Orc Wolf King

Chapter 44 The wolf king with hairy legs is so sexy?

In the pharmacy, the smells from various medicinal materials mixed together to form a special medicinal fragrance.

Several people were stirring the medicine in their hands, chatting a few words from time to time, and gradually, the conversation developed like a restricted level.

Lin Yeqiu watched his nose, nose and heart, lowered his head and devoted himself to pounding the medicine, his face was calm and composed, but his ears blushed uncontrollably.

"Why do you look out of spirit today? Could it be that it was too intense last night?" A voice laughed ambiguously. Although the tone was low, it was clear enough for him who was not far away.

"Go!" Another voice scolded with an angry laugh, "I'm ashamed to talk about others, but I think you are more intense than me!"

"It's normal. In this season, the one in my family looks really good after changing his fur. I can't wait to hug him all the time. Especially those legs, it really makes people more interesting!"

leg?Such a horrible hairy leg, but it's even more fun?Lin Yeqiu's expression became strange, and he unconsciously recalled the oolong last night, and the goose skin on his arms couldn't help but began to dance slightly again.

"My family's wolf shape is more sensitive, the hammer is bigger, and the door is almost impossible to get in..."

Lin Yeqiu was slightly taken aback, and when he understood the meaning of the words, there was a bang on the forehead, and one of his subordinates lost control, and hit the medicine pestle on the medicine cup, making a crisp sound.


Lin Yeqiu felt a few gazes looking over her, blushed, and hurried to the medicine cabinet to take some medicinal ingredients and mess with it to cover up her unnaturalness.

But the other party walked towards him, with an ambiguous expression: "Your Highness, let's talk too!"

"Cough! Say what?"

"Given how much the king loves His Highness, when can we add a little prince to us? Hmm... With the king's bravery, I'm afraid there are already here..." As he spoke, he was about to reach out and cover Lin Yeqiu's abdomen.

Lin Yeqiu hurriedly freed his right hand to block it, backed away with a dry smile, put the medicine on the table casually, and escaped by internal urgency.

After I came out, I was embarrassed to go back. I went to the outside and told the master that something was wrong, then left the pharmacy, walked to the street, and looked at the people passing by. The characteristics of the orcs were obvious again. After changing into winter clothes, they were exposed outside The hair on his face and hands was much thicker than before, and he looked a lot rougher.

He suddenly remembered that except for the dense hair on his body, especially his chest and two legs, his appearance hadn't changed much from before, and he looked refreshed.

Lin Yeqiu couldn't help sighing as he walked. Obviously, when he was in wolf form, his hair was very soft and comfortable. In this world, he has never touched better hair. Why is his hair so hard when he is human?like pig hair...

He never knew that he had such a big reaction to leg hair before, and he didn't want to make such a fuss, and he knew that this action hurt that person, but he really couldn't control it. But - when I recalled that feeling, I couldn't help but tremble slightly again.

It’s okay to wander around for a while. I found a place to have lunch and walked back to the castle. As soon as I entered the door, I was knocked backward by a whirlwind. Fortunately, the perpetrator reacted very quickly and immediately grabbed him. It was only because of the front lapel that a bloody disaster was avoided.

"Are you okay? Where did you twist it? Don't say I did it if you twisted it? Otherwise, a layer of skin will definitely be pulled out! You can discuss anything you want, so don't tell me the truth! You Why don't you talk? What's your expression? It's really painful? Then I'll take you to the hospital right away—"

Lin Yeqiu was knocked into a mess, and there were noises in his ears. He couldn't laugh or cry when he heard it, and pushed the person away, only to see that it was Zeli who hadn't seen him a few times: "I'm fine." ,do not worry."

"That's good, I have something urgent, so I'm leaving first." After speaking, he ran out without waiting for a response.

As a result, Lin Yeqiu only took one step, and Zeli came back in a hurry, blocking his sight and carefully looking at his ears from left to right, with an ever-changing expression.

Lin Yeqiu felt a little nervous when he saw him, and stepped back slightly to distance himself: "What... what's wrong?"

"Why haven't you pierced your ears yet?"

"..." Lin Yeqiu smiled slowly, "Aren't you in a hurry?"

"Ah! Yes!" Zeli slapped his head and turned and ran away.

