There are quite a few trucks on the road, and a few containers pulling containers, but how can these behemoths be moved out of the jammed vehicles?

Xie Gaowen took a hammer and knocked on the glass everywhere. When he saw a car with a key, he got in and wanted to get out first.

Some cars even had their doors open, and some even had dead bodies inside.

Zhang Shu wandered around, giving the zombie a hit when he saw it, and gradually expanded the range.

The consciousness still feels a bit stagnant when used, but it no longer feels pain. It is probably in the recovery period, and the injury is no longer a problem, so it should be used more.

Zhang Shu has already felt the benefits of what Yunjiu said.

The shape of the originally blurred objects became much clearer. The biggest advantage should be that he no longer needs to close his eyes and think about it to release his consciousness.

When using the eyes, no one will "think" specifically - use the eyes, the eyes will see.

Now Zhang Shu's consciousness has reached the same level as the eyes, as if there are two screens, one up and one down, the eyes look at the one below, and one inch above the eyebrows, the consciousness "sees" the other screen, although There is still a long distance from the fine hair, and the range that can be detected is only within 1000 meters, but it can see through any obstacle, which is much better than the naked eye.

The location of all zombies within 1000 meters is clear. The once creepy walking corpses are now just "monsters" who can easily obtain aura. A little aura is a little bit less, which is better than nothing. Zhang Shu walked on the blood-stained road, showing Among the vehicles exuding the smell of decadence and death, it is like strolling in a courtyard.

Xie Gaowen happened to see Zhang Shu's leisurely and calm steps, and he was stunned. He didn't recover until Zhang Shu's figure was blocked by a bus.

In the beginning, Zhang Shu was just an ordinary student, but now, some changes that Xie Gaowen couldn't explain slowly appeared.

If he didn't know that Zhang Shu had a simple mind and was not a bad person, those inexplicable existences would really be frightening.

Xie Gaowen was thinking, while trying to start the car, he suddenly heard Zhang Shu shout: "Old Xie! Come and see!!"

Xie Gaowen jumped out of the car and ran for tens of meters with a hammer in hand. When he turned around, his panic expression immediately turned into surprise——Zhang Shu climbed on the side of a truck pocket, and lifted the canvas cover with one hand, revealing the contents of the car. Barrels of gasoline.

The two climbed into the pockets of the car, opened a few barrels at random, and found that they were full of gasoline. There were more than [-] barrels in this car!

It would be very difficult for two people to move any bucket. It seems that the truck can only be driven back, but the door of the truck is locked, and the key cannot be found inside after prying it open.

It would be easy for someone to steal a car, but the question is a student, a farmer, God knows which two wires in the car shell can spark...

Xie Gaowen said: "No, let's move slowly, a little bit a day."

Zhang Shu thought for a while: "On the Kuahu Expressway, it's only blocked outside K city. I felt very strange when I passed here last time. Why are there so many traffic jams here? It's not far from K city and A city. Nearby, there are tens of thousands of cars here, where have all the people gone?"

Xie Gaowen had no idea, looked at Zhang Shu, after a while, Zhang Shu said: "Don't go far, I'll go ahead and have a look."

When Zhang Shu rode his motorcycle forward, Xie Gaowen stretched out his head and shouted, "Be careful!"

Zhang Shu smiled at him, and drove towards the south of the gas station like the wind.

The zombies in the section where Xie Gaowen was there were all dead, so Zhang Shu dared to let Xie Gaowen stay alone. He wanted to find out why there were so many cars piled up here. If he figured out the reason, he might know where the car owner went. There is the word "AY Transportation" on the truck. The vehicles of this transportation company often run around. Zhang Shu knows that the drivers of this company wear uniforms. It's easy to drive back.

Tens of thousands of vehicles, including the ones I saw last time, only a few hundred zombies. Where did the others go?

A few hundred meters away from the gas station, Zhang Shu stopped the car and looked ahead with a strange expression on his face.

Several figures surrounded the place where the lizard died last time, but they didn't have the slightest aura on their bodies, only gray or white shimmering phantoms shrouded their bodies.

This way, it's not a zombie, it's a living person.

Zhang Shu's spiritual sense still couldn't distinguish what weapons they were holding, but he could only vaguely see that they were five men, one of them was tall and tall, taller and stronger than Xie Gaowen, more than two meters long.

Originally, he didn't intend to meet anyone here, so Zhang Shu suddenly hesitated whether to go there or not.

The distance is far away, the wind howls past in the mountains and forests, but it covers the sound of the motorcycle. Before the five people realize that someone is nearby, they are discussing around a rotten thing on the road that reveals its skeleton. Forgive me for killing the dead lizards.

"So big! A crocodile?"

