Orc Wolf King

Chapter 22 Snow Wolf's Jealous Duel!

When Reymans came back with his prey, he could see this extremely harmonious and beautiful scene from a distance, the hair on his back instantly stood up, and he hurriedly threw the prey and rushed up the high slope.

When he got close, he slowed down and trotted over with the body of a wolf. He even shook his fur to make them look more fluffy and beautiful. He lowered his head and examined himself. The fur was pure white and shiny. It was clean and everything was perfect, so she stood beside Lin Yeqiu, raised her head, flicked her tail and said affectionately, "You can also touch me, you can touch me however you want!" Come touch me, come touch me, with a look of pure hope.

As a result, Lin Ye Qiushou withdrew his hand from stroking the leopard, and indeed touched him as Snow Wolf wished, but it was really just a stroking, and he turned around and went down the high slope.

Snow Wolf stared blankly at Lin Yeqiu's back gradually moving away, drooped his tail aggrieved, and did not move.

Xiao Qiu, are you perfunctory him?Is this perfunctory?Huh... Could it be that I am really tired of it?Aww...

The leopard watched quietly, staring at the sad snow wolf, his usual indifferent and calm expression became a little more unpredictable.

Snow Wolf suddenly jumped out, followed Lin Yeqiu, and asked cautiously, "Why have you been with that stupid leopard ever since you met him?"

Lin Yeqiu glanced lightly at the resentful Xuelang, and replied lightly: "He feels very familiar and kind to me." I miss him even more...

The snow wolf was immediately beaten to pieces, and the wind was messed up.

Does it mean that he feels unfamiliar and unkind to Xiaoqiu?woo woo...

Why 42 days of getting along is not as good as getting along with less than two days...

As Lin Yeqiu said, he didn't stop walking, and immediately threw the snow wolf who was stunned in place slowly away.

When he returned to the cave to make a fire for dinner, he found that Lymans hadn't followed, so he had to go out of the cave again to find someone.He also tried to make fire by drilling wood, but he couldn't reach that speed and high heat, and he always ended in failure, so he reserved the kindling for the first few times, and then anyway, Lemans was always there, lighting a fire against the other party It's easy to say, so I don't keep kindling anymore. After all, this behavior has unpredictable risks, and there are still a lot of oily trees in this forest.

As soon as Lin Yeqiu came out, he saw a wolf and a leopard standing face to face on the high slope.

He ran towards them, wanting to call Lemans back, but from a distance, he vaguely saw the snow wolf's mouth move and say something, and then the leopard raised its head slightly, as if very proud, and then returned. What, looked at Snow Wolf squarely, and smiled gracefully.

Then the two stood together and looked at the jungle below.

Lin Yeqiu wondered what these two were doing, watching the scenery together?So much interest?Didn't Snow Wolf dislike leopards before?

After a while, the two stood facing each other again, talking about something.

At this moment, Lin Yeqiu was already approaching. Seeing them approaching slowly, he raised his head to sniff at each other, and thought they were friendly. Unexpectedly, the two of them took a step back in the next moment, lowered their upper bodies, their muscles tensed, The hair on his back stood upright, and he actually assumed a fighting posture!

Lin Yeqiu was startled, and quickly ran up three steps at a time, shouting: "What are you doing! What are you doing!" Standing between the two, separating one wolf and one leopard.

Luo Meng looked at Lin Yeqiu, then at the hostile Snow Wolf, raised his eyebrows slightly, and there seemed to be playfulness in his eyes, but he stood quietly and did not speak.

Lin Yeqiu looked sideways at Snow Wolf: "What are you doing?"

Snow Wolf raised his head high, straightened his chest, pressed his paws hard on the ground, and said in a serious voice: "I want to fight him!" He howled from time to time, his eyes showed that defending oneself is the most important thing. The determination and bravery of things.

"Du... duel?" The corners of Lin Yeqiu's mouth twitched, his face darkened, he stared closely at his blue eyes, and paused every word, "Say, say, again?"

Snow Wolf realized something was wrong, shrank his head slightly, but still replied: "I want to duel with him!" His voice was much lower, but still had an unshakable stubbornness.

Lin Yeqiu walked over in two or three steps, raised his hand without saying a word, and tapped Xuelang on the head.

Xuelang seemed to be dazed, his eyes widened and he accused stupidly: "You hit me?"

"What's wrong with just beating you?" Lin Yeqiu grabbed one of Snow Wolf's ears and was about to go downhill, "Go! Light a fire for me!"

Snow Wolf was dumbfounded again, and it was the first time he was beaten on the head and ears at such a young age. It seemed that Xiao Qiu was really angry, woo woo... But other things can be compromised, except this one: "Wait for me Let's settle the matter here first..."

He looked pitiful, but stubbornly stood where he was, refusing to leave.

