

Doctor Bing, who was on duty in the imperial hospital, was picked up by the official in his sleep and rushed into the palace to treat the eight kings.

Then, just after dawn, the palace door opened, and Shu Dianhe was also called into the palace.

Imperial Physician Bing knelt in front of Lu Meng, and said cautiously, "Report to the Emperor, the Eighth Prince was indeed poisoned."

Lu Meng pressed his aching forehead with one hand, closed his eyes, and asked, "What kind of poison can be diagnosed?"

"I still need to investigate." Imperial Doctor Bing glanced at the roast chicken with only skeleton left in the Zhongguan's hand, wanting to wipe the sweat from his forehead, but he didn't dare to move in front of Lu Meng.

Lu Meng got angry, waved his hand, and told him to go back with his things to check clearly.

As soon as he turned his head, several soldiers guarding the Eight Kings were brought up.

"Where did the roast chicken come from?" Lu Meng opened his eyes, and asked one after another: "I order you to watch people carefully, what do you think?" Where is he?

Facing Lu Meng's questioning, the armored soldiers couldn't answer any of them. They knew that they had neglected their duty, so they knelt down and kowtowed to plead guilty.

Lu Meng turned a blind eye and held his breath thinking about something.

At this time Zuo Huai came back with Shu Dianhe, and after retreating from the crowd, Shu Dianhe said: "The eight kings are fine, please rest assured, father."

Lu Meng nodded after hearing this, and said: "I ordered the imperial physician to investigate this matter, and the person who poisoned him should be found soon." He knew Shu Shen's superb medical skills, if he was asked to find the source of the eight kings' poisoning, Maybe the truth will come out faster, but this matter may involve the harem, and it is not suitable for him to do it.

"Dianhe, what do you think about this?" Lu Meng glanced at his son-in-law, wanting him to relieve his worries.

Afraid that he wouldn't dare to say it, he added: "But it's okay to say it."

Shu Dianhe thought for a while, and persuaded cryptically: "Father should set up the East Palace as soon as possible to stabilize the people's hearts, otherwise the government will be unstable and it will easily lead to disputes and turmoil." The phone alluded to the cause of the poisoning of the Eight Kings.

How could Lu Meng not know what the other party could think of, but if the prince is still alive...

Lu Meng felt a headache again, he moved Shu Dianhe to his side, put down his body and said: "There is no one around, you and I, Weng and Son-in-law, are just talking about normal things."

"Among the princes, who do you think is worthy of a great job?"

Shu Dianhe's eyelashes trembled slightly, a slender shadow hung down his eyelids, and he said without any hesitation: "Establish a long life, and the world will return to its heart."

Lu Meng glanced at him, guessing that it was absolutely impossible for him not to know that the king had been bestowed to death by him.If it is true that the princes are established according to the order of teeth, then his fifth sons should be established.

The fifth son was rough and ambitious, definitely not a suitable candidate, Lu Meng was not satisfied with this answer, he shook his head and said nothing.

"I still have to think about this matter, you go back first." He stood up from the dragon chair and left with his hands behind his back, leaving Shu Dianhe alone.

Shu Dianhe is not in a hurry, it will be a matter of time to establish a reserve.The purpose of what she said just now was to pierce the faintly visible layer of window paper between Lu Meng and the prince, and to show him clearly the struggle behind the princes for the position of the Eastern Palace.

"So the emperor will really let my starling go?" After Shu Dianhe returned to the Princess Mansion, before he had time to sit down and have a sip of tea, Xuancheng pulled him back to ask about the situation.


The princes are fighting for the East Palace, but in the end what they want is the throne. With Lu Meng's suspicious character, he will definitely not let them play around. A silver lining.

And their purpose is not just to save the eight kings, but more importantly, to muddy the water, make the remaining five and nine kings suspicious of each other, let Lu Meng restrict the actions of the five and nine kings, and make room for the emperor and grandson to grow. Come.

After Shu Dianhe explained these truths to Xuancheng, Xuancheng followed her train of thought for a long time before he figured out the twists and turns inside.

Originally, the matter of seizing the heirloom was carried out in secret, and no one knew who was doing it.Shu Dianhe's gentle push not only brought the matter to the surface, but also tied all the important people together, restraining each other, and allowing the emperor to continue to hide.

