Orc Wolf King

Chapter 17 The Sadness of Being Betrayed...

"Lemans—" someone looked embarrassed.

"Ye Qiu'er—" someone had a tender look on his face.

"Don't call me that!" A certain person immediately frowned, and then continued to be interrupted, saying kindly, "Anyway, you get up first! It doesn't look good right now, does it?"

"Xiaoqiu——" Reymans whispered softly, instead of getting up, he raised a hand to caress the other person's eyebrows and side face tenderly, and then moved up to the thick black and soft forehead on his forehead. On the hair, he gently combed it with his fingertips, and the other hand slowly slid down along his neck, brushed across his chest, until his lower abdomen, and stayed at his waist. An itching sensation spread across the sensitive parts.

The person under the pressure couldn't help but start to wriggle slightly: "Hey! I'm going to be angry if I don't get up again!"

He moved his knees, wanting to bend up to create some distance between the two of them, but the distance was vacated, but he accidentally brushed against the inner thigh of the opponent, and immediately heard a muffled groan above his head, and his breathing became significantly heavier There are many, I can't help but look up.

As soon as the two people's eyes met, the other's eyes sparkled, and they were all hot!

Lin Yeqiu's heart skipped a beat, and when he fully realized something was wrong, his expression changed slightly. Could it be that it was really——

Lemans moved one of his legs slightly forward and squeezed it between Lin Yeqiu's legs, and he didn't make any more intentional movements, but the skins of the thighs of the two lower bodies seemed to be in contact with each other, This ambiguity that seems to be in contact but also seems to be separated is even more seductive and tempting than the upright and intimate physical entanglement.

When he moved his body, Lin Yeqiu, who was a little panicked, glanced unconsciously, and saw the condition of the opponent's lower body, and instantly widened his eyes in surprise, and quickly looked away, trembling: "You—you—" He kept on moving his buttocks back and forth, while stretching out a hand between the two of them.

But his whole body was loosely wrapped in Reymans' arms. This movement made the distance between his upper body bigger, but his legs were intertwined, which made their skin contact even closer. !

Lin Yeqiu didn't dare to move casually anymore, his expression was stiff, and he wanted to cry without tears.

Why did things become like this?He was obviously just playing with Snow Wolf, as usual...

"You, get up quickly! Calm down! Calm down!" He stretched his hands between the two chests, maintaining his sanity, and smiled dryly.

"I'm very calm! I know what I'm doing..." Lemans looked serious.

Lin Yeqiu had already stopped him from approaching, so when the other party hugged his waist and whispered softly in his ear, "Be my female", and wanted to kiss his lips, she couldn't help but waved her hand subconsciously blocked the past--


Lin Yeqiu was startled, and immediately turned around, looking at her hand that was still raised in mid-air.

Both were stunned.

The two of them stared wide-eyed, the sound of rain outside the cave was still crackling, but it couldn't cover up the clear and loud applause just now.

This is completely a coincidence, a coincidence!

"I'm sorry—" Lin Yeqiu looked at Lemans with surprise at first, then turned into an indifferent expression, raking his hair angrily, "They say I'm not female, let alone gay!" The latter sentence was mumbled to himself .

Although Lemans heard an unfamiliar word again this time, he didn't ask what it meant, but just got up, took a step back and looked at him silently.

Seeing this, Lin Yeqiu couldn't help feeling even more depressed.

"Isn't it good to be my female? Do you hate me that much?" Lemans relaxed his body, lowered his head slightly, and his expression suddenly became lonely and lonely.The place under the abdomen felt the depression of the master, and lowered his head listlessly.

Like a big dog cruelly abandoned by its owner, sad and pitiful.

Lin Yeqiu suddenly felt that he was a heinous sinner, and he raked his hair again a little annoyed, but some issues of principle still could not be compromised: "The problem is not here! It's, it's—"

Lemans looked up at the frustrated female, his eyes rolled, the soft light reappeared, and in the blink of an eye he turned into a wolf again, and he tentatively walked towards her, seeing no resistance, he was slightly relieved He moved to Lin Yeqiu step by step, and asked lightly, "Do you hate me?"

"No, I don't hate it at all!" Lin Yeqiu looked at the well-behaved big dog, couldn't help raising a hand to touch the other's head, and added, "Whether it's you now, or as a human I love you." It was because the other party behaved very well-behaved, and never forced others because of his strength, but was always respectful and considerate, so he couldn't speak harshly, and looked at the other party's appearance, I felt a little guilty.

Hearing the words, Snow Wolf moved a little closer, raised his head slightly to meet his stroking, narrowed his eyes in enjoyment, rubbed against his hand lightly, and paved his front foot twice on the spot without lifting it, for a long while Only then did she stand up straight with her huge body, looked at the person in front of her, and hesitated: "Is that the female who doesn't want to be me? Or do you already have someone you like... I will treat you very well, give you the best Yes, everything is up to you!" Snow Wolf said and lowered his head again, the long hair around his neck also drooped softly, looking extremely sad, "Can't you be my female..."

