Orc Wolf King

Chapter 9 What Rice?It's a wolf, not a human!

A giant snow-white hair ball suddenly sprang out from behind, and the two huge white wings on the back spread wide, resolutely greeted the dark green figure that swooped down at high speed.

Lin Yeqiu was completely petrified, looking up into the air, not knowing what is going on now?

A giant half-human boa constrictor with wings and a giant white wolf with wings fought in the sky for three hundred rounds?

Then... it should be a wolf...

etc!Where did the white wolf come from?

He suddenly turned around, and the person behind him was gone.

White... white wolf, white hair...

ha!Hahaha!How can it be?This kind of association is really nonsensical!How can a man suddenly become a beast in a good way?

Lin Yeqiu laughed, shaking his head for his rich imagination.

However, even a snake can change into a half-human shape, grow wings, and can talk, so why is it impossible for that person to become a beast?

This world is really different from the world he grew up in for 23 years...

"Lemans..." he called tentatively.

"Stay there and don't come over." There was a voice in the air, and it was Lymans who was right.

Lin Yeqiu was really dumbfounded.

In a cloud of mist, the thing about the orcs in the other world that the old rotten girl's best friend mentioned to him once appeared in his mind...

This...is the legendary orc?

Lin Yeqiu rolled his eyes and fell to the ground.

"What's the matter, carry the ball?" There was another voice of concern in the air.

"No...it's nothing..." Lin Yeqiu sat down on the ground and replied in a daze, with an expression of being overly frightened and temporarily losing the ability to think, while subconsciously muttering weakly, "My name is Lin Yeqiu, I am not a Also the ball..."

In the confusion of thoughts, I remembered a sentence I heard from a TV program at some time: "There are more than 30 kinds of wolves in the world. Their fur is mostly brown and dark gray. Only one is white, also known as wolf. 'Dream wolf', circa 1911, white wolf extinct."

Then I remembered some sayings about wolves: greedy, ferocious, wild, violent...

Lin Yeqiu couldn't help shaking, subconsciously raised his eyes and looked over.

In mid-air, a snake and a wolf were still fighting fiercely. The dark green scales on the snake's body were scratched by the sharp claws of the wolf. There were several bloodstains, and the snow-white fur on the wolf's body was dyed bright red, which was still increasing.

It wasn't the opponent's blood red, but the wolf's own.

Lin Yeqiu watched, his shock and panic gradually eased, and he forced himself to accept the fact: Lemans is an orc, but Lemans never hurt himself, he can be trusted!

And at this time, the other party was fighting to the death with the giant snake for himself, how could he think wildly here, and even feel afraid?

Regardless of whether Lemans is a man or a wolf, it is the caring Lemans who has saved him many times and took great care of him!

He is truly strong and self-disciplined!And he seems to be an extremely shy guy...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile in his heart, and his heart softened a lot in an instant.

At this point, Lin Yeqiu had completely calmed down, but seeing the redness gradually growing on the white wolf's body, he began to worry again, but he didn't dare to act recklessly, or even dare to speak, for fear that it would make the white wolf fight distracted.

"It is rumored that the cold-hearted snow wolf would humiliate himself for a mere female? What a strange story!" The giant snake laughed mockingly.

"The noble Feathered Serpent in the rumors turned out to be just a first-class boa constrictor, but it actually attacked a female who was powerless! It's really impressive!" Lymans responded indifferently.

"Presumptuous! How dare you insult me ​​as a boa constrictor! Hmph!" The Feathered Snake dragged its long body with its bloody mouth wide open, turned around nimbly in the air, and bit Lemans' hind legs fiercely.

Lemans waved his wings and retreated sharply, narrowly avoiding the snake's venom, stretched out his sharp claws and turned to attack the feathered snake's tail, the feathered snake curled up its tail and threw it fiercely at Leymans, but Lemans didn't dodge He didn't avoid it, but rushed forward to meet it!

At the same time that he was hit, the Feathered Serpent screamed in pain, and it was Lemans' sharp claws that tightly grasped the tail and opened its mouth to bite down hard, the dark green tail was instantly dripping with blood.

The Feathered Serpent curled up angrily, with its head wrapped around its own tail, its fangs opened wide and biting at Lemans' neck.

Lemans immediately let go, his body stuck to the body of the Feathered Serpent, and he bit down on a place not far from the snake's head with lightning speed.

