The transformed monster that was shot down was not the work of Zhuang Zhuang alone. If you count carefully, the monster took four or five hits, but Zhou Cungang gave Zhuang Zhuang a thumbs up for the first shot he fired at Zhuang Zhuang.

Zhuangzhuang grinned triumphantly, showing his teeth, retracted his hand holding the trigger, and wiped it on his clothes again. Even though he fired and performed meritorious deeds, he was still very nervous.

Even people like Zhuang Zhuang, who have been in contact with Zhang Shu for a long time, are nervous, and the survivors of City A, who came to Town H to join the aid organization of Lake D, are even more nervous.

Before the demon came, Zeng Mao and his officers, large and small, did not publicly announce the crisis. The warning was a sudden notice after everyone woke up this morning, and everyone was strictly forbidden to leave the residence. , why didn't the alert say that it was a mutant zombie?Or those "alternatives" walking on the streets of the town?Nobody knows.

More than two days ago, the hunters were forbidden to go out. They were only allowed to go back, but not to go out. When they were more active, they knew that something big was going to happen.

It is not difficult to detect all the signs that happened afterwards. The top management of the organization—in fact, the Control Bureau with a different name is much more chaotic than the orderly construction in the previous period. The team, all the members shrank back to the town, and all kinds of armed vehicles and heavy weapons hidden in the warehouse showed up one after another, traveling to and from various places. All these situations, as long as you are not too stupid, you can speculate that something big is going to happen.

Among the survivors from City A, the hunters are the most special group of people. In order to survive, this group of human beings who have engaged in various jobs in the past burst out the potential to survive in adversity, walking between life and death again and again, and dare to go out However, daring to break through the shackles of the past does not mean that the hunters are not afraid.

People who are overconfident and not afraid have only one end—to be torn apart by zombies and eaten in their rotten intestines!

Only those who are afraid and nervous can be cautious and survive. Therefore, hunters have the strongest observation skills, and they will not relax their vigilance when there is a relatively safe human settlement like other survivors, thinking that the nightmare is over. .

They know best that the nightmare will not stop once it starts, and if they want to live, they can only be careful about their own life all the time.

Hunters will never blindly rely on and believe in the Control Bureau that has changed its name. The reason why they come from City A is because the "Boss A" who is willing to let them kill zombies in exchange for supplies is coming. They have no choice but to They followed, but they never expected that "Boss A" would become a non-human once they arrived in H Town!

"Boss A" seized power from the City A Control Bureau and established a new system. After a few months, he also accumulated a certain amount of prestige, but he suddenly became a monster that only exists in mythology and Liaozhai! ?In contrast, this prestige suddenly disappeared.

The attitude of the hunters towards the Control Bureau is neutral or even mistrustful, but under the threat of force stronger than themselves, everyone knows how to make a choice, but the foundation of this choice is very weak, so the old ten The remnants of the district commander Chen Limin's death could easily pull some hunters to join them in the rebellion.

If it wasn't for Zeng Mao's precautions, and Wang Li's appearance under Zhang Shu's instigation, the matter was not so easy to solve, and it was far more than a simple matter of killing hundreds of people.

And the suppression itself is also a contest of force. Whoever wins only proves that the force is a little stronger. In addition, Zeng Mao used gentle methods after the fact, only dealing with the leaders and leaving the people behind. The toughness of the Control Bureau is not comparable, and there is nothing worth entrusting your life to. Sometimes people are like this. They will only be convinced if they are beaten hard. Instead, they will think that you are incompetent and unworthy of a high position. Or not worth relying on.

With this mentality, even if there is no external enemy, the organization will inevitably not be able to go on steadily.

It wasn't that Zeng Mao didn't know the consequences. He had always been making suggestions, sitting in the position of "Military Adviser", and making the decision to kill was Chen Limin's business. He couldn't do it if he ordered the killing. He could only restrict it as much as possible. The number of bullets received by the hunters, the hunters who participated in the rebellion and the hunters with unknown attitudes were carefully placed separately. This method can prevent, but cannot eliminate hidden dangers.

In the past few days, new weapons have appeared in the hands of the "elite soldiers" of the aid agency. Coupled with various signs in the town, the hunters are much more nervous and calm than usual, but they have communicated with each other behind the scenes. The news... they were watching, staring warily out.

Xishi is one of them.

The young man had a polished Type [-] rifle in his hand, with three bullets in the magazine and two more in the left breast pocket of his coat.