Seeing his pain, Lin Yeqiu couldn't bear to drag him away, so he let go of his hand after a while, hugging his chest and sneering: "Okay! Then you settle the matter here first, and then don't think about it again." Appeared in front of me." With a cold expression, he turned and left.

Hearing this, Snow Wolf paced a few steps anxiously and contradictoryly, "Xiao Qiu! Xiao Qiu!" He yelled a few times, but was ignored, and groaned a few times because of his grievances. Finally, he saw Lin Yeqiu looking back. Looking at him, although his face was still cold and heartless, Xuelang could see that his eyes clearly wanted him to follow quickly, and he was overjoyed, he no longer cared about the principle of determination, so he wanted to leave Leopard behind and follow.

Romon, who was watching from the beginning to the end, suddenly became interested in this not-so-good-looking female.

So, when Lin Yeqiu finally persuaded Lemans to give up this meaningless duel and plan to leave together, unexpectedly Romon said gracefully behind his back: "I want to duel with you." The volume was not loud , but enough for both to hear clearly.

Lin Yeqiu was startled, and immediately stopped and turned to look, only to see that although the other party's expression was indifferent and contemptuous, it couldn't be more serious.

Snow Wolf also stood still, and sneered, but he was not angry.

It was the first time for Lin Yeqiu to see this side of Xuelang. He felt bad, and when he was about to speak, a soft light surrounded Xuelang in front of his eyes.

Without saying a word, Lemans hugged Lin Yeqiu to a rock not far away.

"Do you know that the other party's identity may be unusual!" Lin Yeqiu hurriedly grabbed Lemans when he was about to turn around and leave, and said in a low voice.

"Know." An understatement.

"Then you're still going to provoke me?" A little bit of hatred.

"Now he is here to provoke me." Unhappy.

"It's your fault first!" Lin Yeqiu snorted, rubbed his hands anxiously, and took two steps back and forth.

Don't say that this matter is so absurd and inexplicable, it is really a duel, and the opponent's strength is not clear, so what if Snow Wolf accidentally gets injured!

The more Lin Yeqiu thought about it, the more he felt that this really shouldn't have happened, and he couldn't help feeling angry at Snow Wolf's impulsiveness.

Originally, Luo Meng was leaving tomorrow, so nothing happened, you insisted on making such a mess!Lin Yeqiu wanted to scold, but as soon as the words came to the tip of his tongue, seeing Xuelang's expression, his heart skipped a beat, so he had to swallow it again, and sighed with a headache.

Yes, it was for him that things were made like this...

It's just that he really didn't do anything out of the ordinary...

Lin Yeqiu sighed again, and then said seriously: "No! This duel cannot be held, I will go and talk about it!"

Lemans grabbed the person who was about to jump off the rock: "Anyway, a brave man cannot escape the challenge from any brave man. This duel is open and aboveboard, and Xiao Qiu will be the witness." After speaking, he changed back into a snow wolf He opened the wings on his back and flew back.

Lin Yeqiu yelled, but the snow wolf flew in front of the leopard in the blink of an eye without looking back.

With a movement of Romon's back, he also opened his golden and dark brown wings.

The two expressions are light, confident but cautious, facing each other from a distance, and they are about to explode.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense and dignified.

Seeing that the fight was inevitable, Lin Yeqiu simply turned his back in anger and lay down on the rock to look at the blue sky and white clouds.

The orcs are indeed uncivilized barbarians. They all talk to themselves and solve problems by force!

The more he thought about it, the more depressed he became, the more he thought about it, the more worried he became, and then the more worried he became, the more angry he became: "Bastard Lemans, you better be beaten beyond recognition! Pig head!"

A certain wolf with its wings spread wide in the air turned around and corrected solemnly: "I am a wolf, not a pig..."


The author has something to say: A certain night: Hey, hey, hey, hey~~ [Face flushed, sweating profusely] A certain shallow water fish: Ye, why are you screaming so ambiguously? [Puts his head out of the water, curiously...] A certain night: [raises his head, smiles sinisterly] Anti-cannon...

A shallow water fish: ...

A certain night: Why don't you ask me? [raised eyebrows~]

A certain shallow-water fish: You don’t need to ask, you already know it... [suddenly yelling~turning around and running~] Oh my god!Terrible!One night, deep-water fish is going to be fried again, this time is even scarier than last time... Hurry up!Spit bubbles before Yezi erupts~~~~~~~

One night: (smiling, serious and sincere~) Thank you jitian85 for mine~

PS: Update first, and then crawl to reply, even if you get cramps in the reply, you are still happy~ I like to have more severe cramps~

A certain woman: You have a tendency to be masochistic!

A certain night: This statement is wrong, this is called a sweet cramp, a spur of love... (star eyes~)~

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