There are good things like cigarettes and canned meat in Zhang Shu's backpack, but no matter how stupid he is, he can tell that the prices here are going up randomly, and there is nothing left when he takes them out rashly.

This group of people has already parked their motorcycles, so it doesn’t matter if they have the keys. As long as they find Zhang Ye and meet their family first, when they leave here, the streets are full of vehicles, even if they can’t find a drop of gasoline, they can still go back with a bicycle!

Having made up his mind, Zhang Shu threw the key away. Several people saw that he was sensible, and turned their attention elsewhere.

The officer smiled and said, "Okay, Xiao Chen, let's not bully others too much, you send him in so that he can be reunited!"

The soldier started his motorcycle and called Zhang Shu to get on the bike. The two bags of miscellaneous grains on the back seat of the motorcycle had already been taken away.

After walking down the mountain for two or three kilometers, in the dim light, Zhang Shu saw that all the houses on the river had been shoveled into flat ground, barbed wire and machine gun positions were erected along the river, and there were only houses 100 meters away from the river. The number was painted with red paint.

The people in the containment area are clearly divided into two categories, one is wearing military uniforms and carrying guns, and looks leisurely; the other is ordinary people, walking in a hurry, some are carrying heavy boxes, some are standing in a long line, and they don’t know what they are doing .

Seeing the soldier coming down from the mountain with a student-like appearance, these ordinary people knew that they were from outside. Many people rushed out of the house, looked at Zhang Shu with wide eyes, and then turned back with disappointment on their faces.

A few ran after the motorcycle and asked, "I'm from JM, are you from JM? Is there anyone alive in JM?", "My son's name is Zhong?? Do you recognize him? Have you heard of it..." etc. .

Zhang Shu kept looking at the tired but hopeful faces all the way. Hearing what they shouted, he thought of his parents, and his heart ached.

Those outside are not the family and friends I once knew, but monsters without souls.

The motorcycle didn't stop until the warehouse with No. 170 was written, and the soldier said, "Go in and find it yourself! That's it."

Then turned around and rode away.

Zhang Shu looked up at the warehouse. The door was open, and there were two women washing things in the ditch at the door. Seeing him, he stood up quickly and asked earnestly, "You just came?"

Zhang Shu said: "Please, I'm looking for Zhang Ye. I'm his cousin. Do you know him?"

A woman pointed to a soldier who had gone far away, and said to Zhang Shu: "The people who live here don't know their names, but they say they are here. How is it outside? Where are you from?"

Zhang Shu dealt with their problems, and went in. It was winter, and there were few windows in this warehouse with glass. Sheets and clothes are hung in the "rooms" separated from each other.

A woman was very enthusiastic. She walked up to Zhang Shu and shouted into the warehouse: "Zhang Ye! Zhang Ye comes out! Your cousin is looking for you from outside!! Your cousin is here!!"

Many people looked out from behind the sheets and clothes, and a boy's voice called out, "Who called me?"

The woman yelled twice more, Zhang Shu had already run towards the boy, it was Zhang Ye's voice!Zhang Ye is still alive! !

After running more than half of the one-meter-wide aisle left in the middle, two boys who were taller than Zhang Shu ran out in a hurry. Like the people around them, they were also dirty. The smell was the same as the smell of mildew and sweat in the warehouse, very smoky, but after recognizing the figure of his younger brother, Zhang Shu couldn't feel any smell in it at all, he almost ran and fell on the ground, and when he got closer, he took Zhang Shu Karma hugged him and pressed his head into his arms.

I don't know when, the tears rolled down, but there was a smile on his face, while looking around, he asked: "Where are my parents? Where are my aunts and uncles? And Xiao Lanlan's family, where are the rest of our family..."

The series of questions stopped in Zhang Ye's burst of wailing, and Zhang Ye cried until he said indistinctly, "Brother, brother! It's only me... only me! It's gone... brother... It's all gone!!!"

Zhang Shu froze, and many people around to see couldn't help but wiped away their tears, and it took a while for them to disperse.

Slowly controlling his emotions, Zhang Shu rubbed his eyes roughly and rubbed Zhang Ye's hair: "There is still you, it is better than the worst I thought, and you..."

When his heart throbbed, an extremely hot feeling spread out along the internal organs, but at this time, Zhang Shu was not in the mood to pay attention at all.

Another boy waited for Zhang Shu and Zhang Ye to calm down, and introduced himself, "I am Zhang Ye's boyfriend, and my name is Huo Di."

Zhang Shu almost didn't go stupid - who is he?Zhang Ye's boyfriend! ?

When looking at Zhang Ye, Zhang Ye didn't look embarrassed at all, with red eyes and nose, he pulled Zhang Shu to his "room".

Huo Di didn't interrupt, but looked at Zhang Shu from time to time.

The two brothers each talked about what happened after they parted, and they talked until midnight. Zhang Shu often didn't sleep.

Two sheets and a few pieces of torn clothes enclose a small area of ​​less than eight square meters. The bed is made of old cotton batting directly on the concrete floor, and the quilt is only two blankets.

Zhang Ye wanted Zhang Shu to sit on the bed, but with Huo Di around, Zhang Shu felt awkward, so he turned an iron bucket of theirs upside down and used it as a stool to sit and talk.

Zhang Ye had a watch. At nine o'clock, everyone returned to the warehouse, and martial law began outside.

