Two "oops" sounded at the same time.

Zhang Shu took another step, swiped the stick left and right, and the two of them fell out. He turned his hand and pointed the knife end to the nose of the one behind Zhang Juan: "Look clearly, this knife stabbed a zombie, and it can break the skin." Kill you!"

Zhang Juan yelled, hurried past Zhang Shu, and stood with Xie Gaowen.

The one Zhang Shu pointed at was already shocked. The two on the ground saw the blood on the fruit knife on the head of the stick. They hurriedly looked at the hand and the body. They were relieved that there was no injury. If you dare to move, the one in the lead wants to jump up.

Interjection: Common people play fiercely in fights, whoever is ruthless is the most powerful, so that they all think it is the same as Hong Kong gangster movies, as long as they are brave enough to copy the watermelon knife and rush to kill the invincible opponents... But this is the case, don't When I met Zhang Shu, I met a well-prepared physical education teacher, and I fell down twice, and the clothes could not be touched by the edge of the knife, let alone the trained police and soldiers.

He just moved his shoulders, and Zhang Shu stared at him out of the corner of his eyes!Knowing that he remembered, the end of the stick without the knife was stabbed, and the side with the knife was still pointing at the one whose nose was covered with sweat.

In the blink of an eye, the three of them were all restrained by Zhang Shu. Now, regardless of the three big accidents, even Xie Gaowen and Zhang Juan were stunned for a while.

As soon as Zhang Juan regained her senses, she immediately ran behind Zhang Shu and stood beside Xie Gaowen.

Zhang Shu asked: "Sister, who beat you?"

Zhang Juanle: "I pretended to be good and didn't give them a chance to call."

Zhang Shu said, "Old Xie, pack your things and let's go."

It's not kind, even if they are all survivors, it's better to go their own way.

Zhang Juan suddenly said: "They have an old hen here! Take one back and lay eggs!!"

Zhang Shu really wanted to remind her: if there is someone, the thing is the owner, and taking it away is called robbery...

But Zhang Juan obviously forgot. She only remembered that Xiao Linde needed to eat eggs, so she snatched Xie Gaowen's stick, and threatened the strongest man, "Lead the way! If you don't do it, I'll tie you here!!"

From a news program host to a female bandit, Zhang Juan transitioned quite quickly!

(The potential of being a mother is endless)

Zhang Shu felt a little uncomfortable, and his concept of black and white was as simple as his life experience.

But in front of outsiders, protect your weaknesses—this is what Zhang Shu's master has taught by example for more than ten years, so Zhang Shu watched Zhang Juan take advantage of his prestige to rob, and kept silent.

Seeing that they couldn't beat Zhang Shu, the men had no choice but to lead the way. Xie Gaowen carried a pannier on his back, one in each hand, and supported Zhang Juan in the other. Her feet are unprofessional.

The vegetable field is in a ravine, there is a village over there, and a ravine is several meters deep, and the bottom is full of stones. Three men live in a house on the other side of the ravine. There may have been a wooden bridge in the past, but now there are only piles. , There are two logs placed beside the bridge, which can be passed through by swinging them.

Standing on the side, Zhang Shu saw that there were several zombies in the ditch. Hearing the sound, he tried to climb up, but the slope was so steep that he couldn't get up. He roared in a low voice.

It turned out that this is how to isolate the zombies in the village.

If they go there together, there are three people on the other side, and it is easy to cause danger if they play tricks, not to mention whether there is anyone in the house over there.

The leader said: "It's here, it's in the past." After speaking, he went to lift the wood.

Zhang Shu waved the bloody knife head in front of him: "I want you a hen, go catch it and bring it back to me, we will leave immediately."

The man stared at the blood on the knife and said, "Okay! You can say whatever you want, I'll go and catch it for you! I'm so unlucky today! You MD!!"

While cursing non-stop, he put away the wood, the man patted, looked steady, stood up and walked over, the other two wanted to follow, Zhang Shu stopped him with a stick: "Wait here!"

It's all over, who will send the chicken when the wood is pulled?He is not stupid.

But I didn't expect that the one who passed by would push the log into the ditch as soon as he got there, and stood on the edge of the ditch and shouted with all his strength.

Zhang Juan was in a hurry: "He wants to attract zombies! It's not a human! What!!"

Seeing that he was like this, those two people with him yelled at him, and when they saw the zombies coming out of the village, the two screamed and ran down the ditch to the mountains.

It was the first time for Zhang Shu to see such a selfish person. He stared at the one who was still yelling and took a hard look. After remembering, he turned around and picked up Xie Gaowen's backpack on the back, helping him He helped Zhang Juan.

Zhang Juan said: "Just now that small road can go up the mountain, that's the road they took!"

Walking to the small intersection, Xie Gaowen let go of Zhang Juan, reluctant to part with the vegetables in the field, and even risked his head to pull them out.

Zhang Shu shouted: "Old Xie! No more!! Look elsewhere tomorrow! Hurry up!!"

Xie Gaowen picked up a few handfuls, and wanted to pick up more. The nearest zombie was only seven or eight meters away from him. When he saw someone, he staggered almost to a trot, and there were two more not far behind.

In a hurry, Zhang Shu turned around and threw out the "gun", the small universe exploded, the seeds burst, and he actually hit the target!

"Thank you, hurry up"

Xie Gaowen didn't know whether he was frightened by the zombies or by Zhang Shu's throw, so he didn't dare to pull it out anymore, and hurried over with the cabbage and potato seedlings in his hand.

Zhang Shu took the stick in Zhang Juan's hand and asked Xie Gaowen to support her and run in front while he was in the rear.

