"The train is leaving!"

"The train is leaving!!!"

Zhang Shu was still fighting for those tea eggs in the crowd, when he heard panic screams from behind, he struggled and stretched his head to see, the K? ? ?Sure enough, the train has started to move slowly!

Several people in the same car next to him rushed to grab the food sold on the cart. Before Zhang Shu could react, he was slapped out by a sister-in-law behind him.

Although she seemed to want to push Zhang Shu away, this slap turned into a slap when it hit Zhang Shu's face.

The sister-in-law glanced at Zhang Shu hastily, and squeezed to the very inside.

It was too late for Zhang Shu to get angry, seeing that the speed of the train was gradually increasing, unable to squeeze in the money he needed to make up, he squeezed the two tea eggs in his hand and ran to catch up with the train.

I bought two tea eggs for 50 yuan, and it was just a pain in the heart. If I can’t catch the train, it’s not a pain in the heart, but a pain in the eggs!

For this hard-won train ticket, I can't miss it.

It was still early before the Spring Festival travel season, the school had only started for a month, and Zhang Shu had just been to the north for a month, so he rushed back again in a hurry.

There is no other reason, my father is critically ill.

Unexpectedly, just in time for the outbreak of the epidemic, the competition for tickets is more terrifying than that of Spring Festival travel!In the end, it was the seniors of the student union who helped. A group of people went to the sales office to grab a ticket and stuffed Zhang Shu into the car.

This is a slow train, and it takes more than [-] hours to go home. It seems to be quite normal at first, except for the abnormal congestion, it should be said that everything is fine.

The train ran for more than a day, and when it passed through W City, something went wrong.

W city is a big station, stop for half an hour, the box lunch on the bus is expensive, Zhang Shu’s family is not good, he dare not buy the box lunch on the bus, so he bought a few corns at a smaller station in the afternoon, and at night, the half-grown kid Hungry again, he asked the neighbor to watch the seat, and he went to the platform to find something to eat.

There is never a shortage of hawkers on the railway station platform. In addition to carts selling instant noodles with boiling water, there are also roasted ham sausages, tea eggs, corn, etc. The further south you go, the more varieties of things on the platform, and the more delicious they are.

Zhang Shu bought a bowl of skewers hot in a pot, and bought a bag of steamed buns. As soon as he returned to the door of the carriage, he saw dozens of people rushing out of a waiting room with large and small bags. I should have just bought a standing ticket, and no one cared if I couldn't get on the bus, so I tried my best to catch the train.

Zhang Shu got into the car, and as soon as he got into the car, he heard a "bang" gunshot outside!

There were the most people at both ends of the carriage, Zhang Shu couldn't see the outside, he was busy squeezing back to his seat, and he didn't even bother to come and see. He could only hear the screams of some women and children, and the train shook and deflated for less than half an hour. It started.

Zhang Shu squeezed for more than ten minutes to squeeze back. The uncle next to him was wearing a faded military uniform. Seeing him come back, he called a young man sitting in his seat away. Zhang Shu gratefully put the things he bought on the table and asked him to join him. eat.

In the hard-seat carriages, few people could afford boxed lunches, and they were all poor people who had to spend money.

The uncle was probably hungry too, so after hesitating for a moment, Zhang Shu simply took out two steamed buns and handed them over. The uncle took them, turned around and took out two hard-boiled eggs from the plastic bag under the seat, and gave Zhang Shu one. .

Zhang Shu smiled, took it over, and shared a not-so-good supper together.

It is said that the lights in the hard-seat carriages are not turned off at night. There are too many passengers, and the flight attendants will go back and forth every half an hour to wake up the sleeping people-in order to avoid theft of property if they fall asleep.

It was pitch black outside the window, there was nothing to see, and it was not easy to stare at the two women opposite, so Zhang Shu had to lower his head and fiddle with the phone.

The uncle by the window stretched out his arm to abduct Zhang Shu: "My surname is Xie, what about you little brother?"

"Zhang, Zhang Shu."

"Xie Gaowen, I recognize you as Lao Xie, Xiao Zhang! Are you still a student?"

Zhang Shu nodded: "I just finished my military training at school, and I haven't attended class yet. My dad is critically ill, and my family told me to go back."

Xie Gaowen said: "Hey! You are only that old, and your father is also quite young, right? What's wrong?"

