must have fun

Chapter 159 Ripped

Princess Huaiyang was taken aback, and quickly stood up from the stone bench, trying to help her up: "What are you doing? Get up quickly, don't hurt the fetus in the womb."

Xuancheng's knees seemed to have taken root on the ground, and she couldn't help her.

She clutched the sleeve of Princess Huaiyang's skirt and begged again: "I just ask my aunt to help Xuancheng once."

Princess Huaiyang had never seen Xuancheng look so sad, her heart ached, she couldn't help but backed down and asked, "How do you want my aunt to help you?"

Although Xuancheng had already thought out his words, but when he really wanted to say it, he was still afraid of scaring his aunt by being too straightforward.

She hesitated for a moment, or was she just doing nothing? She said retrospectively: "Xuancheng wants to borrow my uncle's tiger talisman..."

As long as she has a tiger talisman in her hand, she can open the gate of the deep palace, mobilize part of the Jinwu guards, overthrow everything that is chaotic in front of her, and keep her father away from power, so that Shu Dianhe can survive hope.

Princess Huaiyang's complexion suddenly changed, and she took a half step back, noticing that there was no one around, she lowered her voice and said, "Xuancheng, do you know what you are doing?"

Xuancheng swallowed the saliva that was continuously secreted due to nervousness, all kinds of complicated emotions were churning in his heart, and finally they were all replaced by "the belief that he wanted to save his son-in-law".

Can't Princess Huaiyang see this child pretending to be wrong, with a straight face, can't help but say? She refused: "What do you want? I can't do it, Auntie."

Just as she was about to persuade Xuancheng not to have those thoughts of making trouble, she heard Xuancheng ask her: "Can aunt see what my father has done in recent years?"

Princess Huaiyang gave a meal, even though she stayed in Houhou's house all year round, she didn't go out the door, didn't step through the second door, and didn't hear things outside the window with her ears.

But from the gossip of my husband and son, I can hear about the stupid things my brother has done over the years...

"Does my aunt think that the father is still the old father?" Xuan Cheng raised his head, looked at Princess Huaiyang, and asked again.

Her eyes were burning, and her eyes were extremely firm. She could not see a trace of timidity or fear, making Princess Huaiyang believe that even if she could not get the tiger charm from herself, she would find other ways to open the gate of the deep palace. .

Only then did she dullly realize that Xuancheng had deliberately done this to persuade her to help her. Immediately after the shock that Xuancheng had asked her to borrow a tiger talisman not long ago, she once again What did falling into Xuancheng do? Seeing that his aunt was silent, Xuancheng listed all the things his father had done in front of her.

"Superstitious in the way of demons, dreaming of longevity, ignoring the advice of all officials, and punishing ministers who advise with loyalty, they spare no effort to build Wangxiantai with all the power of the country, so that people's resentment boils, and their children are killed in vain, and even..."

Xuancheng's words came to a standstill, and he said with a stick in his throat: "Even the death of the prince and brother has something to do with him..."

She didn't want to tell her aunt about this, but now that the matter had come to an end, she could only confess everything she knew to get her aunt's help.

Just because Shu Dianhe didn't let her know, doesn't mean she won't investigate it herself.

"What?" Princess Huaiyang couldn't digest so much information for a while, so she fell down on the stone bench.

Xuancheng stopped digging into the cause of the prince's brother's death, and brought the topic back to his father.

"Is it Mingjun's doing all these things?" She asked loudly and loudly: "Father has already done so many things wrong, so does Auntie want to see him make mistakes again and again?

Or does the aunt want to wait? Wait until the father and the emperor have caused the country to be ruined and the family to die, the world is in chaos, and the people are displaced, and then come? Wake up? "

Princess Huaiyang was still thinking about Xuancheng's previous words, she was stunned, she could only follow Xuancheng's words, her momentum was not worth mentioning: "Xuancheng, you are a princess, no matter what, you shouldn't have Such thoughts."

If a princess has the ambition of being a prince, even if she succeeds, her deeds will be recorded in the history books. How will future generations treat her, and what kind of gossip will be used to slander her?

"So what about the princess, can't the princess have the ambition to benefit the world and care for the people?" Xuancheng asked rhetorically.

"He is your royal father..." Princess Huaiyang became more and more wronged.

Xuancheng smiled sadly: "Royal father no longer recognizes Xuancheng as his daughter."

"And Xuancheng just wanted to save his son-in-law." She said.

Princess Huaiyang still didn't agree to Xuancheng to help her borrow it? Hufu, I don't know what happened to me? I walked out of the princess mansion in Xuancheng.

As soon as the spring was cold, as soon as she walked out of the gate of Princess Xuancheng's mansion, the cold wind blew on her face, which quickly brought her back from her trance, and her mind became much clearer.

Unconsciously, his hairs shuddered, not because of the cold, but because he was shocked by Xuancheng just said?

What? Let Xuancheng, who has always been docile, become like this?She only thought of one person, the son-in-law who is currently being imprisoned in the dungeon—Xuancheng's husband.

She still remembers the first time they met when Xuancheng was newly married? She was in the Hou's mansion.

The man raised his head? His skin was as white as snow, his eyes were full of moonlight and stars, his figure was too thin but tall and straight, he looked at Xuancheng with gentle eyes, and there was always a kind smile on his lips.

If it weren't for Xuancheng's pregnancy, the two of them have had no heirs for so many years, which made her think that maybe the other party is a woman.