Lin Yeqiu touched his bare earlobes, collected his thoughts, and continued to walk inside. When he passed the window of the inner hall, a familiar voice came from inside.

He didn't want to stay at first, and was about to walk towards the main entrance at his usual pace, but what he heard inadvertently made him stand still in place for an instant, and his face turned red immediately.

What are these father and son talking about!It's still because the people here are so open, and they can talk about that kind of thing so unabashedly. After thinking about it, they can all perform live erotica in front of the clansmen, and it seems that the verbal is even more insignificant...

It was still going on inside, most of which were the voices of the former wolf king Hezo, accompanied by Reymans' suspicious, thoughtful, or taught echoes from time to time, and even said in a contemplative way: "Then I will use it on Xiaoqiu tonight." Try it on yourself..."

Lin Yeqiu almost vomited blood and fell to the ground when he heard the words, fearing that the old and disrespectful person would come up with something more outrageous, he deliberately made a noise and yelled loudly: "Nanxi, is there any water? Pour me a glass quickly. I'm dying of thirst!" As he spoke, he strode towards the gate of the hall.

Embarrassed, ashamed, and angry, he suddenly remembered, since he came here, why did he do this kind of frustrating thing more than once?

Upon entering, Lemans handed him a glass of warm water.

Lin Yeqiu pretended to be surprised: "Why are you free here today? Where is Nanxi?" He took the water glass and drank some.

"I let him rest."

Lin Yeqiu responded, shifted his gaze to the other person, hesitantly called out in a somewhat embarrassing but complicated way: "Father." Restraining his voice to be as calm as possible, not to reveal his emotions.

He Zuo nodded with a smile, but the look in his eyes looking at Lin Yeqiu clearly showed some conspiracy, which made people feel chills.

"You talk, I'll leave first." He Zuo patted Lin Yeqiu's shoulder lovingly, smiled meaningfully, looked back at his indifferent son, and left.

Lin Yeqiu couldn't help shaking slightly when he saw the smile on this person before he left. He didn't know how many "suggestions" this person had made before. Thinking that those might be used on him, he couldn't help gnashing his teeth. Lemans' gaze resting on him was also extremely bright, and he suddenly had the illusion that he was being stripped naked and viewed as an adulterer.

Looking back at the interaction between the father and son just now, he keenly noticed that although Lemans was still a little cold towards this person, he was obviously no longer so repulsive. What about the close relationship!

Just sold him so painlessly!What a treacherous!

He suddenly recalled hearing that Herzo had deliberately selected Lemans' mate among the four clans, but in the end he became the queen of wolves without any resistance during the period, probably because he didn't want to have a second life with his son The reason of suspicion.

Looking back on these days, Herzo's attitude towards Lehmans can almost be said to be submissive and caring. The conversation just now was not necessarily because Lehmans took the initiative to seek advice, but most likely the other party saw something and offered a solution. , just because of the father's compensation for his son, and out of the purest and selfless father's love in the world, he sighed a little, and couldn't bear the grudge for this kind of behavior of throwing others into the fire pit.

Does he want to follow that person's wishes and cooperate to make Reymans think that those proposals are really useful and gradually resolve his alienation and indifference towards that person, or is he upholding himself and refusing to compromise?

It's just the former, which is not reconciled.

In the afternoon, Lemans did not leave, and the two snuggled together in the sun in the front yard like a long time ago. Lin Yeqiu was comfortably pillowed on the snow wolf's warm and soft belly, drowsy, but the top of his head was gone. The lush canopy is just some bare thick branches.

After the oolong last night, he actually didn't sleep well afterwards, and was always worried about Lemans' reaction. Now it seems that there is no big problem at last, and he really fell asleep as soon as he was relieved.

Lin Yeqiu slept comfortably, but Xuelang was thinking about how to continue what was interrupted yesterday tonight. His expression was very serious, as if he was thinking about something important to the fate of the wolf clan.

When Lin Yeqiu woke up, it was already evening, and when he accidentally touched Xuelang's eyes, the determination hidden under the gentleness was sure to win, and his heart skipped a beat. Total defense system.

However, the firewall, which was fully activated, suddenly cracked a crack when the dinner was served.

Lin Yeqiu stared in disbelief at a bowl of delicious white food on the dining table: "This is..."

"The rice you mentioned last time, eat it and see if it's like this?" Lemans' voice was so gentle that water could almost drip.