"Go out and wander around, no matter whether you are dead or alive, you will be shot in the head, and the next day you will be driven outside and burned."

Absolute dominion!It's no wonder that Gu Qinghua's escape from the air force base will be frantically hunted down.

There are so many bullets on the highway, and there are even rocket launchers, they are not used to fight zombies, they are used to fight living people, and they are all soldiers - Zhang Shu can't understand it at all.

Zhang Ye was lucky. After eating instant noodles at home, Huo Di had a car and took him to the earlier containment area. During the second epidemic, the two escaped with a team of soldiers and were assigned to District [-]. They worked in the thermal power plant every day. Working in shifts in exchange for food and water, although there is no freedom at all, they are undoubtedly much luckier than those who turned into zombies outside.

As they talked, Zhang Ye and Huo Di's stomachs growled, but neither of them asked for food, and it seemed that they didn't have anything at hand.

The light bulb on the top was only turned off during the day, which was a rare benefit. Zhang Shu wanted to wait until it was dark before bringing out something to eat for Zhang Ye, but when he heard that the light would not turn off, he had to open the zipper.

The mountain road was bumpy, and the backpack unexpectedly emptied out, allowing the stone egg to slip and fall in. Together with a pile of cans, it was stuck tightly, and a pair of small eyes in the shell looked at Zhang Shu pitifully.

Zhang Shu wanted to take the can, but he couldn't get it out with all his strength, so he had to grind the stone egg a few times, and took it out first and put it on the ground.

As soon as Zhang Ye saw the stone egg, he actually said, "That's great, brother, you even brought the bastard in, and make some boiled water tomorrow."

As he spoke, he swallowed loudly.

Huo Di also swallowed.

Shi Dan trembled, and quickly crawled to Zhang Shu's feet, stretched out his claws and hugged his legs.

Zhang Shu handed two cans of luncheon meat to Zhang Ye. When he moved, the stone egg was overturned, and his legs were upside down.

Zhang Ye almost cheered, but Huo Di covered Zhang Ye's mouth and signaled to be quiet.

Seeing that they were obviously hungry, instead of opening them to eat, they stuffed them under the mattress. Zhang Shu was surprised, and said in a low voice, "Eat! I still have this."

Huo Di said, "You can keep the rest. You only get one bowl of rice if you work here for a day, and sometimes you get two steamed buns. There is only vegetable soup, and you can't even see the meat. It will be sad if you don't keep it."

The military obviously has such strong firepower, but they can't even eat enough!

"But don't worry, stealing other people's things is not allowed here. As long as you bring it in, the soldiers will not take it away. Of course, it's best not to let people see it. Canned too rare." Huo Di added One sentence.

After holding back for a long time, Zhang Shu couldn't hold it any longer, and asked them: "You..."

Huo Di smiled and held Zhang Ye's hand, Zhang Ye also held Huo Di's hand, and said in a low voice, "Brother, I'm gay...I can't live without Huo Di."

Zhang Shu looked sideways——

Zhang Ye used to be very flamboyant, talkative, and not down-to-earth, but now he has completely changed, and his temper is much calmer. He said this sentence so carefully, no doubt, he wanted to get Zhang Shu's approval.

The recognition that they are each other's only kin becomes especially important.

Seeing Zhang Ye's uneasiness, Zhang Shu sighed: "I came here to take you out of here and stay with me in the future. I have a place, and it seems that the conditions are better than here. I can eat enough and won't be cold... "

Huo Di got up and said, "I'm going to the bathroom." He walked out.

He didn't go to the toilet at all, he was not far away, where the Zhang brothers couldn't see, he stood silently, looking at the dark night sky outside the broken glass window.

After Huo Di left, Zhang Ye said, "Brother...I want to be with him."

Two men, talk together?All right! GAY, there is also the intersection of life and death——If Huo Di hadn't brought Zhang Ye to the containment area, Zhang Ye would have died long ago.

Zhang Shu is very clear about what kind of person Zhang Ye is. He is pampered and spoiled, and his family is as pampered as his little ancestor. Without Huo Di, Zhang Ye may die hundreds of times. As long as he saved Zhang Ye, Zhang Shu would not be able to Abandoning Huo Di and taking Zhang Ye away, although the cave is smaller than before, it is no problem to accommodate a dozen or twenty more people, let alone just these two.

But Huo Di has a relationship with Zhang Ye that Zhang Shu can't understand...

Zhang Shu's silence became another meaning in Zhang Ye's eyes.

"Brother, don't worry... Although there is not enough to eat here, people will not die of starvation." The meaning in the words actually meant that if it was not convenient for Zhang Shu to take the two of them away, then he would rather stay with Huo Di.

Zhang Shu shook his head: "When I came in, the soldiers said that if they want to take people out, they have to exchange things. I'm worried about this."

Zhang Ye said "Oh" and said with a relaxed face: "No problem, when people here get sick, they throw them out to fend for themselves. If we want to go out, we only need to blow the cold wind for a while, and those with a cold and fever will be fine. "

Coughing could be heard from time to time in the warehouse. Before Zhang Shu could ask, Zhang Ye said, "If you are afraid of being thrown out, hold back."

The draft is constant, the temperature is below freezing, and there are not enough warm items, even food, and people are not allowed to get sick?

What kind of containment area is this? It's simply a concentration camp.

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