On a sunny morning, Yiqi woke up early for an unprecedented time.It's patrolling in name, but in essence it's just wandering around doing nothing.

"Mr. Xiao, good morning!" Someone greeted Yiqi.

"En—" He turned around and saw that it was that rash little soldier that day! "What are you doing here? Has your recklessness changed?"

"..." Xiao Bing's face turned into a tomato, "I'm on patrol!"

Yi Qi looked it over, and found that this thin, small person was a little bit worse than him.I don't know whether it's the cold or the shyness, and the pointy little face is flushed.

"What's your name? Are you underage?" Yi Qi finally saw someone who was younger than him (except for Xiao Hao, that guy hadn't been weaned yet!), and couldn't help but want to tease him (this was caused by Ouyang Zhan) Yes! The previous Yiqi was not like this.)

"My name is Li Xiaoyou, and I'm an adult!" The child's face became even redder, and his cheeks became bulging with anger. "I am 23 years old."

The bolt from the blue stunned Yiqi, why even the one who looks like a child is bigger than him!At this time, Xiaobing said angrily: "It's Mr. Xiao, he doesn't look very big!" It means that he is not an adult!

"That's a baby face! It's a natural!" Yi Qi argues strongly that he hates people saying that he is small and short.

Xiaobing seemed to have thought of something, stopped talking, turned around and wanted to leave, "I still have a job? I'm not as leisurely as Mr. Xiao."

leisure?Although he is indeed very idle, it is not honorable to be told by such a soldier who looks younger than him, as if he is just a freelancer.

Suddenly he remembered, why not take advantage of this time to do something meaningful, lest that black face keep making fun of him for being "powerless".

"Who says I'm idle, am I not on patrol?" Yi Qi rolled his eyes at Xiao Bing.

This time the little soldier didn't turn around, but said lightly: "I know that Mr. Xiao and the major general are both capable people. I don't ask Mr. Xiao to protect everyone in the safe zone like the major general. I just hope that Mr. Xiao When you see people in need, give them a hand." The little figure walked away slowly with her back straight.

Yiqi just stayed where he was, a man with a story!But after thinking about it, I found it funny. In such a world, how many people can survive without a story.

"Hey, Xiaoyou and so on—" Yiqi suddenly thought of his plan, and hurriedly chased after him.

The day passed in such a dull way, nothing major happened, the zombies didn't know if they had a sense of it, or what, there was no large-scale attack.

"Auntie, why hasn't Xiaoyi come back yet?" I'm not used to the sudden disappearance of people who usually appear at the dinner table on time.

"Didn't he go out on patrol since the morning? I saw him go out after Xuetao in the morning." Xiao's father said.

"Patrol?" Meng Xuetao was surprised.I used to patrol indoors, why did I go outside and still not be seen?

"I'm exhausted—" a weak voice came from outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, Yiqi walked in.He was in a particularly bad state tonight: his sky-blue sportswear was covered with mud, even his fair face became gray and his hair was messy.His face was tired, and his bright eyes dimmed.

"What's the matter with you?" Meng Xuetao asked, "How can patrol be like this?"

"Yes, Xiao Yi," Xiao's mother took his dusty hand with concern, and rubbed the obvious red marks on it distressedly. "Did you encounter any danger today? Or don't go out in the future."

"Don't worry, Mom." Yi Qi grabbed the chopsticks at hand and put them on the plate. "Pa—" was blocked by a pair of chopsticks.

"What are you doing? I'm starving to death." He complained impatiently.

"Wash your hands." The chopsticks stopped motionlessly.

"Mom—" Seeing Meng Xuetao's serious face, he knew that someone would not back down, so he changed direction.

"Xiao Meng is right, you are like this now, how can others eat?" Xiao's mother helped her relatives.

"Oh——" a dissatisfied and drawn out voice walked towards the kitchen helplessly.

With the preciousness of water resources nowadays, Yiqi definitely does not use tap water for washing his hands, but the water left after washing vegetables and face.Stretching his hands into the icy water, Yiqi felt a tingling pain, which was the imprint left after training.

He remembered what happened this morning——

"Mr. Xiao, do you have anything else to do?" Li Xiaoyou who was called stopped.

