A different world

Chapter 15 Arriving at the Ottoman Academy

Chapter 15 Comes to Ottoman Academy

Several other team members also sent representatives to express their thanks to Lal, and Lal responded one by one, and each set off as soon as possible.The children in the car were also relieved. This battle left an indelible impression on their young hearts. Some timid children were still sobbing softly, while the adults in the carriage comforted in a low voice. The speed is moving towards the Ottoman city, so that the original half-day journey came to the Ottoman city within three hours. This is really a tall city. You can see the tall city wall of Ottoman from a long distance. As it gets closer The tall city gate of Ottoman appeared in front of everyone. It is really a majestic city, Lal sighed in his heart.When he came to the city gate, Uncle Leman got out of the car and negotiated with the guards at the city gate. Finally, he paid the entrance fee and returned to the car to lead the convoy into the city. The guards at the city gate did not check the car, but only briefly checked See, they're used to this sort of thing.Generally, you can enter the city after paying the entrance fee, and you don't need to pay the fee when you leave the city.The children's emotions gradually stabilized under the comfort of the adults. Knowing that they have come to Ottoman City, everyone's hearts are relieved, knowing that there will be no wild animals to photograph in this place.My heart was not so frightened anymore, and I started to poke my head out of the window to look at everything outside curiously, with a pair of eyes looking around and turning around, the children were full of curiosity about this strange big city, and they were all very excited.The children started chatting and laughing again, pointing out the window from time to time,

"Look what that is, it looks so strange!"

"Look at the tall houses there, even taller than the tallest tree in the house."

"I have never seen what that child ate."...


The children are purely curious, and Lal is not interested in what they say, but it is still very good to see such a majestic city, and this city will be the place where he will finish his studies, what will he encounter in this place Maybe it’s an adventure, Lal looked at the things outside, and after a while he was in his own fantasy, and he became dazed. I am completely immersed in my own thoughts.

The Ottoman city is very large, about the size of two provincial capitals in China on the earth. This city has four gates. They enter through the east gate, and their destination Ottoman city is the north gate next to the forest mountains. And this journey will take half a day.It was already afternoon, and it would be dark in a while. Uncle Leman decided to find a hotel to stay in, rest for a night, and rush to the location of Ottoman City tomorrow.The children were also exhausted. After eating, they all went back to their rooms to rest. They had never experienced this kind of mental and physical fatigue before. The previous battle made the children mentally exhausted. , Coupled with the rush, the body is a little too much.After the escorts finished their meal, the wounded went to the nearby medical center for bandages, and the others also went back to their rooms to rest. They, the heroes who chased and killed the beasts, were also very tired.After eating, Lal was about to drag his tired body to rest in the house. At this time, the mayor, Uncle Leman, stopped Lal. He wanted to tell Lal something.

"Lal, wait a minute, come to uncle's room, uncle has something to say to you." Uncle Leman called to stop Lal.

"Oh, okay," Lal was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted, thinking about what would happen.

The two came to Lehman's room one after another. After Lal entered the room, Uncle Lehman turned around and closed the door to prevent others from eavesdropping.

Sitting alone on a chair in the room, Uncle Lehman started today's conversation.

"Lal, your pet Xiaobai's behavior is very unusual today, have you thought about how to deal with it?" Uncle Leman stared at Xiaobai in Lal's arms and asked tactfully.

"I will treat Xiaobai well, Xiaobai is so powerful." Lal replied while stroking Xiaobai's hair. At this time, he also realized that something was wrong, and he still knew the story of "the crime of pregnant with jade".But he won't let others hurt Xiaobai.If Xiaobai knows that someone wants to hurt it, he will not take it seriously. There are very few people or animals who can hurt it.Lal didn't know about this, and he was still worried at this moment.

"Well, I know you will treat Xiaobai well, but for someone as powerful as Xiaobai, you have to be on guard against others coveting Xiaobai. In the situation like yesterday, Xiaobai attracted a lot of attention. People are ordinary people, there is no Xiaobai coveting you, you should pay more attention to this situation in the future, and it is better not to attract too much attention when you have no self-protection ability." Leman advised seriously, Lal is Xiaobai The town boy, he doesn't want him out of danger.