And the feeling that his face was too similar made it even more difficult for her to recall that person many times when she thought of him over the years.

It's time to meet him again.

Whether it's the resemblance between him and the old man's face, or how he made Xuancheng so desperate for him, she has to figure it out.

"Go to the prison..." She boarded the sedan chair and said to her bearer.

In the dim dungeon, the sound of dripping water can be heard from nowhere, echoing in this oppressive space, the wall tiles are icy cold, and fleas are breeding in the damp thatch.

He almost walked in from the outside with the food in his hand, his figure swayed through the prison bars, and the key chain around his waist collided with each other with his steps and jingled.

He came to the cell deep in the sky prison.The people imprisoned here are different from the traitors outside who are corrupt, accept bribes, and exploit the people. In the heart of the poor man, he privately thinks that this person is too bright and attracts the envy of the heavens, so he deliberately sends hardships to him.

He almost put down the food, and asked the people in the cell: "My son-in-law, let's eat."

Hearing the extra voice, the person sitting like a sculpture in the cell moved and said in a calm voice, "Thank you..."

But anyone who comes here, no matter how high an official he was before, after arriving here, he either cries day and night, stinks, or his face is ashes, and his soul is broken. No one will say anything to him? Thanks.

Although I have never done anything to them, but I despise such people in my heart.

And outside, Chatou has never been treated so politely by a Shangguan. He was flattered and quickly waved his hands and said: "Where is this son-in-law, you should do what you should do in a humble position."

Shu Dianhe was partly because she had reached this point, and the other party was still so respectful to him, and partly because he was amused by his nervous appearance, and said with a smile: "It's almost polite."

It was an unintentional glance, but it was caught by her Hexi's smile and bright eyes, and she was instantly dazed, and she couldn't even speak fluently.

The delivery man almost put the food down? Not long after the food was put down, another outsider came to Shu Dianhe's cell.

He was wearing a black python silk tunic with neat sideburns and a jade belt around his waist. His tall waist just stood there like a thick gable wall, which was unexpected for Shu Dian.

Because of the hostile look on the visitor's face, the person who brought him in almost gave Shu Dian a worried look, and quickly retreated knowingly.

There were only two people left inside and outside the cell, Shu Dianhe was a little confused, and greeted, "Marquis Wu Ding?"

The Marquis of Wu Ding Zhao Hongchi she was talking about gritted her teeth? But she didn't respond.

Speaking? The person in front of me is the husband of Xuancheng's aunt, Princess Huaiyang. According to his seniority, Shu Dianhe should follow Xuancheng and call him his uncle.

Is it an elder, talking to him while sitting? It is impolite to speak. Shu Dianhe propped up the prison wall with one hand, trying to "stand up", but she accidentally pulled the wound on her body, which made her hiss.

It was only at this time that Zhao Hongchi took a serious look at her. She saw that the other party's white prison clothes were stained with blood, long marks intertwined, and there was a hideous and terrifying wound on the side of the cheek. whipped.

"Sit down..." he said coldly.

Shu Dianhe gave a wry smile? What about the little protection of the princess? It might be as strong as a mountain against the emperor's orders.

Without forcing herself, she will? Sit down again? With her back straight and her posture upright, she shows respect for her elders and asks: "Marquis Wu Ding is here? What do you want to do to find Shu?"

The expression on Zhao Hongchi's face remained unchanged, and his sharp eyes almost pierced through Shu Dianhe.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he went straight in and said, "Who are you?"

Shu Dianhe was taken aback by the question, and habitually covered himself with a smile, and asked, "What is the meaning of this, Lord Hou?"

"I ask you, who are you?" Zhao Hongchi raised his voice and emphasized his tone, urging Shu Dianhe to answer his own question.

Shu Dianhe couldn't figure out his intentions, so he played Tai Chi with him, and said: "A certain, surnamed Shu, first name Shen, word Dianhe, don't you know Hou Ye?"

Zhao Hongchi ignored her words, sneered, and said, "Do you think that if you can hide it from the eyes of the world, you can also hide it from me?"

"Your surname is not Shu, and what's more, Shu Dianhe didn't appear to be as panicked as imagined, nor deliberately? She appeared very surprised, her eyes widened, and she said: "Master Hou, what are you doing? mean? "

Zhao Hongchi saw that she was pretending to be stupid, so he simply stopped covering up and revealed all the things he had guessed: "More than ten years ago, the emperor raised troops to serve the king and overthrew the former dynasty in one fell swoop. When the soldiers entered the palace, , the royal family of the Qi Dynasty stubbornly resisted and struggled to the death.

The emperor planned to spare their lives, but they were so ignorant that they still cursed and slandered the emperor even after they became prisoners.

The emperor's dragon face was enraged, and in a fit of rage he put them to death together, and you are the remnant of Qi Dynasty who escaped under the sword! "

Shu Dianhe became a little numb after listening to the same story from different mouths of different people. He sighed without knowing what to feel, and said: "The story told by Master Hou, Shu was an editor at the Imperial Academy. I also read it in "History Books" when I was revising it. But what does this story have to do with Shu?"

"Yes or no, I'm up to you to say it alone." Zhao Hongchi summoned his head, ordered him to open the cell door, walked straight to Shu Dianhe, and landed his big palm on Shu Dianhe's shoulder, intending to tear him apart. Break her mask...

The author has something to say: nervous.

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