Fortunately, although the mountain road is still very rough and difficult to walk, it is much faster than they had been climbing rocks and pulling thorns before. There were two zombies chasing them, but the distance was getting farther and farther. After walking for more than half an hour, they finally couldn't hear them. There was a voice from behind, and the three of them sat down to rest with a sigh of relief.

——Being chased by zombies all over the mountain?

Yunjiu, who appears and disappears like a ghost, is here.

He couldn't hear his voice or see his expression, but Zhang Shu felt that the other party was smiling.

(Quest rewards for killing zombies are not good.)

——Don't be too arrogant!

(Have it?)

——Refining Qi is something that is of great benefit to you, yet you use it to blackmail me!

(No, you are overthinking.)

--All right!Don't beat around the bush, since you have become my spirit beast, I have naturally prepared a magic weapon for you, I can let you use it first, take it!


Zhang Shu was surprised, thinking that there was another injury on his body, but he felt it, and there was no pain at all.

Seeing the change in his expression, Zhang Juan asked him, "What's wrong?"

Zhang Shu hurriedly shook his head and forced a smile: For someone like Yunjiu who is beyond the scope of understanding, it is best to avoid too much communication with this alien NPC in the future. Even if the communication or non-communication is beyond his control, he should not provoke the other party for a second.

Although Zhang Juan's feet were very painful, she was the one who was most afraid of zombies, and she hurried on the road after a few minutes of rest.

Xie Gaowen was carrying one and carrying a pannier, and it was difficult to help her on the mountain road, so she gritted her teeth and walked behind Xie Gaowen.

They walked a few steps, Zhang Shu stood up, with a "ding", a shiny object rolled down to his feet, as if it fell out of him.

Neither Xie Gaowen nor Zhang Juan heard it, so Zhang Shu picked it up and was even more surprised.

ring?A very thin one, the whole body is emerald green, like made of jade.

Just as Zhang Shu wondered if it was Zhang Juan who dropped it, he did not have this kind of ornament, Yunjiu said: - I have poured spiritual energy into it, you can use it ten times, if you can no longer inject spiritual energy by yourself after ten times, this thing will be used It's useless, so do it yourself!

(What's the meaning?)


Yunjiu left without saying hello, not even saying "bye".

What is such a small ring used for?

Zhang Shu put it in his trouser bag, Xie Gaowen and Zhang Juan had already walked a part, turned to call him, he hurriedly chased after him.

Xie Gaowen's strength was really great, no matter what Zhang Shu said or what he said on the way, he would bear the burden of the two backpacks alone, and Zhang Shu would not be allowed to take them.

Only people in the village inside knew about this road. Although it took a detour, it was much easier than finding the road. On the contrary, it was faster than when they came. They walked out of the mountain after six o'clock in the afternoon, but they didn't return. Go to the provincial road, but on the other side of the field.

Zhang Shu pointed out that Xie Gaowen and Zhang Juan were relieved when they saw the dirt road in the distance, and walked along the ridge to the cave on the other side.

The sun had already set, but the afterglow was still lingering on the side of the mountain. As long as they walked faster, they could return to the cave before it was completely dark.

Zhang Shu couldn't help but look at the red mountain side a few more times. It was the same scene when he went to the hospital.

The field is full of overripe ears of rice, which are only knee-high, and there is no place for zombies to hide. All you have to walk back are field ridges, which are a little bit curved, but they are flat and nothing will happen. I'm afraid it's because of my nervousness recently. It's overly paranoid.

Zhang Shu still squeezed the stick a little bit tighter.

Zhang Juan walked staggeringly in front, needless to say her feet must have had a lot of blisters.

Usually I seldom walk at all, but suddenly I walked on a mountain road for a day, and it is already very good to be able to persevere.

Halfway through the walk, the sky was getting darker. Zhang Juan couldn't see clearly, stepped on the air, and rolled to the next field with a cry, crushing a piece of rice.

Xie Gaowen looked back, Zhang Shu jumped off the ridge, first helped Zhang Juan to sit up and asked, "Where did you fall?"

Xie Gaowen urged: "Hurry up! We'll be there soon, I can even see the garbage dump."

Zhang Shu gave Zhang Juan a hand, but Zhang Juan couldn't stand up, so Zhang Shu had no choice but to say to Xie Gaowen: "You go first, I will help her to walk slowly."

Xie Gaowen looked around, as soon as the evening wind passed, the rice fields were "shuashua", the warm golden color of the day, at this time, they all turned into gray-black shadows, moving with the wind one by one, Xie Gaowen felt cold in his heart, and said "Hurry up," he turned around and left first.

Zhang Shu was afraid that Zhang Juan would twist her feet. At most, one person could walk along the ridge, and they couldn't walk side by side. If they recited them, Zhang Juan was taller than him. I really don't know if he can recite them.

Fortunately, Zhang Juan only scratched the skin on her knee, and didn't twist her foot. Zhang Shu helped her a few more times and she stood up.

After walking a few steps, the jeans were rubbing against the knees. Zhang Juan rolled up the trousers above the knees and saw that the surroundings were getting darker. She didn't even dare to waste time wiping the blood, so she limped ahead.

Walking to the edge of a ditch, the stone slab on which it was built before was cracked, Xie Gaowen stepped over it, but Zhang Juan couldn't get through, Zhang Shu was afraid that she would fall again, so he jumped over first, and stretched out his hand to let Zhang Juan take his hand.

At this moment, there was a sudden pain in his arm, Zhang Shu hurriedly looked around, not around him and Zhang Juan, but in front, a swaying black shadow stood up in the rice field beside Xie Gaowen!

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