"Okay, Uncle Leman, I will pay attention, I will try my best to cover up Xiaobai's ability, so as not to put myself in danger." Lal was very grateful for Uncle Leman's reminder, and the crime of pregnant Bi is everywhere. Yes, he'd better be careful.

"Well, that's good. You're tired after driving for a long time. Go and rest." Laiman was very satisfied with Lal's obedient behavior. Nothing special about Lal.

"Okay, Uncle Leman, I'm going back to rest, see you tomorrow."

"Go, get a good night's sleep, and see you tomorrow."

After being reminded by Uncle Laiman, Lal decided to pay attention in the future, not to let others hurt Xiaobai and take Xiaobai away, but he was very reluctant to bear Xiaobai.Some of the other children in Lal's room were about to go to bed, and some were still talking happily. Seeing Lal's return, they all greeted Lal happily, and ran over to ask what happened. Lal just said a few perfunctory words, and the children stopped asking. The children were simple-minded and didn't think much. At that time, in the carriage, the children didn't see Xiaobai's movements, but only saw what Lal said. They all admired Lal for the magic fireball, and felt that Lal was very powerful. The world of children is very simple. Whoever has the ability and ability will worship him, follow him, and regard him as a target.Just like every child has a big hero in his heart, this big hero is unparalleled in the hearts of children.And now Lal, who dared to fight wild beasts, naturally became the hero and object of worship in the hearts of these children.Everyone fantasizes that one day they can use magic to fight beasts, and this is the strange idea of ​​the children.At this time, Lal didn't know that he had become the hero in the hearts of these children. He was still thinking about Xiaobai's life experience and what unknown abilities Xiaobai had. He decided to have a chance to communicate with Xiaobai to enhance their relationship. .Unknowingly, Lal quickly fell asleep, the body of a child is easily tired.

Early the next morning, the children reluctantly opened their eyes under the urging of the adults, got up to have breakfast, and there was still half a day's journey to wait for them today.The recovery ability of the child's body is very strong. After a good night's sleep, the children started to be alive and kicking again. Everyone was very happy, and they could go to school soon.

The horse-drawn carriage pulls the children to walk on the street unhurriedly. There are many such horse-drawn carriages on the street, all of which send children to school. Some of them are more luxurious. The streets in the village are very wide. The main street can accommodate four carriages walking side by side. There are sidewalks on both sides of the main street for pedestrians to walk on. There are tall buildings and small and elegant shops on both sides of the street. The people are very lively.The more you go towards the college, the more carriages there are. Many carriages are moving in an orderly manner. Each convoy maintains an appropriate speed and distance, so as to avoid accidents and conflicts.

Near noon, Lal's convoy arrived in front of Ottoman College. At this time, the square in front of the college was full of carriages for students. Fortunately, the square in front of the college was large enough to accommodate so many carriages. The square was crowded with people. , so lively.Find a more out-of-the-way spot that still has space and park your car there.Uncle Lehman first led the children to a restaurant for dinner, and in the afternoon he took the children to go through the enrollment procedures.The children were very excited to see the school close at hand. After eating lunch happily, they went to the school's registration office to register under the leadership of Uncle Leman. The registration process is very simple. The passing card is swiped on a special device, and your test scores are entered into the Ottoman school, which assigns you classes based on your scores.Then just pay the tuition fee for one school year. Of course, the tuition fee is prepared by the family in advance and handed over to the mayor.Signing up is easy, but the queue is long. Looking at the long queue in front of him, Lal sighed in his heart, everywhere is overcrowded!

Time passed, and when the children were getting impatient, it was their turn. The children used their magnetic cards to swipe the cards. When it was Lal's turn to swipe the cards, the staff of the academy subconsciously After looking at Lal, Lal left without paying attention, and the staff in charge of admissions quickly passed the news of Lal's arrival to the principal of this school, which the principal had instructed before, at this time Ral didn't know any of this.At the same time as the children finished swiping their cards, Lehman took his own magnetic card to pay the tuition fees for each child. The whole registration process was over, and the results of class placement would come out the next day, and the rest of the time was waiting.

The author has something to say: Wenwen has many deficiencies, I hope you can give me some advice! O(∩_∩)O~

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