Zhang Juan finally opened the door and rushed out to help Xie Gaowen on the ground. A blue light flew over her head and disappeared behind the shadow of trees outside the cave. After a few seconds, Zhang Shu rushed out of the cave door on a motorcycle and passed them. Then he yelled, "I'll pick him up!"

Zhang Ye shouted: "Save them! Brother! Be careful yourself! There are monsters!!"

Zhang Juan shouted: "You all have to come back to me!! I told you not to go or not to go! My God..."

Zhang Shu couldn't stop to comfort her, and the speed of the motorcycle reached [-] on the dirt road.

If you pay attention to put your spiritual sense at the farthest point to see it, if you don't sleep so dead, if you wake up, count the number of people in the cave...

It's all his fault!

Regardless of being caught or bitten, you will become a zombie, precisely because of these mistakes...

Zhang Shu shook his head, now is not the time to blame himself, Zhang Ye, Huo Di, Gu Qinghua!Nothing can happen! ! !Only after getting them all back can we ask how Lao Xie was injured. Thinking about this now, it will only add to the chaos.

If Yunjiu had an accident, he couldn't help at all, then at least, at least he had to be here!Save these people! ! !

The snow was blown to both sides, flying almost two meters high. If someone saw it, they would not be able to see what was in the past, but the world had already fallen into silence. Even if Zhang Shu was seriously speeding, no policeman would come after him to issue a ticket .

Even the roar of the engine seemed extremely lonely in this night.

The spiritual sense can see five kilometers away, but the grasp of the mulberry and bamboo seed sword is only more than one kilometer away.

Zhang Shu walked halfway, "centipede" crawled out of the ship, ran back and forth with one human foot, approaching the humans who had been shooting at it, and moved its arms and legs like a group of demons dancing wildly, more terrifying than Japan The Spider-Man in the movie is even more disgusting, making people's scalp tingle.

At this time, Huo Di and Gu Qinghua realized that the speed of the "centipede" was not slow, and they got up from the ground in a panic. Huo Di went to start the car, and Gu Qinghua jumped on one leg, using a gun as a crutch.

The Sangzhuzi sword arrived one step ahead of Zhang Shu. Although it was too far away to use the sword formula, its power was only one-third of that of the Qingming sword formula, but it was also more effective than the bullets they fired, killing one of them in a flash. Cut off.

"Centipede"'s thinking ability is higher than that of common mutated zombies, so he immediately gave up on chasing the mountain pass and swung his arms to block the flying sword.

Because of the long distance, the speed of the Mulberry and Bamboo Seed Sword was not very fast. When it flew down to slash for the second time, it was shot and flew obliquely for a long time.

Zhang Shu was secretly surprised: what a quick move!

After Huo Di and Gu Qinghua sat in the car, they were about to turn around and see the scene reflected in the snow, they both breathed a sigh of relief: Xie Gaowen and Zhang Ye called Zhang Shu over.

This thing crawled out of the boat very slowly, probably because its body was too long and twisted in the cabin, but just as it crawled out, the flexibility and speed it showed made them feel desperate.

Really running on the road, they are definitely not as fast as this thing!

On the third day Zhang Shu went out this time, they found the boat with the logo of the Red Cross and the words "Medical Rescue Ship" written on it. The ship will go to see, but if it is really a shipwreck or someone goes to an empty rescue ship, there will be their most scarce medicines on board.

For the sake of medicine, the men decided to come around the boat tonight regardless of Zhang Juan's objection. The zombies would leave their hiding places to look for living people at night. If there were zombies on the boat, they would definitely come out.

They brought enough ammunition, and as long as they were careful enough, they could kill all the zombies leaving the ship. Even if they didn't kill them all, the danger would be much lower when they boarded the ship to get medicine during the day.

So, they actually came at night on purpose.

After observing for a long time, there was no moving thing in the night vision telescope, and several people decided to take a closer look.

Xie Gaowen's marksmanship was the worst, so Huo Di, Zhang Ye, and Gu Qinghua were in charge of shooting from a high place, Xie Gaowen went down to look, and he saw that there was a big disaster coming.

Xie Gaowen walked to a place only a few meters away from the side of the ship. A human head protruded from the cabin door, and was shot by Gu Qinghua on the forehead, but then another protruded out, and then came out one by one. The long torso There are hundreds of human heads neatly connected in a line, the feet are hundreds of pairs of human legs, and the claws are hundreds of pairs of human hands...

Xie Gaowen was so frightened that he rolled and fled back. When he climbed up the mountain, he was overly frightened and rolled down, his arms and head were injured, bleeding all over his body. It was Zhang Ye who rushed down and dragged him up. Qinghua kept shooting.

The monster flinched for a while at first, then learned to crawl out slowly, blocking the bullets with its rotten arms that didn't fear pain.

Zhang Ye sent Xie Gaowen back, but Huo Di and Gu Qinghua thought that this place is only three kilometers away from the cave, if they can be killed, they must not be allowed to live!