The Feathered Serpent twisted its body violently in pain, because its head could not be bent to its back and could not reach the opponent, so it rolled up its long body and wrapped it around Lemans, tightening the hoop tightly, trying to force The other party let go.

But Lemans didn't care about it, his bones hurt from being twisted, and he had difficulty breathing, but he just refused to let go, and the tighter he was twisted, the harder he bit him.

The Feathered Snake was dripping with cold sweat from the pain, and even its wings trembled slightly. The flight suddenly seemed weak, and it went up and down in the air, staggering, turned around and swooped down rapidly, and when it was about to reach the ground, it made a gesture to slam its back into the big tree. go.

Lemans didn't let go until the last moment when his body was about to hit the thick tree trunk, flapped his wings vigorously and flew up, then stopped in mid-air, flapped his wings lightly to maintain his standing position in the air, and looked coldly at the painful Feather Snake: "If you don't want to hurt both sides, just leave obediently."

Lin Yeqiu at the bottom looked stunned again.

This time, it wasn't because of fear, but because it was attracted by that kingly attitude.

The huge white wings like an angel spread wide to the left and right, the limbs droop gracefully, and stop firmly in the air, as if standing on a flat ground, with a slightly raised chin, and blue eyes quietly overlooking the bottom...

This posture, which seems to look down on everything, is noble, calm, and indifferent, so beautiful...

"Hmph! In terms of body, I am longer than you; in terms of wings, I am stronger than you; in terms of destructive power, I am stronger than you. If you want to hurt both sides, it depends on whether you have the strength!"

"A longer body means a larger attack range, which is convenient for the enemy to attack. It's not a burden. The lesson just forgot so quickly? No matter how many wings you have, it's just a waste. Your extra four little wings are just for display. Useful." Lemans disdainful.

"Ignorance! A long body means that you can attack and defend, and more wings mean that you have strong balance and more flexible actions. Just now, the deity underestimated you, so I won't show mercy this time!"

Lemans sneered: "Then let the facts speak for themselves." As he spoke, the wings on his back waved slightly, and he rushed towards the Feathered Serpent.

"I will make you regret it!"

The negotiation between a snake and a wolf broke down, and they fought together again.

The Feathered Serpent's attack and defense methods are indeed different than before. It has become more flexible and maneuverable. Its body bends and wraps around at incredible angles, flexibly dodging the opponent's attack, and even passing by to focus on the opponent's vital points.

But Lemans was not to be outdone, his offense and defense also changed, he went left and right, up and down, and deliberately exposed some extremely small flaws to lure the opponent to the bait, and then picked the gap to catch Biting the feathered snake's small wings, the air was instantly filled with tiny dark green feathers.

The Feathered Snake was cheated several times and was injured, but finally became furious, rolled over and attacked the White Wolf fiercely in the posture of a dragon jumping across the sea, trying to wring off the other's wings with an eye for an eye.

But the snake's weapon is to hang the opponent by entanglement itself except for one tooth, but the wolf's attack can be carried out by both sharp teeth and four sharp claws, which undoubtedly has an advantage over the snake.

The two were biting and entangled like this, and white hairs, green hairs and red hairs fluttered down in mid-air for a while.

Feathered snake's small wings were injured, and the flight was finally affected, and gradually lost the wind, but Lemans was more and more fond of making those four small wings hurt more and more, so Feathered snake couldn't help but yelled: "Bastard! ! You are despicable and shameless!"

"Hmph! A brat with little actual combat experience, it's still too late to beg for mercy."

"This deity is not a brat! It is you, a treacherous and cunning man, who needs to beg for mercy!"

"Since your mouth is so stubborn, it will become a meal in my belly, so don't complain."

The two rushed forward, fighting and biting again in an earth-shattering way.

"It's boring! I don't want to fight anymore! I don't want to fight anymore!" After one of Feathered Serpent's wings completely drooped, he finally yelled again as he was on the verge of losing his sense of balance.

"Say it earlier!" Lemans had no objection. After a fierce fight, he was also seriously injured, especially this dead snake likes to hang people, which made his whole body almost fall apart. Since the other party proposed first A truce would be best.

Lemans flicked his thick and long tail, and put on a victorious air of arrogance, but saw the Feathered Serpent suddenly fly towards Lin Yeqiu. In shock, he immediately flapped his wings to block him, and raised his claws to poke Feather. Snake's Scapula: "What are you doing?"

