must have fun

Chapter 185

last night……

Chai Longwei brought the drunken Xuancheng back to the medicine garden. Xuancheng, which was originally quiet along the way, from the moment Chai Longwei took her to the threshold of the medicine garden, seemed to be turned on by some switch. She suddenly became excited and struggled. With Kai Chai Longwei's support, he ran wild in the yard, and Chai Longwei couldn't stop him no matter what.

Feng Xiwan, who hadn't fallen asleep yet, heard the noise in the yard, put on her clothes and walked out of her room to check the situation. The first thing she saw was Xuancheng sitting drunk on the ground, raising her hands, and yelled at Chai Longwei, "General Chai help me." Get up, my palace!"

Chai Longwei hurriedly stepped forward to help her, but unexpectedly Xuancheng held his wrist, and instead of getting up, he smiled slyly at him, and when Chai Longwei was unprepared, he pulled him down vigorously, making Fengyun The dignified and brave general who killed people without blinking an eye almost fell to the ground.

Xuancheng, who had succeeded in his scheme, burst into laughter from the sidelines.

"What's wrong with the princess?" Feng Xiwan called out, interrupting their game.

Due to his status, Chai Longwei didn't dare to spend too much money on Xuancheng, so he was quite helpless with the princess's misbehavior, and replied to Feng Xiwan's words: "The princess got drunk after drinking some wine..."

Seeing this, Feng Xiwan put on her outer shirt and said, "I'll go and make some hangover soup for the princess."

"Then please trouble the girl." Chai Longwei clenched his fist at Feng Xiwan and thanked her.

While the two were talking, Xuancheng found a wooden stick and hammer from nowhere, picked up the copper basin placed in front of the big yellow kennel, and beat it in the yard. Everyone quarreled.

"In order to save Li Lang from his homeland, who would have thought that he would be number one in the imperial list... I have also been to the Qionglin Banquet, and I have also played horses in front of Yujie. Everyone praised me for Pan An's appearance. It turned out that the gauze hat covered me! Examing for the number one scholar is not to make your name famous, and I am not for being a high-ranking official!"

Xuancheng stood unsteadily in the yard, knocking on the copper basin, and sang an out-of-tune tune.

Chai Longwei couldn't restrain her, so he had to guard? She made a fuss to prevent accidents.

The dumb uncle got dressed and came to the yard to check on the situation. Seeing this scene, his white beard trembled, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

Shu Dianhe appeared a little later, also startled by Xuancheng's appearance, the rabbit who always went in and out together didn't notice when he ran past her feet.

"For the sake of being affectionate..." Xuancheng suddenly realized something, gave two bah bah, gestured with a stick and said: "The love between a husband and wife is like a full moon!"

"Husband and wife Enaihua was tired from standing, and she didn't care how dirty the floor was, so she just sat down casually, still muttering.

The singer has a heart, how can the listener pretend to be unintentional?

Hearing this meaningful aria, Feng Xiwan in the kitchen stopped adding firewood to the stove, while the dumb servant outside the yard took a deep look at Shu Dianhe, hesitated for a while, and finally sighed He took a deep breath, turned around and went back to his bedroom, pretending he didn't know anything.

Rhubarb was also woken up, poked his head out of the kennel and found that his rice bowl was gone, barking twice, ran out of the kennel and rushed to Xuancheng, demanding to return his rice bowl.

Xuancheng tilted his head, stared at it in a daze for a while, and Chai Longwei rushed forward to take the dog away, lest it bite the princess.

"Get out of the way!" Xuancheng pointed, refusing Chai Longwei to approach, then stretched out his hand to grab Rhubarb's dogleg, pulled it to his side, hugged him intimately, and chatted up: "This brother is so kind!"

"Have you met Bengong somewhere? Dare I ask what your name is?"

Rhubarb was hugged inexplicably, barked twice at a loss, and wanted to break free, but was hugged tightly by Xuancheng.

Its cry reached Xuancheng's ears. Although she didn't understand what it was calling, since it responded, she took it as an answer to her own question.

"Is your surname Shu?" She tilted her head towards Da Huang and listened.

Rhubarb shook his head, kept shrinking back, Xuancheng followed? It leaned back, almost being brought to the ground, and the two people in the yard couldn't help but move nervously.

Fortunately, before Xuancheng fell to the ground, he stabilized himself again, pulled Dahuang back with great strength, and said generously: "It doesn't matter, I gave you the surname Shu! Shu is a good surname!"

Chai Longwei turned his head inadvertently, and found that there was an extra person behind them at some point, and it was the owner surnamed Shu.

Shu Dianhe noticed that someone was looking at him, his expression changed, and he lowered his head to look for the rabbit who had gone somewhere.

Chai Longwei seemed to be aware of it, but he couldn't find any convincing evidence, so after a little weighing, he turned around and pretended nothing had happened.

Xuancheng changed the scene again, and said to Dahuang with arrogance: "Sansheng is lucky to meet you at first sight!"

"Since you and I are so destined, why don't we take advantage of the beauty of this beautiful day to pray to heaven and earth, and make blood an alliance. From now on, you and I will be sworn brothers with different surnames. I don't want... I don't want to be born in the same year, the same month, the same day, just the same year. Die on the same day in the same month!"

Because she was so fierce, Da Huang couldn't escape, whimpered, curled up her tail, and let Xuan Cheng manipulate her.

"Emperor Heaven and Empress Earth, learn from this heart, betray righteousness and forget gratitude, and heaven and man will kill together!" Xuancheng finished his oath, patted the big yellow dog's neck, and said seriously: "Okay, from now on, If anyone dares to bully you! You can go out with the title of Princess Xuancheng, and see who dares to be presumptuous!"