"Where did this come from?" Lin Yeqiu looked up at him.

"It was exchanged from the Feng family. If you like it, you can exchange it later."

Lemans said it lightly, but Lin Yeqiu knew that this kind of rice was extremely difficult to obtain. He once asked the witch doctor teacher who taught him the knowledge. On this continent, this kind of food that fits his description is only available in the Feng Clan. And only the royal family of the Feng family can enjoy it. Because it is too scarce, the rice is directly offered to the royal family after it matures. Generally, it will not flow to other tribes at all, and it is never used for trading. No matter how precious it is, you can get it. The only thing you can do is to refuse invariably, and you will not buy it from anyone, even if you are the most honorable king of any other clan.

At the beginning, he just mentioned it casually when he was tired of eating pasta and the like. After so long, he himself almost forgot about it. Unexpectedly, this person has always taken it to heart...

I'm afraid that this person has been thinking of something secretly since that day, and most likely he didn't succeed in getting it until recently, and I don't know how much effort was involved in it!

Lin Yeqiu looked down at the rice in the bowl. The rice grains were twice the size of the real ones, but they were very similar in appearance, warm and snow-white, which whetted the appetite.

Under Lymans' expectant gaze, he took a mouthful seriously and carefully, chewing carefully, the starch met the saliva and a chemical reaction slowly occurred in his mouth, sliding all the way down the esophagus, the mouth and teeth were full of sweet taste, aftertaste Infinity, it tastes so many times better than the food in this world. I don’t know if it’s because I haven’t eaten it for a long time, or because the rice here is purely natural, or just because of the psychological effect of the person in front of me...

"How how?"

Lin Yeqiu raised his head and smiled, and couldn't help saying in a hoarse voice: "It's delicious." Chewing the sweet rice in his mouth, he was inexplicably touched, as if the sweetness was not only in his mouth, but also all the way to his heart.

Lymans watched his reaction carefully, and finally confirmed that the other party liked it, so he couldn't help but also smiled.

"Why don't you eat?"

"I'll give you whatever you like, but I'm not used to it anyway."

Seeing his shy look, Lin Yeqiu felt soft in his heart, hesitated for a while, blushed and gave him a mouthful.

Lyman was instantly flattered, and opened his mouth unabashedly, smiling happily and contentedly.

The two of you shared a large bowl of rice with each other, and then ate the dishes that you had barely touched before until your stomach was completely full.

In the past, Lin Yeqiu didn't believe that he could do such a nasty thing, but now that he actually did it, he felt it was very natural.

Lemans' move was quite clever, but although Lin Yeqiu was deeply moved by it, he did not forget the "conspiracy" between this man and He Zuo. The uncertainty of not knowing what this man was going to do himself made him uncontrollably wary.

So when he wanted to take a bath in the hot spring of the Wolf King's dormitory, when Lemans naturally proposed to take a bath together, Lin Yeqiu instantly bristled his back hair, but after all, he couldn't resist the other party's entanglement skills, and finally both of them washed naked Mandarin duck bath.

In order to avoid any possible misfire, Lin Yeqiu sat across from Lemans, but Lemans didn't object, and kept smiling gently, not knowing what he was plotting behind the scenes.

The more he was like this, the colder Lin Yeqiu felt, and he always felt that the storm waiting for him would not be small.

At this time, the distance between them is far enough to be safe, but sometimes sensational besides the most direct physical contact, there are many other factors, such as: visual stimulation, and imagination.

Lin Yeqiu was scrubbing himself seriously at first, but there were frequent movements from the other party. For a while, there was a big splash of water, for a while, he was playing with drowning for some reason, and for a while, he sighed sadly, and his eyes Being attracted, he couldn't help but glanced at the opposite side, and finally when he came back to his senses, he found that he was staring straight at that sturdy body for an unknown period of time, his eyes gliding from the exposed neck all the way to the toe The chest, abdomen and legs hidden under the water surface, as well as the half-awake thing dormant in the silver hair between the legs, could not help but squirm a few times, the body gradually became a little hot, I don't know if it was caused by the hot spring water then what.

Under the dense water vapor, I can only feel that the male body dripping with water in front of my eyes is particularly sexy.

"Xiaoqiu..." Lemans slowly leaned over, his voice indescribably hoarse.