D Lake Aid Agency only fires five bullets at a time, and at the same time set up a checkpoint at the intersection of the town, and only five bullets are allowed on the body when going out, so as to ensure that these people do not have extra ammunition to leave here; Then the number of bullets issued will make up five, and this number will always be maintained.

Xi Shi is a lone ranger. He drives a small Alto with iron bars and iron nets installed by himself, and never joins with others.In the past, no one wanted to get close to the stinking zombies when the ammunition was spared. During that period of time, Xishi improved his shooting skills to the point where he could count as a hundred shots. Now that the bullets are strictly controlled, the weapons he used to use Be relied on again.

In the boot of his right foot is a short knife brought to him by a friend from Xinjiang. It is a work of the Uighurs. There are two brightly colored stones on the handle of the knife, which makes the short knife look like a decoration only on the exposed part of the boot. , but less than fifteen centimeters in length, it feels heavy when scooped in the hand. The thick back and sharp blade can make people's skin tighten and hair stand on end when they are pulled out of the sheath.

Use this knife to stab into the brain from the top of the head, no matter it is a person or a zombie, it will kill instantly. Every time you go out, you can save two or three bullets for Xishi, but after you bring the saved bullets back, you can only get them next time. Can get three or two more, Xishi pondered over and over again, and hid the saved bullets in the handle of the knife, all of which are metal, can escape detection, but unfortunately only two can be hidden.

It just so happened that I saved three bullets when I went out before the martial law was sealed off. The soldiers of these aid agencies would not confiscate them. In addition to the ones he had already hidden in the handle of the knife, there are five bullets in total that can be used.

Five bullets are very few, but in the hands of Xi Shi, who has never missed a bullet, he can kill five people...

The residence in the cave has no windows, only doors and ventilation ducts. Outside the door is a corridor more than two meters wide, with ten floors up and down. As soon as the door opened, there would be searchlights and gunpoints, as well as shouting and cursing.

It's good that people don't restrict access at ordinary times, but once it's restricted today, this place is almost like a prison, and it's still a prison that never sees the light of day.

Someone has long discovered that the ventilation ducts are connected. The same people live in this corridor, and they are all hunters who like to risk their lives. They use the ventilation ducts to shout outside, and they are not afraid that someone will inform them, so Xishi can often hear the house. Voices came from the pipes at the top of the horn.

He usually listens to it as a pastime, and most of the time he is more willing to borrow books from the library. Only books can relax his tense body.

But today he has been sitting under the vent, with his back against the wall, rubbing the stone on the handle with his right index finger, and listening intently to the sound coming from above.

"The mutated ones have already been set to e-level. If it's so serious outside, I'm afraid it will exceed e-level."

"I heard that it's not a zombie, but a monster like Boss A."

Several voices asked, "Where did you hear that? Is the news reliable?"

"What is reliable or not? Is there any reliable news in this year?" The previous person was very upset: "If you don't believe me, I just know that the group of trustworthy little bosses who are soldiers in aid agencies are in the hands of demons." I have suffered, but I heard that I have never been unable to scoop up mutant zombies."

A small voice chimed in: "I've heard about the same thing..."

"Isn't Boss A a monster? Since when did Boss A get into trouble with us? It's probably because the Control Bureau got into trouble by himself, and he tied us up to be buried with us!!"

"Hey... We are like this, we rely on ourselves everywhere, why are we suffocating to death in this bird hole, so fucking suffocating!"

Xi Shi also felt the same way, but it was aimed at the issue of being limited to the number of bullets used. As for the other...

Living in a cave is safer than living in a bunker outside. The outermost ones are the soldiers as the first line of defense, instead of letting the hunters do this when they are under Boss A. In addition, there is clean and safe tap water, which can be drunk and bathed , and electricity, can turn on the air conditioner, have warm beds and bedding, have steaming meals, those greasy leaves and white rice grains are things that could not be exchanged for killing dozens of zombies in the past.

It's a good thing. When others want to seize control and enjoy these substances at will, Xi Shi thinks about the world outside the town.

Human beings are far from being able to fight among themselves——

However, Xi Shi would not go to a certain officer to betray other hunters. All he wanted to do was wait.

These five bullets must be used where they are most valuable.

The conversation in the ventilation duct is still going on. The ceiling of the room in the cave is not high enough. People over 1.7 meters can stick their heads into the duct by stepping on a stool. Smaller people can climb in and sit down. If there is some melon seed tea, Almost like a tea party.

After the previous topic fell silent, someone said in a low voice: "Boss A has a tail, can he overturn the tank..."