Zhang Shu usually dislikes people asking questions, but every time he ran down the road, Xie Gaowen would help him look at the seats. Sometimes both of them went down and someone took their seats. In gratitude, Zhang Shu nodded: "My dad is 52 years old, he smokes too much, he has lung cancer."

Xie Gaowen said sympathetically, "What a crime! What a crime! A few years younger than me."

Zhang Shu didn't know what to say, so he had to fiddle with the phone again.

Xie Gaowen was silent and said: "Just now a person was shot on the platform."

Zhang Shu almost thought he heard it wrong, and looked up, Xie Gaowen looked out the window, not sure if he was talking to himself or talking to him.

"I've seen that when I was in P City, walking wobbly, biting people when caught, I don't know what's wrong with it... Can't it be cured? How could it kill people with a single shot..."

Zhang Shu listened to Xie Gaowen's description, why did he look so much like a zombie?

"Crazy? Some schizophrenics kill people when they get sick, and some even kill their own family members."

Xie Gaowen turned his head and looked surprised: "Really!?"

Zhang Shu nodded: "It looks normal when you don't get sick, but once you get sick, it becomes serious. I have read several news about this, and the patients themselves don't know what they did."

Xie Gaowen seemed to be frightened, so he didn't come to talk to Zhang Shu again.

For some unknown reason, this train stops a lot without stopping at a station. Sometimes it stops for two or three hours at a time, waiting for the wrong train.

It’s not obvious at night, but in the morning, it’s already in province G. The flight attendants are spraying vinegar from car to car, and the supply from the water tank has also turned into potion. It is very strict.

The flight attendant was stopped by the panicked passengers and asked, and then revealed some inside information.

Except for the tickets that have already been sold, the railway station no longer sells tickets, and even the trains that have not departed have been suspended. The reason for stopping and waiting for the wrong train on the road is because of the military train. It is said that the epidemic has broken out very badly in coastal provinces. What kind of epidemic is not defined in the news, and no one knows.

The population density of Province G is not high, but because part of it is close to the sea, the epidemic is also very serious.

Everyone on the train had their body temperature taken when they entered the station, and only those with normal body temperature were allowed to come up. It was not bad. I heard that the epidemic situation was the least in the inland border provinces. Many people wanted to take the train to pass, and there were angry people at the train station. It has been hit, so basically all stations have military police to maintain order.

Most people rejoiced after hearing this. The car was bound for an inland plateau province.

But Zhang Shu couldn't be happy: what epidemic?Scared everyone to rush to the train station at the risk of being shot?Even in the early years of SARS, it was not what to do, it was nothing, this time it was so fierce!Is it really safe at home?

There were many stops without stopping, and the stops were only for a short time, almost refusing to let people go down. Zhang Shu was reluctant to buy a box lunch, so he could only endure the hunger.

The two women on the opposite side brought their own bowls of noodles, and Xie Gaowen next to him, like Zhang Shu, hadn't eaten since last night's supper.

In the evening, the train entered Province Z, and the speed of the train slowed down significantly. There were many curves and caves, and troops and police could not be seen at some small stations. It had probably left the epidemic area, and finally it was not a big deal in City M. Stop at the small station.

Xie Gaowen stuffed ten yuan to Zhang Shu and asked Zhang Shu to bring the meal.

Zhang Shu is 1.7 meters five, and Xie Gaowen is 1.9 meters tall. You can tell who is more convenient to squeeze down to buy things at a glance.

Zhang Shu first bought two boxes of box lunches on the platform and a few steamed buns, and after passing them to Xie Gaowen from the window, he remembered Xie Gaowen's eggs, so he ran to buy tea eggs, never thinking that he would miss the train because of the two tea eggs.

Every time the train departs, the flight attendant will shout at the door of the carriage, but this time they didn't shout.

The speed of the car went up so fast that the part of the car that Zhang Shu was chasing after couldn't catch up at all, so he had to climb to the back.

There was a strong man running beside him. Seeing that they were approaching, the man pushed Zhang Shu violently. Zhang Shu almost hit the car. Zhang Shu cursed and stood still. The man had jumped on the train. Go, Zhang Shu chased after him again, but he couldn’t catch up. When he reached the platform, he jumped off and ran another 200 meters. The train’s ass was getting farther and farther. Zhang Shu was panting to death, standing on the railroad track with his knees On the side, I don't know what to do all of a sudden.