Where would you expect the monster that crawled out to become flexible and fast immediately!

It was only then that the two thought of running. If Zhang Shu didn't come, how far would they be able to run?

After more than a minute, Zhang Shu's motorcycle and the pickup truck passed by, Gu Qinghua patted Huo Di: "Turn around! I want to see how this kid deals with monsters!"

Huo Di turned blue: "Are you out of your mind? Go back!?"

Gu Qinghua plausibly said: "What if there is danger in one shot? At least we have two more guns!"


When the two were arguing, a black shadow in the shadow of the trees outside the car window watched them quietly, and when the two had reached a conclusion and decided to turn around, the black shadow vacated silently and followed Zhang Shu's side.

who?Ink pheasant.

Seeing the zombies on the rocky beach in the bay facing the mulberry and bamboo sword, Zhang Shu didn't dare to approach easily, and stood at the position where Gu Qinghua had shot before, thinking of a way.

For such a thing, the head must be cut off, right?If you miss one, you can't die. The mulberry and bamboo seed sword has cut off many limbs, but some of the liquid from it has stained the sword, like tarsal maggots that cannot be shaken off, and will corrode the spiritual energy of the sword a little bit.

If there is a second sword light attack, there should be no need to be afraid of this poisonous blood.

Zhang Shu recalled the flying sword, and the moth beside him landed on the ground, saying hello, "What did you find?"

Zhang Shu pointed to the "centipede" in the bay below. Unexpectedly, the moth looked along, and suddenly he bowed his back, and the whole person bounced more than two meters high. After falling vertically, he landed with a "PIA" and turned into a snake. After rushing to the nearby rocks like lightning, only half of his head was left "sizzling" to demonstrate in the direction of the lake...

As a monster, as a transformed monster, it is also afraid of centipedes, its nature is really irresistible.

Zhang Shu let out an unkind "ha" laugh, and Mo Na's reaction reminded him that centipedes seemed to be the nemesis of snakes, and they were a little more feared than natural enemies like eagles.

Mo Fei reacted very quickly, but was a little timid - that was a centipede countless times bigger than it!


"It's not a centipede, it's a mutant zombie!"


Zhang Shu nodded, and Mo Fei swam out, coiled around Zhang Shu's back, with his head stretched out horizontally, and his two sharp fangs bared. This time, he looked carefully and felt relieved.

"They look too similar, I'm afraid there is a reason for it, and it may be poisonous, so be careful."

When he said this, Mo Fei turned back into a human form again, his face was pale, and he didn't intend to help.


Mo Fei is a monster. Although he has never studied zombies, he was really hit by what it said was poisonous.

This mutant zombie shaped like a centipede is different from other ordinary zombies, even the mutant zombies that Zhang Shu has killed countless times. Its blood is corrosive. Even though the mulberry and bamboo sword is not a common material, it still cuts The arms and heads were stained with blood. Even if one head could be cut off smoothly each time, only one or two drops were stained each time. When the more than 100 heads were removed, the mulberry and bamboo seed sword was useless.

It’s okay to use the sword light, but you have to use the No.11 style to split the sword light. Zhang Shu, who loves the mulberry and bamboo seed sword very much, is willing to let the mulberry and bamboo seed sword be corroded again. Think about countermeasures.

The martial arts I learned in the past are art, and they are very performative, but I also practice duels a few times. Some are arranged in advance, and some are on the spur of the moment. The set of sword moves should be able to be split and reorganized under the same principle.

Thinking about it this way, Zhang Shu unexpectedly discovered that the middle part of the first pose is the same as the starting move of No.11 pose, it seems to exist to solve the predicament in front of him!

From the first form of the Qingming Sword Jue directly across the other ten forms, to the No.11 form "Tai", it was successful after just one try. Light went straight to the zombies in the bay.

The sword light is invisible, because it is connected with Zhang Shu's spiritual power, it can be replenished immediately if it is corroded, and the corrupted blood of this centipede is immediately resolved.

Its size is scary, but it is too lengthy, and its overall flexibility is limited. Compared with Jian Guang, it can be regarded as slow. The scene turned into Zhang Shu's unilateral slaughter.

It seems that it is not a short time, but Zhang Shu's thinking process is only a few seconds. He has been living in the last days where life is not guaranteed, and some parts of his body are changing unconsciously, allowing him to adapt more and more to this world.

When Huo Di and Gu Qinghua arrived, Zhang Shu had already finished the battle. They couldn't ask how to kill the zombies, so they could only focus on the extra people around Zhang Shu.

"Who is this……"

Zhang Shu pulled a napkin from his trouser pocket, wiped the blood on the mulberry seed sword, and said without raising his head, "His name is Mo He, Mushroom, I told you that he was the one who saw your crash."

Gu Qinghua had a weird look on his face, while Mo Hui asked Zhang Shu in puzzlement, "When did I see him chasing chickens?"

Zhang Shu: "..."

The atmosphere is weird.

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