Lin Yeqiu's stroking hand stopped suddenly, and black lines appeared one by one.

Obviously, I have done in-depth research on the question of whether it is a female before, why are you still entangled here now?Where did their communication go wrong?Could it be that he didn't speak clearly enough?

"My uncle is a real man! He's a male! A male just like you!" Someone from Lin solemnly declared once again, "If you don't believe me, come and see!" Moved to the edge of the white panties, moved his fingers, didn't notice that Snow Wolf's eyes were shining brightly and his breathing became heavier because of this action, but instead he seemed to think of something, man to man——

Could it be that the other party is...


As soon as this realization came out, the hand on his underwear was quickly removed, only then did he notice the blue eyes of the other party staring at his waist, burning like fire, his head couldn't help being dizzy, almost took his breath away, and made a calm expression With a somewhat cold look, he turned around and picked up the rabbit fur that had just fallen off to cover it up, then turned around and planned to solve this problem properly.

In fact, he can't blame him for not understanding this question, because at first the other party kept saying that he was a female, so he thought the problem was whether he was a female or not. Of course, he also wondered that he was obviously not feminine at all...

In addition, if the other party already knows that he is a man, then the other party is GAY, but if this is the case, why do you always call him a female?

Ever since, Lin Yeqiu was stunned.

Now, let's figure it out one by one, starting with whether the other party is GAY or not!

He thought for a while, and said tentatively: "In my hometown, males usually form a family with females..."

"Our clan, including other clans are too!" Snow Wolf nodded with a face of course.

"Oh! There are still males and males together in our place, but this phenomenon is relatively rare—" Lin Yeqiu carefully watched the expression of the other party.

Lemans gave a slight "huh", and the wolf raised his head slightly, seemingly surprised.

Lin Yeqiu said quickly: "Of course, I don't mean to comment, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. It's just, are you the same?"

He asked this question carefully. He knew that there was such a thing as homosexuality, but he never discriminated against it. Of course, he could not say whether he agreed or opposed. He knew in his heart that this was just an existence, a phenomenon, just like heterosexuality.But he himself was not.

He also knows that gay life is much, much harder than heterosexuality, even in the most open countries.Here, it must be difficult to be an exception... If there is one more gay friend, as long as it does not violate his bottom line, then it should be fine... Although, it may take a little time to get used to it...

At first, Lemans didn't understand. After thinking for a while, he raised his head, tilted his head slightly, and then said the same sentence: "But I'm a male, and you are a female..." It seemed that he understood what the other party meant. The face is puzzled and hurt.

Lin Yeqiu really didn't know whether to be angry or helpless: "I have told you many times, I am not a female, but a male!" I really want to yell that you have seen my flat chest, and you should have noticed that I have a dick!

Lymans fell silent again.

Lin Yeqiu softened his tone again: "Actually, men like men, er, even if males like males, it's okay, it's all normal—" Before he could finish his most important words, the other party said very positively, "You It's a female," interrupted.

"I'm not a female!" Someone finally couldn't hold back anymore and roared angrily.

The reprimanded Lemans fell silent again for an instant, his pure wolf face was as innocent as it could be.

Lin Yeqiu was confused.

Lymans was also depressed.The female he fancy refuses to be his female, and even refuses to admit that he is a female at all... But he obviously can't transform, and he doesn't have much power, even self-protection is a problem...

The two stared at each other again for a while, and Lin Yeqiu suddenly remembered what the rotten woman had told him starkly about male-male love, and beastmen and so on...

etc!Boyfriend, orcs!Could it be—

Lin Yeqiu suddenly had a big head, and finally raised his eyes stiffly, looked at the innocent snow wolf, and asked tentatively: "Why do you think I am a female?" Instead, he asked, "The female you are talking about, what is it? how is it like?"

"The females are all thin and small, fragile, and they can't transform themselves, just like you..." Reymans replied honestly.

He was so honest that Lin's face turned black in an instant.

Thin and small?He may be a little lean, but he definitely can't be called thin and small, can he?In this world, it is already high!The weight is also normal!It can be called stalwart!

fragile?Although he is not very strong, he is still a grown man, definitely not weak, he even drove away a gangster and saved a girl before!Although in front of their orcs, they may be relatively weak...

As for not transforming?He had heard the other party mention this before, but he is a human being, not a native resident here, so it's strange that he can transform!

Although he was said to be so useless, he decided not to care about it for the time being, and first figured out the key points, so he took a deep breath, endured it, and then smiled, and asked kindly: "Only based on these three points?"

Snow Wolf thought for a while, and described all the characteristics of females very seriously.

Lin Yeqiu's face darkened as he listened all the way.