There are hundreds of others behind him, who were also thrown down by this train. Everyone was panting and scolding.

A few women wanted to go back to the station, but a man in uniform ran out from the platform and shouted to them with a loudspeaker: "Go ahead!! You all go forward, no more trains!!! This is the last trip!!!"

Suddenly someone panicked and cried out, this is hundreds of kilometers away from the final terminal, how can they get there if they don't start the car! ?

The man ran towards them while yelling, saying something like "There is also an outbreak here, hurry up! There is no car to change".

It's a pity that few people believed him, and most of them cursed and went back to the platform. This man couldn't stop him, he chased him back and forth several times, and said a lot, but still no one listened.

In the end, he walked up to the fastest runners and asked with a look of disappointment, "You don't believe me either? Go back! Go back and die!!"

This wears out patience and looks sick.

Two more left, leaving only Zhang Shu and two other migrant workers who seemed to be working on the construction site, both covered in cement dust.

The man looked at the three of them, walked a few steps forward, looked back and saw that the three of them had not returned to the platform, and said, "If you believe me, follow me! There is no way to go back! There is a staff dormitory ahead, and there are a few bicycles." , let’s go on a bike, maybe we can catch up with K???.”

That uniform is actually a consolation at this time, Zhang Shu has no objection, even if city M can buy long-distance bus tickets, he doesn't have enough money in his bag to buy tickets.

Those two seemed to be the same, all three followed the man, and the man said in front: "K??? I have to make a wrong car, give way to the military train, stop for a long time, and the speed of the car here is also slow, maybe I can catch up , all the roads outside are blocked, the only ones that are not blocked are planes and trains, but there are no planes in M ​​City."

After walking a few hundred meters, it turned out to be a railway professional dormitory. The man clamped the locks with pliers, and pushed out a few bicycles from the shed. Four people were riding them. Just as they were about to leave the yard, a woman ran in and said, "Please Take me! I have money! Two thousand! My child is sick, I have to go back to province Y!!! Please! If I can, I will give each of you another ten thousand!!! I am H The host of the provincial TV station, this is my work card!"

She was wearing small high heels and a short skirt, and a lot of flowers were rubbed on the high heels. It looked like she had been chased from the platform.

Don't talk about having money, even if you don't have money, no one can stand a woman begging so hard.

She didn't know how to ride a bicycle, so she forced 400 yuan for one person, and then sat in the back seat of the staff member's car at the train station. Five people and two cars rode along the trail next to the railway.

After riding for an hour, it was completely dark. Fortunately, the staff member was prepared and brought out two flashlights. One was tied to the front of the car, and the other was tied to the rear, barely illuminating the road.

A military column drove past in the opposite direction with a "boom boom boom". When they saw the military column, several people felt a little more motivated, and they continued to ride without rest.

Those two migrant workers were very nice. Seeing that the staff member was riding slower and slower, they suggested that everyone should carry the woman together, so they agreed to carry her for half an hour, which made her thank you again and again.

Zhang Shu looks young, but he has stamina, so he didn't shirk it.

Province Z is a place with many mountains and few towns. The road is so dark that there are almost no lights. When you enter a tunnel, the sound of bicycle hinges sounds quite irritating.

In order to relieve the fear, this woman began to introduce herself. Her surname is also Zhang, and her name is Zhang Juan. , his brother's name is Zhu Jianmin, and he works on the construction site of Nine Constructions in Province G.

The men originally wanted to talk about the epidemic, but Zhang Juan didn't like it, so they talked and sang, and the song they sang was very nice, let alone, the mood of the few people really improved.After riding for most of the night, until ten o'clock in the evening, I passed a village and town, and there was no stop, but there was a small grocery store beside the railway.

They unanimously took out almost all the money they had on their bodies, bought mineral water, chocolate, etc., including snacks such as potato chips, and hung several bags on the bridle.

The woman in the grocery store said that the train had been driving for more than ten minutes, and they hurried on the road again.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, I passed a place called MW, which was not a station for passengers. There were many coal trains parked, hundreds of headlights shone brightly, but there were not many people.

Zhang Shu was only between the two warehouses when he saw a few people squatting on the ground in a circle. Hearing their voices, someone stood up and staggered towards the outside.