"I want to know where your military training is?" Yi Qi asked, he didn't want to be so easily restrained by Meng Xuetao, and he didn't want to be ridiculed for failing to meet the physical fitness standard.

"Why are you asking this?" Li Xiaoyou's clear eyes showed alertness.

"It's not interesting, I just want to join the training." Yi Qi squinted at his Xiaoyou suspiciously, "Don't you also want me to protect more people?"

"Really?" Xiaoyou's suspicion became heavier, "Aren't you—"

"If you don't believe me, just tell Meng Xuetao that I want to enter the army, and just ask him if he agrees." Yiqi generously let him examine it.

Don't look at Li Xiaoyou's small size, but he is still very cautious.He seriously reported that Meng Xuetao had applied for a permission order.However, this document is still very useful, and Yi Qi relies on this thin piece of paper to pass unimpeded in the military department.


Yi Qi picked up a handful of water and splashed it on his face, the cold water washed away the dust on his face, and successfully woke him up a bit.

"Did you go to the military headquarters today?" Meng Xuetao walked to his side and asked lightly.

"Well, don't you know?" The water got into the eyes, and Yi Qi rubbed them with his hands vigorously, but it didn't work.But when the arm was waving, it touched something soft.

"Wipe it." The voice was still unwavering.Yi Qi felt that he was used to Meng Xuetao's natural tone and cold expression.

"Come and eat after wiping." Yi Qi heard this sentence, and then the footsteps behind him gradually faded away.

Yi Qi, who was too tired, didn't remember much of what happened afterwards, he only knew that he lay straight on the bed after dinner, and fell asleep hard.

The strained ligaments and sore muscles made him sleep very restlessly that night. He dreamed that he was repeatedly running, jumping, climbing poles and other actions.I didn't have a trace of strength in my body, but I still couldn't stop.The overused organs of the body were constantly protesting against him. . .

Just when he couldn't bear it, he put his hands on the painful part, and the kneading massage made him unconsciously relax his body, and a warm current flowed through his whole body.

"Ouyang Zhan." In Yiqi's memory, only Ouyang Zhan would gently hug him and pat him to comfort him when he was tired or scared.

The hands paused slightly, and continued to massage after a second.

On this night, Yiqi slept soundly, but Meng Xuetao was sleepless all night.

He can roughly guess what Yiqi went to the military for, and because of this, some of his impressions of Yiqi have completely changed.

The first impression when I first met Yiqi surprised Meng Xuetao.Because in his mind, shouldn't it be well known that a young man of this age has acquired miraculous abilities?Especially a person from an ordinary family, shouldn't he be eager for special attention from others?Even if it is not that exaggerated, it will definitely not continue to live in the school silently like Yiqi.

In the past few days of contact, he didn't feel the pride and self-righteousness brought about by Xiao Yi's special ability. On the contrary, he was ordinary young people and not special.In life, he is an ordinary child who is curious, respects his parents, and protects his brothers; in the face of danger, he can ignore his age and use his thin body to shield others from the wind and rain; In front of him, he erected a small thorn, shaking it at him from time to time, with a provocative look?Meng Xuetao frowned and thought about what happened between the two of them, did he really offend Xiaoyi unknowingly?

Now looking at the big kid in front of him who was covered with scars and looked childish.I really don't know how he persisted!Meng Xuetao carefully touched the bruise on Yiqi's body. As a soldier, he certainly knew how harsh the military training was.Not only was it a test of physical strength or endurance, many young people who had just joined the army could not bear the pain at first, complained and fled privately.Or find a doctor to issue a fake disease certificate to escape military service, but the seemingly thin Xiaoyi persisted without saying a word, and pretended nothing had happened when he returned home!

Meng Xuetao's eyes became more and more complicated, why did he suddenly accept such training?Is it just because what he said a few days ago irritated the child?Or is the child finally understanding the importance of physical fitness?

Hey, no matter what, this is a good thing for Yiqi, but, he seems to be a bad person unintentionally?

"En~~~" He heard the sound of the child moaning, he must have slept uncomfortably.That's right, if he can still go on as usual after such high-intensity training, then he will really wonder if the child is hiding something deep!

Sitting on the edge of the bed resignedly, watching the child's nightmare caused by discomfort, watching his constantly shaking eyelashes.Meng Xuetao sighed, stretched out his hand and began to help the child soothe the child's muscles with the technique of a professional masseur.

