Orc Wolf King

Chapter 15 Teacher Kobayashi's teaching process...

There was another sound of persuasive teaching in the cave——

"A successful person, or a big person, such as your patriarch, it doesn't matter if the IQ is not among the best in the clan, but the emotional intelligence must be high—"

"What is business, love, etc.?" Lemans listened very seriously, but still tied one knot after another in his mind.

"IQ is the ability of people to understand things and solve problems, including many aspects: such as observation, memory, imagination, analysis, judgment, response, etc. ① EQ refers to the ability of people to conceal bad emotions, strong will, and tolerance to setbacks. , interpersonal skills, etc. ②, it is not doomed like IQ, but mostly learned..." Mr. Lin explained a lot, and finally raised his eyes expectantly, "Understood? "

"Oh." Lemans nodded half-understood, with a thoughtful expression on his face, "For example, I am very angry, but I still smile, or I hate this person, but I still pretend to like him, this is emotional intelligence. High; and I can understand what EQ is so quickly, this is the embodiment of high IQ, right?"

"Uh..." Teacher Lin was dumbfounded, and nodded hesitantly, "Yes..."

"Is high emotional intelligence the same as hypocrisy?"

"No, let's put it this way..." Mr. Xiaolin thought about it now, "High emotional intelligence also refers to a kind of indomitable spirit—"

"What is indomitable?"

"It means not yielding in the face of pressure and difficulties, a high degree of tolerance to setbacks, and strong willpower."


"Hmm..." Teacher Lin lowered his head slightly, and carefully organized his thoughts: "High emotional intelligence should specifically refer to the way of getting along with others, which can make most people like you, trust you, and get along with anyone , very flexible, not rigid; similarly, there are often many different ways to deal with one thing, and people with high emotional intelligence will choose the way that can achieve the most results and be the least offensive."


"For example, if you want to win the favor of a mother, you must praise her child for being cute and smart; if you want to gain the respect of the elders, you must be polite; Speak according to the occasion and the object: Sometimes, some people can make jokes appropriately, which will show your humor and improve the atmosphere; but some occasions, some people cannot joke."

"Hmm..." Xiao Lai frowned slightly, thinking deeply.

"If you have any questions, you can ask them immediately."

"What is humor?"

"It's funny, friendly, easy to get along with, and makes everyone laugh happily."


"Continue, for example, when someone asks you to do something, and you may not want to do it, or you may not be able to complete it temporarily, if a person with average emotional intelligence will directly say 'no, I can't do it' , but people with higher emotional intelligence will say it more tactfully, they will not say 'no' directly and plainly, but refuse with 'this will take time', 'I will try my best' and so on—”

Hearing this, the good student's expression instantly became unpredictable. After a moment of contemplation, he raised his hand and asked again: "I know this, isn't it just like what you did yesterday?"

When Mr. Lin heard this, he was choked by his own saliva in an instant, his eyes were wide open, his mouth was opened, and he didn't know whether to answer "yes" or "no".

——The last question about the phrase "Can I touch you too" yesterday, he just passed it by saying "Touching me is more interesting than touching you", and then went to sleep with a yawn.

"Is it? Is it?"

Seeing Lemans' expression asking for advice, Mr. Lin had no choice but to play sloppy again to fool him: "Didn't I tell you? When others are talking, you must never interrupt. This is very impolite behavior, yes Absolutely unacceptable behavior—"

"But you said that if you don't understand something, you can ask questions right away..."

Teacher Lin turned his eyes and stared at the boy-like man. After staring for a while, he suddenly smiled: "Well, it's not bad, the response is very quick! It will definitely be promising in the future!"

After praising this sentence, without waiting for the other party's response, he continued to talk immediately: "Now let's talk about the ten key points of being a human being ③: Once you know yourself, you need to know where your strengths are, and highlight them appropriately. When you come out, you must also recognize your own shortcomings, and try to hide what you can't change, which is called making use of your strengths and avoiding your weaknesses."

"Then what if everything is an advantage and there are no disadvantages?" Xiao Lai asked with a confused face.

Teacher Lin almost vomited blood and fell to the ground. Is this kid trying to imply that he is perfect?Glancing over, without answering, go directly to the next one: "Second, never be arrogant!"

"I'm not conceited! What I say is always the truth..."

"It's the fact that you have to hide it, and you have to learn to be humble! Understand! It's humility! If you have twelve taels, you must show six or seven taels, so that your opponents can't estimate your strength, fear you, or simply underestimate you. You, this is beneficial to you! And it will also prevent others from thinking that you are showing off and superior to others, but on the contrary, people will think that you are very personable, very kind and easy-going, so they are happy to associate with you, so that they will not become isolated. "

"Oh..." The obedient student accepted the lesson.