"Nonsense! This deity wants to take him away!" Feathered snake flicked its tail, opened the wolf's paws, curled up the tail gracefully, the upper body of the human figure stood upright, pointed at Lin Yeqiu on the ground, and replied in a leisurely manner.

"No!" Lemans rebuffed.

"Why not? If the deity finds it, it belongs to the deity!"

"No way, no way! You can only leave by yourself!"

"Devil wolf, you bully people too much! This deity is easy to talk, and it is easy to bully when you are a deity!"

"What's wrong with bullying you?"

So there was a disagreement between a few words and a few words, and another fierce fight started.

Not long after, the white wolf became red again, limped and swayed in mid-air, immediately raised its wings to stabilize its figure, shook its fur, panted for a while, and then slowly stood on four legs Straightened, looking at the ground coldly.

The Feathered Serpent below was lying on the ground weakly, with its long and thick body twisted crookedly, the wings on its back fluttered a few times, and finally fell down weakly, unable to fly up, and looked up at the white wolf resentfully.

The handsome and flirtatious but slightly childish face is full of stubbornness and arrogance that refuses to admit defeat.

Lymans sneered, and suddenly swooped down quickly, his sharp claws slashed across the Feathered Serpent's back, leaving another bloodstain on the scarred skin. Seeking an opportunity, he swooped down and attacked quickly, repeatedly bullying the feathered snake, which had nowhere to escape, just like a cat teasing an earthworm.

"Are you begging for mercy?" Lemans stopped in mid-air and asked calmly.

"This deity will not lose..." The dying feathered snake curled up and rolled on the ground to avoid the wolf's attack.

Lemans gave a light "oh", and then floated up and down in the air, constantly making the posture of attacking. The feathered snake flicked its tail desperately to prevent the wolf from approaching in self-defense, but he didn't know that it was just a wolf's attack. strategy, deliberately let him consume his physical strength sharply.

Sure enough, within a short while, the Feathered Serpent was so tired that its tail was paralyzed, and even its upper body fell on the ground gasping for breath. Reymans saw the opportunity and rushed down like an arrow from the string, and pressed his claws heavily on the Feathered Serpent's head. With a victor's attitude, he wrote lightly: "Are you still talking hard?"

"Humph!" The Feathered Serpent's head was pressed tightly into the soil, and its long dark green hair was stained by the dust. It twisted its body vigorously, trying to get out of the wolf's claws, but no matter how hard the head was pressed, the body seemed powerless. Surprised and angry, he struggled for a long time, and finally his eye circles turned slightly red. He probably had never suffered such a setback before, and he reprimanded him with extreme aggrievedness: "Hiss... woo... bastard! You bastard! Obviously I picked it up first." , clearly belongs to me!"

"He's my female! I took him to the stream!" Lemans replied flatly, raising his eyebrows.

"Liar! I didn't see you by that river at all!"

"I'm behind a rock, stupid snake!"

"Dead wolf, has no one taught you etiquette! This deity has a name and a surname, and he is a noble Feathered Serpent—"

"If you don't believe me, you can ask him!" Lemans' paw forcefully forced the Feathered Serpent to stop.

"You take off your stinky paws first!"

Lemans snorted a few times, retracted his front paws, took a few steps to the side and stood still.

It's a pity that Lin Yeqiu didn't understand their conversations very well, otherwise, if he understood Reymans's "he is my female", he would have jumped for a long time, and then pointed at a certain wolf's nose and scolded, "You are the only one!" It's my uncle's female."

So when Yu Xixi turned to look at him pitifully and asked, Lin Yeqiu just looked blank.

"Are you with me?" Lemans asked softly.

Lin Yeqiu understood, and nodded again and again: "I'm with him, with him." So I have such a powerful friend as a backer, so you don't want to catch me!

The Feathered Snake arched its back instantly, and lowered its head a little dejectedly, not knowing what to think.

Lemans raised his head slightly, and walked towards Lin Yeqiu gracefully.

Although he is still a wolf, his expression cannot be very rich, but somehow Lin Yeqiu has an illusion, it seems that this wolf is smiling smugly...

The Feathered Snake looked up at them, and finally changed back to the snake shape completely, saying: "Remember the name of this deity, Alite." Then twisted its body and swam away.

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