Zhu Jianjun raised his voice and yelled twice, but the other party didn't answer, and Zhang Juan screamed in panic: "Go! You're infected!!"

A few men were also in a panic, and hurriedly kicked a few times, and then slowed down and breathed back.

Zhang Shu couldn't hold back and asked, "Didn't you say there are none here?"

Zhang Juan said: "It's a lie! The manuscripts on the news are all written long ago!!"

She babbled, stopped telling jokes, stopped singing, and started talking about the epidemic.

In fact, it appeared a long time ago and was covered up. Then it broke out on a large scale in hospitals and other places. It couldn't be concealed anymore, so it started to report. But now, the spread is too fast and it can't be controlled. In just a few days, The infected area is expanding at a rate of hundreds of kilometers per day.

Zhang Shu's father had lung cancer and had been hospitalized for several months. Zhang Shu hurriedly called his mother, but no one answered, and then called his aunt and other relatives, but no one answered. Finally, he called his cousin Finally someone picked it up.

The little cousin was doing the test questions, and he was still up. Zhang Shu remembered that it was already midnight. How could someone pick him up, so he felt better.

But he became nervous again without saying a few words, Zhang Shu's mother and aunt were both isolated in the hospital.

The little cousin also said that their school was closed, and they were asked to read books at home and return to school after the epidemic passed. He was at home alone, eating instant noodles, and the neighbors were similar. Hearing his tone of surprise, Zhang Shu didn’t dare Talking about my predicament, I had no choice but to comfort my little cousin before hanging up the phone.

When it was past two o'clock in the evening, several men were too tired to ride, and discussed with each other to spend the night in the tunnel.

Suddenly he heard the honking of a train in front of him, Wang Hengsheng laughed as soon as he heard it: "It's the wrong train! It's the wrong train! Saying hello!!! Let's hurry up!!!"

Exhausted physical strength erupted again under the stimulation of hope. The four men pedaled madly. Zhang Juan raised her voice and shouted: "Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on..."

A few minutes later, the military column passed them, and a few minutes later, they finally caught up with K? ? ?

At first, the flight attendant was unwilling to open the door, but Wang Hengsheng took out his work card, opened the door, and asked them all to take their temperature before they were allowed to get on the bus.

One measurement, all five body temperatures were high, and I had just done physical exercise.

The flight attendant refused to let them get on. Fortunately, this car had to wait for another military column before leaving. After a few minutes, they had to take a thermometer again. This time it was normal, and finally they could climb up.

Zhang Shu had a ticket. He said goodbye to Wang Hengsheng, Zhu Jianjun, and Zhu Jianmin briefly before parting. Wang Hengsheng said kindly: "You probably know in your heart that this time is serious. Anyone who can go home will go home. Stay here! However, I’m afraid you won’t be able to go anywhere safely, hey!”

Hearing this, Zhang Shu thought of the cave near his home. Although he thought it was impossible for everyone to go there, he said it to comfort him: "If you have nowhere to go, I know a place. It's no problem to hide it for a few years. After leaving K City, go south, to Y Provincial Instrument Factory in H Town, there is a field at the back door of the factory, next to the CB forest area, entering the forest area..."

Wang Hengsheng was careful, and asked the flight attendant for a pen and paper, and wrote it down.

Zhang Shu looked at him, feeling a little disapproving.

The place Zhang Shu mentioned is probably also a characteristic product of a certain era in country Z.

I don’t know exactly what kind of war they moved here for. Anyway, at that time, there was a lot of fighting outside, and the country moved the arsenal in the Northeast to the inland border provinces. Not only did they move, but they also chose a good place. They are all stone mountains, with large stones and solid structures. After several arsenal factories moved here, they began to dig deep holes. After decades of digging, the people in the factories have changed several generations.

That is no ordinary air-raid shelter, as long as you can avoid the bombs falling from the sky, you can pass through. The mountain Zhang Shu mentioned is the mountain of the instrument factory, and the belly of the mountain has been hollowed out.

During the Gulf War in the early years, the arsenals that the country had raised for nothing managed to make a profit. Helicopters flew around every night, stealing and selling military products.

The instrument factory is the smallest among several factories, and there are several beside it. One produces guns, and the other produces binoculars. The binoculars can still be used by civilians.