A thin one said: "No one is in charge of the zoo, and the crocodile has also come out. What's so strange! We should hurry to find another car. Today we only found such a few things, too few."

"What's so strange?" said another burly man who only wore a flowered shirt in the winter: "There is no zoo in city A, and the zoo in city K is in the city center. Even if it is a crocodile, it can climb dozens of kilometers to die here. ? Climb and show me!"

The skinny one made a "click" and pointed the gun at the strong man, but the strong man did not show any weakness, and immediately pointed the gun at the other party, and the two were immediately at loggerheads.

The middle-aged man who was the oldest among the five people snorted: "Put it all down! You just saw that the skeleton is big, why didn't you see how this thing died!?"

After being yelled at by the middle-aged man, the two put down their guns hostile to each other, and looked back at the corpse on the ground.

Instead, it was the tallest one who noticed it first, and said in a muffled voice, "The neck was pierced, and the head was cut open by something like a chainsaw."

Hearing what he said, the other three changed their faces, and the middle-aged man said: "There should be only us around here, no matter what it is, someone killed it, right under our noses! And it's already rotten. I don’t know how long it’s been like this! I asked you to check the road every day, and you’re talking nonsense with me! If someone finds out, you’re going to die!?”

The skinny one said: "Brother Jin, you are too careful. There is no containment area around. Since the road was blocked by us, we have never seen troops or police. I guess they are almost dead. Who can control us."

The middle-aged man sneered: "Everyone in other prisons was shot by the cops. If I hadn't been careful, you would have been shot a long time ago, or you would be like the thousands of zombies in the prison. If you think I'm careful, go somewhere else! TM get the hell out of here! I'll save food for one person!"

The skinny man immediately smiled flatteringly: "Don't! Brother Jin, you can do whatever you want. There are zombies on the road, and we don't have enough bullets, so we have to save them. Usually, it's either me and Lao Cheng, or Zhuang Zi and Da Gao. Personal, who dares to come to the road?"

The strong man helped: "Brother Jin, this thing was not killed by a gun. We can definitely hear the gun. Since there is no gun, there is nothing to worry about. At most, a few lucky ones passed by here and used a chainsaw to get rid of it." If this thing is dead, the body will be rotten, and the person has already left."

The middle-aged man named "Brother Jin" relaxed and snorted.

"Be careful! Soldiers who have no restraint are more ruthless than those of us who have taken lives on their bodies. If we find out that the roadblock was made by us, we will never let us stop people here again."

Several people responded, left the lizard corpse and walked elsewhere.

After they walked away, Zhang Shu stood up from behind a small car, watched the shrinking backs of several people with his dark eyes, and then turned to the woods on the left side of the road.

There are two gray tower tops exposed in the verdant forest, and the barbed wire fence below can be seen vaguely. It is BP prison. Here it comes.

Zhang Shu studied in ordinary high school for a year, and he never took part in a spring or autumn outing, but I heard from my classmates that once I went to an artificial lake in a forest area in the spring, I passed by BP Prison, separated by a high wall. I didn't see it, but a classmate boldly threw a stone into it and proudly showed off his "deeds" several times.

From what the five people said just now, could they be the prisoners inside?What about the roadblock?

Zhang Shu's mind is not very clever, but he also vaguely felt that it was related to so many vehicles being thrown on the road. It was only after nine o'clock in the morning, and he decided to go to the prison to have a look.

More than an hour later, Zhang Shu stuck behind a tree and saw Jin Ge and four other people carrying several large bags to the gate of the prison.

"Big Gao! Zhuangzi! Open the door!!"

"I'm coming!"

The small door on the big iron gate was opened, two people came out, and helped the outside to pick up two bags, and seven people went inside, and the door was locked.

Zhang Shu has roughly figured it out. After the outbreak of the epidemic, these prisoners in BP Prison grabbed guns and occupied the prison. What surprised him was that the second gate of the prison was full of densely packed zombies. I don't know how many thousands?Maybe even tens of thousands!

Back on the road and walked around, Zhang Shu finally knew the reason.

It was more than two kilometers away from the gas station to K City. He didn’t go there last time, so he didn’t know. There was a fence made of wood and wire on the road, and there was a sign on it, with an arrow drawn pointing to BP Prison, which read “BP Containment area (free meal provided)".

No matter where you want to go, the road is cut off. How many ordinary people will doubt it when they see the words of the containment area?So I got out of the car, climbed over the railing to the BP prison, and fell into the hands of several murderers.

After thinking about it, Zhang Shu took a deep breath: He snatched all the things, and then threw the person into the pile of zombies, that's how the densely packed zombies came from there!No wonder a few people are so afraid of provoking people from the army.

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