The Perfect Subordinate of Another World

Chapter 13 Brotherly Contract

Above the Great Dark Rift Valley, there is a space crack 1 years ago. Although ordinary people don't know about this matter, the high-level officials of the three empires still know about it.

As soon as the war was over, after Fasheng Kerr Mori founded the Light God Sect, people had been sending people to stare at this crack. At that time, the war had just ended and a lot of waste was waiting to be done, but everyone paid great attention to it. This crack, but with the passage of time, the space crack has not changed at all. Gradually, fewer people pay attention to it. In the end, only the Light God Sect has sent people to guard around the space crack for thousands of years.

1000 years is fine, but what about 2000, 3000, 4000 years?Or even 7000 years and 8000 years?The mainland has been divided and reunited countless times. I don’t know how many popes have been changed by the Bright God Sect. It has also experienced ups and downs. In such a long time, the Bright God Sect has also produced several ambitious popes. Finally, in 3000 years A while ago, the Guangming God Sect took advantage of the chaos to establish a country. At first it was just a small country, and then it slowly grew stronger... I don’t know when it started, and no one went to the space crack to wait needlessly.

Later, the continent of Eia was divided into three major empires. Whether it was the Empire of Light, the Empire of Bruce, or the Empire of Orcs, they all habitually avoided space cracks. The Empire of Light even stayed far away. In this way, the Dark Rift Valley is at the junction of the Bruce Empire and the Orc Empire.

Many years have passed, and even if the top management of the three empires knew about the existence of space cracks, they no longer cared about it.

Ten years ago, there was a change in the space crack.

As soon as there was a change in the space crack, the various empires immediately took action. The elders of the Bright Empire, the prince of the Bruce Empire, and the high priest of the Orc Empire all brought people in person.

In the end, the space finally returned to calm after a month of changes. However, even though the cracks in the space hadn't changed, the Guangming Empire still sent elders to guard here in turn.

Oswald is the person on duty this year. He is the fourth elder of the Guangming God Sect. There are a total of six elders in the Guangming God Sect, each of whom is at the level of a Dharma Saint.

The rotation in the space crack is hard work, but everything is for the God of Light!

Sitting in the hut next to the Great Dark Rift and meditating every day, someone sends supplies every month. All he has to do is to prevent people from approaching the space crack, especially the dark mage, who has been hiding in every corner of the world since the space has changed. The dark mage in the movie took action, trying to open the cracks and let the dark god rule the continent of Eia. Oswald hated this very much. Those bastards who believed in the dark god wanted to destroy the entire continent!

On this day, Oswald felt someone approaching again, so he immediately walked in the direction of the person. Soon, he saw three people coming. Unexpectedly, among the three people , There were actually two children, and the child who was carried on the back by the swordsman was seriously injured.

People who practice light magic are always very sensitive to injured people. Seeing that the person who came was just an ordinary swordsman and two children, Oswald not only put down his guard, but also threw an intermediate healing technique In the past - if it was a dark mage, it would be extremely painful to be exposed to light magic. If not, the light god has mercy on the world, and it is good to cure a child.

"God of Light, what are you doing here?"

As soon as the healing technique came into contact with the three people, Mir and Essia, who were exhausted from traveling for days, lifted their spirits, and Brant felt that his injuries were mostly healed.

The Sect of Light was founded by his apprentice Kerr, and the magic of light was invented by himself and several other gods to counter undead magic and dark magic, so Brandt had a good impression of Sect of Light. It's St. Oswald's law, and I feel a sense of intimacy.

However, if you are kind, you can't tell the truth—even if you tell the truth, no one will believe it.

"We were chased by a monster, so we got here somehow." Brant leaned on Mir's shoulder and spoke firmly, but his expression was indifferent.

Oswald didn't believe it very much after hearing this, but he didn't care. There are not many adventurers who come here by accident: "Go back, it's very dangerous ahead."

"Can we go and have a look?" The other party refused to let him go, but Brant wanted to go there very much.

"No, you'd better go back, kid, you're injured, you should take a good rest." This time Oswald allowed Brant to throw a healing spell, which completely healed Brant's injuries.

"Then let's go." Brandt patted Mir on the shoulder, and Mir immediately led Brandt and Essia away with interest. It was not until an hour after walking that Brandt felt that he was within the range of his mental power. There is no one left.

Just now, the Dharma Saint was in the light, but there were still many mages and swordsmen in the dark. These people were monitoring each other and guarding the cracks in space.

"What the hell are we doing here?" Mill muttered.

"Let's find a place to get something to eat. Anyway, there are no monsters here, so don't worry." Brant said, there are many people around the space crack, but they can stop others, but they can't stop people who can teleport It's just that if he wants to go, the teleportation will inevitably be exposed in front of Essia and Mir. Mir is fine, even if he is often dissatisfied, but the master-servant contract binds him, and he must not betray himself. Essia is different, and what's worse, he can't be forced to sign a master-servant contract...

Could it be that he really wanted to sign an equal contract with a kid, that is, a brother contract?Once the brotherhood contract was signed, Essia couldn't do anything to be sorry to him, let alone reveal his things, but correspondingly, he couldn't do anything to be sorry to Esia!

He is obviously his subordinate, why should he let himself sign a brotherhood contract with him?You must know that this contract of equality, called a brotherhood contract, was signed ten thousand years ago, apart from brothers who lived and died together, only husband and wife signed it to show trust... Once signed, there is a great bond between the two, even deceiving It's all a breach of contract!

Essia lit a fire with fire magic, skewered the monster meat to roast, and sprinkled it with medicinal materials that would increase the taste. After it was cooked, it was handed to Brant. Well, along the way, Essia is responsible for Brant's meals.

Brant ate the barbecue in his hand, and finally made a decision. Signing a brotherhood contract is better than signing nothing, and it is better to prevent Essia from revealing his secrets. Moreover, he is afraid that he will train Esia. Well in the end he ran away!

After eating the meat, Brant called Essia over: "I'm really worried that there is no contract between us."

Why did you say this suddenly?After Essia was surprised, his face turned pale—Brant meant to sign a master-servant contract with him?

When Mir heard this, he was secretly delighted, so why did this little slave get so many benefits without paying anything, but he lost his freedom?

"Why don't you believe me?" Essia asked. If Brandt had to sign, he wouldn't resist, but he really didn't want the difference in status between the two...

"I only believe in contracts!" Brant said decisively, "You don't want to be a slave, so sign a brotherhood contract!" This time it's cheap for you, and I will definitely get it back in the future!Brandt secretly decided that he must squeeze out such a big advantage for Essia. In the future, Weiwei will not be responsible for his daily necessities, but leave it all to Essia!

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