"Third, never exaggerate. You must know how to restrain yourself, show a cautious attitude, and never exaggerate yourself. Exaggerating yourself is a form of lying, which will bring you many bad influences."

"I never exaggerate myself..."

"Well, fourth, as a human being, you must never lie or break your promise, and you must not speak big words. You must do what you say, and you would rather not say what you can't do. This is called integrity and commitment."

"Please allow me to be ashamed to ask—"

"Stop! That's the wrong word!"

An active and studious children's shoe was puzzled: "What's wrong? Isn't this used when asking questions? And now I want to ask you questions!"

"Don't be ashamed to ask people who are lower than you and have less knowledge than you, and you don't feel ashamed. May I ask Mr. Lai Da, am I lower than you? Am I less educated than you?" Teacher Lin felt offended.

"Then don't be ashamed to ask—"

Teacher Lin began to stroke his forehead, and stopped dwelling on this question: "Come on, you don't need to use those colorful things for me. Tell me, what do you want to ask?"

"Isn't being able to lie contradicting what you said about hiding yourself? Isn't hiding yourself a kind of lying?"

"Properly hiding yourself is a sign of prudence. It's not lying. It's like not lying, but it doesn't mean that when others ask you, you have to honestly explain the eighteen generations of your ancestors and even whether you are a chicken. There is an essence in it. The difference, you have time to experience it.”

A certain innocent student's eyes lit up, and he stared at Mr. Lin with piercing eyes.

"What?" Teacher Lin's back suddenly felt cold, and his upper body couldn't help but lean back slightly.

"Are you a chicken?"

Teacher Lin Da was startled, his face turned red quickly, and he became angry from embarrassment: "This kind of question is a private question, and you can't ask it!"

"Oh, then I won't ask."

"Well, good boy." Teacher Lin's attitude gradually softened.

"I can tell you if I'm—" someone was eagerly expecting.

Lin Yeqiu's blush that had just receded began to gradually rise again, and she hurriedly raised her hand to stop it: "No! No need! Although I said that we are close friends, you don't have to tell me all about this kind of thing!"

"Oh——" A certain student drooped his head in disappointment, looked at the calm-faced Teacher Lin, and hoped that the other party would change his mind.

"Cough cough! Next, it's the first...cough! What time is it?" Teacher Lin turned her head and asked.


"Well, fifth, speak concisely, that is, clearly. Simplicity can make people happy, make people like it, and make them easy to accept. Long and cumbersome speech will make people confused and tiresome. You speak hard, but others still If you are impatient, you will fail to achieve your goal. A concise and clear tone will definitely make you get twice the result with half the effort. And a confident and capable tone will also be convincing.”

"But you seem to talk a lot..." Someone who listened carefully to the teaching muttered in confusion.

"Are you implying that Teacher Ben is long-winded?"

Under someone's coercion, a certain obedient student retracted her neck and continued to listen carefully.

"Sixth, you must learn to reserve opinions. When there are differences, excessive disputes are meaningless, and it seems that you have no self-cultivation. Express your attitude or express your opinion, especially when you are discussing a major event, or negotiating with other tribes, that is, discussing important matters with other tribes, this will make the other party unpredictable about your true intentions, which may create more favorable conditions for you. Conditions, otherwise, you will easily be eaten to death by others." Teacher Lin paused, tilted his head, "How do you say that sentence? That's right! It's like this—a cautious silence is a shrewd avoidance."

"I see... I've always been straightforward..." a simple student murmured.

"In the future, you can try to change and see which one is better. Seventh, you must be brave enough to take responsibility. When you do not succeed in what you do, you must have the courage to admit your own shortcomings and work hard to make things complete. Moderate self-criticism will not Make people look down on you, on the contrary, always shirk responsibility to others, or find all kinds of excuses, no matter whether these excuses are true or not, it will only make people look down on you. Putting yourself under certain pressure can sometimes help, but Don’t stress too much, it’s counterproductive.”

An honest colleague recalled it carefully, and said: "I have never shirked responsibility, because what I want to do seems to have never failed..."

Teacher Lin swayed slightly, ignored him, and continued: "Uh, what else, let Teacher Ben think about it... By the way! Why do we all have two ears, but only one mouth?"

"Uh...why?" A colleague asked blankly.

