Ruoyou sighed softly, and quickened his movements.

Ming Qiao smiled for a while, then turned his head to ask Chong Yuan to hug him, Chong Yuan just stopped his pen, and hugged Ming Qiao over, tapped the rice paper on the table with one hand, and said to He Hou Han: "Look at it Let's see." After finishing speaking, he shook the bright bridge lightly, and walked away from the table.

He Houhan suppressed the turbulent waves in his heart, leaned over to look closely at what Chong Yuan had drawn on the paper.

It was a portrait, a handsome man stood in it, very personable and extremely elegant, but the facial features belonged to Mingqiao, Chongyuan painted a portrait of Mingqiao 20 years later.

However, such an ordinary painting seemed to have dropped dozens of catties of gunpowder into He Houhan's mind, and the violent impact made his eyes go dark and he was on the verge of fainting.

It was indeed a portrait of Ming Qiao - but it was clearly He Ningning's appearance!

The person in the painting is both Mingqiao's grown-up appearance and He Ningning's appearance as a man.

He Houhan raised his head and looked at Mingqiao. Although the little prince's eyebrows and eyes had not yet opened, he could discern carefully, and he vaguely looked like He Ningning when he was a child. It was as if a gate had been opened in his mind, and countless associations emerged... …

what's wrong with the prime minister

Three years ago, it was midsummer in June.

Ting Cong Hall.

Chong Yuan is listening to Huang Yi's report.

"... Zhou Yan's family's food expenses in Fengqiu Town have been mixed in... Everything is being carried out in secret according to the prescription given by the emperor." After finishing speaking, he took out a letter from his arms and presented it, saying: "This is Huang's letter." Seven's detailed report."

Chong Yuan took the letter, nodded and said, "You must be cautious in your words and deeds, and you must not let others find out."

Hearing this, the man became more careful. He had been with Chong Yuan for half a year, and he had never heard Chong Yuan's prudent advice. He immediately nodded and said: "Yes, please rest assured, Your Majesty."

Chong Yuan waved his hand and said, "Go down and receive the reward."

The man left quietly.

Chong Yuan sat on the throne with his eyes closed, as if he had taken a nap for a while, the sunlight outside was just right, making the shady hall brighten up, and there was quiet and warm sunlight everywhere, this is summer in the palace.

After an unknown period of time, Chong Yuan opened his eyes abruptly, and Eunuch Xia walked in through the side door of the Ting Cong Hall with his eyes lowered. As soon as he appeared—it seemed to push back all the sunlight in the hall.Chong Yuan glanced at him, Eunuch Xia seemed to have eyes on his head, and immediately reported: "Your Majesty, Diyi has just arrived, but now ask him to come in?"

Chong Yuan said: "Talk. Then you send someone to call the Imperial Physician Zhang."

Eunuch Xia agreed and withdrew.

As soon as Di came in, he first submitted a letter, saying: "This is the report from the tenth, the thirteenth, and the fifteenth, the emperor please take a look."

Chong Yuan looked at it for a while, folded the letter, put it aside, remained silent for a while, and asked, "How many people have read what is written on it?"

Di Yiyi: "Di [-], [-], [-], and their subordinates are in charge of thoroughly investigating this matter, a total of four people."

Chong Yuan said: "This matter must be kept secret, and nothing should be leaked out."

As soon as the ground fell, the words clanged loudly: "Yes."

Chong Yuan waved his hand.

The hall was empty again, Chong Yuan stared at the letter, on the top was a name "Rong Jialu", his eyes moved down, there was another name - "Ji Ruisheng".

He sat there quietly, took out the letter presented by Huang Yi, took out another piece of rice paper, and started writing.Until Eunuch Xia came in and said, "Your Majesty, Imperial Physician Zhang has arrived."

Chongyuan was just about to finish writing, so he thanked him and ordered, "Call him in."

Doctor Zhang walked over quickly in small steps, knelt down and said: "I kowtow to the emperor."

Chong Yuan picked up the paper he had just finished writing, blew it lightly, then folded it up and folded it, saying: "Bai Li, come here."

Doctor Zhang took the letter paper and put it away, he is very good at observing words and expressions, seeing Chong Yuan's expression at this time, he knew it and said: "If the emperor has nothing to do, I will take my leave first."

Chong Yuan waved his hand and said, "Go, you have worked hard."

After an unknown amount of time, the sun was slowly gliding across the sky, and Eunuch Xia came in again and said, "Tianyi is here."

Chong Yuan put aside the memorial he was writing and said, "Call him in." Taking advantage of this time, he pinched his sore knuckles and rubbed his temples.

After the ceremony, Tian and his party opened their mouths with a series of words: "The report from 20 days ago, Yibo, Xici, Uber, Sifangta and other small countries in the Western Regions are all the same as usual; however, the barbarians in the northwestern border sent a large number of assassins and spies. Entering our country, the subordinate sent his men to follow for many days, the purpose of this trip was Princess Zixuan who escaped when King Kongbei Zando usurped the throne ten years ago, they seemed to be following her." After saying that, he pulled out from his arms The letter was presented to Chong Yuan, saying: "There are specific time, place and records here."