Lin Yeqiu suddenly realized that when he began to look at the man's body, he unconsciously took a colored look. He was ashamed and surprised at the same time, and immediately because of the man's approach, his body tensed up slightly: "Huh?"

"Are you a member of the Phoenix clan?" Lemans just leaned against the rock peacefully after coming over, and asked an unexpected question instead of making any further moves.

Lin Yeqiu was silent for a while, then replied: "No." After a pause, he continued, "Didn't Nuo Ya tell you? I'm not from here—"

Before he could finish a sentence, Lemans quickly kissed his lips. He thought it was uncontrollable passion again, but unexpectedly, it was just a taste of it. The invader backed away slightly, raised his right hand and slowly stroked the moisture of Lin Yeqiu's lower lip, The sky-blue eyes stared at the people around him quietly, deeply and incomprehensibly, and said solemnly as if with some kind of declaration: "No matter where you were before, now you belong to the wolf clan and are my only companion."

As he spoke, he raised his clenched fists from the water and spread them between the two of them. When Lin Yeqiu was suspicious, he opened his fists, and inside lay three strangely shaped earrings, with intricate and old-fashioned patterns engraved on the pendants. Two of them are strung together with silver thread.

Lemans picked up the silk thread, looked at his lover, and stretched out his hand to wrap it around the other's neck.

"Lemans——" A cold touch fell on his chest, Lin Yeqiu looked down, subconsciously held the pendant, and looked up at him.

Lemans took Lin Yeqiu's other hand, put the remaining earring in his hand into his palm, stepped forward slightly, put his forehead against the other's forehead, and whispered softly: "Put it on for me."


"I only belong to you." Reymans said in a low voice, "I love you, Xiaoqiu." The tone of the voice was not very affectionate, but it was very serious, so serious that it made this supposedly romantic confession seem a bit honest Simple and honest.

Lin Yeqiu was startled, the left chest was very hot and active, the thing hanging on his chest and the cold thing in his palm seemed to be heating up gradually, until it simmered until he felt warm.

Lymans turned slightly to his side, revealing his side face, and there was a pierced earlobe on his beautiful left earlobe at some point.

Lin Yeqiu lowered his eyes and looked at the earring lying quietly in the palm of his hand, settled his somewhat chaotic thoughts, smiled slightly, sat up and carefully put the earring through, the moment he let go, the half-moon-shaped pendant fell on the ear Under the earlobe swaying gently, a soft halo flashed.

"Xiaoqiu..." Reymans turned his head and kissed his lips again, with a hint of excitement in his manner.

"Xiaoqiu..." Reymans turned his head and kissed his lips again, with a hint of excitement in his manner.

Lin Yeqiu hugged him back vigorously, and responded enthusiastically. When they parted, they clearly felt that their bodies were tightly pressed together, and there was something hard and hot underneath pressing against him fiercely. With the subconscious friction of the body, it became more and more hard and hot.

"Actually, if you want, as long as you don't touch your legs and chest, you'll be fine..."

Lehmans heard his lover's shy invitation, and was so excited for a moment that he couldn't help himself, but his lower part grew up a lot without any caress, and he didn't restrain himself anymore, and he supported the other party with both hands. His waist and buttocks touched the smooth bathing rock, and little Lemans explored the way around the cave, then entered the room bluntly, and drove straight in.

Lin Yeqiu involuntarily let out a low cry, put his hands on the opponent's neck, unconsciously hooked his legs around his acquainted strong waist, took a few low breaths, tried to relax himself, and let the big man sink in smoothly.

"Xiaoqiu..." Lemans panted heavily, and began to move back and forth with force on his waist.

The hot spring water made it much easier to get in and out, and the hole that accommodated it became extra soft because of the hot water, which brought them a completely different enjoyment from the past.

In the passion, Lin Yeqiu's eyes fell on Lemans' ear wearing a pendant. The two crescent pendants, one large and one small leaning together, were constantly shaking due to their actions, flashing radiant lights. The light seems to be constantly telling the owner's pure love.

Lin Yeqiu leaned forward and kissed it with difficulty like a demon, and then licked the earlobe dissatisfied. Immediately, he felt Lemans tremble, and the thing buried deep in his body grew bigger again. The movement of getting closer made the fit tighter, and the things that came in and out at the back suddenly penetrated deeper, and the two moaned unconsciously, and Lemans' hand grasping Lin Yeqiu's buttocks became more and more forceful, and his movements were silent It was even more intense, demanding like a wild beast, until Lin Yeqiu's breathing became confused, his eyes were clouded with tears, and he didn't know what year it was.