"It tells us to listen carefully to what others say, to be a good listener, and not to be impatient or indifferent because it has nothing to do with us, so that others will think that you are a good person and respect others, so people will appreciate you and you popularity will improve."

"It seems reasonable..."

"Of course it makes sense!" Mr. Lin raised his head slightly and smiled triumphantly, "Also, you have to look far ahead. For example, one day you become prosperous and successful, you have to think about the poverty when you didn't make a fortune. No matter what stage you are, You must make more friends, the more friends the better, and maintain the relationship between all parties, because it is very likely that the relationship you don’t care about now will bring you great help in the future.”

"Is that purely for making friends, or for taking advantage of others?"

Teacher Lin was at a loss for words, and choked for a long time and said, "It's not about taking advantage, it's about helping each other for mutual benefit!"

"That still has the meaning of using it..."

"Let me ask you, if your friend is in trouble, are you willing to help him?"

"I don't seem to have any friends... But, if something like that happens, I'm still willing!"

"Then what kind of mentality do you have when you try your best to help the other party? Will you not help him because you know he has no ability to give you anything in return?"

"will not."

"That's not being used, it's just being friends. Of course, there is indeed a purely using and benefit relationship between friends. This kind of friend is different from the kind of friend who doesn't give assistance in return. Sometimes you need to distinguish What type of friends are around us, but most of the time we can’t see clearly, so we can only be sincere, but at the same time, we must also be careful to leave a way out for ourselves.”

"No one has ever told me about these things. It sounds so complicated... But, I seem to understand a little..."

"Well. But, always remember one sentence: There are no permanent enemies, and there are no permanent friends."

"Isn't that no distinction between friend and foe?"

"That's taking into account the overall situation! Sometimes in order to maintain a temporary balance, it is necessary to unite with former enemies to fight against stronger and more imminent enemies."


"That's right! Be especially careful of sugar-coated cannonballs, that is, people who don't distinguish between brothers and sisters on the surface, but secretly take the opportunity to shoot you with cold arrows to frame you."

Lemans looked at Lin Yeqiu's eyes suddenly darkened, and sighed: "I didn't expect you to think so complicated..."

"There are more complicated ones! Next time I will tell you about Sun Tzu's Art of War and the 36 Strategies. I promise you will be eye-opening and you will never stop talking from ear to ear!"

"what is that?"

"It is the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancient Chinese."

"What is Huaxia?"

"It's my hometown."

"Where is your hometown?"

"far away."

"how far?"

"It's far, far away."

"How far is it?" Continue to play the spirit of good students to break the casserole and ask the end.

"Are you finished? I don't even know how far it is, okay?"


"Do you remember everything I said above?"

A certain child's shoe lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head and said affirmatively: "I remember it all."

"Not bad! You are such a good student!" Someone Lin stretched out his hand to stroke Xuelang's head habitually, but seeing that the other party was still in human form, he scratched his neck instead, and then put it down again. Instead, I went to eat some fruit, and sat on the rock with my legs crossed, looking like I was ready to rest.

"This is the ninth, how about the tenth?" The studious student couldn't help reminding.


"Yes, tenth."

"Uh--this, yes, there is no tenth. Well, this last point is--" Mr. Lin stood up, began to frown and meditate, paced back and forth, then snapped his fingers, and turned around Lai stood still and looked at Lemans, and said sternly, "Keep smiling at all times!"


"Yes! You just don't smile too much! How can you make friends with a straight face? People will be scared away when they see your poker face!"

"What's a poker face?"

"Go get some water and take a picture." Lin Yeqiu walked up to Lemans, looked up at him, and guided him with a smile, "Come on! Smile and see! Just like me!"

The skin and flesh on Lehmans' face moved stiffly, it looked like a nervous twitch, there was no sign of a smile at all, apparently he didn't know how to smile when he didn't want to.

"You have to learn to smile more! And you have to smile naturally. If you can't smile, you can think about happy things. After practicing more, you will naturally smile proficiently and look good."

Reymans obediently began to practice smiling, but unfortunately, all of them were laughing at the surface. Smiling is scarier than not smiling, which is enough to show how serious this person is usually.

Lin Yeqiu couldn't help sighing inwardly, and then couldn't help laughing at his strange expressions, but slowly seeing how serious he was practicing, he stopped joking, and suddenly felt very soft in his heart: this man is so stupid sometimes , such a simple and simple person, it really makes people want to feel pity, and it is really easy to arouse people's desire to abuse... and even though he is so tall, he feels really cute...

"Lemans, can you turn into a snow wolf again? Will you smile when you look at the wolf shape?"

