Chapter 72 Past

"He is Lal, who is my companion in this life." Murray said without hesitation, then turned around and came to Lal to help him up and said, "Lal, come and meet father with me."

Hearing the voice, Lal glanced in the direction of Murray's father, feeling uneasy in his heart, thinking that what should come will always come, and running away is not an option, so he got up and followed Murray to his father's side, saying : "Uncle, hello!"

"Hmph, don't call me that, I don't know you well." The old man looked Lal up and down. He looked pretty good, but he was dressed too casually. He was wearing a baggy and ugly dress. It was neither fish nor fowl, it looked like a man's clothes, and her hair didn't stand up. A girl dressed so carelessly, with a disheveled appearance, was inappropriate. At first impression, Murray's father didn't have a good impression of Lal. The other party is not worthy of his own son at all.The old man spoke directly, and the disdain in his eyes made Lal a little embarrassed to come down from the stage. He couldn't help being angry and angry. Of course, the little respect in his heart was gone, and he stared directly at the other party with wide eyes.Murray's father only felt that the other party's eyes were agile and extremely clear. He didn't expect the other party to dare to look directly at him, so he couldn't help admiring the other party's courage.

"Then what do you think I should call you?" Lal asked back.

"This~hmph!" The old man was also stopped by the question.I couldn't think of how to answer for a while, and when I got angry, I flicked my sleeves and walked into the house.

"You are so naughty." Murray touched Lal's little nose and said dotingly.Lal stuck out his tongue mischievously, wondering who made him embarrass me.Butler Lime was already guarding the room, and opened the door to welcome the old man in the moment he passed by. The old man was not polite, angrily entered the living room and sat directly on the main seat, with a sullen face and a cannibalistic expression. expression.

Murray helped Lal into the living room and sat down. Looking at the cannibalistic expression on the other side, Lal felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles.Murray felt Lal's uneasiness, reached out to hold Lal's little hand to comfort him, and waited quietly for his father's question without making a sound.

Time passed bit by bit, and Murray's father still opened his mouth. He first asked the question in his heart: "Murray, your Uncle Sanger wrote to me, saying that you were with a man , where is that man?"

"As for father, Lal is the person Uncle Sanger said in his heart." Murray was taken aback, he didn't expect his father to be so direct, and he answered truthfully.Lal was taken aback when he heard this, and rolled his eyes secretly in his heart. He didn't expect that the other party also regarded himself as a woman, and he was so like a woman. Lal was really helpless.

"What did you say? He is the one your Uncle Sanger said? Isn't he a woman?" Hearing this, the old man stared at Lal with wide eyes and looked him up and down. Why didn't he see that the other party was a man? Can men get pregnant too?Is he old and blind?

"Look carefully, I'm indeed a man, and it's true." Lal felt that it was time for him to speak and clarify himself.

"Gah, how is this possible? He's a man?" The old man was startled when he heard what Lal said. He got up and got off his seat, and came to Lal to look carefully. There is a man's Adam's apple on the neck.And when he saw Lal's hand by accident, and saw the black ring on Lal's hand, he couldn't help but tighten his face, his face was agitated, he grabbed Lal's hand, and murmured: " This is impossible, how could it appear here,..."

Lal, who was suddenly grabbed, looked at the groggy old man in front of him for no reason, a little speechless, and tried hard to pull his hand back, but he didn't twitch. Murray, who was next to him, was also puzzled by his father's gaffe , looking at his father's expression, he seemed to know the ring on Lal's hand.However, seeing that Lal's hand was still held by his father, Murray reminded loudly: "Father, you can speak directly if you have anything to say, let go of Lal's hand first!"

"Let me ask you, where did this ring on your hand come from? Did you get pregnant after eating the magical pregnancy fruit?" Murray's father not only did not let go of Lal's hand, but asked two questions in succession. question.

"Gah, I found this ring in a cave. It was a relic of a person. And I did eat a milky white fruit. I don't know if it is the pregnancy fruit you mentioned." Lal replied truthfully. .

"That's it, it must be that person, I didn't expect you to get this ring..." The old man let go of Lal's hand, and returned to his seat talking to himself, with a solemn expression on his face.