Chong Yuan took it over and said, "You've done a good job, go and receive the reward."

Tianyi thanked him and backed out.

The summer time outside the palace was just right, Chong Yuan looked at the twilight that filled the palace and the city without knowing when, his eyes were filled with endless thoughts.


A year ago, March [-]th, early spring.

Ting Cong Hall.

Doctor Zhang knelt at the lower part of the head, and said: "Your Majesty, I just went to feel the pulse of Mrs. He's younger sister a few days ago, and she is due to give birth in a few days."

Chong Yuan was writing something in a hurry, and said: "In this case, you can go to the peak today and wait." He also said: "I have a personal maid who will go with you on this trip, her name is Li Mingxi, You know what to do."

Physician Zhang replied: "I understand."

Chong Yuan instructed: "Don't make the slightest mistake. If it's a girl, you just need to keep it. If it's a boy, you have to remember to procrastinate, and leave the rest to Li Xi."

Imperial Physician Zhang hurriedly said: "I remember it."


A year ago, on March [-]th, it was rainy.

peaks and mounds.

Zhou Yan's home.

Doctor Zhang carefully observed He Ningning's face, put three fingers on her veins to concentrate on thinking, and then he winked at Li Xi who was on the side, Li Xi immediately understood, and took a step away without a trace.

Doctor Zhang had an extra medicine bottle in his hand. He opened the lid and put it under He Ningning's nose. At that time, her expression relaxed slightly, as if she was in a trance for a moment, and then a long grunt came out of her throat.

Li Xi's hands and feet were nimble, and she had already wrung out the clean cloth soaked in hot water. After a while, there was a little baby in her hands.Li Xi looked down, and then nodded to Imperial Physician Zhang. Immediately, Zhang Imperial Physician's expression changed, and he turned around to start tidying up. Li Xi also walked quickly to the window.

A man was waiting outside the window. He had a yellow kit around his waist and was holding a small package in his hand. When he saw Li Xi poking his head out, he immediately handed over the small package, and then he stretched out his hands , carefully lifted the baby in Li Xi's hands, turned around and left immediately without stopping, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Li Xi's eyes were fixed in the distance for a moment, but she quickly turned around and handed the small package to Doctor Zhang.

Doctor Zhang started to untie it - there was a dead baby boy inside!

Doctor Zhang and Li Xi had no abnormalities on their faces. The two cooperated very well, and within a short time everything was tidied up. In a very short period of time, in a corner where no one was paying attention, they just quietly changed everything. up.

Doctor Zhang opened another medicine bottle and dripped a drop on He Ningning's chapped lips, only to see He Ningning's tired and lifeless eyes suddenly brighten up, as if suddenly awakened, and murmured: " Boy... girl... girl?"

There was no response for a long while, He Ningning tried to raise her head, but saw Imperial Doctor Zhang and Li Xi standing silently with their heads bowed. When she saw their expressions, her heart trembled suddenly, and her lips trembled non-stop.

Doctor Zhang sighed and walked out, while Li Xi stayed in the house and handed the dead baby to He Ningning.

A moment later, with a roar of thunder, He Ningning's mournful cry came from Zhou Yan's house.

At the same time, in the Ganshu workshop in the east of Fengqiu Town, a little life who just came into the world was being cared for by everyone and let out his first cry. His cry was soon overwhelmed. La's rain curtain covered it, looming, as if it was a hint to this little life.


One year ago, on March [-]th, it was overcast.

The emperor's palace.

Chong Yuan held the sleeping baby in his arms. He touched the child's immature eyes, raised his head and said to Li Xi who was waiting on the side: "From now on, you will treat him as your own child. He honors you, and he honors you. It hurts you. If you treat him well, I will not treat you badly."

Li Xi kowtowed and said: "The slaves and servants will follow the emperor's will."


Back in time to this moment, He Houhan was on the verge of going crazy, he said word by word: "You, Jane, Zhi, Faint, Yong!"

As soon as these words came out, his heart trembled, it was a bit unbelievable how he could blurt out such outrageous words, and he immediately regretted it.But then the painful days of his sister appeared in his mind... and even thinking that their mother and son would never be reunited again. This kind of sadness made He Houhan feel unbearable grief for a while.

Then he suddenly realized that Mingqiao—the prince, was his blood relative, his nephew, and his nephew became the prince—his eyes suddenly went dark, and he would be tied to the palace by this blood relationship , tied to the court, as long as he can't let go of his family affection, he will never be able to break free.

Chongyuan stopped looking at him, went out with Mingqiao in his arms, handed it to the waiting palace servants outside, and confessed: "Send it to Concubine De properly." After finishing speaking, he closed the door and turned around

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