Lemans changed his body as he said, and tried to pull out a smile, only to see two canine teeth flashing from his blood-red mouth, Lin Yeqiu couldn't help shaking, and hurriedly said: "No, no, no! I'll keep you Just get used to the expression." While stretching out both hands, the snow wolf's mouth that was grinning to both sides was brought back together.

Seeing the two palms next to his mouth, Xuelang stuck out his tongue and licked Lin Yeqiu's palms maliciously. Lin Yeqiu was so itchy that he wanted to withdraw his hands, but Xuelang refused, and followed him all the way forward with his big wolf head. .

Laughing, the two rolled into a ball again.

After arguing for a while, Lin Yeqiu finally lay comfortably on the snow wolf's body, and stretched out an index finger to tie the snow wolf's long hair in circles. He was so bored that he started to rummage through the snow wolf's fur to find if there were any lice, but of course it was not. Maybe, and he didn't think there would be.

Snow Wolf was made to tremble reflexively, and finally couldn't restrain himself, and pressed his paw on the back of Lin Yeqiu's hand, aggrieved: "It's too itchy..."

"Oh! Then I won't turn over, turn your belly out a bit and let me lie down."

Snow Wolf adjusted his posture meekly, lying on his back halfway, exposing his furry belly.

Lin Yeqiu didn't want to just lie down peacefully. He began to study the snow wolf's fur inch by inch. When he saw a spot, he paused, stretched out his hand to stroke it gently, and then supported his upper body, watching Touching Snow Wolf's belly, he asked, "How did you get hurt here?"

Snow Wolf also followed his gaze and looked down at his stomach: "This is a wound from a long time ago. It was scratched and bitten by a black panther."

Lin Yeqiu remembered seeing the scar on the opponent's abdomen that time when he took a bath, it was very obvious; now when he was in wolf form, he could still see it clearly under the sparse hair, it may be because the injury was so severe that the scar around the wound was not clear. Difficulty growing new hair.

"How thrilling it was at that time! It hurt..." His eyes unconsciously showed distress.

Snow Wolf raised his front paw and placed it on the back of Lin Yeqiu's hand, and said softly, "It doesn't hurt very much... I was still young at that time, so I don't remember clearly."

Lin Yeqiu stopped talking, knowing in his heart that since such an indelible scar could be left, how big the injury would have been at that time, how could it not hurt?The other party was just comforting himself.

Lin Yeqiu was still immersed in sentimentality, but Lemans gradually began to feel unnatural. The two hind legs that were lying flat moved slightly, moving towards the exposed abdomen, as if trying to cover up something.

Because of his actions, Lin Yeqiu couldn't help but glanced at the two hind legs. After this glance, he discovered a scene that made people feel like a needle eye——

From the beginning to the end, he just honestly looked at the scar on Snow Wolf's abdomen, but maybe because the scar was located very close to that private place, Lemans was unconsciously moved by this naked stare.

Lin Yeqiu was surprised, and quickly glanced at Xuelang. Seeing his embarrassed face, he pretended not to notice and looked away as if nothing had happened, and got up to start preparing dinner.

He didn't find an obvious problem, he didn't do anything that could arouse the other party's lust, but why did the wolf-shaped Lemans get emotional just because of two gazes?And the real focal length of these two lines of sight is only the scar on the abdomen!At this moment, he was once again hit to pieces by one fact: in his place, he was not as good as the human-shaped Lemans, nor could he be compared to the wolf-shaped Lemans...

Lin Yeqiu pondered, and also became depressed.

He is a human being who is the spirit of all things, and the other party is a beautiful and noble snow wolf.

Human beings are actually no match for a wolf...

However, by the way, are there any such big ones in the wolf's place...

The author has something to say: Note:

①, "IQ is the ability of people to recognize objective things and use knowledge to solve practical problems. Intelligence includes many aspects, such as observation, memory, imagination, analysis and judgment, thinking ability, adaptability, etc." Taken from Encyclopedia.

②, "Emotional intelligence mainly refers to the quality of people in terms of emotion, emotion, will, and tolerance to setbacks." Taken from Encyclopedia.


PS: As for whether Lin Yeqiu can express so many meanings in the language of the other world, the settings in this article are words that he can’t meet, such as IQ, EQ, humor, etc. What is expressed in a foreign language is in a foreign language, but it's just stumbling and gesticulating.The communication between the two is actually very time-consuming and laborious, but in order for everyone to read it smoothly, it saves a lot of bridges where the two communicate in long sentences.So it’s good if everyone agrees~ stroking~

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