"Father, what's the matter? What's the ring on Lal's hand?" Murray asked.

Murray's father thought about it for a long time, his face was heavy, and he slowly talked about a dusty past:

"This ring was once a symbol of our family heirs, but it disappeared 200 years ago, I never thought I would see it one day.

This ring was given to his beloved by the third heir of our family at that time, your great-grandfather uncle, but his beloved was a man. Many members of the family were concerned about this incident. Strongly opposed, they can't allow things like men and women in the family to fall in love.But your great-grandfather loved that man so much that he would rather give up his qualifications as heir to be with him. At this time, a person in the clan who thought he was smart proposed an extremely sharp and harsh condition, but he said it was impossible. What has been done is that unless the man can conceive and have children, he will not agree to the two being together.Such conditions almost made the two young people feel desperate.What is unexpected is that that man is also a young and promising magician who found a way from an ancient book, as long as he eats a magical fruit called 'pregnancy fruit', it is said that it can make a man's body Pregnant, so after he left a letter to your great-grandfather, he embarked on a journey of searching alone. This journey lasted for many years, and the last person of your great-grandfather was depressed, depressed and sick, and he was prosperous passed away in [-], and shortly after his death, the person he was thinking of came back, and it is said that he found the legendary "pregnancy fruit". When people leave sadly, they are never seen again..."

After listening to the old man's narration, the two Murelals looked at each other, thinking of the corpse that Zeng Jin saw in the cave, and the magical fruit tree in the cave. They felt incredible and sighed. It seems that something has been predestined by the heavens, and their encounter may also be deliberately arranged by the heavens, Lal thought.

After Murray's father finished talking about the past, he bowed his head and remained silent, as if meditating on something. Murray and Lal just sat quietly without disturbing each other's contemplation. Unexpectedly, they sat for a long time It's been so long that Lal has to lean on Murray to sleep.

"Murray, if you had to choose between being an heir or Lal, which would you choose?" After speaking, he looked at Murray with a serious expression.Murray's father spoke in a surprising way, and a sharp question came out of his mouth.Lal was also awakened from his daze by this question, sat up straight involuntarily, looked at Murray eagerly, and waited for his answer.

"I choose Lal!" Murray took a deep look at Lal, without any hesitation, and said directly, which made Lalton, who was originally a little uneasy, feel sweet and warm.And Murray's father slumped on the chair like a deflated ball, as if he had aged a lot in an instant, he didn't get angry, he seemed to have expected the result, sighed, and said slowly: "You chose to pull Er, but have you ever thought about who will bear the responsibility of our family?"

"Lal, I will never give up. I have promised him that I will never leave him for the rest of my life. I can only say sorry to the family. There are many young people of the same generation in the family who are better than me. I believe in them He will take care of the family well, and my younger brother Mu Lin is also a rare talent, his achievements in all aspects are not inferior to mine, and in the future, he will be trained by many families, and he will definitely be able to contribute to the family." Murray replied.

"Brother, you are so dishonest. It's fine if you don't become the heir. Why did you tell me? You don't know how boring being the heir is. How can I be free now... I'm sorry, I disturbed you, you continue Ha~" Mu Lin, who was eavesdropping in the dark, couldn't hide when he heard that his elder brother had sold himself out. He opened the door and yelled, completely forgetting that there was another person he was afraid of. ——His father, until he felt two sharp eyes on him, Mullin remembered this serious problem, his voice became lower and lower, and he stopped shouting, and quickly stepped back, thinking To escape the door.

"Mulin, stop for me, you bastard, when did you come here? You run away, break your legs, lock you in the house, and never let you out for the rest of your life?" When Mu Lin appeared, the old man's flames arose. Originally, Murray's incident had already made him heartbroken. At this time, his second son, who was not good enough, also came to join in the fun. This is not because he sincerely wanted to piss him off. .Mullin's appearance revitalized the somewhat stiff atmosphere just now, and successfully transferred his father's anger to him. Lal and Murray on the side breathed a sigh of relief.

The author has something to say: O(∩_∩)O~

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