Xuancheng felt more and more unbelievable, as if everything was in her calculations, and asked a curious question: "How do you know that my starling will definitely eat that roast chicken?"

"I don't know." Shu Dianhe shook his head.

"What if he doesn't want to eat?" Xuancheng looked at her in surprise.

"Then use another method." Shu Dianhe said lightly.For example, buying off the cook in the imperial dining room, or exchanging dishes with the middle official who delivered the food, or poisoning with smoke, will always make the eight kings fall into the trap.

There are plenty of ways, as long as the target is not the emperor, the palace is not an invincible barrier.

This is... too simple and rude, right?Xuancheng took a deep breath, but after careful consideration, it turned out that, as Shu Dianhe said, it is not difficult to harm someone in the palace, and he couldn't help feeling cold from the bottom of his heart.

She blinked again, if it wasn't for the emperor's grandson, she might have nothing to do with these things in her life, she didn't know what it was like, anyway, she felt that it was extremely complicated, and with her own brain alone, she definitely couldn't figure out these messy things, and couldn't solve them. Fortunately, there are people in front of me to open this game.

As long as she's here, she'll be able to handle everything.

The two sat together in the water pavilion, and no one else disturbed them.

Xuancheng relaxed his body and leaned casually, and he was able to rest on the only shoulder he trusted with peace of mind.I don't know when, the son-in-law's thin shoulders became the source of her constant sense of security.

"Is the princess tired?" Shu Dian caressed Xuan Cheng's back and asked, "Do you want to take a nap?"

Xuancheng shook his head, and murmured: "I just feel that I should read more books, so that I can help you, otherwise you will always face these things alone, and you will be too tired." After reading two or three pages, I always want to sleep.

Shu Dianhe smiled and said: "It's okay, I just do these things."

Being soothed by her, Xuancheng was still unhappy, and said: "How do you say that the history books will write about Bengong in the future? Will you say that Bengong is playful and naughty? Will you say that Bengong is illiterate and illiterate? Or Will you say that Bengong is honored because of your husband, and when you mention you, how about ticking me off by the way?"

Or nothing?A person in history is but a speck of dust, even if she is a princess.

Shu Dian paused together, the names of princesses appeared in the history books, except for a very few, most of them were because of their terrible fate.

For example: "Anlu Mountain wanted to use its frontier merits to win favor, and invaded and plundered Xi and Khitan several times. Xi and Khitan each killed their princesses to rebel, and Lushan wanted to destroy them."

For example: when the princess of the Shu Kingdom in the Northern Song Dynasty was critically ill, the concubine Duwei and his concubine secretly had sex beside the bed.Li Mingda, the princess of Jinyang, is smart and clever, but she never gives up.

The embellishment of the prosperous age, the funeral of the last generation.

She couldn't bear to spoil the scenery by saying these words, so she said: "How can people know what happened after the death?"

Xuancheng looked at the other party's flat and uncultivated neck, and felt the urge to kiss it and leave a mark. After hesitating for a while, he still didn't move, and asked, "Do you want to leave your name in history?"

"Naturally." Shu Dian agreed.

Xuancheng straightened his back, looking at her with black and white eyes.

Whether in the past or in the future, she is more dazzling than herself.

When Xuancheng looked at her, it was like watching a firework rising from his hands into the sky. From a faint spot of light, a stream of flames suddenly burst out to illuminate the entire darkness.

Even if such a person does not become her consort, she still believes that she will leave her name through the ages in other ways.

And she was lucky to have this piece of fireworks, but she couldn't hide it selfishly to prevent others from seeing the beauty of the fireworks.

"You will definitely." Xuan Cheng paused.

I also don't want to create any obstacles so that this piece of fireworks cannot rise to a higher place.

The author has something to say: Son-in-law: "I heard that your brothers are going to gather a crowd to fight, so I brought your father over to watch you fight."

Nine Kings and Five Kings: "..."

The author says:

It is impossible to get rich, and it is impossible to get rich in this life.I don’t know how to cheat people and spend money, so I can only work and code at the same time, so I can maintain my life like this, and I feel like going home in Jinjiang!All the readers are talented, and they speak nicely. I like it so much!

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