Zhang Shu remembers that the only time his parents got the bonus was when the Gulf War was at its height.

The news is clamoring for neutrality and peaceful protests every day, which is really ironic. At night, these few factories where only the state can move are in full swing!The ups and downs of helicopters are several times more than those sent during the Wenchuan earthquake!

However, after the Gulf War, these factories, except for the optical instrument factory, which is the telescope factory, had a good profit, and the others returned to a half-dead state. After a few years, they went bankrupt, reorganized, and laid off workers. Zhang Shu's parents I had no choice but to set up a supper stall in a town that had prospered next to several factories.

Long story short, Zhang Shu’s aunt’s family also belonged to the instrument factory, and his uncle was in charge of the key to the cave, and took Zhang Shu in to have a look, so Zhang Shu knew that there was such a place, and many people in the factory didn’t know that there was another factory area. , a hidden factory area prepared for wartime.

These arsenals all have places like this. The instrument factory is probably the smallest one, but it is enough to accommodate the entire factory!

There was another reason why Zhang Shu said that his uncle was forgetful, and he hid the key in a place outside the cave. Even if he couldn't find his uncle, Zhang Shu could still get in.

After separating from Wang Hengsheng and the others, Zhang Shu squeezed into the fifth carriage.

Someone had already taken Zhang Shu's place. Xie Gaowen was very happy to see Zhang Shu, and hurriedly chased away the man outside. As soon as Zhang Shu sat down, he seemed paralyzed and didn't even want to move his fingers.

Xie Gaowen actually still kept a box of lunch and two steamed buns. Zhang Shu was overjoyed and directly brought a bag of snacks bought on the road to Xie Gaowen, although he regretted it within 2 minutes.

If it is really the same as in the movie, there are zombies everywhere, and food will be the most important thing in the future!

K? ? ?Finally entered Province Y, when stopped in City Q, the military police with live ammunition appeared again.

At ten o'clock in the morning, my aunt called and told Zhang Shu not to enter the urban area of ​​K City. The relatives in the family were all isolated in different areas. The train station, bus station, and airport all became places with high epidemics. My aunt said that he had the disease. Zhang Shu was dumbfounded.

Mom and Dad are still in a big hospital in the city!What if he doesn't go?

In the end, my aunt said that Zhang Shu's mother used the hospital phone to call her last night. At around [-]:[-] in the middle of the night, Zhang Shu's cell phone couldn't get through. Less containment area.

Zhang Shu talked to his aunt for half an hour, and the phone ran out of battery, so he had to stop.

Zhang Shu was so messed up that he had no idea. After all, he was worried about his parents, and he still wanted to go to K City to have a look.Even if you get off the car and are quarantined, stay closer to your family.

Who knew that afternoon, K? ? ?Turned around outside the K city train station, didn't enter the station, went south, and didn't stop, and didn't let people get off.

This is exactly where Zhang Shu’s house is. His house is in the residential area of ​​the instrument factory, half an hour away from City K. In Province Y, the train runs slower than the car. After running for more than an hour, the train arrived at the terminal station of ZY Village. It finally stopped.

ZY Village is near the lake, surrounded by mountains on three sides and water on one side.

K? ? ?After the stop, medical staff wearing chemical protective suits boarded the car, took their temperature and other things, and let them get off when they were normal. There is a military training base here, so the establishment of the containment area is very fast, and the entire ZY village is covered. Small basins have been turned into containment areas.

Zhang Shu also saw troops pulling barbed wire on the mountain, and soldiers guarding the entrance of the tunnel where the train came over with guns on their shoulders.

After getting out of the car, someone shouted to line up with a loudspeaker and explained the general situation. Those who are willing to stay can stay, but they must participate in labor and distribute work uniformly. They only guarantee two meals a day and medicine. Forced to stay, only to explain that the epidemic outside is already very serious, and those who leave must be responsible for themselves.

It should be the most reassuring thing to have troops to maintain the situation, but Zhang Shu just feels that there are so many people in such a large area, and there are thousands of people who get on and off this bus alone. It's over, it's not reliable.

When most people chose to stay, Zhang Shu chose to leave.