I learned this method specially because I joined the army before, thinking about using it for myself.Unexpectedly, the child has also become one of the beneficiaries.

Sometimes Meng Xuetao would inadvertently ask himself in his heart: Why does he pay so much attention to such a child?Is it just because he is the first supernatural being he saw?Is it because of this similarity that he is kind to him?

Or is it because in Xiao Yi's body, he feels a tranquility that has never been experienced by people today?Will not change your nature because of the change of the world?At home and in the barracks, he had seen too many converts.The panic in the hearts of mothers and fathers makes them distracted; teammates and subordinates are trembling. . . .So he always reminded himself that at this moment, anyone can be afraid and frightened, only he can't.Because he is the pillar in the hearts of family members, friends, and subordinates.

But only by Xiao Yi's side, he can show his despair without any scruples.Because Xiao Yi is like that ever-burning lamp, no matter how dark it is, as long as you turn your head, he will shine brightly not far away, calming the waves in your heart slowly.

It's just like this that he treats him differently and wants to care about him unknowingly.It's just——Meng Xuetao smiled wryly, why did he offend him?However, the offended lamp is only to flicker its own flame, but it will not burn others for warmth.

"Ouyang Zhan~~~" Meng Xuetao caught Yiqi's unconscious raving.Admit it!He felt a little uncomfortable. He approved the documents for a day and is still working hard here as a part-time masseuse, but people still treat you as someone else!Ouyang Zhan?Is it the same name?The guy surnamed Ouyang Mingzhan——if it was the same person in his memory, how would Xiao Yi know him?These two people are the difference between cloud and mud!By the way, it seems that Ouyang's family has a happy event to happen recently!


On such a cold spring night, a sitting shadow was printed on the faint electric light, and the sky in the east was slightly white.

"Here—" It's so comfortable!Do you still think you will be sore when you wake up today?Now—although there is still some slight pain, it is much better than expected!

Huh?Yiqi's eyes widened in surprise, why did the person who was sleeping on the ground appear on his bed?Pushed, "Hey--"

"It's dawn—" Someone who didn't go to bed until nearly six o'clock was still dazed, "There is a meeting to be held today—"

"Why are you on my bed?" Yiqi pointed out the key point of his question, "Oh——I see," said Yiqi, who thought he had caught someone's pigtail, proudly, "Is it cold on the ground? I can't go on anymore." He patted his younger brother on the shoulder like a big brother, "If you want to speak out, I'll let you sleep on the bed, how about it?"

"..." Meng Xuetao still had the same expression, but he looked at Yiqi with slightly frowned eyebrows.For some reason, Yiqi felt that his eyes were looking at an idiot.

"The bed was originally mine, and from now on it will be half of each person!" He said, picked up the suit on the back of the chair, turned and left, leaving behind Yi Qi's gnashing of teeth.

Time passed day by day like this, and a year passed slowly in the blink of an eye. . . .

It was another sunny morning, and Yiqi got up as usual, closed his eyes and woke up the people around him as usual, washed up and waited for breakfast as usual. . . .

"Why is it still pickles?" Yiqi, who had been eating pickles for a week, began to feel a little resentful.

"There are no vegetables in the field in winter, so just bear with it." Meng Xuetao picked up a pickle and drank the porridge.

"Winter is so annoying!" Yi Qi said wearily.

After a year of renovation, the base has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The safe zone is already self-sufficient.In a small area, if you want to grow food, you must use the land rationally, so various high technologies are forced to be developed.Among the rescued survivors were many high-end talents, and their so-called technical secrecy was immediately abolished.When human beings are united, what difficulty can stump them.

So when Yiqi saw a large group of people working day and night, and when he saw the first batch of planting techniques being replicated and even surpassed history, he saw the hope of mankind.

Of course, not only the scientists, but almost everyone in the safe zone twisted into a twine.After the initial fear, their only choice is to accept or die!Most of them have faced the reality well and started a rebellious life, but there are still some who are not sober, and still rely on their former family background to commit crimes!Let's not mention this.

The author has something to say: I plan to change to a small attack. . .thought about it. .Still struggling. . .

There may be a little misunderstanding later.Of course, this is inevitable. . .

Yang Yang was already talking nonsense. . .

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