A different world

Chapter 7 Magic perception

Time flies. It has been a month since Lal began to meditate. Lal meditates every night to absorb the surrounding elements. At the beginning, the absorption is very slow. With the increase of spiritual power, the speed of Lal's absorption It was faster than the beginning. During this time, Lal was only doing meditation, and did not use any magic, because Lal felt that he should learn more about the elements that make up magic. Magic elements are the foundation of magic. Magic elements, then it will be more handy when using magic.Laying a good foundation is the key. This is what Shen Xiaoyan learned from his ten years of education on earth. If the foundation is not laid well, it will be very difficult to improve and develop in the future.Shen Xiaoyan was a down-to-earth person when he was on Earth, he did things in a down-to-earth manner, and never did opportunistic things.

While meditating, Lal did not forget to learn magic knowledge. He had already memorized the elementary magic book, returned it to Uncle Endy, and borrowed the book on basic magic use from him.And Uncle Endi also taught Lal some elementary magic spells, and he has memorized those spells by heart.Now he is constantly improving his magic power, so he can find an opportunity to try these magic spells.Yes, the realization of magic spells requires mana as a support. If there is not enough mana, magic cannot be issued.Lal meditates every day to absorb the surrounding elements, because he absorbs various elements, and the progress is slower than absorbing a single element, but the absorbed multiple elements are constantly improving Lal's physique. What one element cannot do. Of course, absorbing an element can also improve the system on the one hand, but only on one aspect. For example, absorbing the wind element can improve the body's reaction speed and speed, and absorbing the water element can improve the body. flexibility etc.

Just keep meditating and learning like this, one month has passed, it is approaching the end of the new year, and there is still one month to celebrate the new year (a year here is very long, a year is divided into 20 months, and a month is 30 days , a day is 30 hours, and an hour is 120 minutes).After two months of meditation study, Lal's magic power has improved a lot, and his spiritual power has also improved compared to before. He decided to experiment with magic spells to see what effects he can cast.Lal is a person who does what he thinks. He walked to the small yard of his house. There are some small trees and flowers in the yard. The campus is quite spacious, and he wants to try his magic here.His first thought was to try the simplest water dragon magic in water magic.The magic power required for this magic is not very high, and now Lal is fully capable of casting this magic.Lal concentrated on reciting the spell of the water dragon. At the end of the spell, a small water dragon as thick as his arm appeared in front of Lal hanging in mid-air. Lal used his mental power to control the little water dragon to fly towards a tree. There was a crisp sound of the card, and the small tree broke a leaf. The diameter of the broken branch was about 10 centimeters, and it was not very thick.Lal was very happy to see his little water dragon breaking a branch. After all, it was the effect of his own magic. Breaking something like this out of thin air is unimaginable on earth. Like, it's amazing.Lal is very happy with the little water dragon he sent out with magic. Now he can cast simple magic. This is progress, haha...

Ral's little water dragon didn't last long, dissipating into the air after snapping off a twig.This is related to Lal's spiritual power and magic power. When the spiritual power and magic power reach a certain level, the magic effect will last longer, and the power will also be stronger, and it can even destroy a city or a mountain.The current Lal still doesn't understand these things, he is still immersed in the excitement of using supernatural powers, supernatural powers are Shen Xiaoyan's understanding of magic on earth, things that are beyond nature are supernatural powers.

After the excitement, Lal began to try fire magic again, of course, starting from the most basic ones. Fireball is the simplest of fire magic. Lal recited the spell of fireball attentively, raised his hand, and saw a figure like A fireball the size of a small football, Lal sent it on a broken branch, the branch burst into flames, the whole fire lasted for 10 seconds, and then dissipated in the air, Lal saw the face of the fireball There was joy on the face, and the hard work of many days paid off, which made Lal deeply understand the law that only hard work will pay off.After casting two magic spells in a row, Lal felt a little tired. Now Lal is still young, and his mental power and magic power are very weak. It is already very good to have the current results.

Although a little tired, Lal is still very excited now. He is now thinking about how to control the size of the magic effect, like the little water dragon just now, how to make it bigger and smaller according to his own mind, so that magic can be used in life Yes, you can use the water dragon conjured by magic to clean things, etc... As expected of a modern person, he wants to use everything to make life more convenient and convenient, but people in this world just regard magic as ability, A symbol of the strong, who regards magic as a form of force.In the following days, while meditating and studying, Lal began to study how to make the two magics of water dragon and fireball he had just learned serve him better.

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