Xie Gaowen didn't know anyone else, seeing that Zhang Shu was going to leave, he pulled him to persuade him, Zhang Shu thought for a while, and Xie Gaowen was very honest and kind, so he told him that he had to go to the downtown area of ​​K City , In addition, Xie Gaowen also left the location of the mountain of the instrument factory, how to get there, and what signs to look for. I didn't expect that Xie Gaowen heard that there was such a place, and he was so determined that he wanted to leave with Zhang Shu. .

The instrument factory is not far from ZY Village, and there are usually one-horse carriages and electric tricycles between the two districts.

It may take half an hour to walk. They came out of the train tunnel, not to mention the electric tricycle, and there was not even a single person on the main road. Although there are differences in the place names, they are only a few places on the map of the administrative district. The words are different, there is no large wasteland fault, and houses are next to houses along the way.

The shop signs on the side of the road still have billboards such as "XX Auto Repair Shop" and "XXX Auto Repair Shop". As soon as I thought about it, I knew that everyone with a car should have driven their car into the containment area, so the road outside was abnormally empty.

When K City first implemented the car-free day, Zhang Shu was not used to going to his aunt’s house. He was stuck in traffic for a long time, and he would not be used to it if it was not blocked. But now, he walked all the way without seeing a single person. I didn't even see a pedestrian in the car, but I saw a lot of dogs raised in the village. They were usually tied behind high walls to scare people, but now they all wandered onto the road.

Some dogs came wagging their tails for food, others sneaked across the road and disappeared behind houses.

A few were very hungry and kept following them without leaving.

Zhang Shu was flustered in his heart, pretending to pick up stones to scare them, they ran away and followed them back, but later found that Zhang Shu had no intention of fighting at all, so he didn't even bother to hide.

Xie Gaowen said with a smile: "Just don't worry about it. If you follow them where they don't know, you won't follow them."

Zhang Shu didn't quite believe it: "Everyone has gone to the containment area. I think they can't go back so they follow us. There are no people on the road. It's just the two of us. Maybe we will follow to the end."

Xie Gaowen said: "Then keep them. The three are wolf dogs. They have been tamed and behaved. The ones raised in the village are not picky eaters and will eat everything."

Zhang Shu wanted to say how to keep a dog if there is not enough food for everyone?Afraid of Xie Gaowen's thoughtfulness, he endured it in his heart.

When we arrived at the edge of Town H, we finally saw vehicles and people on the road.

Next to several large arsenals, there are also a lot of small factories, such as bearing factories, phosphate mines, quarries, paper mills, washing powder factories, and the second provincial construction team. Most of the factories have their own stores on the central street of the town. Most of the products purchased from other places come from here, so department stores, snack bars, and vegetable markets came into being. Before Zhang Shu's parents went to K City, they were doing small business on Central Street with their laid-off certificates.

When they walked to Central Street, the two of them almost got used to it again.

Dozens of buses were parked side by side, and the police and soldiers reappeared, pulling out blockades at both ends of the street, and a crowd of shouting and shouting crowds crowded outside the simple fence covered with cement and ash.

The K city bus company’s shuttle bus usually runs every half an hour, and it goes directly to K city on the Kuahu Expressway—seeing that the blue-striped buses of the bus company are parked on the street, Zhang Shu talked to Xie Gaowen, and the two squeezed in. In the crowd, plastic bags and luggage were tightly tied up and held on their heads, and those who took a step were squeezed out of the way, sweating under the sun before they went in.

Xie Gaowen was at the front, and asked a policeman whose veins were about to lift his hat: "Comrade! Comrade policeman! Let me ask, do you want to buy a ticket on the bus?"

The policeman was in an extremely irritable state, yelling, "You are only allowed to board the bus if you have a work permit! What kind of ticket do you buy!! Which factory do you work for!? Bring your work permit!!"

A man next to him pulled a woman and shouted: "I have it! I'm from the Optical Instrument Factory!!"

The policeman simply pushed Xie Gaowen away, pulled the man to the door, and took a look at the work pass in the man's hand.

"By the way, you go over there! Wait! Where's this woman? Bring me the account book!!"

The woman called: "Here! I'm his wife! Where's the household registration book! I put it in my bag! The household registration book..."

A soldier stood up behind the police, pulled the man inside, pointed to the bus on the left side of the street and said, "No. 8 bus is full, get on No. 9!"

The woman was stopped, almost crying, her face turned red instantly, and the man was also explaining to the policeman and soldier that she was his wife, but they pushed him.