Most of the people felt scared and kept silent, but a few laughed muffledly. They were the people who had spoken directly to Jiayong.

"Don't look too big, it's no different from us when you don't mess with him, if anyone messes with me, I'll have a big temper!"

"Boss A has a bigger temper than you!"

"I admit it," the man said suspiciously, "I don't understand, why does such a monster listen to these soldiers? Does he want to be a soldier?"

The tone was joking, but the issues covered were not so funny, and no one laughed anymore.

A steady voice said: "The troops that drove out in the morning were all full of [-]. I checked, and no one had spare magazines."

Is the problem with this oddly engraved rifle?A weapon that even monsters have to fear, that's why the large group of monsters around them were transferred from City A, and merged with the Control Bureau to become the Lake D Aid Agency.

Xi Shi touched his Type [-] rifle, he was well maintained, the gun body was illuminated by the light, and the chilling black brought a reassuring feeling.

The Ninth Five-Year Plan is not a rare gun. The current army has one. What changes have been made to this gun in the army?Is it really better than his one?There is almost no need to ask this kind of question. The enemy came, and the troops chose to use the new Nine Five to go to the battlefield.

Who doesn't like good weapons?Hearing other people talking about it more and more eagerly, Xishi was also moved, and really wanted to get it!

Suddenly there was a sound of "呵啦" on the outside broadcast, the tea party in the ventilation duct stopped, and everyone pricked up their ears.

Through the door, the voice from the broadcast came in clearly:

"The upper level of the organization decided to recruit people with good marksmanship to defend our homeland. If you are confident in your marksmanship, please go to the entrance of the cave to sign up. Please carry weapons. Once requisitioned, you will be paid three times the working hours. This notice is repeated three times. The upper echelons of the organization decide..."

Locked in the house, there is no chance to wait. The first notification is over. Most of the hunters have already opened the door, and some of them are hesitant because they are not allowed to carry their own weapons. what to do.

Xishi reacted quickly. Since they are required to participate in the battle, it means that foreign enemies are not easy to deal with. Otherwise, the soldiers can handle it by themselves, so why should they?Since it is difficult to deal with, maybe the old-fashioned [-] rifles can't deal with it, and it will be a white belt if you take it, and a new [-] will be issued!

Just running for this gun, you have to go to the stream and rocks, and you have to squeeze into the team!

With Xishi's marksmanship, he is not 90.00% sure, but [-]% sure. At this time, he is afraid that he will go slowly. The staff is full and he will not be able to take his turn. Xishi runs fast, and his habit of walking alone has long been thrown into the sky. up.

When the transformed mouse demon was defeated by Zhuang Zhuang, Zhou Cungang and others, the bat shadow general in the sky discovered the problem.

It was cloudy and foggy from the outside, so I didn't dare to enter easily, but since I was being beaten outside, it's better to send someone to break in and find out the real situation inside, don't just scare me with empty airs, it doesn't have much power.

Thinking about it this way, the Bat Shadow Demon pointed at the young man with winking eyes: "Take a few fast ones in and have a look!"

It's useless for the winking boy to stay outside, so he might as well throw it in and try.

When the winking young man heard this, his soft and charming eyes suddenly became vicious, and he wanted to push him away? , but the Bat Shadow Demon will slam down his claws, it looks like he is attacking the magic circle, but in fact it is full of threats. Yes, six of them flew down into the cloud together.

In fact, the cloud has no direct resistance, as if it exists only to block the line of sight, the winking boy and a few monsters broke through the cloud and fog smoothly, and once they entered, they saw the buildings below and the people running through it .

The flirtatious boy was just dumbfounded at first, man!mortal!Not a cultivator?

Take a look, they are all mortals!But there are traces of spiritual power everywhere in this small town, what's going on! ?

When he was in a daze, the people below would not wait. A series of light spots flew from all directions on the ground, and from the hands of mortals whom these monsters looked down upon, they were authentic spiritual attacks that were difficult to underestimate!

The four incarnations dodged in an instant, and one of the two non-incarnations did a quick dodge, and suffered a slight injury. The other one was not so lucky, and was killed as soon as he entered the magic circle. , was beaten until the bird's feathers burst, and there was not even a whole body left.

Humans kept attacking. Seeing that their companions were killed like this, these monsters did not dare to stay still. They each looked at one direction and scooped up the maximum speed to scatter. This is troublesome.