Chai Longwei snorted, couldn't help laughing, and then felt that he was disrespectful to the princess, so he quickly stopped laughing and turned his expression back.

Looking at it? It was getting late at night, he walked to Xuancheng's side and asked: "Princess should go to rest."

Xuancheng raised his head, but he didn't understand in the middle of the chaos, so he stretched out his voice and said, "Huh?"

As soon as the arm around Rhubarb was loosened, Rhubarb immediately clamped his tail, and ran away in a panic, not even wanting his own job.

Chai Longwei helped Xuancheng up, who was limp all over, and was about to send her to sleep.

The weight of the whole body was leaning on the people around him, and Xuancheng was completely dragged up. With his head down, he suddenly saw a rabbit jumping under his feet, and then a white flowing cloud skirt appeared.

She raised her head with difficulty, her gaze followed the exquisite curve of the body of the person opposite her, until she saw an extremely familiar face.

Xuancheng had a new goal again, she struggled again with Chai Longwei's support, and threw herself into the arms of the person in front of her, saying, "My son-in-law, are you here to pick me up?"

The soft and coquettish tone contained in the tone made Chai Longwei only listen to one sentence, and then he remembered the secret words that he and his wife used to say when they were together.

He couldn't help blushing, let go of the princess's arm, and retreated a few steps consciously, waiting for the opportunity to disappear.

Shu Dianhe moved his hands, wanting to hug Xuancheng to prevent her from falling, but it got in the way? Chai Longwei was still here, unable to move.

Without her taking the initiative, Xuancheng unceremoniously stretched out his hand to wrap her waist, put his cheek on her chest, listened to her regular heartbeat, and her warm body temperature, and confirmed that what he was hugging was not an illusion.

She raised her head and gave Shu Dianhe a foolish smile, and then? Seeing Shu Dianhe's long hair draped over his shoulders, she was suddenly confused, and said incoherently: "But how did you become a woman?"

Shu Dianhe's expression was fixed, Xuancheng didn't notice her strangeness, he opened his eyes wide and looked at Shu Dianhe's flat neck, he didn't see the ups and downs that should exist, he was surprised as if he had discovered a new world, and said: "You don't have an Adam's apple, you are a girl !"

Shu Dianhe pressed his lips tightly into a line, and was about to speak when he suddenly felt something soft and warm sticking to his pulsating carotid artery, kissing down the skin of his throat.

"It doesn't matter if it's a girl, I like you." Xuancheng murmured.

Chai Longwei couldn't bear to listen any longer, he had already turned around, and just about to avoid the eyes of the two of them and leave, he heard the God of Xuancheng say to Shu Dianhe mysteriously: "In this way, I will call you a son-in-law from now on, and you will call me a son-in-law." Mom, we have different opinions, and we are not bad at all."

Knowing that the princess was talking nonsense, Chai Longwei almost stumbled and hit the wall head-on.

Feng Xiwan came out of the kitchen after everyone in the yard had returned to their rooms.The freshly brewed hangover tea was steaming, she carried it to the door of the study.

The window panes of the study were dim, and there was no movement at all inside. Obviously, the person resting inside had already fallen asleep. She wanted to knock on the door to ask, but after thinking about it, she decided to give up.

How did you bring the sobering tea, and how did you bring it back to the kitchen.

In the middle of the night, she woke up inexplicably, and heard the faint sound of the piano in the quiet bedroom, but she didn't know where it came from.

Standing up and putting on her clothes, she wanted to see if the princess had woken up and made trouble again, but when she walked to the door, a sudden feeling of happiness made her stop.

She is familiar with the sound of the piano, it only belongs to one person, and who is the other party playing the piano late at night for?She doesn't know? Think carefully, and you will know the answer.

She has seen every bit of the princess's attitude towards Shu Dianhe these days.

I originally thought that when the princess knew that the son-in-law was a woman, she would have the same hesitation, hesitation, and entanglement as herself.

She even wanted to give up her feelings for the son-in-law, but what the princess did was completely beyond her expectations.

The princess accepted her consort's female status without any hesitation, as if she already knew it.

The way she looked at the son-in-law was always full of passionate love.Feng Xiwan recalled that in the past 20 years since she became sensible, she seemed to have never had such strong emotions for anyone.

She asked her son-in-law to call her "Madam", and Feng Xiwan had never heard or witnessed a woman calling another woman "Madam".

Men are yang, women are yin, and yin and yang have been complementary and inseparable since birth.

How can a woman like a woman?How can women be with women?

No matter how hard she thought about it, Feng Xiwan couldn't figure out the strangeness.She has read many books, and there is no book to explain it.

But the two of them showed in front of her that their love for each other was far better than that of her parents, brother and sister-in-law.

The princess has been looking for her son-in-law for six years, Feng Xiwan puts herself in her shoes and thinks about it, six years...

She was determined not to miss someone for so long, even the only man she had ever been engaged to, she almost forgot his name, let alone looking for someone.

Feng Xiwan withdrew her hand on the doorknob, looked at the hazy moonlight outside the window, the sound of the piano was still faintly coming.

The entanglement with Shu Dianhe's identity as a woman made her miss all opportunities for happiness in the end.

But she is not unwilling, she has always looked down on everything, so she feels that there is nothing to regret if she misses someone, but her luck is not as good as the princess.

Probably only in terms of her own freedom, she is willing to fight for one or two.

Tonight, she is willing to fulfill the princess and the son-in-law.

The author has something to say: it will be over soon!happy!

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