"Only employees and their family members are allowed to get on the bus! No household registration is allowed!!"

"Yes! Account book!!"

The woman finally found out the household registration book. She was squeezed and fell to the ground. In such a crowded situation, how could she bend down to pick it up? account book!!!”

Xie Gaowen couldn't stand it, and helped her push away the person who was stepping on her household registration book. She trembled in panic and could only cry. Her man was blocked inside and couldn't get out, so he kept telling her to pick up the book, and finally Zhang Shu picked it up and handed it directly to the police.

"Her! Her account book!"

The police checked the household registration book and the name of the man's work permit before letting the woman in.

Where did Zhang Shu and the others get a work permit?It was like this all around, so many people couldn't get in, the two of them must not be able to get in, the couple dragged each other for a while before remembering to turn around and thank you.

The two of them had no choice but to look around for a while. There were two rows of buses on the street. The optical instrument factory was connected to the left, and the instrument factory was connected to the right. Zhang Shu’s parents were employees of the instrument factory. The instrument factory had been bankrupt for several years. Have a car to pick up employees?

But it’s normal to think about it a little bit. The bank lost tens of millions to the instrument factory. The instrument factory went bankrupt. The auction and reorganization eliminated most of the workers. The country must still need military instruments.

Guessing that his parents’ work permits and household registration books could still come in handy, Zhang Shu hurriedly pulled Xie Gaowen out. He grew up in this neighborhood and knew every nook and cranny. He bypassed the blocked Central Street and rushed to the instrument factory. .

It wasn't that he wanted to leave Xie Gaowen behind, if he could go to the city, maybe he could go to the hospital. As for Xie Gaowen, he should be sent to the cave first, since there is such a mess outside, it is still safe there.

Xie Gaowen wanted to stop several times along the way to buy something. Seeing the chaos of the world with his own eyes, even a vulgar man like him had a sense of crisis, but Zhang Shu kept urging him to go, and Xie Gaowen didn't insist.

Back at Zhang Shu's house, Zhang Shu packed up the pots and pans, oil and salt, rice and dried vegetables that he was going to take to the cave, packed them into several big bags, and asked Xie Gaowen to carry them first. I searched, but I couldn't find the shadow of the work permit and the household registration book, and the parents' bedroom was searched as if a robber had come.

I couldn't take it anymore and stopped to drink some water, the cool water fell into my stomach, and suddenly remembered these documents, don't be brought with my mother... This is not over, how can I go to City K?

Xie Gaowen held the things and asked honestly, "Have you found the certificate?"

Zhang Shu sighed: "Maybe it was taken away by my mother. I searched everywhere but couldn't find it."

Xie Gaowen said: "Don't be too anxious, just call and ask. You are worried about your parents here, and your parents must be more worried about you. I think you should not squeeze that car. You told me the infection Diseases and bacteria love places where there are a lot of people, what about outbreaks? There are only a few dozen cars, how many people can it hold? They are crowded, what should I do if I get infected?"

Zhang Shu knew in his heart that Xie Gaowen was right, but he was worried that he could manage it if he didn't understand it.

The house was still connected to water and electricity, so Zhang Shu took out the battery of his mobile phone to charge it, and then went downstairs to his aunt's house.

Uncle has a tricycle, the kind of pedal, and the two families have house keys for each other. Zhang Shu went to the yard of uncle's house to get the tricycle out, and went back downstairs to his house, and Xie Gaowen packed things together, and saw that the pockets of the car were still empty. with half.

Zhang Shu looked for a work permit and household registration book, and found dozens of dollars.

There is a diesel generator in the cave, but few people go in. My uncle only prepared two barrels of diesel in the past, and God knows how much is left. Until the diesel is found, we can only save electricity as much as possible, and use it if we can.

To buy candles, it is best to buy some medicine, such as diarrhea medicine, fever medicine, and OK bandages.

In addition, there are a lot of wood in his woodshed from acquaintances in the forest farm. They are not very good wood, mostly pine and cypress. They are usually used to smoke cured meat. The wood has a lot of oil content, is flammable and very burnable. It can also be used as lighting if it doesn't work.

The hole is very big, but I am not afraid of the air problem. I can't stand the smoke, and there is also an exhaust fan that uses a little electricity to change the air.

The two moved the logs, watching the sun set to the west.

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