The aftertaste of the orgasm has not completely receded, and due to the soaking in hot water, Lin Yeqiu's face is still slightly blush at this time, lying half-lying lazily thinking about something, occasionally lifting his eyelids, revealing moist black eyes, The tender red lips were slightly swollen, and they looked a little seductive. Lemans felt that his lips were moving again when he looked at them, and he climbed into bed and burrowed into Lin Yeqiu's quilt.

The originally lazy person immediately opened his eyes: "Sleep on the other quilt."

"Huh? Xiaoqiu—"

"Otherwise you'll come here like you did last night when you fell asleep, or you'll just shave your hair off." Lin Yeqiu pouted at the long wooden frame at the head of the bed, "Here! The razor is right there."

"Do you really want to shave?" Someone looked up and glanced, and was really ready, and immediately became pitiful, trying to win sympathy.

"Hmm." Lin Yeqiu responded lightly, without saying much, and half closed his eyes again, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

I am actually getting more and more used to sex between men, and enjoy it more and more...

In the past, she had to do enough teasing and foreplay to react, but now she doesn't even need to do anything, and she has sexual impulses towards men...

But if you don't regret it after you say it, it seems that you can't answer it as simple as affirmative or negative. His feelings for Lemans are so complicated that he can't tell the difference.Maybe, he really fell in love with it...

Seeing the indisputable indifference on his face, Lemans hesitantly picked up the blade, looked at the plaster that was placed together, hesitantly squeezed out a little bit and applied a strip on the inside of his left foot, and lightly After shaving lightly, a bunch of hair fell to the ground after scraping with the knife. He stretched out his hand to touch his calf, and it was indeed much smoother, but he felt that it was very uncomfortable to be bald.

He stopped and looked at the person on the bed.

Lin Yeqiu half-closed his eyes, and didn't urge him, and looked back at him from the quilt all the time. There was something flickering and flickering in his eyes, ups and downs.

In the silence, Lemans suddenly turned into a snow wolf, sat on the edge of the bed, tilted his left side and stepped back, lowered his head to look carefully, and then called out a little tragically: "Xiaoqiu, come and see!"

Lin Yeqiu moved his body and leaned over, and after seeing it, he burst out laughing, the hair on his legs was shaved, and his wolf form was also affected, the one on the side of his leg was not covered by the thick and soft wolf fur, it was really a little Ugly, similar to a shaved cat suffering from skin diseases, if both legs are shaved, it is estimated that the two originally healthy hind legs in wolf form will also have skin diseases, and will match other parts perfectly No matter how you look at it, it's ridiculous.

Lin Yeqiu stretched out his hand to touch that spot, imagining the situation of Snow Wolf with his hind legs bare, and couldn't help laughing again.

"Xiaoqiu, how could you do this!" Xuelang put down his hind legs sadly, shook his hair and refused to shave any more. Fortunately, he didn't shave all of them, and he chose the inside. Not too big, otherwise can you still see it in wolf form?

"Success! Then don't shave it, just endure it until the cold season passes." Lin Yeqiu was also very generous, and stroked Xuelang's head again.

"I don't want it!" Xuelang jumped up and threw Lin Yeqiu under him, turning into a human form, coaxing, "Xiaoqiu, touch my legs, in fact, it's fine if you get used to it..."

Just kidding, it's not just this cold season, there will be so many cold seasons in the future, will they all be so miserable?Lemans is obviously not happy, the fundamental solution is naturally to cure Xiao Qiu's serious problem!

Lin Yeqiu kicked him unceremoniously again, knocking him over, and then looked at him softly and harmlessly: "If you can't do it, then I'll do it."

Reymans hesitated for a long time, but finally he picked up the razor aggrievedly, closed his eyes, as if he had finally made up his mind, and scraped down on his legs.

"Hey! The medicine—" Lin Yeqiu couldn't stop it, and saw a streak of blood oozing out slowly.

"Hiss——" Lemans gasped, clutching the blade tightly in one hand, and turned to someone without speaking, but the look in his eyes clearly told him to comfort him.