It turns out that the so-called female is not the female in his understanding. The female in this world, whether it is height, voice, appearance, or physical characteristics, looks no different from men in this world.

According to this, he really looks like the female here...

This made him want to cry but had no tears and was helpless, and suddenly he was in a mess in the wind.

In the end, it turned out that he himself hadn't figured it out...

But he is really not a female!How can I say this!

Snow Wolf was still remembering everything about the female. Lin Yeqiu listened listlessly, his face darkened, when he heard something, his eyes lit up suddenly, and the point appeared!

Females in this world can be mothers and give birth!But he can't!

Ah, no!He can also bear children, but he can only let women bear children, and he himself is completely unable to give birth to children!So he is not a female!

Lin Yeqiu immediately beamed with joy, swept away the dark clouds before, and patted Snow Wolf on the back, with a friendly look on his face, as if his brother was giving a youth education class to his younger brother, and calmly began to explain: "Wow! The female you said can come from A child is born in his own body, so he is a mother, and an orc who cannot produce a child himself, but can only let a female bear a child, is a father, right?"

Snow Wolf nodded without any doubt.

"This is the key!" Lin Yeqiu got excited and induced him step by step, "Are there any males in your clan with males?"


"Yeah." Lin Yeqiu nodded, and then continued, very patiently, "Here! I'm a male like you, and I'm a father. I can let females—well, give birth to babies, but babies can't grow from I was born in my body, understand? It means that if you and I are together, we will be male and male, we will be gay, and those who will not have children in the future will not be male and female, do you understand?" After speaking, he looked expectantly other side.

Lemans frowned and thought for a long time, his expression changed ever-changingly, and finally calmed down slowly.

Lin Yeqiu has been carefully observing his expression. When he thought that the other party finally understood and the problem was finally solved, he unexpectedly said that the other party said lightly: "I want you to be my female."

Snow Wolf lifted one of his front feet and placed it on Lin Yeqiu's shoulder, as if unwilling to let go no matter what.

Lin staggered on the spot and almost fell to the ground.

"You're only a female!" Lin Yeqiu threw a certain wolf off the ground, pointed at the wolf's nose and growled.Dare he waste all his saliva!

Unexpectedly, Lemans, who was always easy to talk, was extremely persistent this time, insisting that he was a female, and it was his female.This kind of explanation doesn't make sense, he wanted to go crazy on the spot, but immediately held back and asked another way.

"Do you like males?"

Shaking his head.

"So have you ever liked other females?"

Still shaking his head.

"Then if there is a female and a male, and you must choose one of the two as your partner, will you choose the male?"

Keep shaking your head.

"Then you know I'm a male now?"

Snow Wolf paused, and finally nodded.

Lin was quite relieved, and continued to ask: "You don't like males, and I am a male, so the matter is already clear, then we are friends, okay?"

Lymans was silent for a moment, and after a while he said firmly and seriously: "I am not your friend, no matter if you are female or male, I just want you."

Lin Yeqiu was stunned, realizing that the matter was serious.

Lymans is not gay and knows he is not female, but still...

But Lin Yeqiu is not gay!He is a man with a normal sexual orientation!

Lin Yeqiu did not avoid Xuelang's gaze, but also looked back seriously, and said firmly: "You are my most valued buddy, we are friends!"

Lymans was silent again.

The atmosphere suddenly became dull and dignified, and the sound of heavy rain hitting the leaves outside the window became more and more clear.

Because Lin Yeqiu attaches great importance to this new friend, he has been handling this matter very carefully, hoping that they will not turn against each other in the end, but——

Things don't seem to be going as they should...

In the silence, he suddenly remembered that time when the other party was also in heat for no reason, his expression became weird, he hesitated, and said with some difficulty: "You, have you always looked at me like this? Treat me as your female Looking at it?"

Hearing the words, Snow Wolf seemed to be even more silent. He didn't move for a long time, his limbs were a little cramped and almost stood in a straight line, his body was shrunk, his head drooped, and he looked restless and sad. After a long time, he gently "hmm" said.

That appearance was really pitiful, Lin Yeqiu habitually wanted to reach out his hand to comfort him, but after hearing his soft reply, he recovered, calmly put down the hand that was just about to be raised, and asked lightly. : "From the very beginning?"

"I want you to be my female..." This is undoubtedly an admission.

Lin Yeqiu didn't speak any more, and he regarded him as a life-and-death friend who could go up the mountain of swords and go down the sea of ​​fire, but the other party thought, was this the way of thinking from the beginning?

This point was finally confirmed, and various emotions such as shock, anger, and sadness surged up.

The fist hanging by his side tightened and loosened, loosened and tightened again, and finally he turned away without saying a word, and sat silently in a corner of the cave by himself.

The cave fell silent again, until night fell, and the night was quiet, and the two of them didn't talk anymore.

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