After all, there are very few snipers who are as good at marksmanship as Zhuang Zhuang, and the number of snipers in the army is also very limited. In addition, the monsters escape quickly, and they will soon leave the effective range of sniping. No matter how small the town is, it is still a large area. It is impossible. Let the sniper range cover the whole town, and this is only the first wave sent by the bat shadow demon general.

Monsters have their own way of transmitting information. As soon as the Bat Shadow Demon General outside knew the situation inside, he stopped attacking the magic circle. In his opinion, the opponent's cultivation base is not to the point of defying the sky, and he can display it. How strong can the magic circle be?What's more, it is such a magic circle that covers a large area of ​​Nuoda. When you first come to see it, you will be shocked, but at best, it is just a bluff, making them confused and afraid to attack easily--really guessing It's Yunjiu's idea, but the magic circle is definitely not that simple.

The Bat Shadow Demon will divide the sixteen transformed monsters into four teams except Zhu Lu who has exhausted his spiritual power, and each four will bring a few non-transfigured ones, and enter the magic circle from different directions. In this way, the following The human beings panicked all of a sudden!

It is precisely because of this that the hunters in Xishi heard the urgent notice, and the modified weapons just sent from Shushan were also hastily thrown into the battlefield.

when casualties start to occur

However, the casualties of the monsters stayed at the previous level. After all, the monsters moved much faster than ordinary people, and the scene began to fall towards the monsters. Jiayong and other monsters still have no intention of coming back to help humans, and the situation is getting more and more critical by the minute.

The Bat Shadow Demon General couldn't hide his smile on his sharp face. The immortal cultivator was within his search range and even escaped his search. You don't need to think about how the Demon King will deal with him.

His Majesty the Demon King is cruel and ruthless. No matter what clan he belongs to or how unfortunate he is, a monster who does not do well has only one end, death.

There are also rumors that His Majesty the Demon King is addicted to eating other monsters...

The cold sweat from Bat Shadow Demon General's body didn't stop until this time. As long as he catches the cultivator and sends him to His Majesty the Demon King, not only will he not have to worry about becoming a meal on the plate, he may even be promoted. Why don't you make him feel good!

While daydreaming, with a dangerous omen in his heart, Ying turned around and changed places with Zhu Lu. Zhu Lu screamed and fell from mid-air!

Shadow General hastily spread his aura to cover his whole body, and without even looking at it, he scratched horizontally in a direction where he couldn't figure out the exact position. The three golden lights used 180% of his strength. Of course, it was not comparable to the previous attacks. The [-]-degree range is completely covered in it - no matter who sneaks up to him and suddenly attacks him, there is no possibility of avoiding this blow!

But when he turned his head, Shadow General was stunned.


The three light arcs he swung didn't hit anything, and flew unimpeded into the distance until they hit the lake, setting off three violent water walls.

When the shadow general looked into the lake, there was no sign of danger to be found again, this time, it was in another direction.

Without a shield like Zhu Lu, this attack collided with the aura of his body protection. When the aura collided, the shadow general finally saw clearly that it was a transparent flying sword!

Since it is a flying sword, then the sword fairy may not be nearby.

Among all the cultivators, the sword fairy is the most troublesome. This is the consensus of demons who have lived to a certain age. While guarding against the flying sword, you must find the location of the sword fairy. The spiritual power fluctuations on the flying sword are very huge. If you are not careful, it is difficult to find If you can't find out the spiritual power fluctuations emitted by the Sword Immortal itself, God knows where the Sword Immortal is lurking!

Unless there is a huge disparity in strength, you can directly cut the sword and hurt people, then of course it is another matter.

This near-transparent flying sword made the aura of the bat shadow demon general's body protector shine with just one strike, indicating that the sword fairy is very close to the shadow general in strength, and the sword fairy usually refines the flying sword better than the shadow general. I am several times stronger than myself, relying on flying swords to run rampant, if the two sides are not evenly matched in strength, it is impossible to break the sword, the only way is to find someone out!

The shadow general didn't panic, he released his supernatural powers with his heart, and immediately discovered a hidden spiritual power not far from the diagonally below. Although the hiding method was brilliant, he couldn't escape his "ultrasonic wave".

After finding the location, the aura of Shadow General's body protection has almost been broken, but he suddenly changed his figure several times, becoming an afterimage with an unknown trajectory in the sky, and one of the traces that is hard to catch The weakest one jumped straight down towards the Sword Immortal who was too stupid to hide and attack from afar.

The smile on the corner of Shadow General's mouth was quite ferocious, and he even remembered to remind him not to kill people to make things difficult, but he never expected that the other party had more than one flying sword...

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