Lin Yeqiu hurriedly climbed out of the bed, took out the medicine and bandages from the box beside the bed, and quickly treated the wound for him, with a distressed and suspicious expression on his face, which was very complicated.

"It doesn't hurt that much..." Reymans observed his words, turned his mind a few times, and then said very obediently, "I'll continue shaving, I'll be more careful this time..."

Lin Yeqiu pursed her lips and looked at him without speaking.

Lemans said that he would continue to shave, but his subordinates did not move. Instead, they kept looking at Lin Yeqiu, as if waiting for him to say something. After waiting for a long time, there was no movement, so he had to bow his head and continue to shave pitifully. hair.

When the blade was about to scratch the skin, Lin Yeqiu sighed secretly, reached out and took the blade away: "Go into the quilt."

"Xiaoqiu!" Lemans' voice clearly rose immediately, whether there was a hint of success in it, it's really hard to say.

Just when he got into the quilt happily and wanted to continue to be tender, Lin Yeqiu calmly looked at the restless person who was about to climb up on his body, and said lightly: "I'm easy to talk, and it's not bad if you want to do it." All right, but let me do it."

"What?" Lemans really didn't understand, he stared blankly at his lover.

"Sleep, or let me enter you—" Lin Yeqiu softly stroked the other's deep and beautiful facial features with one hand, "You can choose one of the two, I don't mind." The other hand under the quilt slowly Slowly slid behind the opponent and pressed on the tailbone.

Lymans was petrified, and it took a long time before he said awkwardly: "But I am a husband..."

"so what?"

so what?Of course it's only me entering you!

Lymans was choked, and under the amiable eyes of the other party, he didn't dare to tell the truth, and just stared at him blankly.

No wonder he was so surprised, the orc being raped was unheard of, and no one even thought it was possible.

Lymans was surprised, but he would not refuse this delicious meal foolishly. As for who will eat it in the end, it depends on his ability.

With this in mind, he murmured ambiguously, and started the plundering first, using his lips and hands together, trying to seize the opportunity.

But once Lin Yeqiu had the idea of ​​counterattacking, he naturally refused to be passive, and boldly and not to be outdone, kissed back. As a result, he was treated even crazier and more violently.

Lin Yeqiuruo was pushed into a hurry, but he was actually a person who was strong when he met the strong in his bones, and he had no scruples about Lemans, so he kissed back more violently than him immediately.Not to be outdone, his hands ignited the opponent's body everywhere, feeding back all the things that Lemans had used on him in the past, making Lemans' breathing more and more chaotic.Heh heh, Xiao Mian, who is more skilled is still unknown!

But Lemans could only feel the enthusiasm of his beloved, thinking that Xiaoqiu was so enthusiastic, how could he not behave well, so he worked harder.

... This cycle went on and on, and the jaws of the two gradually turned sour, and the lips were so numb that they didn't look like their own.

The hot kiss is still going on, licking, biting, exchanging saliva, no one is willing to let go.

What was supposed to be a tender and affectionate kiss, was turned into a battlefield by their backs and forths, full of gunpowder and ups and downs.

The waist and abdomen rubbed violently, and the two things made the most intimate contact from time to time, slightly moistening their abdomens.

The two of them couldn't really be satisfied for a while, and they desperately wanted to find a way to vent their clamoring desires, but they couldn't find it all the time. Lin Yeqiu groaned in pain.

In the end, Lemans grabbed the opponent's hands with one hand, bent one leg, and deliberately rubbed Lin Yeqiu's stiff and hot crotch lightly with his legs. When those hairs rubbed against the pussy, it caused a very strange feeling. Unprepared, he trembled fiercely, and then his knuckles were inserted into the place behind him, and he went deep into it all at once, pressing on that sensitive point.

Lin Yeqiu let out a cry, and actually spurted out white liquid in an instant.

Reymans smiled, let go of the limp man, lowered his head to lick a little saliva that unconsciously flowed from the corner of the other's mouth, suddenly exerted strength in his waist, visited that hot and humid place again, and let out a long breath of satisfaction.

During this period, Lemans came up with tricks one after another, and most of them even made good use of his body hair. Lin Yeqiu finally had to cry and beg for mercy, and finally understood what they said in the pharmacy in a daze. It turned out that it was not an exaggeration...

It turns out that having leg hair can sometimes be sexy...

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